(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Sigh... Physio n pain management... Not allowed to carry my girl anymore... So sad lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks for concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will join 2012 ttc in few mths time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



die2 must get it done...rumah sudah roboh, tak boleh tinggal...sian tahu once a year balik tinggal rumah roboh..so i must do lor in case i may back on good soon next year cny.

donkey mami,

yeah, new cycle new hope. and i wish to take a break from this cycle. shd be without clomid, just use OPK nia..sian..

just get physco my ahpek bring me again his business trip...too bad tis time round work at 'ulu ulu' no entertainment place..but ok la just take a break breath village air...


take good care..lets us jiayou together

Hi there,

I am also a silent reader. I also have tested my ovultion with the kits I bought from those online sellers. I seldom seen dark lines only light faint line. I have also ttc for about 6 months and negative. My boy is already 3 years so high time. Pretty big age gap i think.

Will be consulting Dr Benjamin Tham tml as I need I may need some help- active yet not postive yet. Worried as with my son, its so easy unlike now. maybe Ive aged and age does matters a lot while ttc too.

Wish me and everybody luck!

hi all

Good morning! back to work again! Been bz last week as dad is rushed to hospital as his heart stopped! Spent a few nights to check on him in the icu for the past few days, damn tired. Thank god that he is ok now, at least he is being transferred to the normal ward.

Been very tired recently, not too sure if it is bcos i didn't rest much; but got a feeling i might kenna bfp this time round. Wish me luck. My cycle is 39days so my AF should come around next week.

Misscandy : please take care.

Airy : try again. Jia you!

canopyhaze, do take extra care....thats a good sigh that u got feeling of BFP....congrats...a woman's instinct is very accurate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Charlotte, but doesn't want to pin my hopes too high if not will get disappointed again. My last AF was 1st Apr, and AF will be due on 09May, but since my AF is always haywired, i oso don't know when it will come.

canopyhaze, besides feeling tired, what other symptons u have that u think u kenna BFP this cycle? got spotting?

Hi im a slient reader just wanted to tell canopyhaze that my last AF was 1st Apr too and i had burpping too and was tested BFP like just half an hour ago. Im sure you will too!

Thanks canopyhaze!


missy : thanks, i always very hopefully each month & gets disappointed in the end. So this time round, i just let it be, am more concern abt my dad. Anyway, didn't really plan last month, just anyhow BD when we have had the mood.

canopyhaze: Actually im not too sure but base on the online pregnanct calculator is 6 Jan. I have not schedule an appt with my gynea.

Jennifer : still in time for 2011 if give birth earlier. Heard that for #2, the delivery is mostly earlier than the EDD. Where's your gynae? Am so excited for you! =)

canopyhaze: i had emergency c-section for my 1st one in 2009 so most likely i will opt for c-section in dec. Im seeing Dr Tan Hak Koon at SGH. You are making me excited too!

Hey canopy, hope yr dad will b ok... He shod b since move to general ward... Cn understand hw u feel... My dad had heart issues few yrs back... 1st in general ward then received call say go icu.. Wahseh my sis n I practically ran into the hospital n ran to icu.. Burst into tears when we saw him.. He had heart bypass done few days later... That was ard 3-4yrs ago... But now ok... So don't worry he will b ok... *hugs*


congrats to you!!


good luck to you!! and dont worry about your dad, he would be ok coz he has to wait for few more grandchildren first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i tested ovulation last week and tried, hopefully got a chance too (",)

canopyhaze, hope you really BFP tis time & hope ur dad get well & discharge soon.

Jennifer, congrts & thanks for ur baby dusts!

forumbb, all the best hope u strike too.

I din try this cycle as i wan to take a break think i'm o-ing saw EWCM yesterday. But i'm sick now having flu & cough.

Hi All,

I just came back from Dr Benjamin Tham clinic for the first time. After ttc for close to 6 months, he says that I am ovulating irreularly hence did a scan which shown to be normal but he asked me to do an HSG xray before determine what to do next. AM really worried thou scan shows normal. He also advises me to take CLomid but he also mentioned some some effects like cancer in long run etc. I am really so worried today. My first child i was not like that as everything was normal no need all these checks.

I really not going to take clomid no matter how even if xray shows I need it.

FOr those who has gone thru the smae as me, pls advise me.

Dr tham mentioned its pretty normal to take Clomid to reulate menses. But I read some side effects which I really refuse to take no matter how. Pls advise what other vitmains i can take in place of clomid? Like conceive well, etc Lynzi mentioned before?

Hope to get some good advises here. REally feel disappited to here that I am not ovulating regularyly.

Hope to hear from you all soon.



Hi fern,

I went for the same test as what your Gynae has suggested. First was given the duphaston to force the menses to come,after that take the clomid for ovulation and went for the HsG test to ensure the tubes are not block. Everything is ok accept that due to PCOS,hence slightly difficult to ovulate unless reduce weight. I have few friends experiencing PCOS and the only thing to conceive is to exercise to reduce that weight. Is your weight ok?

I conceive my first one smoothly too..alot of us do take the clomid but not too many cycles. If you are really uncomfortable,perhaps can seek your Gynae advise. Otherwise, go for TCM if you can afford the time ;) Thong Chai Hall located at chin swee road is famous for helpin women with pregnancy but timing not flexi and super long queue. If you decided to visit them, it's advisable to go for some test which is the fertility test for women and men at Thomson medical centre, follow by tracking of your temp daily using the basal method. Hope the above inform helps.

Well,all the above I didn't manage to go for TCM due to my working schedule, can't meet at all ;( unless I have to take leave every week..really didn't expect conceiving 2nd Bb is so difficult..but hope god will give us a chance soon..

Am getting anxious coz my child is turning 4..

Thanks ladies! Hope to hear good news from you gals too!

donkeymami: I BD only twice in Apr and during the period where I had EWCM. So i think you shd give it a try?

Hi FOrumB,

Thanks for your reply.

No, i dont have POCS. My gyne Dr benjamin Tham just mentioned that I have ireeular menses so means its 32-34 days cycle so he said to take this xray to rule out whats the cause, but very unlikely blocked as I managed conceive my first child nautraallu 3 years ago. He just mention to take clomid to regulate mensess. But I am definatley not taking this drug as I heard some sides effect if long time and I am not comfotable.

May just take the xray first also nervous as all my first time as as what Lynzi shared, WIll also take Royal jelly and this conceive well to build up body for few months and ttc naturally lor.

Yes, so hard to plan for no 2. I am getting really so tired!

FOr me, CLomid is no way lor. cos I really not so comfotable and my hubby also dont want me take esp dr THam did mentioned to be some side effetc lor

Fern, ur cycle range from 32-34days consider quite regular to me hahaha jz wonder hy ur gynae said u hv irregular mens.

I think clomid is safe to take think mummies here tried clomid before so generally it' still quite safe if not gynae wun ask them to take.

if your issue not serious like u r not ovulating or so jz continue to try or use opk help u to pin point ur ovulation time.

dun stress up urself unnecessary, cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, didn't try last cycle as I wasnt keen on a January EDD. Today CD 29 for me, af reporting anytime soon. Hope this month when I O, my hubby able to mari kita!!

Jennifer, congrats to you!!!! Wow, bd 2 times only?? Good for you leh...thanks for the babydust, hope we can all graduate soon heh.


Clomid is safe..is very common to induce O..but cannot take more than 6 cycles. is up to individual..the side effect is mild..why not give a try 2-3cycles..

i take 2 cycles. 1 cycle wasted because hubby last min went oversea. 2nd cycle fail for IUI too..tis is my 3rd cycle and i take a break 1st..

dun stress up. take supplement to boost your O.

Hi there,

I still wont take clomid lor. Cos doctor told me cancer if long term and not all clomid wil work so I decide just take conceive well and royal jelly lor.

Ya my menses like that feb 22, march 24, April 28 he already said ovulation irregular though I think is ok lor. So I will just wait and he asked me got HPT xray to check if any blockage? Is it possible? When I conceived by first son who is 3 now naturally within 2 months of ttc.

Now things just changes and i am really worried.

Hello ladies. I decided to move from TTC 2011 thread to this thread instead. Or should I move to TTC 2012 thread????

I have been actively trying for 5 months, no good news yet. AF on 23/4, based on 28-day cycle, I should O on 06/5. But last 2 days I still have light brown discharge. the discharge is just like egg white kind of texture, except that it's light brown in color. Is this normal?

Me & my colleague has been actively trying for the last few months. She just tested positive. I'm so happy for her, but when is my turn????? I'm already in my late thirties, I hope to have #2 soon.

For the last cycle, I BD on CD 9, 11, 13 & 15. CD15 is the day I tested positive using OPK. I was very hopeful last cycle, but AF came last week.

How long have you gals been trying?

hi Apple, welcome to the thread.

I think u shd cont'd BD aft u see +opk, cos u shd b O as soon on CD15 or till CD17. so u shd cont'd BD for the nxt 2-3days aft ur 1st +opk.

I read from babycenter that the chances of having BB girl is higher if BD before O. That's why I stopped BD after +opk. I hope to have a BB girl.

My colleague used the OPK throughout the cycle, she never got +ve result, but she just confirmed preggy.

Need lots of babydust!!!!

Apple, true in fact the mth i strike my #1 i dun see +opk as well but i indeed preggy really need alots of luck & right timing.

Apple, I agree with donkeymami that getting preggie needs a lot of luck n fate.....been trying for almost a year still no luck yet so have act given up on all these opks....just trust on my instinct to BD[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

hang in there..

I'm taking a break this cycle..

Good luck to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies!

Please pray for my dad. Doc has told me that he is critical condition, may go anytime, they can't do anything anymore; unless a miracle. Damn sad.

Hi mummies, I'm ttc for 2nd too. Bb is 6 mths old now. I'm still Breastfeeding and period hasn't report yet. I dont use any protection but also no news until now. Reading from your post sounds like v hard to conceive 2nd one... I'm starting to worry too.

Hi Apple

Yup! I do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh my, hope your dad will pull thru.. take care.

I think you are on my facebook. We met up during one of the 2007 mummy outing. Megan the vainpot, right? Lots of Hello Kitty stuff from you.

We must jiao you!!!! Our little one is 4 this year, it's really time to give them a sibling.

yes... getting preggie needs a lot of luck n fate...

Apple (sweet_apple)


canopyhaze (canopyhaze)

will b praying for ur family ya.. stay strong...

tomato (tomato10)

ttc for a dragon isit? my gynae was saying bf-ing is like a kind of birth control... but there are also ppl who strike while bf-ing... for me, i didnt strike, thru out the 1 yr i bf my #1... jia you...

Apple (sweet_apple)

Yes! hahaa... Fb which nick?

Super need to jiayou but sigh.. need luck too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello DRW!!!

Eliz, I will send u a msg via FB shortly.

How long have you all been trying? I tried for 5months, but I wasn't really actively trying until last month.

canopyhaze, be strong...can understand how u feel as my dad also passed away 3 years bk then...will pray for yr dad, do take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hugs hugs hugs canopy... Be strong babe ! I feel very sad for u too... Hugssss ... If u need to cry just do it... If u need my shoulder I can lend u too.. Heh...

Me feeling super emo... Feel like crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lynzi - nauseousness can be sign of pms too right?

