(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

sigh. u knw. this is the 1st time im not keen for being pregs. and i hope im not. becos my back is not ready for it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] im thinking my menses is delayed becos ive been sick.. so maybe its late a bit... if according to the past 2-3 cycles, its been 26-28day cycle.. so by right shld report by today... but all ive been getting is increased vaginal discharge for the past few days...

merry - hee. i tested its neg. kua kua.

morning mummies

sigh, my 5th round of clomid not successful again... going to take a break this month for the medication..

hi morning ladies

Happy belated mother's day!

Thanks for all your prayers, my dad's condition is slightly stable now. =)

Based on my 39 days cycle, my AF should be coming today, but still no sign yet. Hopefully it won't come. Been feeling tired and wanna vomit for the past 1 wk, but not too sure it is becos i didn't sleep much; and rushing in & out of hospital to visit my dad. Tried testing using the strip which i bought from the spree, but it shows negative.

canopyhaze (canopyhaze)

wait for another few days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

might b a bfp.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you...

Thanks DPW! Hopefully will gd news this time. Is the pregnancy strip from spree reliable? Cos this is the 1st time i'm using it. Was using Clearblue for the past few months. Or is it too early to test? Am super anxious to know.

canopyhaze (canopyhaze)

pregnancy strip from spree...

for my #1...

i tested 1 day after i miss af... negative...

i so sian, 2 weeks later i test again, positive...

but from your symptoms, i think u hv chance to strike... still rabbit baby i think...

thanks ladies! Will wait for a few days before 1 test again.

Does morning sickness strike so early? I really feel like puking from morning till night.

And one more thing, my # 1 finally cleared from the waiting list, just received call from Etonhouse last fri, he will joining the term 3 PreNursery Class on 27Jun. Yippy! He can actually join next week but too bad he is only 17months+ so must wait till he is 18m then can join. There're only 6 bbs in his class and 3 teachers.

DPW : Etonhouse @Vanda, it is 5mins drive from our house, it is located @ bukit timah road, near Nanyang Girls, National JC.


10-Week School Term School Fees

(Fees payable when student starts school)

Pre-Nursery 1 - (18 months old)


S$273.00 (gst)

Total S$4,173.00 (can minus $900 if u r a working mom)

Nursery 1 to Kindergarten 2 (3 – 6 years old)


S$252.00 (gst)

Total S$3,852.00

Applicable Fees on Enrolment

Registration Fee* (non-refundable & includes GST) S$535.00

Student Insurance per annum (includes GST) S$3.21

Deposit (refundable upon 8-week term time notice) S$1,300.00

Total Fees Upon Enrolment Pre-Nursery 1 S$1,838.21

Nursery 1 to K2 3 - 6 years old




Total : S$1,738.21

*includes one set of uniform, one set of PE attire and a school hat

Cash/Cheque payment only – Cheque to be made payable to ETONHOUSE PRE-SCHOOL PTE LTD


(Half day) 9.00AM- 12.30PM

(Full day) 9.00AM- 3.30PM ( but stay till 7pm to enable working parents to pick up their kids)

On enrolment, please submit following forms/documents to the office:-

(No. 3 to 7 - forms are available from the admission office)

1. Singaporeans/ PRs- I/Cs of parents and child’s birth certificate (copies- front & back) Child of PR-copy of re-entry permit (stamp on passport) required.

Expatriates- Employment/ Dependent Passes of Parents & Child (copies- front & black).

2. Immunization Record (copy)

3. Registration form + 2 passport-sized photographs

4. Transport Request Form (if necessary)

5. MCYS forms 1 & 2

6. Prospective Student Form

7. Terms & Conditions

hi mummies,

have any one been charting your basel body temperature using a basel thermometer?

What is the difference between basel thermometer and those ear digital thermometer?

woahhhh..... yes Eton hse is one of the super duper pricey ones! arghhhh...! but they are very good... so guess u pay for good stuff la... hahaha!

canopy babe - wish u strike!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im still waiting for my menses to arrive... zzz... playing hide n seek with me again... sigh... now is CD32 ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

misscandy : thanks. Maybe it is gd news for u as well. I have tried using the pregnancy strip from the spree this morning. Still negative. So looks like no chance liao. today is CD40.

Pat schoolhouse & Chiltern r abt this price too.

Hello!!! I +opk on CD13. BD on CD11,12,13,14, super tiring!!! Now, have to sit back & wait. This is my last chance to have a rabiit BB. Keeping fingers crossed.

Apple (sweet_apple)

you hv done your best le... leave the rest to God... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missycandy (missycandy) & canopyhaze (canopyhaze)

af no come means got hope... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fingers cross..

halo ladies...

thread so slow?? i m not coming in from past few days..

i still cannot detect my O..as i m take a break from clomid..not sure got O or not..anyway, let me enjoying my chinese food 1st!!! b4 heading back to 50degree..


bring us good news! good luck!

Hi Airy.

Think cos quite a number of us here take a break for this cycle as EDD will be CNY mayb tat's why the thread is more quiet?

donkeymami, Apple, u mean if TTC this mth May will be a CNY baby?

After CNY means its a dragon baby, before CNY is still a bunny rite? To me doesn't matter as long as its healthy n can get preggie, haha...waiting for my AF to report this Fri or Sat then a new cycle....

Yes, before CNY is Rabbit. You are right, healthy is most important of all. I wanted a rabbit because me & hubby is rabbit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, am not looking at any particular animal or zodiac. But i did not try last month as i'm not keen on a January EDD. Today is CD6 for me...don't know when i will O this month. Last month positive OPK on CD 16 & CD 17. First time i get positive OPKs for 2 days in a row. But it was a 30 day cycle for me, compared to my previous cycle at 25 days. Really haywire. Maybe i O-ed on CD18, since my LP usually 11 days. This month i hope to try but must also see whether my hubby can get it up or not *sigh*

hi ladies..

i m having after lunch effect...

so tired

Apple (sweet_apple)

i m too lazy to test opk... so just try luck... 2 weeks, from cd 9 onwards, just bd every 2 to 3 days... but v tiring...

Is it true tt ppl tends to chose give birth in dragon? I doubt rabbit year also has alot babies coz avoiding dragon year babies.. I plan to have rabbit baby but no news till now. Sigh~

Only those very traditional ppl like to have dragon bb. For me, I try to avoid. But even if I kana this month, it will be Jan rabbit BB, still in the same year as dragon, so no difference.

In olden days, a lot of dragon babies, so when it comes to schooling, have to fight for placement.

actually, dragon babies will have a good life according to the chinese fengshui... so a lot of ppl aim for dragon... so school becomes very competitive... as well as delivery wards n beds... hahaha! quite terrible...

canopy - u nvr knw... wait awhile n test again ba... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im now CD34... everyday wishing to see red in the morning but nothing.. only mucus... sigh... i also feel nauseous on n off... then boobs on n off also pain... few days ago had cramps... thought AF will come but not yet... sigh... i seriously doubt im pregs... but i just wish for my cycle to be regular...

tomato, some of us started trying for tiger then rabbit & now dragon bo bian.

Apple, how to avoid? like us cannot be wait for 1yr later then try mah. age cathing up for those planning for #1 prolly hv to really think twice but again TTC vy hard to tell so can strike & deliver a healthy baby vy gd alr.

Donkeymami.. Sorry to hear about tt. Wish us all strike n get red lines. I think as long as bb is healthy, it doesn't matter bb comes out in which year. Jia you to all of us!

tomato, i started 6mths ago la but some of them alr tried for mths to yrs. how long have u been trying?

Agree rabbit yrs also many babies cos some hold back cos yr before is tiger.

*hugs hugs hugssssssssssssssssssssssss donkey* hee.. hw u babe? hws the lil girl adapting to cc? good i hope? back is better.. but wish it cld be better.. on n off still aches.. boo...

hmmm i did hpt yesterday... was neg... if i did O late means im not pregs. yeh! becos we only did it early... after that no action already... heh... now u CD what? any chance to get pregs?

yes.. i believe quite a number of ladies have been trying for quite awhile... ive been trying since beginning of last yr... but more hardworking since aug last yr... took clomid few cycles.. until gynae said no more... then suggested ivf and now ive decided to just let it be... sigh... im actually trying to take a break from ttc for 6mths to ease my back... so im also hoping i wont get a +ve hpt... if not my back gone case... lol...

missy, ya she's adapting well in cc. Jz spoke to her teacher this afternoon to chk on her progress so far so gd.

I'm in CD23, this mth i din try so vy relax this mth & hope AF report nxt wk for new cycle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nvm i thk hv to fix ur back 1st else will be more problems when u expecting.

Good morning ladies!

A bit unlucky today, slipped and fell in my office's carpark this morning. Hopefully everything is ok. CD42 for me today and AF still not here. =)

donkey - ya lo. sigh. but i forsee the back being a constant problem. prolly will fix it up after #2... if i kena #2.. lol!

canopy - oh my! hope all is well~ good luck k? hee...

today i saw brown stains ... so i guess AF is reporting soon! yeh!

missycandy, really must take care then if not u have #2 then worse, it may strain yr back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mine is leg problem, maybe also due to weight problem, like sometimes u feel a bit strain after walking long distance....sigh....like old lady liao....haha.....

Wow... so many ppl have back problem. I also have backaches after giving birth. Mine was emergency c-section with Epi.

Today CD20, counting down.....

2012 thread start liao.. i think most of us can move there already? sob..

this cycle super screwed up, i don't even know when i ovulated. now CD34 and am feeling my AF is coming... i think either my body don't like the clomid or clomid doesn't like me.. both cycles with clomid were screwed up...

Cheri, ya the 2012 thread up liao....time really flies...but only for those TTC #1 no TTC #2...

New cycle new hope.....always say this to console myself....ha...good luck


Sorry abt the thread heading in 2012. It is supposed to be meant for everyone so I am asking the mod to change the heading.

So do please join us there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

