(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

charlotte, i nv take CW so not sure abt the pill size. Is it easy to swallow? i saw it on the shelf of watson, guardian & unity said can helps to produce healthy sperms.

donkeymami, hmm....not sure if it improves but HB taking on n off cos he can't take too much protein in his diet, but the size is ok to me...

Mei, i enjoyed my post natal massage very much, so this time going back to the same person but doing the normal massage, heh.

canopy, i also have stretch marks but on my upper thighs. Even the brown line down my tummy still there and my boy is 2 already. Argggh.

charlotte, i think im getting too relaxed already, can't even remember to use OPKs regularly for this cycle lor! I continue to use so that i can agar agar know when i will O mah. I tested yesterday CD 15, still no positive! Aiyoh, pissed.

donkeymami, same here! We hardly do the deed in the first place, even when we don't have my boy. I was lucky that we got our boy at first try but this time...diaoz.

Good luck to all mummies ok...to myself too, for next month, hehe. Must stay positive! Go pamper yourselves, do what you like, shopping massage, read books, catch up with friends over tea, movies whatever. Life goes on, with or without #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i dont think ntuc has dates unless its fasting month but u can try asking the staff.


i like your attitude..so positive!

Keep it up!!


Me too, Not ttc for the next 2 cycle cos just started new job this week. I want to make sure that I cope well managing my work 1st or else it'll be difficult.

Morning Ladies....

lynzi, thanks....will try to look ard for the dates cos went to a lot of shops also cannot find, think must go to Malay shops....

brownies, donkeymami, good luck in yr next cycle... I be seeing gynae for advice next week n if possible do a scanning....but this cycle I doubt can strike cos HB just inform me he be going for wisdom tooth extraction next week which happens to be my fertile period so go no choice...but to go relax n easy this cycle....

brownies, nice! i didnt have the chance to go for post natal massage coz i had e-csec so by the time i recovered i didnt think of any massage already haa

btw can i check.. the day i have EWCM is the day i goin to O rite? coz i can based on that day to count as DPO?

Mrng ladies!

Thanks Charlotte. you too hope u hv a good talk wif Dr Wong nxt wk.

Mei2, quite hard to determine ur 1st DPO if jz based on EWCM do u test opk?

donkey, nope i didnt use OPK coz not accurate for me as i have PCOS.. hmm nevermind i shall wait and wait and hope temp dun go down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



oh can be before oso ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thats the only day i saw such a stretchy ewcm.. before that have but not much.. after that no more already.

TIA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynzi, i is no choice lor. If always mop around, life will be miserable. And don't think a long face is a turn on for my hubby, hah. I went toilet just now, saw EWCM leh. But so sian to ask hubby if want to try tonight, like begging him to do it like that, sigh.

bblove, now new job?? If i start new job, i'll be worried, quite scared to TTC...so how's your new job so far?? I sian to try this cycle partly because not ideal to have an EDD in Jan and also partly because im so tired leh.

mei2, my #1 is also csection. I had the massage about a week after my csection, ok leh, hehe. Today is CD15 for me and i just saw EWCM. But i also saw EWCM on CD10. So far, no positive OPK for me but today i never test because i forgot to bring to work, hehe.

What dates are you all talking about? If i eat can help my egg or not? Wuhahahahaha!

hey ladies

What's "EWCM"?

Brownies : shiok leh. maybe i go massage as well. long time never been liao. Pai seh abt my stretch marks.

canopyhaze, EWCM is Egg White Cervical Mucus[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

brownies, lynzi recommend everyday let HB eat 1 tablespoon of pure honey together with black dates (those Malays CNY dates) can help spermmies be strong n swim faster....

canopy, you should pamper yourself once in a while...last time i always do pedicure you know. Ever since i was preggy with my #1, didn't do anymore. But ever since i've became a mum, i prefer to spend money on stuff that makes me FEEL better, rather than look better heh. Like last time, i like to look at high end products that promise me translucent skin lar etc etc. Now hor, i smell it first and apply. It must smell and feel good lor. And must be easy on my pockets! Keke. I'm now a fan of Dermal masks, buy from gmarket quite worth it man. No need to paiseh about stretch marks, i have alot of scars as well, but the muslim lady who did my postnatal massage was very nice, told me she has seen it all lar, what are scars. What she is most afraid of is massaging for PRC mummies cos some of them REALLY DON'T BATHE at all. She says sometimes so scared, dont know will kenna a smelly mummy or not hehe.

charlotte, oic...now i know why our muslim friends always seem to have larger families, keke. My hubby will never take it one. Ask him to take more vitamin C (he's a heavy smoker) he also dont want. Dont want then dont want lor, if no #2, then not my fault liao...


good day to everyone!

wow..thread run fasts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, some one mention about black dates? what's that for? Menses have not come again and tested -ve ..i went to read up on polycystic ovary. Anyone has this problem as well? Seem like this will decrease chance of pregnancy.

anyone got good suggestions or pills to take to help in the hormones? Does the primrose oil helps?

mornin ladies!

long weekend ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shermie, max can take up to 6 cycles of clomid for 6 straight cycle..

forumbb, i have PCOS, it decrease the chance of pregnancy as cant ovulate on our own most of the time.. like last cycle i took clomid to help me ovulate. but my 1st pregnancy i conceived naturally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mei2,

me too..1st one conceive naturally and smoothly but 2nd one so difficult. Did you gain alot of weight after pregnancy? For me, i think this is the reason. Coz when i ask the gynae why my 1st one is ok but not 2nd one. He mention 1st one my weight is acceptable but now im super overweight hence PCOS will be much higher [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

are you still trying for #2?


actually before i have #1, i have on the heavy side til i lose a little weight and i conceived.. i actually took pills after givin birth coz i wan my menses to come every month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] till off pills and PCOS is back..

Managed to fill the abbreviations for everyone reference. Coz i have quite a number of abbreviations i dont understand. Hope this helps:

AF - Aunt Flow menstruation/period

AP - Attachment Parenting

BBT - Basal Body Temperature

BCPS - Birth Control pills

BD - Baby Dance (sex)

BF - breastfeed, or boyfriend

BFN - big fat negative (pregnancy test)

BFP - big fat positive (pregnancy test)

BM - breast milk, or bowel movement

BOM - Basic ovulation monitoring (available in SGH)

CD - cycle day

CF - cervical fluid

CM - cervical mucus

CS - or C/S cesarean section

DPO - days past ovulation

EDD - estimated due date, or expected date of delivery

EWCM - egg white cervical mucus

FF - formula feeding

FYI - for your information

HPT - home pregnancy test

IC - incompetent cervix

IUI - intrauterine insemination

IVF - in vitro fertilization

LP - luteal phase

MC - or M/C miscarriage

O - ovulation

O'd - ovulated

OPK - ovulation predictor kit

TTC - trying to conceive

US - or U/S ultrasound

VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean section

forumbb, yup still trying for #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] waitin to test if AF didnt report. i took birth control pills leh coz wan AF to come mah and clear PCOS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but stopped when i TTC-ing

forumbb, i also gain alot of weight after pregnancy and didnt lose any weight since.. I was also told by my fren the same thing and she managed to lose 30kg off her weight and successfully conceived and is 3 mths preggy now.

Now, i trying to lose weight and TTC at the same time, hope it helps.

Thank God It's Thursday!

Just gotten a positive on the OPK heh. Looks like i've O late this cycle, so haywire ^^ CD16 for me today.

ET, 30kg??! She lost 30kg?! I've heard that exercising helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, brownies, 30 kg off a 100kg person is actually not alot.. It was tough, but she really did it over 1 year time.. I need to lose ard 20kg to go back to my pre-preg weight too.. sigh... Initially was thinking to try for no.2 then lose weight after that, but now, seems that weigh also plays a part..

Now i am at DPO 7, another week of waiting, this month managed to get +opk at CD20 and CD21, BD once, if this cycle doesn't get good news, will take a break and try to lose some weight first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck to all and looking forward to our long weekend!!!

Harlow ladies!! I just made nasi lemak today..yumss

Yes weight do play a part. Both underweight n overweight no good for ttc. As long as u cut down on carbo, eat more healthily n do non strenous exercise like swimming is good enuf. I got fren who conceived after few mths of doing that.

Ladies with pcos must take care of diet too.

No royal jelly..everything in moderation.

mei2 and forumbb, just saw your posts and wanted to say I am also TTC in the other thread and have PCOS. As I have really irregular cycles and BBT is haywire, I rely on opks to test for ovulation and do test positive on them. So you can use the opks even if you have PCOS and even my gynae also told me I can use it. Maybe it is just a matter of which brand you are using? I find that it is easier to pinpoint ovulation with opks as with EWCM alone, it is not accurate or at least it is so for me since my EWCM starts a few days before actual O.

Also, to reduce or curb the problem of PCOS, my gynae has recommended me to lose some weight (slightly overweight) as it does help you to conceive. I lost some weight last year and my cycles were more regular but put on weight now so cycles are haywire again. So trying hard to lose weight now. Gambette! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks everyone for the info..but losing weight is tough!

ET, how did your friend manage to lose so much weight? she must be very persistent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why canot take royal jelly?

forumbb, she went on a very strict diet, then she did "zhen jiu" but main thing is diet, her lunch and dinner only salad and yoghurt...


normal honey is ok but royal jelly pcos ladies cannot take as it will cause your pcos to be worse.

Even for nuts is not advisable.

Thanks lynzi & ET,

now i will take note of that. I love nuts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif], didnt know that will cause pcos to be worse.

hmm...will try to take salad at night, no rice..haha..


if getting the OPK, then have to buy alot coz mine is super irregular ^_^

forumbb, u get get those cheap cheap ones. 1 piece $0.50-$0.60, if i see faint line, then double confirm with Clearblue ones..


i guess i only can get preggie when i m underweight..hahaha..

now is ideal weight. i m quite regular cycle 26-32days..but gynae says i m PCOS..so may not ovulate everymonth. (i m not sure, cos 1st scan is already D16, maybe follicle already rupture) after that straight to clomid and metformin. i will get 2nd opinion when i m going back sg during July. will go scan D11 and D13..i will take a break from clomid, metformin start July

Metformin reack well. i m sliming down 2 kg in 1 month time! gosh..

of cos i m dieting. cut carbo..and exercise..at here i m gain weight 3.5kg (since i came here)..now soon i m back to weight 2 years ago b4 i came here..

so, i guess i only can preggie when i m underweight. weight 2 years ago just borderline..so if i m drop to 52 and below is consider underweight..

i love nuts, now cutting down nuts intake :-(

hi mummies,

now on weight lost topic??

me also an overweight mummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lazy to go on a diet...

wanted to try herbal life, but hubby make noise...


today went out for a good lunch with hubby and went to do my custom blend foundation at marina sq... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bought myself some eye shadows and blush to make myself happy...

might have O-ed these few days... but cant bd as i m staying with my parents during the weekend... no privacy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

forumbb, like what ET has said, can get those cheap ones at $0.50 to $0.60 and when you think it is positive, then double confirm with Clearblue Digital (smiley face). Like me, I am also super irregular and my gynae says fertile window can be from CD16-CD26 which is super long. Also, I start testing from CD14 as I might O earlier and when I see EWCM, I test twice a day. So I will use abt 10-15 cheap pieces per month and the expensive Clearblue Digital can last a few cycles. But all in all, I will only spend $10+ per month which is much cheaper than going to my gynae to scan as he charges $100+ per scan. Seems to be a worthwhile investment to me and helps me to detect my O since my cycles are super haywire and with PCOS, I also dunno if I will O every month. Maybe you can consider or just try for 1-2 months?

Not to sell anything, but maybe you can try buying from bbshop as I am using hers since it is the cheapest on the market and I don't have problems testing positive on it so I think it is sensitive enough even for us with PCOS. Better than getting others online which might not test positive. Her website is www.bbshop01.blogspot.com. HTH... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

talking abt weight, how come I saw many preggie women overweight also can get pregnant? Sometimes all these not true...its luck n fate, if u can get it means u get it. I noe frens who smoke n drink also can get preggie...so unfair!

hmmm... lynzi, pls share with me yr recipe for yr nasi lemak chilli. hee hee hee.. TIA!!!!!!!!!!!

yeh. me also overweight. but i wish to be done with #2 before i really lose wgt. not too keen on the yoyo. lose wgt. get pregs. put on wgt. post birth struggle to lose wgt again. bahhhh

