(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB


any other good female gynaes in cck, bukit batok area? dun wan to travel so far....wan to consider other options



i think most of gynae can give you answer for your concern..make sure u tel them what u want..insists for get scanning, ask how big is your follicle..

scanning is very common so i believe any of gynae can do that and give you the answer..be firm of your question, since now you know roughly what is in your mind, eg: D12 or D13 follicle size..after that whether it rupture or not? scanning will tel you the answer..good follicle size on D12 or D13 not mean confirm will get O, it can be continue big but no rupture so no O happen..so make sure it is rupture and get scanning to confirm.

but if u want look for fertility doctor or any other serious concern, i advise you go for speciallist or more experience gynae.

Hi all,

i have been trying to TTC after my d/c in June 2010 but there are still no sign of being pregnant....

it's almost a year already..

I am using clearblue fertility monitor and taking Blackmore Conceive Well Gold this month....

any other advise??

My first child is already 8 years old and i am reaching 30 by end of next year.. i am so so so vexed!

i need someone to talk to.. sorry to have bored anybody in this forum

mrs tan, (in real life i m mrs tan too)

you're not alone here..jia you..btw you're still young..jia you

have you go gynae to check up? and your hubby Semen Analysis?

Hi Airy,

I went to a Gynaecologist in dec cuz my af delayed for 2 times and she say I had juz ovulated and that my af was on the way. Then from then on my ovulation was back to normal.

I dint check my hubby's semen where and how to check. Logically shd be fine I guessed becuz I was preg last yr April but I gt miscarriage so ya from June 10 till now no gd news.

I am in 2ww but I can tell my af is coming... So vexed.


i only know of those good gynaes.

If u are comfortable with your current gynae then u should just go ahead.

Mrs Tan,

hihi dear!

Have u tried praying to ZSNN? And collect red eggs?

My chinese frens did that n they actually promised to return 100 red eggs if they strike n once bb is full month.

Since this mth u trying clearblue fertility monitor, i think that should work well enough n most who use it will strike within few mths unless got other health issues.

Have u got yourself n hubby checked?

Hi lynzi...

Me dun pray to erm that god not sure what is that. Then I have been using clearblue for months at least half 5-6 cycles. Still no gd news. What abt urself?

Me and hubby din go and check... Me currently out of job and then studying and the trying to ttc so vexed.

Airy which county are you in now?? I am planning to apply for overseas job aft I grad n aft my girls psle in 4 yrs time

lynzi, Airy, thanks for yr advice, will properly go bk to my gynae...let's see how abt it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Tan,

I am at Middle east..my girl going to P1 2013, as my hubby contract end 2012, so i will back Jan 2012 to prepare her in K2 for P1..so i hope can strike this year b4 i m back for good, else really no help if i m alone in Sg rite?

maybe u must get ur hubby check his sperm too..mine same as u..but sperm quality and concentration will decrease every year when ageing..once my hubby go check, his motility also slow...and i conceive b4 too..

if you m/c last year, i guess you shd no problem. maybe both you have unknow inferlity that only up to god..else will strike soon, plus clearblue is very good and sensitive..

just take supplement as usual. relax..baby will come to you soon!

me to enter to 2ww..i have no confident with my IUI..so i dont know what next. doctor ask me dont go anymore exercise..aiyo..i think i wil start again with minor walk tomoro. i cannot tahan liao already 5 days no exercise. 1st 3 days is occupy with many things, then last 2 days is IUI and resting due to cramp..tomoro i want go again, dont care liao..cos i really no confident at all..so if god give me, hope is sticky 1..so i just go for normal life as usual, but reduce it lor..


just go do scanning and ask accoding all info you have now ;-) you will know the answer when u go scanning..


i will PM you once i m return to Sg..i want to know more ZSNN..somewhere in East rite?

finger cross now...good luck only once i strike..and strike with sticky..hopefully..

Hi ladies!

DPO12 tdy, think gone case for this cycle too no BFP symptom except cramps prolly is AF reporting tmr or Tue bah. but this mth the cramps is quite bad dunno why & started since last mon-tue i can feel it middle of the nite sianz. & I did tested on DPO11 but BFN but i din use FMU la.

Airy, all the best & now jz wait for 2wks to see ur result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynzi, Airy

My ILs and mum went to pray SZNN in 2008 and I strike with #1 within 1 year ... actually hb and me also went to pray all over lah.

My mum's god-sister married for 10years no luck after several IVF, but after pray to SZNN (and TCM) got 2 boys.


is zhu sheng niang niang..助生娘娘..i m not sure where is the location, shd be at simei/east side..

no harm go and pray..as i m not in sg now, i cant pray even i wish to go..if u go and pray,let me know

Those not taoist can dont go pray to ZSNN..can just go n take red eggs but must promise to return if u strike n once bb full mth.

Those taoist frens i have will bring 5 types of flowers n oranges to pray then collect red eggs.

One of my frens going to return her 100 red eggs this Sat if u girls free to go.

Hi ladies, good morning!

DPW: mine was fun!, brough our son to Polliwogs over the weekend, had so much fun, and hubby complained backache =p It's my CD18 day today, i think my cycle is 39 days, but i oso don't know when the O days, so anyhow BD as well, but not as much as you.

sian~ it's monday again. lucky i m on half day in the afternoon, MIL has injured her knee, so hubby going to send her to hospital this afternoon, me stay @ home to take care of our boy.

Hope to hear gd news from anyone of us this week. =)

Airy, lynzi, seems like this ZSNN very zhun but too far for me......too bad, I stay in the west if tell HB I wan to go pray sure will tell me off even I go gynae also never tell him...guess have to put off the idea to pray, just go normal temple to pray.

Charlotte : likewise, my hubby will think that i m crazy if i ask him to the ZSNN for prayer.

by the way, i stay quite near west too.

canopyhaze, ya guys are like that, they dun believe in this kid of thing....somemore my HB is christian so worse, he sure will say I crazy, believe in this n go all the way to east. He sure dun wan to drive all the way there since his work also so busy so better dun itchy backside n got a scolding for nothing, haha....


my hubby and his family all those bai bai type... i think if i tell hubby he will drive me there...

but i dont really like it, every little thing, they are so superstitious... my boy teething or sick, will say need to go bai bai, get those fu and drink... burn those incense paper and stuff... sian...

canopyhaze (canopyhaze)

that was nice... me n family, home during the weekends... abit sian...

Charlotte (rainie)

your hubby is a christian, then u??

any mummies going for the baby fair this coming weekend?? (expo webby say got baby fair...)

Mrng ladies!

Kiki, think mine shd b reporting these 1-2days hopefully no further delay. Ya 2WW time passes so slow but TTC-ing time past so fast..this is coming 6cycles for me liao..vy tired indeed.

I gonna to stop 1 cycle & try again in May-Jun. This cycle cfm gone i took temp this mrng oli 36.5 nia.


Charlotte, u stay in Bt Batok? me too..my gynae is Dr Wong MT at Bt Gombak.

I saw this ZSNN in Teban Garden Zhen Huang Miao before...but not sure abt the red eggs thingy la.

i myself a baptised christian for 20yrs, but i super chin cai, can go temple or eat those prayer stuffs. My hubby is a free thinker.

DPW, ne free thinker, I bring my gal to temple to pray on CNY just for pin an....thats ok my HB won't say anything but not too extreme....

donkeymami, I stay in Yew Tee but I saw Dr Wong in Bukit Gombak for my 1st baby...u saw him recently?

cd11 for me today. will try to bd alt days. past 2 cycles, according to iphone period/ovulation calendar/calculator, i Ovulated on CD11-CD13... dont knw real or not... but no harm trying earlier for this cycle... haiii... sian chi pua.

I myself a muslim so dont go temple n pray..hehe

but i see it happening to my chinese frens who went there.

I think it works for those who believe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charlotte, nope hvnt go to him yet..but i guess prolly he will give clomid to try? SO u thinking u see him to scan ur egg closer to O?

I'm thinking if i shd see TCM since i gng to take 1mth break. If se TCM, when will be the good timing? as in wait for AF clean or can go on CD1? or closer to O? DH need to go tog?

For west side, which TCM is good for fertility probs?

hi missycandy, LTNS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So fast CD11 liao? All the best! Ya jz BD alternate days for 2wks mayb?

Me DPO13 but gonna be anot failed attempt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I told DH to stop TTC for new cycle will try again in May-Jun.

donkeymami, ya I thinking of calling later to book appointment next week on my CD12 to scan n have a talk with him, c what he can advise 1st

I think for TCM, better for both to go together n think wait for yr AF to clears n go nearer to O so he/she can check yr pulse for u to boe the problems....

I went to this TCM in jurong east before, think u shd have heard of her, very crowded, she only see 100patients per day. I wake up as early as 5-6am to take a queue number then only manage to see her in the afternoon 2-3pm, but I manage to conceive once after seeing her....my HB think its coincident, haha....up to u to believe but some still no baby after seeing her for years so it really depends on luck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

donkey - hee. me silent reader. didnt feel like posting. wait my spies comment again. =P lol! plus a lot of newcomers. hee. so nth much to say la. heh heh heh... i really wish u get a BFP! good luck k? no see red means still have hope [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charlotte, ic. mind to share wif me aft u seen Dr wong? if not conveninent to post here u can PM me.

Wah, TCM's Q is longer than Gynae hor...J east got one huh? actually i din really pay attention on TCM i heard abt clementi sinseh. U r lucky jz see her once u conceived [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hw old is ur #1 alr? My #1 is 20mths & i'm 31s.

donkeymami, ya haven't call yet, wonder if can get appontiment on that day or not[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will let u noe if I manage to see him next week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, that time also my ex-colleague recommend me cos she got PCOS n titled womb but manager to conceive too after seeing her for 3mths, now she have 2 princess....its somewhere n Toh Guan, near IMM that HDB area. U are still young n yr #1 also young, haha so still got time but my gal is coming to 4 yrs old this June n I am coming to 35 yrs old.....not much time left for me liao, ticking away real fast so giving myself 1 more year to try if no then closed shop, happy with #1....

Charlotte, think u call this wk shd b able to get a slot for nxt wk.

I got a titled womb too & is Dr Wong told me when i see him for normal scan before i start TTC. he told me shd b no prob in TTC but for my #1 i took 8-9mths too. Not sure if it's relating.

missy, dun think so! i'm quite sure this cycle no hope now jz hoping my cycle dun go haywire AF guai guai report tmr. cos tis mth my O late for 1wk+.

donkeymami, ya I also took 8-9mths to have my #1 too n when I saw Dr Wong, he told me to try for another few more mths since that time I am still 30 years old n TTC less than a year but I manage to strike after seeing him that mth with TCM, haha....all are luck ba!

missycandy, it costs abt $120+ for consultation n medi for both HB n me, she gave us powder form and round black medi (day n nite), abt 2 weeks dosage and we manage to strike that mth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charlotte, mayb u will strike this mth aft seeing him nxt wk? hehehe

Quite qiao cos i got a false BFP suspect is chemical preg then i went to see him scanned did blood test but not preggy & he told me jz my AF delayed not pregnant or miscarriage. then i really pregnant wif my #1 the following cycle. haha

charlotte / donkeymami

I also hv titled womb but a few drs I've seen say will not affect ttc. anyway normally it is recommeded to put a pillow to elevate the lower body after bd but I read somewhere for us, we have to lie on our chest instead. Have you heard about it?

I tried once and got strike with #1. dont know if its just coincident or what... anyway now I will use pillow for 10 mins then lie on my chest to sleep


yah bd on CD08 and CD10, so early... I never track if I O or not this month. sian lah, no point also since hb not around.

still got a few days to AF. For past 2 months quite zhun 28 days, so counting down...

next month my hb shifting to another city again so he's not coming back. planning to visit him in May, hopefully can catch the "timing"

donkeymami, hmm....maybe we have to spend a bit of $$ so that we will strike, haha....4 years never see him n let him touch, dunno can get used or not, hehe.....

kikilala, never heard before abt the chest thing but anyway just try lor, no harm although a bit funny but who cares as long as can have BFP....its funny when comes to biology system, u never noes what happened....my fren did not get +opk also can strike this mth, sigh....luck!

kiki, ya i think i saw from somewhere too. usually i try to lie on my chest to rest for 10mins but i din use pillow to elevate up.

Kiki, ic wait for ur AF this mth then plan for ur May trip to make baby...jz nice for dragon bb ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charlotte, ya in fact the mth i strike i dun get +opk..jz BD alternate days. but this time i BD aft +opk for 5mths yet nothing happen so demoralise.

hello mummies!!

It's so interesting to find a thread for ttc #2!

I have been trying for 6M for my #2 for a rabbit bb! Strike with a bb due Oct only to end up with a miscarriage at 10 wks. It's 1.5wks after D&C! Now still bleeding on and off... on HL!

Hmmm anyone has any idea when I can start trying? I am hoping to have bb2 still but if it ends in another miscarriage I wonder if I can cope with it still!

donkey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish u all da best ~ hee~ hws yr girl adjusting to cc? doing ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charlotte - thanks for the info. thats quite cheap wor... maybe il talk to hb abt it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


missycandy, thats the rate for 4 years ago....not sure abt now, shd be higher a bit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

