(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

baby_mummy, sorry to hear abt ur loss. I thk u better chk wif u gynae when u can start to TTC again. Meanwhile, do rest well & recuperate ur body for your nxt try.


missycandy, thanks gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She's doing fine now except fall sick on & off..so far ill twice in 2mths time haha hope she got better slowly.

Charlotte, the medicine is for 2wks or 1mth de? i heard TCM also quite ex now..no scanning nothing cost $100-200 liao.

donkeymami, I rem we ate only 2 weeks suuply of medi that she gave, yes no scan only feel our pulse n she can tell u roughly whats yr problem. She said I got some blood clots but not big problem, my HB BIG problem, sperms no head got tail.....

charlotte, so ur hubby also need to on medication? My DH sure against TCM cos he got G6PD deficiency he cannot take some chines medicine & dunno the ingredients made of the medicine too.

donkeymami, yes she gave both of us medi, HB got more, I got less (got day n nite medi) in that case then he cannot see TCM lor? Some strike quite fast after seeing her but some still no news yet after yrs so I think its also up to individual bodies....I wld very much like to go see her again if HB approves cos no harm trying again mah but I very much doubt so, sure will get a scolding from him....waste time waiting to see her, he got no patient one so drop the idea of seeing her liao....

charlotte, ya really crazy woh hv to go 5-6am oli can see her in the noon. mayb u try to see dr wong see wat he could help. you wan to scan for ur ovulation right?

charlotte - alamak. ok ok. il discuss with hb if dont strike soon. sigh.

donkey - wow. not bad wor. i remember my girl when 1st started cc. every other week sick. super duper sian.

hello mummies...i've given up taking my BBT, haha. Too tiring and too difficult! Now using OPK. Today is CD13 but still haven't detect a positive! I detected a positive on CD12 for my past 2 cycles. But this cycle, i admit i've been lazier, didn't test twice a day at the same timings. But but but..i've detected EWCM on CD10, same as my previous cycles. Don't understand why my EWCM comes so early.

Charlotte, sometimes TCM also must see got yuen fen or not. Talking about sperms, i've read before that a local gynae commented that most singaporean men's soldiers are fine. The speed, the size all ok. It's the shape. If the head is rounder, harder to strike. If head is sharper, chances are higher.

donkeymami, ya wan to scan if I am ovulating or not, got a feeling I am not ovulating or eggs not good n big enough....HB sperms may have problem too but as they say only 1 egg but got millions of sperms so check up on the egg 1st lor, hopefully got that 1 sperm is good n strong enough[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if after check egg n its ok then how?

Will u get your dh to do SA test?

Seriously, i think women more ke lian cos we must go thru so many tests to pin point the problem.

Whereas men only need to do ONE test n no pain involved.

I wana share with u ladies what my dh went thru.

He found that his swimmers are slower now..lesser n some not fully form..like got head no tail, got tail no head.

What was advised by the alternative meds doc was for my dh to take one spoon of pure honey with one piece of Arab date..once in the morning n once at nite.

Miraculously, after one mth of doing that my dh swimmers tripled in quantity, more agile n no more deformed ones.

Even my gynae was shocked.

Do try it!

lynzi, frankly speaking....if after check up, nothing wrong with me then its HB problem, not possible to ask him to do SA test, what I can do is to improve his swimmers like drinking more vitamin c cos he's a smoker cum drinker n take supplements like zinc which he's doing now

whats Arab date?

pure honey? not ordinary honey?

pls advise where to get them? price?


i shd ask my hubby try your method..arab dates can get easily!! hahaha...



dates normally take by muslim, esp ramadan. easy get full after take 1 date..shd be hot season soon cos ramadan is coming during August, now shd be start available at supermarket.

price, got different..good dates, normal dates..

place, i m not sure in sg..wait lynzi tel u the answer

Airy, ok thanks, are the dates sweet? u mean those black oval kind of dates?


whats Arab date?

pure honey? not ordinary honey? just take direct?

pls advise where to get them? price?

btw if I visit the gynae at CD13, is it too late to scan?


D13, u may already O, and also may not O..u is 30days cycle? very accurate 30days cycle? if u 30days cycle shd be ok.

D13 is possible..but to be sure, go on D10 or D11..or D12..trying not D13..but D13 can also..just worry if already O, your follicle small back..so difficult to determine. but as prof doctor, doctor should know..

let us know the outcome..take care! remember, follicle must about 15mm during D13 or D14, if you O on D15 or D16..follicle is growing 1-2mm per day.


myself dont like dates..yes is sweet..but if get the good quality 1, then is good taste..yes shd be those oval type

Airy, yes mine quite accurate....29-30days cycle, seldom late cos doc fully booked for my CD10-CD12, no choice can only see him on CD13, hopefully can see something cos I always tested +opk on CD15-16....


then should be ok..remember ask as much as u can, gather info as much as u can..see what he tell u..goodluck! all the best.

Arab date is dark coloured..not the same as red dates.

Can get from cold storage where the chilled vege n fruits area is.

I can sms u pic of the date.

One pack is about $10..can last for a week.

Honey can also get from supermarket..my dh took polleney brand.

Can only use plastic spoon for honey k..no metal.

If not the nutrients all lost.

thks lynzi!!

i didnt know cant use metal spoon for honey.. now i know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

long weekend is coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] soo looking forward and hopefully i can get a "surprise" on HPT, if not.. goin to take another cycle of clomid

Morning ladies.

Hugz donkey, try again. Jia you. Buy la.

Lynzi : like mei2, didn't know that can't use a metal spoon for honey.

kiki : on the chest might be not feasible logically due to gravity reason.

donkey, mayb u dun buy for 1 cycle 1st?

try to stay away from TTC stuffs.. mayb will strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *invisble stress.. if u keep depending on OPK

canopyhaze & mei2, i thinking to stop TTC for 1 cycle really tired & wanna take a break also avoid EDD during CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

donkey, dun think so much regardin EDD during CNY.. unavoidable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just do when u feel like to and relax urself..

brownie, shiok!!

donkey & brownies : don't be despair; just rest for a while if you feel better or adopt my mentality which i have just started this month, hubby & I only BD when we have the mood and not for the sake of having bbs; in this way, we don't feel stress and mandune to do it and disappointed when my AF comes. Both of us are feeling better this way, and hopfully miracle will happen when we are less stressed out.

Brownies : enjoy your massage, long time never been to one liao cos I still have stretch marks from my #1 pregnancy.

canopy, thats the way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] myself oso like this... less stressful N its kinda a bonding with hubby.. if not both of us will find its a routine just to have a baby

i oso have alot of stretch marks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ladies, cheer up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m at cd 17... duno O already anot... haiz...

no opk, no bbt... just wack every 2 to 3 days...

me planning an afternoon out with hubby on thur... go for a good lunch and pamper myself...

after #1 havent gotten the chance to enjoy life...

lynzi, besides cold storage, where else can find the black dates? Ntuc?

donkeymami, brownies, ya rest a while if u feeling tired liao, no point trying n trying when u not in the mood n stress yrself. I also wan to relax for this mth since already dragon year, no point chasing mad....

oh man. Jy Donkey !

yeh im also not testing opks this cycle. hee. though i still have quite a lot. -_-" am going to try to BD every 2days... im also not keen on CNY baby... in fact im more keen on baby from May to Nov. sigh. a bit sad. but guess cnt avoid dragon olredi. well. dragon bb will have good life in future lor. so its best for bb... nt for mummy n daddy to stress when starting sch though. hahaha! so i guess i must choose a co-ed sch for #1 just in case #2 is a boy. then since jiejie in that sch, didi can follow. but if #2 is a girl then just nice! can go my alumini sch! woohoo! heee... man i think until so far. HAHAHA

just back from training during lunch. Damn tired.

Fluffy : all the best! i jiayou as well. today is my CD19, based on the online menstrual calendar, mine is a 39days cycle, O day is 25Apr, and fertile period is from 21Apr to 25Apr. But i don't think is accurate cos i've been using this calendar for the past few cycles still now news, these days i anyhow whack! =p

misscandy : you're not thinking too far. I have thought abt it as well. but luckily the primary school which we're going to enrol our #1 is near our house and hubby is joining the alumini, and it is a co-ed school.

donkeymami, only 1 kind rite? scare I may bought the wrong types[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have booked an appointment with Dr Wong next week, will let u know outcome by then...u wan to go see him too?

Charlotte, think for dates they hv diff grade u jz chk before u buy.

So far no plan to see him yet & i jz done my pap smear last yr Oct before i start TTC. will see wat ur outcome then decide bah.

sigh. my alumini is girls sch lor. then hb sch close down olredi. LOL!!! nvm. when my girl turns 4 then il decide again. i still have 2 yrs.

thanks donkey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh pls dont talk about p1 registration.

Giving me lots of stress recently n im just applying to do pv ok.

Waiting for the schools to call up for interview..sigh

To think i have to do this when dh has decided that we will migrate next year or the year after.


we did consider NZ but with the frequent quakes over last 2 years, we got scared.

So we decided on Perth..laidback ah but we got frens there so not too bad.

But we havent apply for pr yet..the first time we decided was for Melbourne but that was kiv-ed due to many reasons.


oh councidence!

But i havent done homework on Perth yet..relying more from my frens' info as they been there for few years.

I heard with NZ..better dont move to Christchurch cos got anti asian incidents. Heard Auckland is better choice for Asians.

