(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


Or you want try the rasberry tea that they say can help in af come?

I got 1 cousin she also delay a mth than confirm no BFP le the doc give her eat med for menses come but the med make her cycle very luan so i think tats y ur gynae rather ask u wait.


bear >> OMG. What kind of answer is that?! Did you do an ultrasound? Maybe your ovulation was late so the hcg levels are still low?

lynn >> Doc didn't say bedrest for me lar... haha. I've been sleeping a lot, but working from home too. Unfortunately I work with gahmen, and gahmen doesn't understand the meaning of "vendor on medical leave". Sigh.

peapea & Sonel >> thanks!

jan jan - ignore those irritating coll. i've always tell them that i've not played enough, even though deep down in my heart, i also hope to BFP. another coll said i should ask those irritating ones, when are they going to die? very evil but hahaha... they'll shut up for sure. ;p

bearGE - cheer up. AF late may be due to stress. my AF is late for ~16 days. gynae gave me med to induce last Fri but i didnt take. having been taking TCM med instead & started to spot this morning.

bearGE>> Dun worry too much.. Sometimes I think is no reason tat AF will juz delay for nothing. =x Remb my 3 mths MIA AF? Tat was after I switched jobs to a less stressful job and off Yasmin. Think like wat someone else said, it is normal to miss. Dun stress yrself out. How was yr blood test and scan? Did yr gynae give any solutions?

lynzi>> Thanx for introducing the raspberry leaf tea! Think it did help in reliving my AF cramps. =) BTW, I read online and it is said tat the tea is also good for women in their late pregnancy stage, true?

Sonel>> Thanx! Resolving issues wif hubby and we have decided to try our best to find a restaurant or something to fit our budget. if can't, then juz stick to original plan - buffet at chalet. =x Now looking for a gown. Haha.. Think this mth TTC can be on hold le. =p

Amy >> Thank you! Yar raspberry leaf tea supposed to make the labour easier. But obviously cannot take during preg until the last few weeks lar.

Share a secrect that i found from others wedsite sharing.

we don't know our O might early about 10day after our 1st AF visit. when your 1st day of AF count to day 10, start work alternated day till day 16. More chance to get bb.

amy>> the gynae did do a scan.. he observe the "wall" for few mins as want to see any movement or activity or not.. as i guess he also worry might be late O causes af missing..

i also do not want to rely on medicine to induce af coming. as for stress, i dont think i am stress. maybe stress over ttc bah..hahaha

anyway, he said if i want, once af come and day 13, i can go over to scan see for egg and get advice from him. He ask me to relax..

i was also thinking maybe i am too stress over ttc,maybe thats why my hcg reading for my blood test is low.. :p

see how bah.. God bless everyone here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE>> Better not to induce AF by medicine. Maybe u wanna try TCM for yr AF? I kinda think TCM is more "natural". Hoping it is juz low HCG thus not yet detected in yr blood test, and tat u have BFP. =)

tethysea>> Tat's wat I read online. BTW, can share wat u did this cycle to get BFP? =O

Amy >> Just BD when I got mood lor. Haha! Last cycle I BDed every day for 2 weeks during my fertile window and didn't get anything! This time round I thought I wouldn't be successful at all because I miscalculated the fertile window and the only time I BDed was 2 days before my O according to ff.com. I'm not testing OPK and not taking any supplements other than folic acid. But I was more relaxed this cycle lar, just took a "if it is meant to happen it will happen" mentality.


I think no ley i c my blood test also got show HCG level so i think it will be higher for pple who is pregnant bah.


Maybe finalise the number of pple you are inviting before u go and look for venue.

tethysea>> Think this 2 mths till wedding day will be too bz to find time BD. =x No lah, will juz BD when feel like it. Prob skipping OPK this mth, since I also dun get positive OPK for 2 cycles, so no pt in testing OPK. =p

jas >> Hmmmm. So what happens if your hcg levels are low but you're not preg? What does it affect?

Amy >> Haha yeah, just concentrate on your wedding for now bah! I dun trust OPK anyway - the results seem so unreliable!

Hi Ladies,

Feeling tired today as I was stress abt work and waiting for my 2ww. Somemore, travelling overseas this Sunday for a week for offical duties. Stress that scarily I tio AF on the long haul flight (last month AF came on 26th) then I will be super moody and sian. Part of me hope it will come early than Sunday, part of me hope it wun come...

Why we woman so poor thing wan!


CD1! New cycle new hope! Btw, if strike this cycle, will be around CNY right? Anyone has thoughts abt having a CNY baby?

I also feel quite sianz when pple ask me whether I have a kid or not especially since I am not working. They assume either I already have a kid or am preggie. Sigh...

bearGE, don't despair. If nothing wrong with the lining means what? Your AF going to come? Like the others have said, sometimes there is no reason for late AF. I also kenna before.

AL, for preg test, you should test with first morning urine and not at night as your HCG levels are highest in the morning. If you do not test positive tomorrow, maybe wait 2 more days and re-test. Your HCG levels might not be high enough yet. Good luck!

Amy, dun stress too much and stay happy. Enjoy your wedding preps!

Hello Gals! CD30 for me today. I had spotting for past 2 days and has stopped for now. The discharge went from brownish - dark red and to very light brown. As of last nite very scanty discharge, not very persistent type la, thought AF would report super early this cycle but today nothing liao. I also dunno if I did O this cycle cos temp has been all over. But according to Fertility Friend i O on CD21,but my post O temp was so haywire! Haiz... jus dun understand y like dat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when expecting AF she dun come, not expecting she pian pian wanna come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sickening!

tethysea>> sticky bfp for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearge>> just relax and stay positive, our body system jus like to create havoc at times

amy>> whats most important is u and hubby cos this is really your day, don't be affected too much, stay happy and be a beautiful bride[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janjan / nb01>> new cycle new hope! jiayou again this cycle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolma, how long are your cycles normally? Possible to be implantation bleeding? Fingers crossed for you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I quite close to you. CD29 for me today.

I have been having cramping and sore breast this few days just now suddenly got a sharp cramping pain i tot come le so go toilet check but nv.

nb01/jas>> My cycle is normally 33-35 days, i can't really tell what the spotting implies cos for my norm whenever i started to spot AF will surely report the next day or day after de and full swing type. But this time round its really very scanty type lor. I dun have any symptoms as of now. Moreover, I really dunno if i did O this cycle.

tethysea>> Ya lorz, OPK so hard to read. But I wasted so much money on buying OPK. Maybe use in next cycle. =p

JJJ_mummy>> Try not to be too stressed. Cheer up! =)

jas>> Thanx! But already searching in the forum le. Headache sia.

jan jan>> Which CD are u in? New cycle, new hope! =)

Dolma>> Sound like implantation bleeding to me. =) All the best! Thanx for the encouragement. =D

nb01>> Thanx! Hope so I will get everything done in time. =)

Me CD 3, anyone the same?

Dolma, it could be implantation bleeding then! Coz your AF is not supposed to be due yet right? Good luck to you!

Amy, need help in searching? I am quite free... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am CD1 today. So quite similar to you!

peapea>> i tested -ve on opk throughout this cycle, the test lines were all not dark enough to be interpreted as positive. but my previous few cycles all i could detect O on opk, which brings to think that i didn't O this cycle lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dolma, dont give up hope... i read before some of them nv get +ve OPK but that month they strike.. so you nv know! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] monitor and u will know... 3 more days to AF due right?

hi bearge, i think the only non-stress period is AF week, no worries abt BD/O or 2WW lol

hi dolma, my sinseh said once u see 2 lines, can start trying.. it means the hormone is there liao. It's hard to really nail down the day or even hrs, so U might hv hit jackpot without knowing this cycle.

Thank you gals for your encouragements and info[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] They really makes me feels so much better now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hmm but still I dun wanna pin too high hopes on anything cos I dun wanna be dissappointed again. If really not implantation, then should be AF reporting liao... nevermind new cycle new hope[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies! CD 44 and af is 13 days late.

no symptoms, just occasion cramp... will be testing on thur b4 i leave for my long weekend.

wanted to test tomorrow but DH insists me to test with him ard, he is not in town these few days. =_=

somehow feeling that the test is gng to be negative again, i'm just wasting my money! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nb01>> gynae did not said anything abt lining. He just said the lining looks ok. i guess i have to accept the fact of no reason for af reporting late. now going to wait for that af coming bah..... i think i will look for the gynae in my next cycle to see my egg in day 13 so that he can help me. He is in IVF and fertility medicine. Hope he can help me.

missusBL>> Pray for you. Hope you get the sticky bfp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE, I agree with Amy that your gynae is quite vague. Never tell you properly.... But good idea to go see your egg in day 13 to see if you are going to O. I am thinking of doing the same too. But if your cycles are 33-35 days, not sure if day 13 is too early. Coz mine is 33-40 and I intend to go only around day 20. The last time I went at day 21, I confirm I O on day 23.

missus_BL, good luck for your testing! Maybe you want to see a gynae instead?

peapea, not in 2WW but good idea to use GE as a distraction. I am getting quite "amused" by the way things are going...

nb01>> The doc at KKH told me the same thing. He asked me how many days are my cycle, which is approx 35 days, plus/ minus, and he told me to do blood test around 21st days of the cycle.

Amy, that is similar to what my gynae said. Which is why I am asking bearGE if going on day 13 is too early since her cycle is longer. Coz her gynae might have thought hers is standard 28-30 days cycle and going on day 13 is just right.


i just saw it!! this is excellent distraction for me during 2WW! hahaha

seriously, im giving anything to distract myself from stress of TTC... my best friend just found a house... so im going to concentrate in helping her... ha!

i told him my cycle is 26 days. He is estimating around 28-30days lor. This is my first time with him. So hopefully he can advice more bah. I guess lining ok mean, he did not see implantation or sign of menses coming... thats why he keep looking for sometime. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then he notice some movement, saying is abit of contraction. Which i ask him is it cramp? he is ya. Then i told him before my menses suppose to due, in my 1ww till now, i have on and off cramp. Then he said is the sign of either menses is coming or early pregnancy..hahaha.thats why i told you ladies here...i also can be doctor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Leave it to upstair bah. I give up hope le. By next week if af not here, i will try tcm way or drink liang tea or bubble tea to liang my body..(excuse for me to drink bubble tea)

