(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


Will you be taking ur wedding photo also? because if you taking than can take de package and can ask from the bridal shop for gown.

missus BL,

Maybe test over the weekend with morning 1st urine?


amy, u can take some photos on the actual day... some photographers very nice.. help u take photos machiam photoshoot one... try to keep a relaxed mood ok... wedding preps is usually quite a headache... but just try to enjoy the process cuz it is ur special day after all!

missus and lynzi, my hubby is a civil servant while im working in a semi stat board.... hahaha... it is a stressful household all around! though the good thing is, my hubby's bonus is always declare on the news.. so he cant hide how much he receiving from me... hahahahahahah

Amy>> can always take other time as anniversary present for each other.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas>> will be testing tml when hubby is back tonight.

Peapea>> lol.. ^5! same here..

My hubby oso civil servant, so cannot hide his bonus from me. While mine is stat board so he won't know, keke.

Hi all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am new to this thread.. i have also been ttc.. my LM was on 2 Mar... i was like 13 days late.. this morning tested -ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

missus, same as u! semi stat board so he dont know mine... but he cant hide his bonus... wahahahah

today, i have 2 person coming up to me to ask if i am pregnant...................... zzzzzzzzz must be the way i dress today... looks like machiam expecting


Ya i feel they very sensitive a bit than tot we pregnant de.

Sometime i wear those doll dress also ask me is it got le.

jas>> No photoshoot coz wanna save money. =x

peapea>> No professional photographers too. Asking frenz to help take pics only. =p Tat time my colleague stared at my tummy as if she thot I preggie but actually is I look fat. =(

missus>> I told hubby we can take "quan jia fu" when we have BB. =D


Ya i got 1 cousin actually go take again after their 10 yr anniversary lor.

some pple also go take when they are pregnant also nice.

Amy >> I took mine at my 1st wedding anniversary :p Also no money after paying all the wedding stuff.

jas >> I know someone who took it at 10th anniversary too! Scarlee same person :p Did your cousin take in taiwan?

Starrie >> Don't worry! Wat's your usual cycle length? Have you seen a doc?

Starrie>> I'm oso 14 days late but no bfp.

Is this your latest? I hv not been this late.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Amy>> I wanna renew my wedding vow on our 10th anniversary.

Hopefully our kids can be the flower gals or page boy ;)


Ya lor tis kind of weather really nice to sleep.


Yes leh haha they also go taiwan take leh.Nan dao so qiao? hehe.

tethysea>> usually 30-34 days... nope, i haven seen a doc yet...

missus>> i think a few mths back once, then when i was studying 3 yrs back once too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi ladies,

i am feeling weird this cycle.. my af due only next week.. but i am feeling the symptoms of af coming.

like tired, backpain, cramping in the stomach.. esp the left and right side..

wonder is it due to work stress that cycle went haywire

Hi ladies! Was sleeping in later today since it was raining and with AF cramps, didn't sleep well last night.

tethysea, do take care of yourself.

bear and missus_BL, fingers still crossed for you!

JC, new cycle new hope! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrie, welcome! Have you seen a gynae regarding late AF? Sometimes AF can be late for no reason....

minibunny, your symptoms could be both AF or preggie. Just wait till next week to see if AF reports else you might want to test. Good luck!


ha ha.. i hope is bfp too but seems not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

keeping fingers crossed.

Hey ladies, I wanna gather some opinions here. Shd I hold my wedding lunch buffet at (i) restaurant's function room; or (ii)Safra Yishun country club's function room? Please vote. =)

Hmm does the restaurant package include deco? Another thing to consider is if either place provide holding room for bride and groom to change and put their stuff or rest before the event starts.

Hi dearies!!

Good day!!


just take note, for buffet, your angbao definitely smaller. Restaurant with 8 course (lunch) meal ranging from $588-$888. And family and friends usually give bigger Ang bao when comes to restuarant too.

Restuarant does comes with deco. And food is defintely nicer than buffet. But buffet does give you the casual feeling, very comfortable too.

Some restuarants I can recommend, peach garden at orchid country club and safra also not bad. They can have nice decent private room to hold up to 10 tables. Their food not bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy hunting! Enjoy the wedding prep and you will love it!

hi ladies

Amy>> my vote for SAFRA yishun too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But i do agree with kwxy. buffet, your angbao will be smaller. worry might not be able to cover your expenses for that day.

Today throw face at my hubby. As damn sickening waiting for af to come. last evening there was on and off cramp more often. this morning saw a bit of brown and red discharge. till now lesser but i feel a weird pain over my right side of my tummy. i told my hubby, i dont want to ttc le. if he want, most welcome to go for adoption. if can use money to solve the problem, is not a problem for me. i guess i am damn tired of it already. Now also dont know what wrong with me. I guess still have to wait and see again. In the office feels like crying out, but keep controlling. I guess hormone plays a part for today reaction. i told my hubby i dont want to see him as find him so sickening.

Oh yes..i heard lots of good reviews about peach garden at occ.

If im not wrong safra can do course dinner also..doesnt necessarily has to be buffet.

The restaurant one, nothing extra if I am not wrong. The Safra one I think has stage and mic and a couple of waiters to go wif the buffet.

I know for buffet, ang pow defn smaller. =x But both are buffet, only at diff locations. No choice, coz our own budget is small. The buffet provider at Safra Yishun is Pin Si. Wanted OCC but over our budget. =(

Dear bear, hug hug.

Don't be despair...if you are not ready now...then take a break. TTC process must be happy and stressful...then chances of jackpot also higher.

I know you will get you bfp soon, sometimes our body will go haywire...after 1-2 cycle later, will be bk to normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun be sad ok, i also go thru before than throw temper at my hubby.

I even cry saying we no fate so no kids lor. I think all those waiting make you fustrated la. Just think of 2mrw wk 1 more day than can rest le.

My cycle also ki siao ley today CD30 i got very bad cramp and sore breast for few days le Just now i tot come le end up go toilet check is watery discharge and i realise i got an increase in white creamy discharge think is the bai dai dun koe is it i eat and drink too much cold stuffs so become too liang.

actually, to be honest, its quite "stressful" posting & reading ttc thread too... so now i try to be silent reader. hee. =x

bearGE >> *HUGS* Don't be so upset... the important thing is the marriage and relationship! Take a break from ttc bah... don't overthink... all this stress is not good for your health, and you should take care of yourself first. All else can wait.

Amy >> Then go for Safra bah. And good thing it's near MRT so convenient for non-driving folks too!

lynzi - hee. i cnt help it la. i find reading n posting a bit too much. esp since im getting more EMO becos of short cycles and not getting pregs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then its like no offence to others but some of them come in n post late AF. or faint line. then its like. some of us here so long stil no BFP. a bit like a stab in the heart feeling. of cos happie for ppl who get BFP la. but still lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


then choose something you are comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just to share my friend just had his wedding at peach garden at occ, lunch, $588 per table and he only have 8 tables. He shared with me every friend will at least give $80 to $100 Ang bao and some give more too. And that night he cover all his expense and hv a profit of $3k.

Deposit for both safra Yishun and peach garden is $1000. Both have nice food. I suggest you go down and see the restuarants...both v near...but I do feel Yishun safra pin si a bit old already but what I like it's their High ceiling.

Peach garden at occ got very nice surrounds and ambience and parking free! But ceiling not that high.

Hi missycandy, long time no see!

Cheer up ok!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynzi>> Haha.. I also think I am distracting everyone from their TTC minds. =)

BearGE>> Dun worry, everyone of us has been thru the stage with throwing tantrums at our hubby, me included. Like jas, I had also told my hubby tat we have no fate wif kids like tat b4. Hubby talked sense to me after I have cooled off. =p Luckily for me, I will have wedding preparations to occupy my mind from TTC.


I realise holiday also help relieve stress during 2ww leh.

For me hor last week i go for holiday everyday sight seeing, shopping eating all really no time think like wake up early go out, back hotel late late and sleep really no time to think of those symptom at all.

Maybe go for a short getaway with ur hubby to relax urself?

The prices for the restaurant (Qian Xi restaurant @ Balestier) is abt $25 per pax.

The prices for Safra Yishun Pin Si is abt $31 per pax.

The prices for Orchid Country Club is abt $65 per pax.

As prices for OCC a bit steep, we only considering the 1st 2.

