(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Tethysea>> congradulation!!! Bb dust us frm head to toes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) how many dpo today? Make me tempt to test again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) hee hee.... Take care

Thanks girls! Yup, lotsa babydust all around!

According to FF it's DPO16 for me. But the line is still faint lar - I woke my husband up to confirm, cos I thought I hoping too hard until I was seeing things :p

Tethy>> congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hv a healthy & sticky bfp...

*collecting baby dust too*

Congrats tethysea!!

Meanwhile no raw food and eat well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats tethysea!!

Collecting yr baby dust too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bear- Hang in there!

Congrats tethysea!!!

I think i can help answer some of u girls questions.

Tcm can tell if u got pcos either by seeing your bbt chart or by feeling your pulse.

Those whose af doesnt come n yet u are not expecting, it can mean your hormones is haywire so hence your lining for the cycle is very thin or your lining is thicker but its not shedding.

Either way, both are unhealthy cos for healthy bfp to happen your lining must be of sufficient thickness.

If u got normal thickness of lining but your lining is not shed totally that means over the next cycle the lining will build up.

This is also bad if u bfp as the lining where the foetus sticks to is not fresh one.

Af can still happen even if u dont o.

This is what we call annovulatory cycle.

The only way to know if u have o or not is thru scanning or blood test with gynae.

Why women dont o can be for many reasons..stress, depressed, experiencing trauma or just health reasons that cause u to have either no eggs that mature or your eggs may not be of suitable sufficient size for it to drop n o to happen.


U are in good hands.

Dr Zou is very good..just do n listen to what she advised u.

But tcm will take at least a few mths to take effect so must be patient n persevere thru.


if its your first time seeing tcm then once see red like on cd2, go for the first visit.

Tcm will give meds for during af, after af to help u to o and an tai yao during 2ww.

Girls with cysts n pcos, must take care of your diet.

Cannot take a lot of nuts, soya stuff, royal jelly etc.

If the cysts are small they can usually be flush out when u get your af.

Hence taking raspberry tea is good..will help in that.

Its only bigger cyst that will require surgery to remove out.

Hi all, just want to share that my good friend who has been TCC for some time, has successfully conceived after her gynae recommended her to go for IUI. She conceived only after 1 try!!

Have been discussing with my hubby if that's a choice for us too...we have differing views as I don't feel comfortable to go for IUI/IVF,etc...really vexed cos we have been trying for 2 yrs and after 3 rounds of check up, it seems that nothing is wrong with both of us so should we go for IUI?

Lynzi>> Yes, it will be my 1st time to see TCM. However, I will prob only be able to go next weekend. My AF is still not here yet, still having on & off brown discharge. Will be doing a HPT to confirm BFN and buying raspberry tea to drink tomolo. The raspberry tea muz be pure raspberry only, rite? When can we take raspberry tea?

Sonel>> I will be gg for TCM to "tiao" my body too, so we will be in the same boat. We can hold hands in our TCM-TTC road. =)

missus, bearGE>> Tahan a while more then test HPT. Hope u gals will strike! =)

*sprinkles bbdust all around the forum*

KWXY >> Haha... yeah, my husband has also banned me from drinking tea, cold drinks and red wine. I am totally dying here, but what to do... for the sake of bb I must be guai. Bit worried about the faintness of the lines now, but maybe just tested too early.

Amy >> Hang in there! If still no AF, and your bbt remains high, maybe you want to test? Or are you still feeling feverish?

tethysea>> *Gathers BBDust* I am testing tomolo morn, but expecting BFN lah. Nope, not feeling feverish le. Hope wif TCM will be able to "tiao" my body and get sticky BFP!

Hi TTC MTB, Sorry to disturb. I was from this thread and had graduated recently. I'd like to let go my TTC tools below sprinkled with baby dust.

Blackmore Conceive Well Gold

(box opened to read for instructions, unconsumed as I conceived the same month!)

Letting go at $30 include postage.

Add $2.25 for registered post.

Expiry date: Dec 2011


Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test - 5 Tests + digital reader


Letting go at $35 include postage.

Add $2.25 for registered post.

Expiry date: May 2012

I BD on smiley date and conceived a baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pls email [email protected] if you are interested.

Babydustssss to all!

Hi Julie, hubby n I are also considering iui.. Seems promising with your friend one attempt results. We just started to ttc but not year already so wanna hit it right. But m procrastinating, haven't called kk yet. But tmc can see u almost immediately without having to wait long. Which doc did ur friend go to? Thanks.

Hi Jessica, my friend was referred to TMC fertlity centre...the cost is reasonable too, less than 2k. So when are u planning to go? according to my friend its a simple procedure...and shes surprised to conceive after 1 try...tempting hor..

I'm cd 42 & 12 days late today. No signs of af & pregnancy. Veri vexed abt it.. Dun feel like testing cos I know it's gng to be bfn. Really dunno wat's wrong with me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

missus - thanks for your encouragement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] trying to relax & dont think so much. DH is planning for a short holiday after seeing how upset i was on friday. hope this holiday will bring gd news.

tethysea - congrats!!! *collecting some dusts from you* rem to eat like a bb & walk like an old lady. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amy - KKH dr asked me to go IUI/IVF cos we've been TTCing for 3 yrs. i saw Dr. SF Loh, he is the Head of IVF, naturally, he will ask me to try IUI/IVF. heee... cos that's his speciality.

have you decided which TCM will you be seeing?

lynzi - glad to know Dr Zou is gd. i was seeing Tan Siew Boey last yr for 4 mths.. comparing Dr. Tan and Dr. Zou, i prefer the latter. she tells me what are the problems, etc etc... whereas Dr. Tan keep saying i was alright even seeing my roller coaster BBT. *scratch head* anyways, will continue to see Dr. Zou. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julie, Jessica - i have heard both successful & unsuccessful stories of IUI. lucky ones strike with one try, whereas unlucky ones tried 3-4 times & proceed with IVF. see a fertility dr and see what he advise.

i have planned to go IUI in June/July earlier on, but decided to give TCM another try now. KIV IUI till Q3.

anyways ladies, i was thinking back what my gynae told me last Friday & vaguely recalled he said i was polycystic all this while. meaning, he did tell me i've PCOS. think i've selective listening... LOL

CD 1! Finally AF decided to come this morning. Nv had I been so glad to see red since I start TTC! =x Feeling crampy but glad tat AF decided to come at long last! This makes my prev cycle 41 days, 3 days longer than 2 cycles ago. =(

sonel>> Yr hubby is so sweet! Do enjoy yr short trip and jia you in yr BB-making! =) For me, I will be busy wif tea ceremony preparations for the next 1 1/2 mths, hope wun be too stressed and make my cycle haywire again. I will be seeing my aunt, who's a TCM doc 1st and see wat she advises b4 deciding to stick to her or go to another TCM doc. Glad to see u have cheered up! ^_^

lynzi>> Can I still continue to drink raspberry tea leaves even thou AF has reported? Will be gg to Holland & Barrett later to stock up on tea which are okie for TTC ppl to drink. =O

missus>> I think if yr AF still doesn't come next week b4 yr trip, perhaps u had better test and see a gynae, be it BFP (hopefully!) or BFN (*shoo!*).

Sonel>> good to go for a holiday.. Take a breather & relax your mind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy your holiday & BD! I'm oso considering ivf as the last resort. But b4 that, hubby & I will go for a full body checkup first to make sure all is well.

Amy>> like u, I rather my af comes if it's not bfp! New cycle new hope!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U can start charting & BD after this cycle. Good luck to you! Hope u will receive your bfp this coming cycle..!

Anyway I'm gng back to my usual routine. Dun wanna be too bother by af, bfp or PCOS.

Will buy my koi later after many days of craving! Lol.. And I will be gng for a jog this evening. Need to keep fit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lyzni,

how are you? I am so depressed ever since my d/c last year (june) till date still now sign of being pregnant.. so devastated...

apparently i saw so many new comers in the forum and the older ones have graduated..


Amy, you can consider getting organic raspberry tea leaves from Baby Dust Shop. Much cheaper than Holland & Barrett. I tried both tea from Holland & Barrett and Baby dust shop. Baby Dust shop's is easier to drink and less 'siap'.


af comes also can still drink raspberry leaves tea.

But stop when u o.

Mrs Tan,

hugssss. Dont give up k.

Im turning 30 next week..gulp.

Yah many newcomers here. The old ones who were with us mostly graduated liao..some have even given birth..left a handful of us.

Started having cramps today, and dark-brown spotting now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very worried.

my mum was telling me yesterday she heard from her friend after AF can drink 'ba zhen'..anybody know about this?

going into my 1WW...no symptoms yet..

Tethysea, pls see a gynae tmr morning so doc can give you medicine to help with your pregnancy.

Meanwhile, pls try do a hpt on Monday or Tuesday again, by then you should see dark lines as hcg level rises.

Lynzi, don't be too overly worried about turning 30... M going into mid 30s soon... Too much to play then so didn't put much thoughts into ttc... Jia u k.. U started earlier already, things shld be fine...

Started to see streaks of dark red blood with discharge today liao, think my AF will report early this cycle. Sad... i think this cycle i didn't O at all lor... if its really AF that means my AF reported super early at CD28, never ever had such early AF all this while. Haywire again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tethysea - like wat kwxy says go see a gynae and test again jus in case.

tethysea>> Dun get too worried. *Hugz* Do wat KWXY has advised tomolo.

lynzi>> I am planning to take till AF finish and then stop. Will not be taking ConceiveWell this cycle. Will be continuing wif EPO and folic acid till I see my TCM aunt and "tiao" my body then use ConceiveWell. =)

Morning ladies.

Not feeling happy at all, in fact feeling very "bu shuang"! Argh! Unhappiness over tea ceremony and afterwards arrangements now. =((

Relax Amy. It is usually like this for marriage planning.

Most important is you work with your hubby on this. Don't care what the others say

Hi Gals,

Morning. Early morning rain, so nice to sleep.


Congrats! so have you go and see the gynae?


Everyone got to go thru many problems during wedding de la many conflicts and all. Must learn to calm down and discuss nicely with your hubby.

HI lynzi and all....

Happy birthday in advance.

Yup quite a number of them have gave birth already... Left a handful of us .... I am rather despair... Duno when will it be my turn... I really hope to be preg. I am in dpo 12 but no sign of bfp.

Hi Peapea,

I am now CD28 today but keep got cramp feeling le so i think AF going report le.

U ley? now at CD wat?

Mrs Tan,

Dun lose hope, many of us also go thru all the disappointment so we are here to give each other support. Dun think too much of those signs all tis i have fren who tell me they also totally no sign than end up pregnant also got few gals here also no sign and pregnant lor i think is different for individual.


Hi mummies,

last week I visit here...remember me ;p

my AF not come yet, shd report yesterday 17th... and on 16th i test is negative le... maybe i shd buy a good quality preg.test later.

my AF report every month same day, never late or early. only this month not come yet. Hope later my test is postitive. :p

