(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

nb01 - CD30

bearGE - 'ren' till europe to buy bags. so much cheaper there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nb01>>hee..hee...i like cool weather, but body cannot take it. thats why now taking a chance to "bu" my body, so that i will enjoy the europe trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] need to spend alot lor, as need to buy winter wear etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think of it, makes me excited.hahaha... Not pinning high hope as i scare will be disappointed again. Dont know read from where, although everything and timing is correct, we still only stand 25% of getting bfp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad right? dnt know true or not.

nb01> not only govt accept, some private company (big organisation like MNC) will accept. Even work in Church as admin also can accept.

need to ask you ladies here.. how to consider as 1st day of AF?

my gynae said its the 1st day where i see red. for my Mar cycle, i was spotting somewhat like a broken tap for 5 days. it was mixture of brown and red. heavy flow started on day 6.

how do i calculate in this case? a little confused here. i may have calculated my CD wrongly.

Hi ladies...

Mi also experience pain these few days near to the appendix there... I am used to the pain already. Once admit to hospital then realized that I nv clear all My bowels..Maybe clear abit but nt counted..

Dolma.. The charges for my visit , 2 pack for my hubby n 2 pack for mi it's $68.

wow, this thread moved so fast! after my meeting, i can't seem to follow up...

janjan>> thanks! i will discuss with hubby. he is not keen when i sounded it out to him over the weekends[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wish I could knock off now but can't gotta rush some work.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi rae2 Try calling the guardian b4 u go. I also tried without much success... But got from marine parade.. Trying calling if they have stock

rae2, as jessica said, you can try online shops like bbshop, babydust, etc.. I buy my things from bbshop, if that helps. I think she posted in an earlier post.

nb01>> Me CD 32 today (Thurs). I say no hope coz hubby wasn't co-operative during the supposed fertile period. And I nv tested positive OPK at all, dunno izzit due to timing. To get a BFP is only possible if I had ovulated earlier and nv noticed, which is almost not possible. =(

Good morning ladies!!! TGIF!!!

sonel>> I guess once u see red consider cd1. Regardless of mixture as sometime body tend to have those old blood that need to come out de. Correct me if I am wrong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CD24 and temp 36.5!

Good morning ladies!!! I gave up testing O...so sickening...I'm

facing the same problem as Amy...didn't test positive using opk....let's try harder next cycle!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE - thanks! if that's the case, it'll be CD36 for me. my cycle has gone haywire again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TGIF

Amy, I am not that far in CD from you. How long are your cycles? What do you mean by timing for opks? You didn't take them at same time?

kwxy, Your temp is quite high so still got chance! Sometimes you might miss the positive opk so don't worry too much. Jiayou!

sonel, so when are you expecting AF?

Queenly, yup, I agree. I started testing twice a day this cycle and realised that I should do it else I might miss the surge. If I only tested once a day, I would at most have only caught the tail end of the surge or even missed it as my surge started late at night! Then it would be too late to bd. So from now on, I intend to test twice a day.


i got sth to ask... very gross so prepare u guys in advance k...

i went toilet and when i was going to wipe myself, realised a long stretch of discharge dangling from down there (sorry girls!!! i know it sounds gross) is that considered as the fertile discharge??

Hello gals! TGIF!

CD19 today still tested -ve on opk. But this 2 days discharge seems to have increased.

peapea>> BD BD BD!!!

kwxy>> mayb you could have jus missed the surge, dun give up yet~! jiayou!

KWXY, im in CD11... a bit surprised cuz not supposed to ovaluate till CD15 or sth like that.. i told hubby, i think need to BD alternate from now till end of next week... hahahaha

Dolma, we jia you together!!

Peapea, that is very fertile! Go BD BD! Do you use opks? You mIght want to use them now to check. Sometimes we do O early so just BD!

Dolma, your timing might be here soon as sometimes I get discharge for a few days before I actually O. Good luck!

peapea, when i see long stretchy EWCM, i will be tested positive on OPK the next day...go try it!

BD BD BD BD BD!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya! u supposed to same cycle as me! jia you too ah! eh, i suspect that cuz this month, my period very short... 4 days only instead of 7 days... so maybe will O earlier...

nb01, i tested like two nights ago and is -ve... couldnt be bother to test yesterday.. maybe will test tonight... hahaha.. very lazy

hi ladies...

ytd i dreamt of a small little ger call me mummy & call my hubby daddy...

omg. i tink too much until at night dream also dream of it...

Peapea, think you should test tonight and the next few days (if you want). Don't be lazy, you got high chance! And I think you should BD consecutive days coz O is 24-36 hours so you might miss it if BD alt days. But dunno if too xiong or not.. Coz I can only BD 2 consecutive days and raise white flag. Haha..

Sonel, maybe try with first morning urine? Cox I think HPT works best with fmu. As long as no see red, you got chance! Good luck!


jan jan - i had similar dream few weeks back. dreamt that i went for a scan & dr told me its a gal! DH said i think too much.

nb01 - will test again next week if AF didnt report. although DH said -ve means -ve.... sigh!

Hilo ladies,

I'm back...

Juz an update of my situation...

My AF was totally late for 5 days n my DH 'drag' me to c TCM n I'm so glad he did that. Sinseh saw me n looked at my BBT chart n she said I'm not ovulating at all! I'm so shocked when I heard that! So she gave me herb to brew n drink n advise me to c her nx fri..

She said that the herb is to help me ovulate n hopefully in time to catch the egg. So I had drank the med for 2 days liao n today I wiped n saw some red. Finally the egg decided to become scrambled egg...

I really wonder if I dun c her, I'll still b waiting for AF to come. I think I will continue c her till I got BFP till I pop.. She said she def help me cos she 'want' eat red egg.. I hear oredi, my tears juz rolled. It's like how come I dun look for her earlier...?!?!

Well, I'm thinking it's nvr to late. So now I will guai guai c her, glob down watever bitter med...


See you and your hubby got stamina a not...i read in WHAT TO EXPECT, in fact BD daily is good too. but not twice a day...thats bad.

Try la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshine: at least ur hubby "Drag" you to see TCM..this shows that he care.. jia you ba.. guai guai drink the herbal medi

sonel: haha i dun dare to tell my hubby.. later he laugh at me..

sometimes i wonder why some ppl get pregnant so easily..haiz.. emo...

Going out with Hubby later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bear today cd22. 5 more days for af reporting. Af af pls don't come... Pls don't come.... Bear very tired of this type of cycle le[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] emotional also can't take it too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very tired... Hope to carry a bb and can also buy lots of bb clothings and their accessories and also those bb oil... Crazy for bb... Waiting for bb....

Bear going 发疯了!!


She's Dr Tan Siew Buoy and she is 'working' in NTU now. Actually I had seen her last Jul n she gave my hubby one dose of med to eat and I got pregnant in Aug. hmmm... anyway... I stopped seeing her after that one visit cos thinking i shd b able to 'manage' that pregnancy. As that time she was in Thong Chai n not easy to get to see her cos need to Q v long.... Aft my D&C, I still contemplating to see her. Until my AF did not come after 40++ days, my DH pulled me to c her loh...

Later d i realised that she no longer in Thong Chai. But the 'power' of internet and God's willing, I mge to find her contact in another forum.


Ya, now got to guaiguai c n drink med... Dunno isit the power of TTC, I used to find the 'brewing smell' unbearable BUT now I can tolerate it. Hmmmm..... Let's not get too emo lah and look fwd to that BFP lah...

sunshine>> I'm also seeing Dr Tan for abt a yr untill she went over to NTU only seen her once and then decided to take a break from tcm. Then DH says seen for 1 year liao still no news might as well change another tcm and see how, so contemplating whether to go the one janjan recommended at marine parade. But i must say Dr Tan is a very caring and motherly tcm, so me now very "ku nao" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bearge>> *sayang* dun emo ok, relax, weekend here liao, enjoy yrself dun stress yrself. shoo bear af away! come bb dust all the way!

yup, agree with sunshine, let's not get emo, we are all here to support each other, jiayou jiayou!!

Queenly>> How u calculate DPO? From when u detected a positive OPK? Coz I didn't managed to get a positive OPK, so dunno when to start counting and expecting my AF. =(

Was away from my computer the whole day and have to catch up wif all the posts!

nb01>> My prev cycle was 38 days, so using tat as a guideline for this cycle. How long is yrs? Wat I meant for the timing for OPK is tat I had only tested once each day, at nite. So, thinking, maybe I failed to catch the surge. It's quite inconvenient to test during the day as I am at work and am not using those midstream tests. =(

peapea>> The discharge u described, izzit clear one? Sounds rather like wat I saw when I was at CD 24. BD lots if yr hubby is up to it and agreeable! =D


nb01>> Thanx for the good luck!

Gals, thank goodness that the test results this time has improved! My prolactin level has fallen a lot and is now in the normal range! Doc's only concern was testosterone level still slightly above normal range, but has also dropped a fair bit from previous test. *Sighz in HUGE relief*

Was seen by 3 docs, 2 young ones and an older one. The young ones were initially inclinded to let me go on medication to help in conceiving, but the older one (whom I pressumed is also more senior) say tat he dun think it is necessary yet as we only trying for 6 mths and I am still young (erhm, 28 called young mehz? *faintz*).

Well, so the conclusion today is I juz have to observe my natural AF cycle and I am supposed to do another blood test, this time during my fertile period to make sure I am ovulating before gg back for a review in late Aug.

I told hubby this few mths we have to try our best and "work hard" coz I really hope I will not have to go back for the review. I want a BFP!!

Sorry gals, for the long long ranting, but I juz wanna share my huge relief after the review. =O

