(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Enjoying chilled papaya now!! Yummy!!

The weather is v hot, pls drink plenty of water and eat more fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nb01, sonel>> Guess if the pain still persists tonite, will highlight to the doc tomolo, IF i remb. May be too nervous abt the review le..

just had my lunch. now drinking vitamin c drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yawnz.... sleepy..

kwxy>>envy you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how i wish i can be like you. stay at home. hubby said cannot, as i am maintenance high..wahaha. unless i stop spending. :p

amy>> is good to higlight anything you feels uncomfortable to your gynae. so that they can treat you fast if there is any problem. maybe is only your body too exhausted lead to the pain?dont let your mind rans wild.. see whats the doc said first.

I think my AF reporting soon...saw brown discharge...haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bearGE>> I very low maintenance but hubby also say cannot.. =( Guess will highlight if the pain is still here tonite. Still feeling the pain now.

Juz now my colleague stared at my stomach when we were discussing some work stuff, as if she thot I pregnant. *faintz*

Amy/BearGE, I also want to stay at home. But like BearGE, I am high maintenance so hubby say cannot. But now changing jobs so looking for excuse to stay at home since TTC. Hee...

Amy, I also put on a lot of weight recently and tummy look so big. Really need to lose weight else pple think I am preggy when I am not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kwxy, maybe it is implantation bleeding? Maybe you O and didn't realise it since you are CD23 now?

nb01>> me also feels like changing job too as want to climb higher abit..staying in a comfort zone for too long is not so healthy de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but when i thought of getting a bfp, i hesitate my move as worry if change to a new job, more stress, dont know can i take it mentally and physically or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]i guess i will just stay put for the time being.

amy>>me also trying to control my diet as worry got a tummy when not even pregnant. hahaha...

Now feeling boring..really feel like going home and sleep or go shopping..so long didnt go for high tea le.. must plan for a high tea to pamper myself for being hardworking. :p

by the way arr..would like to check with ladies here..do you before getting bfp will experience the implantation bleeding?

kwxy, implantation bleeding is supposed to be brownish in colour or at most pinkish. Not really supposed to be like fresh blood spotting.


bearGE, I know what you mean abt changing job. But for me, I already quit my previous job coz cannot take it so now looking for something new. Hoping I get BFP soon so I do not even need to start a new job coz doubt I will get the maternity leave anyway.

Hihi mummies,

Need your advise.

my last menses is 17 March, during this period 28Mar-1Apr we plan for BB. But on 3Apr, i notice got little bit bleeding, then 5Apr also have little bit bleeding.

I suspect i got pregnance, but now too early to do preg.test as need to wait 1 month later then can see the result right.

How do i know i really got pregnance?

JC>> meaning there's really implantation but is just that we did not notice? or some may have, some have not?

nb01>> why you are so sure you will not entitle any maternity leave? is our benefit from government leh..can go complain de if they did not give you.

peapea>> me also like zombie le..brain not function, now keep thinking of coffee, but cannot drink..sianz arr!!!

bearGE, as JC said, sometimes we may not notice implantation bleeding and not everyone will have it. So even if you don't have it, it doesn't mean you are not pregnant.

I meant that I will not get any maternity leave if I start a new job. Coz I think you need to work for sometime in a job before you are entitled to maternity leave and I heard that once the bosses hear you are pregnant, they try to "get rid of you" especially if you are still on probation.

AL, like kwxy said, you need to know how long your cycle is to start testing. Some pple like to test early like 10+DPO but it is up to you if you want to do so as it might be a false positive or cause you more anxiety. I know I like testing early as I am kan chiong but some ladies here only test once they miss their AF.

But going by your dates, I think it is still too early to test. Do you know when you ovulated?

nb01>> ya lor, those bosses arr...once after probation, we will entitle the ML. just that ppl may talk behind us as just start working nia, then going for ML soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh...

dolma>> me too. now counting down to go home. :p

AL>> wah..high chance for you leh.. as what the ladies mentioned, wait till AF due to confirm.

Hi nb01, i think around 27March to 1Apr.

last menses 17 Mar + 10day ~ 27March to 1Apr count like this right.

and the 1st bleeding is light pink, end bleeding is dark brown. like above mention implantation...

I hope is pregnance la

bearGE, ya lor, which is why I am not keen to start something new. Also, I am hoping to be a SAHM if I manage to strike so it will be worse for me coz I will start working, go ML and then quit.

AL, I think the key is how many days is your cycle. If it is regular around 28 days, then ovulation will be around 14 days (+/-). But if it is not regular, then you may not have O-ed during that period. And if I take 14 days from 17th Mar, it will mean you O around 31st Mar and until now, at most only 7DPO so I think too early to test.

bearGE, me every month come on the same date from last year till last month all in 17th.

even in Feb also same 17th.

so how you count the O?

AL, from what you are saying, it seems to be a 29-30 day cycle that you are having so you may or may not O after 10 days from the start of your AF.

Normally, O can be counted 12-16 days from the end of your period as the back part of your cycle after O (luteal phase) tends to be consistent. So you count 12-16 days from 17th. But bear in mind, that you might also O early or late. I think what most ladies here do (myself included) is to test using opks to check when we actually O.

HTH... sorry ladies for being so "technical" and do correct me if I am wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

al>> for me i always gauge my O around cd13. but not every cycle same date. Sometime tend to be early or late a few days. You need to check your CM to confirm the O date. Your date of AF reporting so accurate, is not difficult to calculate de. Unlike some of us here...sigh... You need to know when is your O date.. if not, can only estimate nia.

nb01>> i also hope to quit if pregnant.. but worry i may not cope with the housework and bb lor..is better for me to work..Can go out shop during lunchtime. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE, I do feel a little bo hua so still thinking of finding a new job but taking it easy. If I can find something I like, then I will take coz I don't want to give myself any more stress. TTC is stressful enough...

I think housework is still ok. Worse case, can get part time cleaner. I think I am more worried abt taking care of bb. But then again, if we all strike, then we can keep each other company and can still go out shopping together! Hee..

okay, thanks ya. i guess if my O early then should be 28-29 right, from this date count to 3Apr (my 1st bleeding), got 6day ready.

ok. lets us wait till 17th April, do the test.

nb01>>ya lor..let hope we can strike soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which cd you in now? in 2ww already?

Al, keep yourself relaxed and dont worry so much... before you know it, 17th would have arrived!

today is such a slow slow day....

DH just informed me that he might need to go Europe for work purposes later this year... i told him i want to join him but he said if i am pregnant he rather i dont take such a long haul flight.... and i told him, i rather go europe now than have a bb... hahahahahaha

so horrible of me! but on the other half, starting to have watery CM... so i take it as good news =)

peapea>>if i will u, i will tell my hubby, both i also want!! hahaha Greedy woman,right?

ya, today is a slow day.

nb01> have you talk to your boss about ML? I heard some of my friend even they got preg. less then 3mths, the new job also given them ML... u can try to look around see any company can accept preg. women ;)

peapea>> Tell yr hubby tat by then if preg, shd be stabalised, so can take flight already. Hee.. =)

How I wish all of us can "graduate" from this thread soon!

bearGE, I am CD27 but didn't try this month. Now waiting for AF to report and try next cycle but long long way to go as my cycles are around 40 days. You?

peapea, I also want to go Europe! I miss the shopping there! But then got no $$$ since not working. Sigh... I am thinking of planning a trip there next year as a "reward" to myself if I manage to strike. Hee...

Jiayou peapea! EWCM come come!!

bearGE, i just sms him to tell him im having fertile mucus and then he asked me, so you want baby or go europe? i took your advice and said i want both =D

hahaha i think we both are greedy ppl! hahaha... i am pretty high maintenance also... no work cannot ah... hubby's pay alone cant support my spending... sob!!

Amy, I wish the same too! Lots of bbdust to all of us!

AL, I quit my job already so no point talking abt ML. Lets see if I can find somewhere that will accept preggy women. Think govt bodies probably the best and working hours not so xiong? Is that true? Still thinking...

thanks nb01 and amy! heee....

i also wish all of us can "graduate" from this thread and meet each other in the MTB thread... and no longer TTC!!!

praying for EWCM soon!!! like some of you, now all the senses very heighten... hahah... a little cramp start wondering what is it... ha!

Amy, which CD are you? Why no chance this cycle? You never know...

Peapea, you are so funny... I also want both if I can but I will be less greedy. I want BB first!!!

nb01>> me cd21 too. but my cycle is 27days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] today dpo8. next week AF reporting if didnt strike. boo.....:p Me also planning for europe trip for end year. Now saving money. Tell hubby this year i will not buy bags..hahaha. he dont believe and said. "shall see" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peapea>> work hard for this week for bfp!!! true lor..my salary is for me to spent nia. hubby pay everything(house bills).. :p i should self reflect my spending. hahaha.Lucky till now, hubby didnt make noise yet. bleh. :p

bearGE, same lei!! my salary for me to spend only... hahaah... i told hubby, even if i dont go europe, i got shopping list for him.... he needs to at least get me 1 or 2 bags! wahahahaha

nb01, actually hor, after few months of TTC, im starting to feel like myself again.. cuz i feel that during the first few months of TTC, everything also dont dare to plan... but in the end, bb also nv come... whereas u see so many ppl out there so relaxed, end up having bb.... so i told hubby, perhaps we shld have mentality of just go ahead and plan for our future... when bb comes along, we will just fit bb into the plans... ha in a way, it actually puts me into a much happier mood

sonel, what CD are you?

bearGE, so you still got chance! Good luck to you! Tell your hubby it is possible not to buy bags coz my hubby also didn't believe me but I really didn't buy for 2 years! Saving up for other things... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Year end will be quite cold for Europe right? You like cold?


peapea, I know what you mean. I am also taking it easy and just living our life. If I keep thinking abt TTC and bb, then I will go crazy and then everything will also come to a standstill.

Happy mood also makes it easy to TTC rather than stress up all the time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

