(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

amy, heee... i will! u also lei, new cycle new hope ok.... hopefully ur hubby will be guilty abt missing the impt period!

ladies, i was reading another thread and one of the MTBs who had a miscarriage shared this


i thought it was quite interesting... maybe for us 1st timers can also try la... hahahaahah but very xiong like that



Ya lor really siong i think hard for me de la sometime alternate day bd also got problem liao.

Actually i feel a bit weird tat my gynae only ask me BD 2 days leh i tot BD more the chances like higher lor.

Haha.. He better be guilty and work hard next cycle. If not he is gg to sleep in the living room. =p My new cycle not here yet coz AF not here yet. Juz tat the pain I am complaining is irritating me now.

jas>> Maybe coz yr gynae can pinpoint exactly the day u supposed to O?

I am thinking of finding gynae nearer my place after my review at KKH this Fri. Tired of gg all the way there. Any recommendations?


Dun koe ley he like from i tell him my cycle range calculate de anyway he ask me try 3 months so i just follow and see how lor.

Where are you staying?

Morning ladies!!

CD22 and temp 36.5! Let's jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

erm, i am feeling worried lei...

im starting to have cramps although ovulation is due only in a weeks time... discharge is sticky now... bbt also no indication of O soon. but prob is, i used to have period twice a month whenever i am stressed... so worried that my cycle is going crazy... thinking shld i start testing with OPK?


i hope u wont get af twice in a month.

Dont get stress..try to relax..no good for the hormones.


i got many frens who are with Dr Geraldine Tan at katong.

She is very good n very patient.

U can try her.


Is it shorter cycle? i also sometime got AF twice a month because my cycle quite short about 26 days last time even worse got 22 23 days de than i got check with doctor before she say anything within 21 days - 35 days is consider normal.

hi ladies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas>> me too. my cycle also 26 or 27days de. sometime will have early of the month and end of the month..

peapea>>i ever experience before.. really twice a month due to too stressful. At the end i told myself cannot due to work so stress and harm my own body. thats why i take lightly on my work now. Work is important, but health is more important. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynzi>> Whereabouts in Katong? Maybe can try her if can't find one nearer - a bit inconvenient for me, coz I dun have own transport. =x

peapea>> Maybe u will O earlier?

Morning! Or shall I say afternoon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica, welcome. How long have you been trying? Think you can try some of the methods here before going for alternative procedure. We use opks and BBT to track our ovulation so maybe you can try that first. Like Dolma said, taking tea and cold drinks is not good so maybe cut down or don't take it.

Amy, dun be envious. We will get there soon too! My BBT is also haywire and I take the same way as you but maybe coz I don't take at same time everyday. Does timing affect?

Jas, my gynae also ask me to BD 2 days only. So I just follow. As I posted earlier, maybe coz my ovulation is 24-36 hours so no point BD-ing more.


her clinic is along the row of shophouses at katong.

Recommended to take cab from eunos mrt or bedok.

Exact add im not sure..must google it.


yes timing matters too so always set your alarm the same time every day for the bbt to be accurate.


tea..bubble tea is a no-no for ttc.

If once in awhile can but especially during 2ww, dont take.

Its liang.

Weather so hot.. Wanted to buy cold chrysanthum tea drink juz now and my colleagues nag at me say I wanna have babies one, better dun drink. =(

lynzi, amy, bearGE and jas,

thanks thanks... last time my period was once every 14 days.... but that time still young, nv track if got O or not... i think i will go and start testing OPK, in case really early O. dont remember having cramps so early usually...

amy, i almost buy iced tea just now... then tahan.. went to get fruit juice instead.. ha...

wat can we drink if we want cold drinks then? Wat drinks are not too "liang"? Weather hot, sometimes really feel like drinking cold drinks. =p

Peapea, high 5! I also went to get a fruit juice to quench my craving for cold drinks.

Amy, I also dunno wat can we take. I just try to take fruit juice and cold fruits instead but dunno if can or not. Any advice ladies?

I have also been making my own fruit smoothies using frozen and fresh fruits and yogurt and juice. Dunno if too liang...

amy, sometimes i play cheat... hahahah i will drink cold drink already then immediately go drink sth warm.. or take more red date tea that day

but hor.. at times i think it is very silly, got so many ppl out there who conceive without bothering about what they drink and no addition vitamins, so here we are trying so hard but also no use.... hai...

i took vitagen, but will let it stay in the room till not that cold then i drink.as not so good for body if we drink immediately from the fridge. if i am outside and feel like drinking cold drink, i will try to get soya milk from mr bean or elsewhere asking auntie to mix with some warm de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i very kiasi type.. as what peapea mentioned, other ppl can conceive easily even they dont restrict themselve from cold drink or vitamin. But for us, no matter what we eat, drink and supplements, we still stuck here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh.... but afterall, i did try my best le. if this cycle still unsuccessful, sigh....again lor new cycle new hope!!!

Ya lorz.. Some ppl juz conceive so easily like tat. Like my fren, no planning, came as surprise. And she had thot as long as one has AF, will be able to get pregnant. =_="

I will take fruit juice..no ice.

The fruits will be cold from the fridge anyway so better dont make it colder.

If i make ribena, i will mix cold water with some warm water.

Now even drinking fresh milk, i will pour into cup n leave it for awhile for the coldness to go away before drinking.

Queenly, I also think so especially since my cycles are so haywire. But best way to confirm O is to scan so I am thinking of going for scan once I see Ewcm as my gynae seems to be quite accurate and then double confirm with opks. Very ks and desperate right? But hubby dun want so still thinking..

Dolma, i havent brew the medicine, n i fall sick liao.. sad right..

The Doctor say go and see him when AF is here so he is able to help before u o and after u o..

Ban Choon Chan

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Tel: 63446718

Everyday except tuesday - 8.30am-3pm

Close on tuesday & Public Holiday

Oops... I take koi every weekend n watermelon juice everyday... Would cut down.

Thanks lynzi n dolma. Would get the opk from pharmacy this weekend.

Let's work hard together..

Hi gals!

Was busy the whole day din have time to come here. Just got off from work... haiz... so hectic this month, still gotta BD, will be damn tired[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

janjan>> thanks for sharing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will talk to hubby see if he wans to go with me. but anyway how's his charges like?

today my friend jus share with me her experience in ttc. she says she actually consulted a prof in NUH, the prof told her tat opk not accurate as can missed the window, though u see +ve but in fact egg size not right, this is wat happened to her. She tested +ve on opk but the scan showed dat her eggy is not mature enough, for it to mature will be another weeks time. dats y he says its better to cover the window before and after O in case our eggy only mature later. the prof mentioned size of egg matters. I hear liao, super sianz cos we all here relied on opk alot, if our eggy size not right then we will missed again right? then how do we know if the size is ok....


You can do a v scan near O period...usually $80-$100. I think your egg must be a healthy size of above 16mm and above...sometimes when i do pap smear i will choose to do it near O period too..save my trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw eggy twice...one 22mm and one 18mm...but of coz not every month the same...and if you go too early to chk...dont be shock to see 10-12mm eggy..usually will grow bigger towards your O...so dont worry...i also heard from ppl who do IVF for healthy eggy..they eat alot of eggs...i dunno how true...i think egg whites quite good...so can try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Continuing to have the dull pain on my right side.. Sianz.. AF symptons or something not right wif my body again..?? Was telling hubby I scared is cancer, and he tell me I crazy. =x

kwxy>> huh.. dun tell me every cycle also gotta go for scan.. hahaha like dat will become very stressful wat if we dun see the eggy...

amy>> cheer up! think positive and all good things gal, even if AF really reported, u still have next cycle to try[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolma dearie, no need to go every month la. Haha...i'm just curious to see eggy so that's why request doc to show when I did my pap smear. Another time was after my mc and doc showed me that I'm producing eggy.

Jiayou my dear!

Dolma>> Not worried abt AF reporting. Rather, I am waiting impatiently for it to come asap so can start new cycle! =p Juz dun understand why is there a pain on my right side. =(

no lehz. tat's the wierd thing. Or maybe my hubby kicked me when he sleep. =O Dunno lah, monitor first lorz. Tomolo is D-Day - review of my long awaited blood test results. =(

Morning girls!!

CD23 and temp 36.6!

So weird that I'm having sore breasts for the past 2 days....is my AF going to report early this cycle?? My factory siao siao already.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning ladies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How is every one today? 1 more day to Friday!!! let jia you together!!

Me till date no symptom yet. Cramp also gone. Not pinning much hope as scare disappointed again :p

Morning all! I'm CD33 n DPO11.... Just having sore breasts n mild cramps..AF symptoms... Think after this cycle will consult doc.. But I dunno should go gynae first or tcm... Any advice?

Sonel>> U TTC for #1 too? I can't recall if I have this pain previously or not. Where's yr pain at?

bearGE>> When's yr AF supposed to report? We shd be cycle buddies for this mth, if I am not wrong. I think if implantation cramp, shun be so many days ba.

Wierd rite? Not too sure where exactly is the appendix area but my pain is somewhere from hip area down. =(

Gals, I was thinking for my prev cycle, izzit normal for my AF to be only brown discharge and no see red at all?

amy>> AF should be report next Wednesday. today cd21. mine is 27days cycle.Your previous cycle only brown discharge arr? for how many days? is it you already bfp when you dont even notice? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bearGE>> Brown discharge for abt 7 days, like normal AF period, but no red blood. Dun think it's possible I already have BFP coz I remb I tested HPT and was a BFN and then next day I had the brown discharge le. Even though i wish it is BFP. =O

sonel>> Eh, means wat? Is there something possibly wrong with my fallopian tube? Shd I highlight this to the doc tomolo?

Dolma, I am also thinking of going for scan but think that is too xiong. Maybe if I dun strike in a few cycles, I might go for scan to see the egg to confirm ovulation.

Amy, I also have this dull pain during ovulation and when AF is reporting. Didn't use to feel it but somehow when TTC, I feel everything! Dunno what is the cause but normally after ovulation or AF, it goes away. Maybe it will be the same as you? But just check with the doc if you are seeing him tomolo.

Kwxy/Queenly, your symptoms could also be something else not AF? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou and good luck!

im not sure what is my colleague referring to but i was thinking if i should see my gynae if the pain continue. maybe you should highlight to your dr tmr?


Btw, Queenly, whether to see TCM or gynae, it is a personal choice. I don't really like TCM so I prefer to see gynae but normally gynaes are not much use. They will just do pap smear and scan to make sure everything is ok and tell you to continue taking vitamins/supplements and to try naturally and if you don't conceive, then maybe take medication like clomid or do alternative procedures like IUI or IVF. Guess that is something we all know already.

TCM may help to tio your body back into shape if it is not good for conceiving and tell you any "potential problems" and how to solve it. At least that is what I have read from the ladies here. Maybe you can try jan's contact that she posted earlier if you are interested to try TCM.

