(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

ya.. it is very convenient instead of brewing ur own... hopefully benefits is the same... but it is good replacement for my green tea...

opps... then i cant take the royal jelly pills.. breaks out into allergy very frequently



I also like cold drink so i buy ribena instead and make with normal temp water at least got vit hehe.

Than ask ur hubby take? actually the royal jelly can be consume by both guy and gal lor.


U same cycle as me rite?

Got your +ve opk already?


Some girls do O and can detect thru bbt but the opk still no +ve so yes, its possible.


I very lazy de so i nv use OPK and BBT i only based on my average O date than hor BD alt day lor.

You are CD wat now? i am CD12 now

peapea - thanks for the info! shall go look at the ntuc tmr... hee hee ~

jas - me also love cold drinks.. i hardly take hot/warm drinks... not bad u cn drink ribena with normal temp water.. i cant... i always fill those 1.5l bottle with water n ribena then put into fridge.. then i jus take a swig every now n then... finish then top up again... muahahahha! so jialat...


Hehe I only do tat sometime I also same as u dun like warm/hot drinks lor but I heard ttc not good to drink too much cold drink so I cut down but not totally la.

hi JC, Our body temp varies at diff time of the day/night so i think it's the time u hv to try and keep constant. If u wake up 2-3am but din exactly get out of bed to do anything, it shld be fine. Most important u must take the temp before getting out of bed aka min body movement. I used to leave the temp at bedside and pop into my mouth the moment i opened my eyes.

hi gals, my cycle is really weird this month. After having 1x light spotting on Sat, i hv a bit of early fertile CM on Sun. Scratching my head, is that spotting consider implantation or ovulation spotting? Anyway, we just be KS and BD over wkend, even though we r v tired from wkend activities. Poor us... hopefully we will hv gd news this month. A long 2WW now.

haha!!! i was thinking of that too! im leaving on 12th midnight flight. O date acc to ipod app is 13th! ha..

i just bought the opk. when shld i start testing? any advice?

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]

Hi peapea, I shall go get it tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missycandy, I'm e same as u, I put bottles of drinks in e fridge n drink it whenever I want, and I do it everyday. Really hard to Sustain from cold drinks in our such humid weather [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

In e clinic waiting for my tests reports. **nervous.

hi ladies, have been busy from morning.

Dont really feel well, keep having on and off cramp.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz arr...

QQem, you alright? Take care my dear.

Peapea, if you have regular cycles, I think you can start somewhere from CD 10 if you're testing for the first time. Once you spotted some regular trends, can be less kiasu and do so nearer your expected O like 2 days before.

Thanks lynzi! I thought I was not ovulating but weird to c a drop n rise in temp. Anyway, will c whether my af reports this month. Waiting for 5 more days. We didnt try that so many times cos cannot detect positive on opk.

Qqem, dont cry, medical so advance nowadays, there's definitely ways to help u. I hv seen many cases of low sperm count, block fallopian tubes etc but still manage to conceive with help. Pls be positive & stay strong. *hug*

QQem>> Be strong gal... We are here for u... My blood test results were not optimistic too.. Probably will be gg for yet another blood test tomolo..

QQem..take care and stay positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afairy & Miloqueen, Thanks girls, i guess here is the only way i can confide in, cant possible share such things with friends around as they will not understand.

lynn, Hb sperms are much of a problem. IUI were not help for us. IVF is the only options and successful rates are like 30% only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Jus dont understand why all these happen to me.

Amy, what blood test u taking?

JC, thanks girl, how i wish that the problem lies on me and not on HB side, cos i find that problems with e female can be solved much easier than male side.

QQem, don't be despair. I'm sure there are ways to work around this. Would any of the supplements or food suggested by the rest help? e.g zinc or royal jelly tablets, tomato, fruit juice?

Continue to do some research and I'm sure there are successful cases on this forum/ internet to share advice w you. Most importantly, stay positive and don't forget we're here to lend each other support. Jiayou!

gynae hasnt mention anything about supplements and medications to improve the sperm quality. need to get Hb to see her on wed, but im not sure Hb wanna go anot as im afraid it hurts his ego/pride.

get a second opinion?

sometimes these test results might be affected by other external factors. Food your hubby eat the day before, whether u 2 BD before the test and need time to replenish the sperm...

things might not be as bad as u think. You already make the first step, so stay positive and see what the doc say.


don't be despair I have frens also hubby got problems but gynae gave him med to improve the sperm quality and they successfully conceive.

Things might not be as bad as it is and also might like seek 2 nd opinion?

JC, a second opinion as in see another gynae or? we did everything as instructed before the test, i guess i just need some time to accept the facts. I remember Hb's sperm was those watery kind, but didnt really regard it as a problem. As normally sperm is sticky sticky type right?

Jas, ur fren conceived naturally??

Qqem, this happened to my friend. Her body is v weak (liang) and O not every mth. Her hubby's sperm count is only 3-5%. They tried IVF but not successful on first try. Miracle happened and they managed to conceive naturally in between IVF. Their little boy is already 1+yrs. Their journey is long, ttc 5yrs with western & TCM but they never give up and always keep their spirit high. So dont give up but dont stress out you & hb too. *hug*


Yes naturally. She told me the gynae say her hubby sperm got head no tail got tail no head seriously I dun know wat it means la but the gynae got give the hubby some med to take

About the ego thing I think ur hubby actually already let down his ego by going check up with u so u might like talk to him to go further more test or whatever I think as long as both Party wish to have kis they will try diff ways an means.

hi lynn & jas, gynae said Hb sperm is low sperm count but the issue is not really about the low sperm count but the quality, in fact, 0 sperm is normal for conceiving. normal is 10 but he had 0. motility all these also below average thats y gynae straightaway suggested Ivf. ya i heard of ppl unsuccessful ivf and eventually preggy with either Tcm or natural miraculously.

i guess naturally very hard for me as there isnt any normal sperm( mayb what u meant by got head no tail, got tail no head) by the movement is a problem too. it took 10 months for him to accept for going to the SA test. hais. i dare not stress him too much as well. by the way, any of ur hb is a smoker?

QQem, jia you and stay strong. this is a very difficult period for u.. already faced so much obstacles along your way... but u need to hang in there, ur husband will need u too...

give ur hubby a while more ba... ivf can be quite a painful process for u too.. u have us in the forum to share with u... none of my friends understand what im gg thru too

qqem, go for second gynae or try tcm?

my hubby and myself are smokers which probably the reason why it is more difficult for us to conceive.


Don't be disheartened coz I have encountered similar problem as you and I may have to go IVF too if I am unsuccessful this round.

Just to share with you, my hubby also has poor sperm quality initially and I have PCOS, endometriosis and a blocked left tube and I STILL managed to conceive my son through SO-IUI 2 years ago. However, this time round TTC #2, I am not so lucky so I guess IVF is my only route now.

Let's jia you together and do not be too stressed up. Get your hubby to eat healthily and exercise more and leave the rest to the doc to help you.


Maybe can try TCM? i'm sure there will be some ways.

Tell u actually my hubby also like hor dun dare go check up lor. He just keep drag say the fren say within 1 yr is normal but until 1 day we talking he tell me he scare if really check got problem how huh? i tell him at least got problem we can find solution mah.

So now our agreement is June nv kana we will go check lor.

Btw my hubby also smoker i tell him to quit and he say hor so many pple smoke also can have baby so say nothing to do with smoking lor really kns.

Qqem, it's gd to get second opinion. Give hb time to think and accept, agreed guys' ego is v big so be slow on him. *don't u gals think our HBs are big babies to us*

Not sure about how medical this is proven, but no harm to follow, who knows it might improve sperm quality/quantity. Wear loose pants, boxers; dont use laptop on your lap and if u hv to, use a pillow as backing to reduce direct heat fr laptop. This applies to ladies too as told by polyclinic nurse during 1 of my routine checkups. TCM helps, as i read low sperm count can be improve via herbs & healthy diet eg milk, combine with gd exercise. Jia you!

I need help..i test this morning with HPT and there is 1 thick line and 1 faint line..

I am lost as i am unsure if its preg or not preg..

Can any kind soul advise??


I very bu fan xin.. cos this is just a cheapo test strip and i am unsure of the result. I scare its false alarm.

Which brand is the best HPT?? Clear blue??

xin, i used this before, it's accurate, no worries, congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gg for blood test later.. Wish me luck tat my prolactin levels have dropped this time!

QQem>> I go home then reply u, coz dun have my blood test results here, so can't tell.. =O

