(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

KWXY>> Good to hear everything is good for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


JC (csy1): Okok...will wait for ur update after this wkend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

QQem (theunluckyone): Thks for the link! Will go and chk it out.

KWXY: Congrats to u!! Hope everything is well for u and the bb. Sticky bb dust to u~

hi Amy, my nipples would be super sensitive, breasts heavier as well, so u r not weird lol.

Hi JC, let me know how ur TCM appt goes.

Congrats KWXY! Happy for u =) *gathering BB dust*

actually i'm alwaes relying on the sore boobs as an indication that AF is coming soon...hhah

then now im dpo14 but i have been having the sore boobs since 1 week back so i think expecting AF soon.

but i have friends telling me sore boobs is also a sign of pregnancy so still crossing my fingers....

Queen>> Coz I think kinda long that I didn't had sore boobs/ nipples this bad le.. Didn't had any "normal" cycles since missing my AF for 3 mths back in August 2010.. So didn't know wat an "actual" AF shd be like.. Haiz.. For my case, dun think sore nipples is a sign of pregnancy ba.. Haha..

DPO 14 and AF not in sight = high chance! Keeping my fingers crossed for u and hope u will strike this cycle! ^_^

Amy: my cycle sot sot de....3 cycles was average 35 days then suddenly last cycle 50 days!! then this cycle i almost missed my fertile week cos i tot not so fast.

my symptoms when AF coming is SUPER sore boobs...is sore until i remove bra then boobs like released out damn pain....

i for fun went to test i think 2 days back but was negative....so i think i just wait till dpo19 then test again....

to all the rest, lets all keep our fingers crossed!!!

Queen>> U have irregular AF also? 50 days quite long.. U started testing OPK early to catch yr fertile period? DPO19, juz another 5 days. Jia you! *shoos away Queen's AF*

I am wondering maybe I shd juz test for fun on Sun if AF not here coz I am gg overseas on Wed.. Sun will be CD 36.. But according to my BBT, dun think is possible to be preggie, coz temp keep dropping.. =(

hi mummies ttc, i have an extra tube of conceive plus (sperm friendly lubricant to increase the chance of conceiving) to let go at $38. self-collection at bukit gombak mrt. pls sms me 97492202

Morning gals.

Good luck to Amy & Queen.

Haiz, yesterday i was telling hubby this month last chance to try rabbit baby le. He than ask me nx yr wat i say dragon lor he say aiyar dragon also very good mah tink he is just trying to console me.

jas: actually really dun stress yourself....i think i was really stressed out cos i wanted to have rabbit oso....then end up like so stress like dat...now i think if no rabbit dragon oso ok...competitive is competitive but there were so many past dragons b4 so should b ok de lah....

lets all jiayou together!!!

Ya lor Queen now i tinking got than can liao dun care the horoscope le la.

Actually tat is also my worried for dragon like many many pple wan dragon nx time go sch many pple fight for 1 place.

yah, same concerns but my hubby told me the estate we staying is matured town liao so actually not so much young couples so getting into school should be easier haha

jas>> Me not much hope coz dropping BBT temp and not very serious in TTC this month. Juz test coz gg overseas.. Dun worry too much, a lot of ppl want dragon baby coz 望子成龙, so dragon also good. ^_^ Jia you in this final chase for a rabbit! =)

Queen/ jas>> Guess all of us here worried too much le.. Got bb okie le, dun care abt horoscope.. hee.. let's all jia you okie? =)

jas>> Thanx for comforting me. If really so "heng" then will definitely give u gals BB dust. Meanwhile, let's gather BB dust from those who are already preggie. =)

Hello ladies, how's everyone?

Me so busy w work, no time to post on the forum. Finally got a slight breather now. CD 8 today and still waiting...wonder if it's another 40day long cycle this time. :p

Dear ladies,

I hear you are looking for some babydust? I have something better than that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]:

First 10 ladies to PM me (with your address) will each get 5 free hpt strips complimentary from Baby-Desires.com!

Note: Expiry date Nov 2011.

Not the first 10? No worries, check out the half-price stock clearance promo on the website!

Because firstly i'm clearing old stock, secondly i'm feeling mighty generous today. And i can vouch for the accuracy of the tests cos I just got a BFP 2 days ago! Tested a few days after missing period and the test line pop up almost immediately... i think i was more amazed by the efficiency of my test strip rather than by the pregnancy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/rofl.gif]

Baby dust to everyone!!!



I am only 2 days after you today CD10 for me.

Your cycle so long? i think i saw b4 pple taking conceive plus or conceive well? forget the name but think it helps to make the cycle regular.

MiloQueen>> Hi! Muz work hard for this cycle orh! =) New cycle new hope! Me waiting for AF so can work hard for next cycle.. Hee.. =)


Ya whenever i near to AF i start got the pms symptom i will like inside my heart thinking if no chance than let my AF come faster so my heart can die faster also hehe

Hi hi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me CD13 today. Think miloqueen and jas, we can hold hand together for our 2ww soon.

Me having on and off cramp recently till now. Hubby still very funny lor, asking is it so call 1 of the systom of eggy stick to the wall already? hahaha...i told him no lar, where got so fast, Egg not yet hatch, how to stick to the wall..hahaha. i told him systom of O leh. Then he give me that one kind of face.

jas>> Exactly my feelings rite now! Terrible lorz.. Wanna come, dun wanna come.. Then if test and get BFN, will feel so sad lorz.. =(

hi everyone, hope u have gd day today.

hi Queen, same here with me. If it's my shorter cycle, AF shld be due next wk, however if it's my longer cycle, this wk is my fertile wk.. no idea as this mth no CM detect yet. I told my hubby maybe we could hv strike thus no CM. Anyway, start to feel pimples developing (PMS) so... still fingers crossed.

hi jas and amy, same here...want to hv little rabbit, so trying our last chance this 2 mths. if this mth NG, AF pls be on time so can start next cycle earlier. I feel it's nt us choosing the bb, but bb choosing when they want to be part of our family, so rabbit/dragon or any "animals", pls come come. :p

amy>> ya lor. he also neck long long for bfp..thats why sometime, i try not to think too much and also dont share with him systoms when i am in 2ww..as his mind will be very fast and ask me is it sign of bfp. Sometime is not we ladies are not as anxious as the man. Is just that i afraid to see hubby disappointed. I rather 1 person disapopinted compare to 2 people disappointed lor.


I also lor got on and off cramp now.

Ya my hubby also like tat de like u koe near AF like bloated feeling than he will ask is it got baby than go listen to my tummy see got sound so rubbish de.

Ya lor bearGE so hor i start got cramp on and off during near AF i will tell him going come le at least dun let him pin hope le

bearge>> Dunno lehz.. think my hubby like dun care lehz.. he keep telling me have then have, dun have then dun have lorz.. =_="

My nipples still feeling very painful, when sleep also can't hug anything, scared pain..

Yo gers! Looks like a few of us quite close waiting for O.

Amy, dont give up yet until da yi ma visits...you really won't know if you strike. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jas, I'm taking conceive well this cycle. I actually took for 1 cycle then stopped for another, now just resume. During the cycle when I stopped, I took just folic acid instead. Somehow, that cycle shorter than the one I took conceive well leh (only 26days), so mine sort sort one lah...think I give up. Will monitor again this cycle.

Bearge, yah your hubby very cute. Mine in the initial months when I feel some cramps and tricked him to put his ear near my tummy to check, he really did! Then I told him where got so fast one when not even have heartbeat until week 6 or so...he now enlighted liao and very savvy liao. LoL!

amy>> i guess your hubby is hiding his emotion bah. He just dont want to give you any stress over ttc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which cd you are in now? sigh.. woman every month need to suffer this type of pain, so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but bo bian de lor, we need to be strong so that we can produce our next generation.

amy, jas, bearge, how long have you girls been trying? For #1 or #2? I've been on this thread long enough that I mixed up some of your status...sighs.

miloqueen>> your hubby also quite smart. Mine arr..when i told him the egg need to meet and then still need to stick to the wall, he was like in doubt with my words. Still can ask me egg how to stick to the wall!LOL..i laugh already then i reply him..go find from internet to prove my statement.

Ya lor i think they all wan act hack care like nv mind la try again lor.

For this cycle we are trying royal jelly see how lor.


I trying for #1 already try for 9 months,u ley?

BearGE>> I am in CD 34 le.. Dunno when I shd expect AF lorz.. Messed up cycles, Yasmin, all not gg well at all.. Feeling so sad coz surrounded by so many mums and MTB in office and everwhere..

MiloQueen>> I have been TTC #1 since July 2010, but not very "active" coz has been gg for blood tests and on Yasmin.. But I think my chances this cycle is very low aniwae.. BBT is in 35 degrees range le.. PCOS suspected.. Haiz.. All these obstacles.. =((

bearge, haha...very farnie. Mine now does some research on his own and try to help to increase our chances. But he's quite cool type who leave it to 'upstairs' to decide so whenever I get BFN, he will ask me to take it easy and try again, maybe not time yet. Last cycle, he could tell I was quite upset and when I was at work, msged me to don't think about it anymore. Me almost wanted to break down when with my colleagues.

jas, I'm also trying for #1. Only started being active about 5-6 cycles back but I think I would have tried about the same duration as you given my long cycles. Seems so long and can't quite recall when I started this journey too...

gynae also said I have PCOS but she asked me to try naturally since I got still detect O using OPK. Only knew how to pick up some trends since Aug/Jul last year. Before that was like random testing and sometimes I get it, dont times not.

amy>>*hug hug* Dont feel down. We must all be strong. As what others mentioned previously, is not we choose bb, is bb choose when to be with us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also not quite active this cycle. Only start to store bullets when O approaching.hahaha. Hubby give me that 1 kind of look, somehow he also know i am longing for bb too. hee..hee... cutting down in my intake of coffee and tea. Allowing myself with 1 cup per day.



Actually after few cycles of disappointment i also sian le.

But hor i tink i just damn lazy so i dun wan start using OPK or monitor my BBT lor so i rather keep try other method.

For this cycle i am using preseed and also both hubby and me consuming royal jelly every morning lor.

