(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Dolma & BearGE,

Ya hold hand together hope we can grad.

If i nv kana tis mth nx mth my hubby going overseas le so will waste 1 more cycle liao.


sometimes, i really hate this whole waiting game... first need to wait for menses to be regular... then need to wait, guess and predict for O date.. then need to decide how often to BD, what helps body to prepare for conception and BD process... and then 2WW which as usual, we will look at every possible symptoms and wonder if it is possible....

and if we are lucky, yay! if not, it is disappointment and the cycle repeats itself.....

Thank God i found this thread

Ya peapea,

i also feel from this thread at least we got pple who share same feeling same problem as us and we got some1 to share.

Sometime hard to share with fren all tis also lor. So chat here will make ownself feel better.And in fact i found out many many different method through here like preseed, longan red date tea, royal jelly etc that i nv know can use, eat or drink all tis stuffs hehe

bearge and jas>> we pray hard this cycle tio together k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes I agree, this ttc journey is not easy, sometimes can be routine too and i really hate the waiting process.... but wat to do? haiz....

dolma and jas,

ya.. esp when it seems as if everyone else is succesful and getting pregnant.. it is like, so hard to even whine to my best friend abt why im not pregnant yet... i mean, what can they say right.. they are not going through it and dont understand too... hai...

Ya lor peapea and i think hor i dun dare tell pple i ttc de if not they every mth sure will ask kana le mah kana le mah more stress so pple ask i will say shun qi zhi ran lor.

jas, i totally regret telling ppl that i ttc... have people like reserve baby stuff for me and all... so pai seh and stressful now...

i think i am emo-ing today... ha!

Dolma, bearge, jas,

Im at dpo6 tdy... Not much feeling, jus quite a fair bit of discharge 2days ago... Dunno wats tat.

Now abit of cramping (mayb drank too much coke just nw?)

This is my 5th cycle ttc liao... Hb will b away during nxt O, so hope to strike tis mth then can relax... But rely dare not pin too much hope le...

I went gynae check last wk to c if im 'functioning' well.. Gynae say if 3more cycles no strike, will review our case.. Hope to c him b4 tat.

Let's pray hard! Jia you!!


nv tell also stress they keep tell me wan sheng faster sheng la blah blah also sian lor.


ya u koe i really feel like a routine lor. Seriously i think now i dun enjoy my BD days liao is like hor do for the sake of doing lor.


thats what i am trying to avoid now too! trying to avoid turning BD into routine and not sth that my hubby and i can enjoy...

Afairy>> welcome to the club! another ttc buddy in 2 wks wait. Haiz, I gave up pinning hope on signs and symptoms cos they r so similar with pms. so jus let it be ba...

jas>> ya lor, me too, its like nowadays even my hubby also will ask u O liao meh.. okok then we start BD.. haahaha so really dun enjoy lor, its really doing it for the sake of doing.

peapea>> ya lor dun tell better. but still dun stress la else will affect ttc process also.


Ya enjoy ur BD without stress will be more easier to conceive.

Ya lor Dolma, now hor hubby is ask me how many more days to make baby? haha really like machiam a job to us now liao.

Ya lor i hor alway a bit symptom than go goggle check see if pregnant symptom until now i really sian le dun wan check liao jus wait lor.


Wish you good luck!

dolma and jas,

eh my hubby now also like that u know... he just ask me yesterday, how come havent O but BD ah... i was like...... diao............. u mean, if havent O we cant have a normal couple intimacy meh

peapea>> lolx... yr hubby so cute la... my hubby will like how many more days to BD har, cannot everyday la, will die lei... hahahaha

hahahaha!! actually hor, i kind of pity them too la... it is also quite stressful for them.. for us, at least we can come to forum and talk and console each other... for the husbands, quite paiseh for them to talk to their friends about it lei..


Haha tat time i got tell hubby u tink BD everyday wks better he was like huh cnt la haha.


True lor i think they also feel stress de but we more stress we stil got 2ww need to think they all is hor cooperate for those few days than they can relax le leh.

Julie> Sorry i didnt take temp during TTC... All i tried was taking conceive well for 2 cycles, pre-seed and i saw someone posted abt buying a bowl.. I secretly went to daiso to buy 1 to use at home..hahaha..

I dunno which works but heck la juz humtam!!

I hope u girls dun give up ok!!

Jia you and sprinkle lots of BBDUST to all TTC mates!!!

reading those post abt BD everyday.. v funny. lol Last wkend we were v tired but i though i might hv O + my nipples sore... so i asked HB if we dont try, a bit wasted.. He was like auto-robot... "let's start work now".

Hi gals! Greetings from HK! Good luck to those in 2 weeks wait! Anyone like me in CD 3? New cycle, new hope! My colleague was still telling me today to "bring a BB back wif u".. I told her not possible coz AF here and she ask me why nv choose date properly.. =_="

morning gals,

really encouraging to know i am not alone! hahaha... perhaps we shld now also encourage each other to not just procreate but also to prevent BD from being a monotonous tone! i hate to think of the pressure TTC have on a marriage!

amy, have fun in HK! im in CD15 now.. waiting for O... BBT and O strip indicated no change yet lei.. but judging by discharge.. i think soon liao... ha!

for those in 2WW, jiayou!

We cannot let our hubby feel we're making them to work hard, must brainwash them to think that it's for his own good. I always tell mine, "look, I'm working hard to give your family xiang huo, while many women nowadays do not bother about it".

My friends who have their children within one attempt told me they BD after taking a rest for months. I told my hubby, die die must hold on till my "time" is due. Hahaha!!!

Good morning ladies..

Dont feel too well, guess going to fall sick again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Feels so uncomfortable after taking my breakfast.. After drinking a cup of juice makes me relieve. i guess my body "heaty" as the juice somehow "cool" down my tummy. :p (Excuse to drink cold juice in the morning)

peapea>>Should be dpo5, but suspecting i O earlier this cycle(2 to 3 days earlier).. Today cd19. Normal cycle is 27 or 28 days lor. In office yawning now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Feel like drinking juice now to cool my tummy again..uncomfortable. i guess due to too much heaty food and spicy food recently.

Hi Amy,

I am CD 3 too. Currently trying for no 3. I dun want to be stressed up by charting bbt, opk, only to he disappointed by af.

Thought I hope for a rabbit baby. It seems not possible already


I about same as you today CD16 but my cycle range from 26 - 30 days.


Ya yesterday hubby also saying do you think we should go a holiday to make baby huh? haha

the zzz monster is setting in post lunch... was on precious moments website and saw how they have a lovely figurine of a pregnant lady.. ooo cant wait to be pregnant and get hold of that!


Can i check which CD shld i BD to try (if i m not using any OPK or check temp)? My cycle is usu 28-30days...and i hope to strike a girl..

hi valerie, i checked from internet before that our O date is 14 days before our period is due. some ppl did suggested that if u want a girl, to BD before that...

hey girls

i need some advice... if i am having egg white texture like discharge, does it mean it is fertile period and how often shld i BD?

thanks in advance!!

Valarie- ideally shld start bd alt days from cd10.

Peapea- start bd Liao if possible next 2-3 days straight.

Today started to feel crampy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dun like it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone who is in 2ww like me? I am on cd 27' dpo12. Cycle ard 28 to 30days. Have been feeling cramps, no hope for this mth. Spotting on dpo 8n 9. Is it common? Test negative on Watson hpt this morning cos wanted to go exercise On sat.

hi ladies,

now i am at cd19.. since cd15 my stomach started to have discomfort & its seems like cramp n pain..

wondering any ladies have the same symptom as me?

simplelife08>> I am dpo4. still early in 2wwk. It may be a good sign dat u spot dpo8 n 9 cos it could be implantation spotting. Mayb u monitor again the next 2 days, you may have tested too early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good Luck to you!

yeah O on CD14 , den CD 15-CD16 start to have stomach discomfort.. diarrhea, cramps n pain..beginning i tot stomach flu/ food poison but the diarrhea only 1 or 2 days den stop. till today CD19 my stomach like bloated, cramps n pain.. =.=

