(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Jacy, thank you very much. I knw the the location liao, i stayed at the opposite block ten years agoes, but never go there to pray before.


btw, anyone here tabulating a ttc list? actually i m ttc for baby#2. i used to "graduate" from the ttc thread... tat was during TTC2009 Mums... i tink so lah... haa...

hello summer! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, i m a chinese.

hello jacy,

yes, hope all of us here will have a bunnybaby!


erm, you are right.. maybe I should be more sensative..


I am just trying to share some informations that i know.. not trying to promote anything or whatever..

Let me know anyone of you feel uncomfortable.. I will ask admin to help me remove the post.. you can PM me..

Should I have offended anyone or any religion, my apologies in advance.


summer, i dun mind! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firstly, let me try to extract a sample file... somewhere... lolx!

i m new to this thread... so alot of pple here i wun be familiar... if the ladies here are okay... i m okay to be of "serve" too. lolx!

Jacy> hur y remove... is very useful info.. i think other gals will understand...

what i was trying to say is, like all TTC is chinese gal.. looks like other race have no issue having baby... maybe i should ask my malay friend how to have BB... lolx maybe they got eat something... lolx


oh.. haha..

never mind la.. just in case got girls of other race feel uncomfortable..

you very funny leh.. but maybe you are right! they got secret receipe..

if you manage to find any, must share k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I saw the other list before.. but i think i will be stress in the list.. later never tio then name stuck in the list for a long time.. then become super senior.. depressing leh.. haha..

hi all

so happi as finally ovulated, i think so too as my bbt rises to 36.64 today. Me wu liao hor but tot of sharing as me so happi...


orh... okay... u are rite too, i can imagine if my name kenna stuck in the list for many many cycles, i will get depression too manz.

im okay wif anything lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mine is a girl, she's 16mths old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tat time i strike on my 3rd cycle.

i remember back then i was using so many methods... preseed, clearblue monitor, chart bbt, gg for massage before O, raise legs for 20mins after BD.


you are one lucky girl.. 3rd cycle then strike liao..

i also use preseed, clearblue monitor, chart bbt, raise legs and bottocks for 30mins after BD (but sometimes lazy, so 5-10mins..)

but 1 year plus liao.. i am still here.. haha..

hi all

i got my boy think at 2nd cycle back in 2008. TTCing for another now. At my 2nd cycle now as well.. Hope it'll be as easy as then..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


back then i very on the ball lor... i will faithfully follow those tips shared by the ladies on the thread. lolx!

very soon it will be ur turn, as long as u dun give up hope! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi CK, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

strike during 2nd cycle! so good!

ya, Bunny. Hope this time, it is as easy. I am turning 32 years old this year and hope to deliver by next year. :p

I came across this thread and it has been very informative indeed.

Seem like most of us strike fast with no.1. I also striked on 3rd cycle without any tips. 1st 2 cycles missed caused we BD late. This no.2 is a tough nut, got to try so many things!!!


ya, the power of forum... lotsa info here! so u currently waiting for O? or waiting to test BFP?

i tink i will be the only one waiting for AF to come. lolx! cos only AF come then i can start my ttc cycle manz!

yes annissa, i agree with u lor... some pple easy with #1 but come #2, difficult to strike. some pple difficult with #1, but come #2, easy to strike!

Bunny: I know minimal about taking BBT, testing for "O" etc before this thread. I guess I am taking a "try and see" now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my cycle is abt 25-26 days,today is CD9

so when should i start using OPK?

the opk says u will O w/in 24-48hours right?

so if i test today and -ve,should i try again 2days later(48hours later) or test agin tmr?

sorry to interrupt. i got plenty spare to let go.

pregnancy midstream test x 3 expire feb 2012

pregnancy strips x 10 expire apr 2012

ovulation strips x 20 expire dec 2011 to may 2012

selling strip 50cents each/midstream $2 each.

every 15 strips foc normal mail.

Anyone know anything about fertility test?

I feel like going for one at KKH..

how to make appointment huh?

roughly how much does it cost?

what are the test that we have to go thru?



u using OPK strips kind or clearblue? my cycle is about 30 days and i remembered my clearblue monitor will start asking me to test ard CD10. i assume u can start using ur OPK now ba... And its better to test it everyday, dun skip days. u dun wanna miss ur O isnt? *i deploy kiasu approach*

when ur OPK indicate +ve than u shld O in the next 24hrs-48hrs. actually once u tested +ve for OPK, can start BD lor!

er... i dunno anything abt EPO... wats tat for?


maybe u can call up kkh to ask? u planning to lug ur dh along for the tests too? actually it might be good for both of u to go instead of u alone... cos *touch wood* if anything, it might not be ur problem, it could be the guy problem.

Wah.. Just 1 afternoon the thread is moving so fast!

Bunnybaby- ya agree with u. I also tried For 3 cycles of my #1 but now it's my 4th cycle still haven tio. Guess all the ladies here want a bunny baby so badly that we are so stressed with it.


strips okay lah, more cost effective = can test more times... haa!

good luck! *wink*

hi gwen,

aiyo... tats my worry also lor. i hope i dun ve to change my nick from bunnybaby to dragonbaby ley...


yup.. if go, will go with dh.. want to check, check together..


i used to test everyday using IC from CD 10 onwards.

but when started with clearblue monitor, will test whenever it ask to test lo..


tats good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cos some dh wun go for such tests... dunno is ego problem or assume tat its always the female problem. :S

jacy-yup i've had 2 frens who had periods but one is 3 months preggy by the time she check

the other is abt 2 months but after that,no more periods for them

wow the thread is moving so fast!!

bunnybaby: haha you v funny. I like your nick!! Think we all do ;p

For your girl, you BD when opk says +ve? I heard best chances for gal is 2-3 before o... but how to know 2-3 days. sigh... since opk is 24048 hrs, dunno whether too late n then get a boy again.

jacy: Yup, heard b4 having period thruout preg. Not common i guess. But hpt shows +ve de, that means HCG is normal de

clearblue monitor: Eh... how does it TELL you to test?


you need to key in when you are in CD1.

then every morning, turn on the monitor.. it will tell you to test on somedays..

it is all programmed in.. it will predict your ovulating days and ask you to test.

Yup, it is not common to have AF thru out.. i think only about 15% of women..


I dunno leh.. but i think all do the same job..

only some show 2lines, some smiley face?

and the monitor one help you predict if you will be O-ing in the next few day, O-ing now, and just finish O-ing?

