(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

thanks for the warm welcome..

just went for 1st check yesterday and saw a little sac. hoping things will be fine and in another 2 weeks hearing his/her little heartbeat.


piky.....I've tried that but doesnt work for me cause i drink a lot before I sleep. Saliva too diluted, also I cant really understanding the ferning and non-ferning pattern!!!


good to hear baby n u doing well.


aiyoh..pls dont remind me of my sins.

ever since that m/c i have been trying to make myself feel better and what other better ways are there besides shopping and eating rite?

i shopped and ate too much liao..burned a darn big hole in my pocket.

got 6 dresses from BC..im addicted to the site now..haha.

still got my $200plus loot from ON which havent reach me yet..got clothes for my boy, me and only 3 pcs for my hubby..haha.

and that still havent inlcude my impulse buys..3 pairs of shoes from c&k, 2 pairs from pazzion and another 3 pieces of clothing from another shop..gulp.


congrats dear.

dont walk too much.

pls rest well yah.

Lynzi....on the contrary, I didnt do much shopping after I m/c, chose to bury myself with work and scrapbooking (preserving the memory) instead!!!

With the ease of online shopping, I do not know when and how we can stop. Every month also have things to buy from ON. On top of that, I'm a scrapbooker, I ordered scrapbooking items from oversea too!!!


i scrap too!

maybe one day we can meet and scrap together.

last time during school hols i was always at the shop at plaza sing..sit and scrap there..haha.

since i got my boy i did lots of scrapbooking to remember his milestones.

Lynzi> Shopping therapy is not a sin, it's ladies' entitlement mode of relaxation since female are created to be born to shop...Muhaha...

Scrapbook-Count me in! I bought some scrap book accesories from spotlight & it's lying to collect dust for donkie years liao...Plan to do a scrapbook for pak-tor to wedding milestone 2 yrs back but no action taken...

My body siao siao, today in CD11, experience a tinge of blood discharge..AF ended on sun, dunno izzit left over blood or due to heatiness cos on Mon ate 'bai feng wan', then tue,ate home cooked red wine black chicken...Or due to hormones??

Mrs Carice> So long never chat with u le...How have u been? Miss u leh..Thks for the luck, will ballot The corporation tiara :p, dunno whether Eelynn will apply the Bukit Panjang BTO...

Emily sum : wat u mean by it might due to we ovulation late, that’s why our AF report later than wat we expected? My AF already late for 7 days liao @ this is the 1st time is late so long.

Oh ya. Wat u oso mean by "If I’m not wrong, today I’m on DPO11" how u calculate?

Ya, we still have “chance” lah! Jia you together! U ttc for number 1?

Summer> Dun tink is gd news wor cos my cycle is ard 31 to 40 days and till today i dun tink i have ovulate yet cos i will notice thick transparent CM prior to Ovulation... fr my past cycle i ovulate at CD16 & CD23, today is CD12..BD Production also not started yet...

Hi! Mrs Chua, cos every month our ovulation can be earlier and also can be late. I tested OPK and found tat I ovu late (CD24 on 17/07 ), so I’m on DPO 11 on 27/07 (my DPO 1 is count from 17/07). Normally AF will report on the 14 days (DPO) after ovu. As I ovu on 16/17 July, I guess my AF will report on 29/30 July. End up, it’s true my AF just reported last night  ..i have no more chance for tis month liao.. I TTC #2 now. Hope can hear good news from you lah!

Hi ladies,

How's everyone... long time did not login already miss everyone here...

Have a nice weekend ahead... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Emily.. Thanks for ur explaination. Where u obtain the OPK? Anyway, I hv book an appt with the gynae tmr evening since AF have already late for more than a week..

hi all,

been having a bit of pain these few days...

think i am having ovulation pain...grrrh...

previously my menses b4 pregnancy is of haywire or (pcos)

but now so on time and couple with o pain...

totally no mood to bd...

Hi Ladies

I have a box of Clearblue Ovaluation kit (box is open but unused as I only read the instructions) to let go as I no longer required it. The expiry is 04/11. Willing to let go at $40/-.

If you're interested, do email me at [email protected]. Thank you.

hi all,

anyone experience a very faint and light line at 2 wk after conception?

last nite seem breasts abit sore but today morning no more. i dunno whether i m too sensitive or not...

Hi cowgal,

Are you referring to faint and light positive sign on HPT 2 wk after conception? If so, yes, I experienced that when I conceived #1. Maybe you can wait another 2 or 3 days then test again, if preggie, the +ve sign should become darker. Think not all preggie ladies experience the sore boobs..


Chk w u ladies.. I am now on CD39..AF late for 9 days. OPK shows faint line. Does it mean im ovaluate late & is ovaluating soon? BBT remain constant since day 1 which no shown of shift.

hi everyone, anyone has such an experience before?? Menses supposed to come on Monday but didnt, tested -ve on Monday too. Menses still not here today but I feeling horrible already(sore breasts and feeling nausea). I dun have the preggy feeling. My menses always come on time. Any advise ???

My menses is regular 28 days cycle. Today is actually my 30th day. Does this answer you. Haha, I feel stupid cos dun really understand.

Special Packages for TTC ladies!

Faith Pack @ SGD$65.00 includes:

1 set of Basal Thermometer

1 tube of sperm friendly lubricant (You can choose either Pre-Seed or Conceive Plus)

25 pcs of Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

5 pcs of Home Pregnancy Test Kits (HPT)

You save 15%!

Hope Pack @ SGD$55.00 includes:

1 tube of sperm friendly lubricant (You can choose either Pre-Seed or Conceive Plus)

25 pcs of Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

5 pcs of Home Pregnancy Test Kits (HPT)

You save 15%!

Desire Pack @ SGD$54.00 includes:

25 midstream Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

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Belief Pack @ SGD30.50 includes:

35 pcs of Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

10 pcs of Home Pregnancy Test Kits (HPT)

You save 19%!

BBDust Pack @ SGD$20.50 includes:

25 pcs of Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

5 pcs of Home Pregnancy Test Kits (HPT)

You save 18%!

Lucky Pack @ SGD$10.50 includes:

10 pcs of Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK)

5 pcs of Home Pregnancy Test Kits (HPT)

You save 16%!

All packages include free normal mail postage within Singapore. All products are imported from UK Leading Provider!


Ala Carte Menu:

1 set of Basal Thermometer @ SGD$12.00

1 tube of sperm friendly lubricant @ SGD40.00 (Your choice of Pre-Seed or Conceive Plus)

1 pc of OPK/ HPT @ SGD0.80 (no minimum order)

1 pc of midstream OPK/ HPT @ SGD$2.07

All Ala Carte items pricing are inclusive of normal mail postage charges within Singapore.


Pre-Order for Basal Thermometer and midstream OPK/ HPT is required.

Ready stock for Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Ovulation Prediction Kits (OPK) and Home Pregnancy Tests (HPT) are available.

Packages will be mailed out to you the next working day once payment is received and validated.

Preferred bank transfer is POSB/ DBS. Please provide transaction reference for easier validating of payment.

For added security, you can opt for registered mail which cost an additional of SGD$2.24.

Contact me at [email protected] for any queries or orders.

Visit http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Andrea: Cannot feel Little boy yet..maybe further dwn the road... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] waiting for the next appt to see bb boi again... hw about urself?

Komathi P, nvm.. soon u can feel le.. I'm fine.. 2WW now.. but dun think got chance cos I nvr tested +ve for ovulation.. Hoping for a mircale.

Afternoon ladies!!!

I have a que to ask. Having a shorter cycle of 27 days, does it means that my ovulation dates are shorten too?

ask u ah...u use the smiley rite? can the tester be used for more than 7 times?

i wunder y they nvr sell only the strips...everytime must buy the tester also...so ex!

wishstar, yup.. Think can ba, just tht if the battery inside is dead we cant use le.. Yup.. is expensive.. Mayb u can see if any ladies here who BFP le got extra, u can buy from them or u see at the Want to sell any ladies selling..

Need advice from those taking BBT, I know temp will be higher after we ovulate, do we expect a dip the day before we ovulate?

