(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Hi Gd Morning everyone...

Longing for J: May i just ask wat medicine is ur gyna giving you? Yap i agreed sometime it becomes like a chore...

Andrea: Congrats... Hope that everyone of us here will receive good news too...

i trying to plan with the rest... maybe 9th sept?? heheee.. but if u want.. we still can meet for dinner this sat.. i m okie.. =)

9th Sept I cant lei... Have wedding dinner to attend. How about other days? I have not been to any of this gathering before with you ladies lei...... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tanny ur situation is just like mine.. We try not to stress about it, i even stop work for about 2 yrs...lol. But still every month we get the same result, it is just so dissapointing. So now, i started working again and i think its better. Maybe you should try gg for a holiday... a few of my frens got pregnant when they are on a vacation...try it... i am also thinking of gg for one...:)

chloie: ya lor.. that time last min u cannot join us for the steamboat... This sat?? JP for dinner if andrea is meeting up?

Advice needed, my BBT was constant at 36.4+ then dropped a little to 36.2+ for 2 days then up to 36.6 for 1 day then dropped to 36.4+, am I on the right track?

I would like to let go 9pc of OPK for S$6.00 (incl postage), please PM me if keen. Thanks.

Good Morning Gals!

Very long never login lioa... today is CD27 lioa.. Hope got good news soon... kekeke

AnnissaKoh> When your BBT was constant is at CD?? after you O the BBT should be a bit higher and remain constant, if it drop then maybe no good news lioa...

hi ladies,


recently i realised that the results of the OPK only appears around 5-10 mins after taking the test.. especially the second line..it appears very very slowly...

dun rush to throw away the kit right after taking the test yah.. it may turn out positive =)


Hello Everyone! Any huat news?? I stopped BFing for 2 mths already but AF still not yet report. SHould I go see gynae n induce or?????????

BRAND NEW Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor

Just in the sealed, unopened condition

but the test strips u need to buy on your own. Can by buy at Watsons/Guardian

Collection at Sengkang or Tampines or Dakota MRT at $205 evening time

But if by registered mail is $208.

summer.....was constant when I havent O. Yesterday rised to 36.6, OPK tested smiley face, then today 36.4. 1st time doing BBT so a little confused. I just started last month after I O, was 36.8+ till the day before my AF then dropped.

kidomum....totally agree on the waiting time, we need to wait a little more. Thanks.

I heard Watson & Guardian going to have promo end of this month. Time to stock up whatever we need.

Hi AnnissaKoh> I notice b4 O sometime will have a dip or rised... but after O it will remain high until your AF report... but hope ur AF don report.. lol

wow so nice to pop in here n see some good news..



Im dragging my biggest bag to collect babydust from u..hehe

keep us inform of your checkup yah.

Eelynn> This sat I also cant make it. Have appt aldy.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I want to ask about OPK. Yesterday i 1st time using opk got a light line. But today i got a even ligther line why is this so i tot is will get darker? pls help


Good Morning gals, haiz today is CD29 so AF should have report soon... somemore BBT drop from 36.9 to 36.6.. sian lioa... got to wk harder this month... want to give up lioa...

getzi> btw getzi, i have a dip 3 day later i O then the BBT got up again... sometime maybe u sick or not feeling well.. or might be never sleep well also ba... lol

SummerPeh> Thanks for your info. I tot my hormones level haywire that y my BBT dip.

Dun give up, we will get BFP very soon. Gambate!

Morning Ladies, My BBT was constantly low at abt 36.0 to 36.1 and this morning it went up to 36.5... does that mean i've already O?

I'm going bonkers!!! My BBT from 36.4+ --> 36.26 (2 days) --> 36.60 (1 day, tested positive for OPK) --> 36.48 (1 day) --> 36.60 (1 day) --> 36.40 (today). Maybe I didnt get enough sleep??

getzi> AF haven report la.. but still hope it don report.. lol

Angie> wow Angie maybe is are O-ing.. you are is CD? maybe u can try harder this few days.. lol

AnnnissaKoh> did u take ur BBT in the morning b4 u get out of the bed?

Angie, Im LongingForJ. Changed my name to be JJJ_Mummy.

My gyna gave me ovinum to eat from day 2- 5.

Waiting game for me again. HopeFully this month will not COME! kekeke...

Dear all, Im so mentally stressed out.

Cant posted in FB cos my contacts also have my colleagues, then they will ask "y huh?"

I also cannot stress my HB too much later he kena affected by me and cannot perform laki worse loh....

Support group pls!

HIHI LADIES!!! Can I join in to chat??? New to this thread but not new to ttc-ing... =D Been trying for almost 3 yrs still no news... gave up trying abt 1 yr ago... recently saw my newborn niece and fell in love with her...so decided to try again...=D

My BBT also as low as 36.0+ for days, never rise ever since OPK postive on saturday. Does that mean my hormones level is low?

Good Morning gals...

Muhahahaa AF just reported, CD1 today.. nvm let's Jia you Jia You ok^^

Getzi> humm your looks funny.. you wan to try ask ur TCM?

JJJ_Mummy> ya lor very stress every month..

JJJ Mummy: Oic...it helps to O? Then u have to work hard ok... But dont get to stress out cos i heard before when u and/or ur hubby get too stress out, it will affect how ur system perform. So just relax and enjoy it.

Summer: :-( but nvm just try harder this month... nvm give up nvm say die... we will sure get a BFP one day...;-)

Oh btw, my husband and i were thinking of going to a gyna for a check. Does anyone know wat r the procedure..? Wat will the gyna do? Cos i went to see a TCM doc yesterday and she suggested that me and my hus should go for a check up and get a report so she can guide us from there.

Getzi: Did u get enough sleep? And when u take ur temp, did u stay in bed? COs from wat i learn after reading many different info, u need to take it before u even get out of bed and also while u r sleeping ur mouth is not open cos all this can affect the result. And does it only happen this mth?


new here.. hv been ttc for > yrs for but still no results. my tcm told me tat if temp rises after ovulation, it mean that you have ovulated as i told her my concern tat the egg not the right size when i ovulate. she said will be right size in order to see the temp surge. may i knw where did u all go for tcm?

Hi tzac,

For me, i go to Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Instittion at Toa Payoh. The consultation is only $2 and the medicine is charge according to wat is given to u. But overall they are really cheap. They do have TCM Doc specialize in helping people to conceive as well. Give it a try, nothing to lose...


Angie> ya we must never say die hor.. kekee

btw my TCM say.. when taking temp cannot get out of the bed, can turn ur head left and right, cannot open your mouth to talk b4 u take temp... btw i also heard must sleep at least 3 hrs.

tzac> hello, my TCM is Wan Choon Hua.

