(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


ProblemG......Thanks for sharing. Will be good to let the physcian know that we "fear", they may have alternative. If we puke all out then it doesnt help us at all. I always try if really cannot then no choice.

Hi ladies, can anyone share on the side effects of clomid. My ovaluation period seems to be a short, I might need to take clomid to extend it.

Andrea> I am here, juz veri bz...Visit to Chung Hwa tcm is ok, prescribe me some medicine...I see on sat & AF came on Mon. He ask me if i have 'bai dai" before AF, after AF or throughout the cycle. I say i have 'bai dai' before AF, then he say it's not gd to have 'bai dai' as 'bai dai' is due to gastric problem. But i am confuse if 'bai dai' is the same as cervical mucus? Then I ask him if my irregular cycle can affect conceiving, he say sometimes it's destiny, like some people took alot of cold drinks but yet can conceive 3 kids while some took abit of cold drink & can't conceive...Aiya, I feel not answering my qn professionally based on assessing my body condition...So tink i will not go back to see again...

Lynzi> Dun tink tcm will cause ur cycle to be irregular but will strengthen ur womb. My frend had a mc at wk 5, she went to tcm & the physician told her that her womb is 'not warm', precribe her medicine to tonic to tiao & strengthen her body as my frend's hands & legs tend to feel cold easily and have constipation problem...Have to avoid cold stuffs & cooling stuffs like green tea, chrystamuem tea, watermelon, etc...It's gd to see tcm to tiao ur body well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiu03...."bai dai" is CM. It's normal to have different texture of CM during our cycle due to changes along the cycle.

How come he says thing like destiny? he is not a fortune-teller.

Lynzi: mense is normal also can go TCM cos is to tiao your body. Like my mense is normal but after my D&C i don't O. My gyane wanted to give mi clomid but i think let me try for TCM first.. if by Oct still cannot then i will take clomid... lol

getzi: is not true, AF report can report w/o O for the month. I check with my gyane liao...

wishstar: poor thing... nvm so long got BB bitter also ok right.. lol

AnnissaKoh: My TCM doctor help me all pack into cap de... so heng...

ProblemG: Try to put more lubricant la... if not use some toy u make u wet ^^ cos want BFP must Xi Sheng....

Icelava: wow #2 Ooo... so nice...

Annissakoh> Tink the phyisician is implying tat able to conceive or not is due to destiny and god's gift since able to conceive or not is affected by alot of factors and sometimes, it's not due to women issue. The factor may be due to men's sperm, etc...Thks for clearing my doubt tat bai dai is equal to CM...My frend, mother of 2 also told me to monitor my cm & another frend whom is currently 7mth preggy told me her cycle is not regular too...Tink i will jia you and leave the rest to god's will....


I don't think 'bai dai' is exactly the same as CM. When I describles my case (I have had this discharge since before my AF even started, it's usually a constant flow like AF on light days, consistancy and colour differs everytime) to my TCM doc, he said my ovaries are too heaty?! He gave me some tablets which I have only taken once so far and it seems to be gone liao. I also not very sure. All I know is that the body is very complicated.

Summer Peh

Ha ha. My HB is those type who want to get it over with one. I use Preseed and it's the whole applicatior. Can still tear if HB does IT at a certain angle (which he always does :s ) or if I'm too tight, not relaxed enough.

Summer Peh

Hee hee. I wish I could but can not totally blame him. I'm super ticklish so I keep laughing or pushing him away if he touch me wrongly. ha ha ha

thanks ladies for clearing my doubts.


which tcm did u go to?


i think we all also know that this is up to fate and destiny but we still want to do whatever we can to increase the chances of it happening.

cannot also leave everything to fate rite?

that is as good as not working and saying that God will provide for all mankind..quite irrational actually if u get what i mean..haha.


whoa..your hubby must be so power.

remind your hubby to go gentler and slower ah..hehe.

yah u must try your very best to relax too then it wont clam up and hurt as bad.

The usual cycle of CM is normal. If CM is abnormal, need to seek help.

I remembered I ever experienced smelly, thick/heavy CM and itchy, went to see polyclinic and specimen taken for lab test, concluded was infection. It cleared up after 1 course of medication.

Both parties need to enjoy the BD process to get to the top then will strike. JIA YOU.

Lynzi> Summerpeh went to the TCM which i recommend to u as my frend and her cousin rave abt him...

Ban Choon Wah medical Hall

Address : Blk 157, Serangoon North Ave 1 #01-434, Singapore 550154

Tel: 6288 7439

Review gotta fr forumers...

FEEDBACK: I had tried for baby since Year 2003, went to see few chinese sinseh which is popular in singapore, tried cromid, IUI and Laparoscopy over last 3 yrs of TTC but no good news. Besides that i have retroverted uterus, according to Gynea this will not affect on TTC

After seeing the sinseh at Ban Choon Wah for abt 3mth, finaly get pregant in yeard 2006, and i just give birth to my prince during this April.

Give this sinseh a try, he realy good

FEEDBACK (-VE): The physician,i tink,is the worse physician that i seen.He didn't chk my pulse n my history n straight away jumped into conclusion by treating me as infertile patient.He started to "hard sell" himself by boosting his achievements.He said he is the 1st person in S'pore who teach ppl how to use BBT temp chart to chk wf O.After i told him my conditions(miscarriages,etc)then he said he refused to treat me.On top of that,he even asked me to give him a token after all the lecturing fr him.I took out $10 note n asked him:"is this enough?" n very pissed off n left.

Andrea> Actually i dun mind consulting the Ban choon TCM but dragging my dh to see together is an issue...


I remind him, he will only slow down for 5 secs and then he's back to it... If I relax too much he will say got no feeling...

I also wish can have TCM without accupuncture but if that's the case, you don't even need to see a doc coz chinese medicine can be bought OTC. I also scared of needles. Wanted to faint and puke during my first session but must sacrifice!

Xiu> wow there is ppl talking about him Ooo... but he give medi really easy to eat... then most of the time hubby see 1 time can lioa.. cos their medi same de just buy can lioa... btw i start going to him on 26 June then alot ppl in front of me come out all preggie! see lioa so sour... lol

ProblemG....you sending shiver all over my body when you talked about accupuncture!!! how long is the process and where did he poke?

Summer> Dun be sour! Soon u will strike de. keke..My frend conceive aft 1.5 mth prior to consulting the Ban Choon TCM. She recommend to her cousin who have been trying for 5 yrs also conceive aft 3mths... She told me per visit is $64 each for both her & her dh...Is the price fix? When do u need to see him again? But one bad time is they oni operation on weekdays during office hrs...Muz take leaves rite? Do u call to make reservation or walk-in?


its open on Sat too.

opening hours 9am-12pm, 1.30pm-4pm (mon-sat)

charges depend on wat illness and the medication involved.

the lady said if wana see for TTC, usually 2 bottles of pills cost $64

excluding a small angbao to the TCM doc.

Lynzi> Oic, thks for the info. But 2 bottles of pills can last for how long? Did u consult or u make a phone call to enquire?


i havent go yet.

called up the clinic the other day.

im not sure though the pills last for how long.

i think i might want to go next week..will ask hubby and see how.

welcome joleen!


Finally yesterday was my first time not using any contracpetives at all.. After one year plus of either using condom or hubby shooting all out. finally have the courage to get it all.

First trial. Actually hope fora June baby rabbit e a little too soon.. haha..

though a little stressed, cos Iwant a baby girl, I find it so troublesome to use all the charting methods. so let nature take its cause lor... Hope can strike soon too.. Impt thing is my prepare my 2.5 year old toddler who is stillsuper gluely to me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope my 2.5 year old would unstand men cos i really fear of the 1st trim morning sickness too:p

Xiu> below is the opening hrs. i just walk in, for my mum sometime she will call and ask got alot ppl or not.. lol

Mon-Sat: 9am to 4pm

Sun & PH: 9am to 12noon

Lunch Time: 12noon to 1.30pm

Lynzi> ya i always got 2 bottles of pills cost $60+ for 2 weeks... so i will have to see him every 2 week.. btw my mum give small ang pao but i dono leh.. lol but must remember to bring & plot the chat if not doc nag... ha ha ha

welcome joleen & Kikilala

Hi All,

I am new here,been TTC for 2 yrs, to no avail no calculations ..nothg just wanted to let nature takes its course.... 6yrs ago preg once but timing wise did an abortion...this yr March diagnose a HPV issue in cervix so went did a minor op.....

Now trying hard and been reading up forums to get info....Recently, i went Thong Chai Medical....saw this Dr Lu JingYan anyone hv any comments or feedback on them....

My AF just finished

Hi ladies, am back. Went for external meeting yesterday, so did not have access to internet.

Andrea, can you explain the clomid process to me. Thanks

Icelava, what do u wan to know abt clomid process?? It is taken on CD2-CD6. On CD12, gynae will ask u to go back for scanning on how's the progess of ur eggs. If nvr go back, U just need to test for ovulation using ur own OPK.

Icelava, I just read back ur posting.. I not sure whether it will extend ovulation period or not. For me, I have irregular, my menes report half a year.

I am not too sure as well but I will consult the gynea on this as this is acutally recommended by the TCM. I was all right when TTC #1 but I guess my cycle got interrupted as I breastfeed my #1 for nearly 1 year.

Icelava, my #1 I was also right.. Married after 1 month+ strike le but is with the help of clomid and TCM. I dun think is breastfeeding.. I know of some mummies strike months later when they stopped. I think we r giving too much stress to ourselves. Mayb relax more, will strike. If this cycle, I have no gd news, I might consider giving myself a break.. Also $ "dry up" by gynae cos every cycle spent almost $200..

Sign, I am much older than you ladies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Hope to give birth to my #2 next year. You are right, think I have been giving myself too much stress. How old is your #1? My girl is 17 months.

Sign, am much older than you ladies here, so am hoping to give birth to my #2 next year. You are right, I could be giving myself too much stress as well. How old is your #1? my girl is 17 months.

Icelava, IC.. If clomid dont help u, gynae will suggest u to have injection/IUI/IVF(I not very sure which one), mine suggested this as clomid cant take more than 6 months. So I intend to give myself a break. Mine is a 15month boy.

Andrea: i am good and so is bb. I think i might be feelin movements..not strng..me 15 weeks leh. His a little boi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kom> Let me guess...My instinct says it's a BOY. BINGO rite! Haha, actually not instinct la. I play cheat, peep at Jan 2011 & u declared it's a boy! Congrats...



wow..a boy..enjoy the time he is in the tummy.

will miss the kicks once he is out.

so fast u can see gender already ah.

i only knew when i was at my 20weeks check.


how have u been dear?

long time never hear from you.


Lynzi: thx.. yeah.he hasnt started kickin or i haven been feelin it yet. yes..gynae was able to pinpoint very easily its a boi..in 15 weeks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

