(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Anastasia.....you need to reduce the pumping frequency, also the pumping duration, slowly cut down and should stop in 1-2 months times. After you stopped, you may still feel engorgement in every few days, massage and press them out during your shower to clear the lumps.

That time I've reduced from 3 times daily to 2 times for 1-2 week then 2 times to 1 time for 1-2 week, then 1 time daily. During the 1 time daily week, I got serious stomach flu, whatever I ate or drink will automatically be out, nothing left for pumping!!! which marked the end of the BF journey.


Cowgal, Lynzi and AnnissaKoh,

Thanks for all your advice. Actually, I've been cutting down pump frequency and duration for 1 month already. Last time used to have to pump 5 times a day and each time at least 30 min. Now only pump 3 times a day, each time only 10 min. I tried to reduce to 2 times a day (i.e. 12 hourly), the first set from morning till evening is ok, not too engorged..but the second set from evening till next morning is terrible! Super engorged and painful, despite putting cabbage leaves overnight. Cabbage leaves dun seem to work for me...infact, cause my skin to be itchy..maybe lack of ventilation?

My #1 is coming 9 mths, and I have alot of milk reserves in my chest freezer. Work is getting more and more busy, plus cos' I hope to have #2 soon..so I think it's time to stop.

Cowgal, I'm the same as you...coming to 29 this year =)

AnissaKoh, I din know after stop will still feel engorged once in a few days leh. I kena mastitis twice before, so I'm very scared I will get it again during this weaning process. Agree with you when got stomach flu, easy to stop breastfeeding. Last time I had food poisoning but still need to keep up the supply...so continue to pump despite being so sick..but was difficult too...cos' already not enough food and fluids in the body...I even felt like fainting at one point in time!

Anastasia, I took pills to stop. Not sure will affect 2nd milk production or not.. I did ask gynae abt it, she said NO.. but in my mind, u wan to make $$$ of cos said No.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but u BF longer.. I stop at 7mth.

Summer, my hubby 37 le.. ur hubby 31, still got lots of energy.. hehe..

I'm soo SIANZ.. hubby told me whole month of AUG he not around..

there is an old wives tale of hanging bottle cork around the neck.

my cousin did that and her milk just stopped flowing immediately..no engorgement nothing.

for me when i put the cabbage leaves, hubby will wash and pat them dry then pass to me. every 2 hours i will change the leaves. the first 2 days when get engorged i just pumped out.

after that subsequently stopped.

im 29 this year too.

hubby is 31.


go BD more before your hubby goes off..hehe


thats very positive of u but i definitely wont be in april 2011 mtb..can only start to ttc back next month.

Andrea, I asked my gynae and 2 lactation consultants. All of them say no too...but still can't help worrying, cos' my milk supply was very low to begin with, so actually alot of hard work in order to reach this stage can total breastfeed even until now..

Lynzi, this is the first time I hear of this leh..but if it works, I wouldn't mind giving it a try..though my hubbie sure think I crazy..cos' he dun believe in such stuff one..haha..Think I have to change the cabbage leaves every 2 hours like you did..I just left it overnight..then day time never us cos' got skin irritation..maybe just bear with the skin discomfort a bit..

Oh, looks like quite a few of us are 29 this year...my hubbie is 30 this year..

Hi everyone,

Haven't logged in for a while.

Congrats to all who have BFP!

I am 10 days late liao and just did my test. Sigh! It's still BFN!

The last round when I was 11 days late, also BFN. Very sian now!

Guess just have to try harder. Good luck to all still TCC-ing. Baby dust to you all!!

Hi guys, haven't logged in here in a long time! Now tt I'm a sahm, I think I'm busier than when I was working!!

Anyway, I did a hpt n huated! BFP!!

Feeling really tired n lower back ache but happy!

Aloha, our lmp same date!!

12 June right? Which gynae u seeing? I hope I'm due in march like u! Cuz my #1 is born in April [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] some gap then more fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, same March.

Dunno leh. Im in dilemma. My gynae is Dr Mary Yang (Gleneagles, but she is nt famous in delivery leh. Am contemplating to take my sis's male gynae Dr Chan Kon Hon (Gleneagles) or my girlfrens' Dr Joan Thong (Raffles).

Hi soon to be mummies,

Many apologises for hijacking this thread.

I had brought a Supreme Snuggle Nest by baby delight for my baby who was born this year March. However, we were given a cot and now she is sleeping in it.

Only used less than 5 times. Comes in the original box and a smoke free house.

Brought it from Mothercare at $99, and I'm sure most of you have seen it on display.

This is Supreme and not Deluxe snuggle nest which is more expensive than Deluxe.

For more detail information, please click on the link :- http://www.snugglenest.com/products/snuggle_nest/supreme/

If interested, please let me know. Will like to sell it at $49 which is half the price and it is in excellent, nearly new condition.

Thank you for your kind patient and have a good day ahead.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/4278331.jpg]

I'm seeing dr lee I wuen at raffles... Didn't go back to my old gynae cuz feel she a bit stern at times n not very comfortable with her. But I delivered at mt a n it was a fabulous experience!

pinkypink, congrats to u!!

Anastasia, I understand how u feel... Mine nvr latch at all. I pump n pump every 2 hrs.

Lynzi, sometimes no have the mood to bd cos too tired. hehe...


congrats my dear!

your hubby and boy must be happy.

i would have edd on 12th march too if not for what happened..sighhh

come here and give us more babydust!


I am finally back.. Been busy with my boy.. AM a stay at home mum with some part time jobs. He has weekend GUG classes now.. Hiaz.. still as attached to me.. Cried half an hour when lefy with Daddy alone during the weekends.. But no choice.. need let him learn be more independant lor.

Re pregnant mummies! Congrats yeah

Me also planning for a Rabbit June baby. SO I should be trying by the next two month.. I want a girl! Any tips huh? haha! sheattles method? Is that the only thing to try? HOpe not to be too stressed also when planning men.. Think no 1 not really plan= less stress compared to now men.. lol...

I really like girls. so much to buy and thinking about all the pretty sweet clips and dresses.. haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi SummerPeh,

Haha.. QUite fun that chart.. according to the chinese chart.. AT my Chinese age, its a girl.. hopefully true.. hoho. If not disappointed la.. But I think most importantly healthy baby matters most.. though one boy one gal will be ideal.

Fern: btw the month is also base on chinese oo... don see wrongly Ooo.. I have a few friend tried this chat and it really works... lol^^

Cool! So it seems pretty accurate huh?:p

Hmm.. What you mean by month based on chinese. I dont really understand..

I calculated and indicated my age based on chinese a year older then my age this year right?Quite simple actually just try harder on the months that indicate the sex of baby you want right? haha!

Thanks koms, lynzi n andrea! Quite happy cuz I'm too lazy to count days or chart bbt, quite unexpected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynzi, God never gives more than u can handle, i'm sure he will fulfil ur desires soon!

Fern: Yes you are 50% right. when it say July meaning chinese July not english July... ^^

example 1 July 2010 (English) = 20 May 2010 (Chinese)

Ladies.. Need some advice.. I had miss my menses for 5 days. Tested this morning, negative.. Sad.. My breast gave been having the sore feel esp nipple. Did a check that is pregnancy symptoms for the 1st 2 weeks.. Wondering anyone feel the same as me?

Hi Mrs Chua, my case same as u. I guess it might due to we ovulation late, that’s why our AF report later than wat we expected. My AF suppose to come on last Sun, but result is negative after tested tis morning. If I’m not wrong, today I’m on DPO11, hope that still have “chance” lah! Jia you together!

Anyone want to take over OPK x 30 and HPT x 4 from me? I just joined oversea spree to buy but decided not to use it as I'm not sensitive to these strips. PM me if you are keen.

ProblemG.....care to share the treatment by the TCM? Thanks

- What did he do

- How much is per consulation

- How often do you meed to see him

- Medicine easy to administer

wishstar, I'm on 7th round of clomid.. Very disappointed when AF report.. If this cycle no good news, think I will go for other choices..

Xiu, where r u?? How's ur consulation at Chong Hwa?

morning dearies!

wana ask you ladies opinion.

if my mense is normal. is it advisable for me to still go for tcm?

i heard from my fren that her mense is normal 28 days cycle and it got irregular when she started going for tcm.

to those taking clomid, did your gynae prescribe that to u auto?

or did u ask for it?


trying not to think about it coz of so many rounds of disappointment liao but still thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've only been to TCM twice.

17/7 (also CD1): Can't do accupuncture so was given 2 meds (1 liquid & 1 tablets) to take after AF clears. HB was given accu. and 1 med (pills). Total $104.

26/7 (CD10, AF just cleared on CD8): Dr checked my egg, expected to O at CD14 or later. Got accu. and given 2 meds (tablets for excessive discharge and powders to take before O). HB got accu. and 1 med (capsules). Total $102.

Session 3 will be on 30/7. HB has no issues with his meds. Tablets for me ok, liquid=yuck (those from bottle you have to take 1 marking each time)and powder is gross (18 small packets to dissolve in water and drank)! Ok, I just don't like meds I can taste so this is my reaction for most meds.

* You have to consider that different people will need different treatments and meds so the things I've described may be different from what others go through. Price too!

Problem G....thanks for sharing. I'm ok with tablets, it's the liquid that make me pukes before drinking down!!!

He gave you the next consultantion date or you decide yourself?

Whenever I need to see TCM due to long term (2-3 courses) on western medication and didnt get better, I "think" of the liquid, I'm ok liao, no need to see. LOL. I'll request NO LIQUID.

Lynzi....the purpose to see TCM is to build our body back, I wont think it will disrupt your cycle.

wishstar, yup.. I got leftover when I preg with #1. I took 2 months straight. I saw havent expired so I just take.. hehe

Lynzi, mine is gynae prescribe to me.. I think TCM thing is depends on each ppl's body. I took like no difference.


Really sian. don't know how to enjoy the process of BD liao... haiz. My problem is everytime do IT, there's always the fear of tearing, even with lubricant. Bled again last night so had to stop half way. Didn't even complete BD, how to BFP!!!


The date is suggested and I see if I can drop by. Usually they will have a date in mind coz have to followup on the treatment.

I don't dare to make any request lei. Later the Dr get offended how?!


ProbG, take it easy...i encounter tearing pain b4....den cant BD for 3 mths...and also..i fear of UTI...always kena after the session...

