(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Jaster> No need to be sad...Vday is juz 'commercial' loving day to spurge on flowers and dinner...as long he loves u every single day and celebrate and buy gifts for u on other special days can le...

Some still celebrate : "How long they know each other" anniversary...


diana: heehee.. my hubby deliver the flower down personally..and once.. when he came to pick me, he purposely dun help me put my stuffs into the car.. let me put myself.. in the end there's surprise at the boot.. haahaa...

xiu: my dad still buy flowers for my mum during valentine's, her birthday and their wedding anni... so lovely lor..

I am back..

Haha. I really cannot tolerate man eat outside lor. Cos Guess just my personal feeling..

But I guess for the sake of the kids.. I may reconsider... I am not really sure what I will do.. Ya lor me divorce so easily hor...

For me previously 1st trim i didt do.. 2nd trim more active. 3rd trim till doctor say stop lor.I just listen

Can DIY for him mah... at least better the nothing lor.. WE do for him leh.. not he do himself leh..

We still celebrate, vday, wedding anniversary and birthdays lor..Hope it will not stop later in the marriage later

Eelynn > Wow so romatic...

Me hubby the day before he just tell me waste $ buy so many useless things for what is got $ everyday is V-day...

I feel sad I tot he wun buy for me anythings end up he surprise me... hehe...

my only celebrate ROM n Vday is together.. but wedding is diff la.. dun knoe whether wan to celebrate anot also.. lolx..

Mdm Khoo> My dh also send me flowers tis V day but i told him waste of money as he should give me a mini pot of flowers which can last longer...Keke

Hapimint> Time span of paktor-ing does not matter, as long as got chemistry and both ready, then proceed to marriagehood...

diana: i will let it become dry flowers.. heehee....

jaster: most important is the couple time u 2 spend together... =)

Hmm.... my case sad lei... Hubby dun buy anything for me de lei for all the events...

We will only go out for dinner twice a month on 7th and 12th cos is our anniversary... Then if I say I like something, he will get for me lor.... But I never buy anything for him....

Things like LC bags cos he in Paris working so he will get for me 2. Then give me Aigner watch and Lacoste Bag cos he get from his Amex card. Whenever he go overseas to work, he will try to get me things lar... Even though I no use lei... Like SKII which I am not a fan of....

I never get him anything when I go holidays or his birthday or anniversary de... but thinking of going Bali to babymoon lei... But my plans is to go in Sept so not sure if it is wise lei... I plan, he pay.....

we dun really celebrate.. just go eat.. and usually is i ask if he want to go out eat.. presents are random la.. cos too close liao.. vday feb, rom may, wedding april.. haha.. so he usually buy around that period.. but he is good at buying presents! he know what i want.. but i seldom buy for him.. cos he what also dun want.

ME too.. hubby used to send me flowers home or office if he make a mistake and ask for apology..Used to send me flowers on vday and anniversary last time but I told him i dont want cos I feel its very ex lor esp during occassions..

And his money is also my money now.. hahaa. prefer a specific big gift that he usually will ask me to choose plus a small surprise gift like he will buy candles and petals for eg.. to make the room ambience nicer.. haha

for me, usually will receive presents on/off de...not just the impt dates...and we dun really celebrate after my gal is out, sometimes just a simple dinner

Eelynn > Hehe... I put inside Fridge for one month to see mah... have tried to put and make to dried flowers lah but arh will have dast i sensitive to dast so have to throw... Sob...

hapimint: no need to be sad arh,,, ur DH might not buy anything for u for all the events.. but he tried his best to buy u the stuffs u liked.. ur DH dote on u too... =)

All the man very one kind, after getting married, all the surprises and celebrations will be stopped. Hahahaha! But I dont really mind also.

I would have gotten married earlier should my dad reject the idea. What to do... I'm his darling daughter mah. End up we went to rom first, my dad wasnt very happy about it. Then I went to buy flat, he also not happy. Till I want to get marry, he also not happy. I told my hb that he better not be like my dad in future otherwise our daughter would hate him. LOL!

In about 2~3 weeks time would be my first anniversary, I wonder should & how we go celebrate it.... After being together for 6 years, every thing seems to be a routine. Even DB.... LOL!


Woah.. your hubby so generous.. So many branded things for you. so sweet of him.. Woah.. he is working in Paris.. Such a nice place. Just hint hint ask him bring you there someday!

My hubby used to buy branded things for me too but not much la but I seldom use them also. So now adays prefer to tell him what i like and what i need.

Eelynn> So lovey dovey is ur mum & dad...saw ur wedding highlight, ur dh is so humorous...Bet ur dh always make u laugh & be 开心果.

Hapimint> Lucky you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MdmKhoo, Eelynn> Me dun like to keep it as dry flowers so always end up in rubbish bin after it dried. Tink if dh wipe a 爱心meal for me, i will be veri happy...

Fern > You beri loving wife always think of ur DH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your DH also dote you alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiu: yup... my parents very loving... My DH always disturb me and make me laugh one.. Whenever we meet up with my friends... my friends will end up laughing.. they say like watching comedy.. bad DH...

Eelynn > ur daddy and mommy beri loving i also think so...

The most my daddy will do for my mommy is bring my mommy for social dance every week... hehe...

I see they go i dare not follow must have the "Yong Qi" to dance in front of so many strangers...

diana: that's loving also lor... usually my daddy will wake up earlier than my mummy when he's not working.. he will buy breakfast back for her... heeheee....

I think my hubby will burn the kitchen down too... He used to fly to Paris alot so most times, he will try to get me to go with him but I always reject him cos I dun like the idea of 14 hour flight lei....

My hubby tried cooking a few times for me... Once was when I went Paris to look for him when he was there to work... Made me a sandwich which he said, not nice.. haha....

Talking about flowers, I dun like it... He used to buy... but everytime he buy, I will nag... I think not worth lei... $100 for flowers or $100 for me? i prefer $100 for me....haha....

Eelynn > My daddy will buy when he happy lol... if not her rather sleep till beri late till the afternoon... hehe... poor mommy have to eat instant noodles...

i need to change my style already.. anyone here can be my image consultant? feel so lousy with my looks without make up.. n wear like dun knoe what..

I guess how we or our hbs would behave depends on how our parents behave. Setting good example for us so we also need to set good examples for our kids in the future.

I would say I have a very good hb. Ever since my labour, he has been extremely patient and forgiving towards me. End up making me feel like I'm a wicked woman who torture her hb and dont let him go anywhere. Hahahahaha!

Hapimint> Tink i also prefer the $100 in my pocket. Keke...Gd tat ur dh make an effort to make sandwich for u, maybe he tink not nice as compared to ur standard...Keke

Eelynn> Gd leh, i believe during ur pregancy, you will feel cheerful & ur baby get to hear alot of giggling sound or feel ur happiness and be a happy baby...:p

Fiona> Dun worry,u still look great! How abt changing ur hairstyle, flip some mag for dressing ideas and dress in a style which u feel comfortable and suits u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hapimint: haahaa.. i prefer cash on hands too... my DH only buy what i want.. he pays for it.. =P

xiu: i believed that too.. sure laugh until i stomachache..

chloie: i agree with u!!! you're blessed with a doting hubby.. =)

fiona: u look great arh... y must change?

Hapimint, i also think $100 give me better to spent on the flower.. but sianz after he heard that.. i nv recieve flower anymore... but i dun mind 1 stalk of rose.. haha.. my hubby zero % romanance gene in him.. keke...

Hapimint> Ya, I would also rather have that $100 in my pocket for shopping.

Talk about shopping, GSS starting tmr!!!!

I cant shop much also. Have not got back to my pre-preggy figure yet. I'm still wearing my maternity bottoms... How sad.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh ya, add me in fb too: [email protected]

fiona hubby mux be handsome so many gal wan to look at him.. haha..

chloie, its take sometime to slim back one.. dun worried...

Chloie> Ok, will add u...Did u go for Jamu massage after delivery? GSS-still can shop for other things than clothes mah...Hehe

chloie, i add u ok.. hee..

oh btw, GSS started today leh. M)phosis also on sale, taka started 10% storewide today, and so is isetan private sale. hehe.

Fiona> Muz be proud of ur dh since so mani gals 'bio' him...Hehe but too bad to other gals, he's urs...Be confident, ur dh love who u r... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fiona> Must have confidence in yourself. You must be happy that girls are looking at your hb mah. That means u got a handsome hb lah! Dont think too much.

Elicia> Ya, I know it would take some time.... Abit too impatient to slim down.... LOL!

Xiu> I did for about 8 sessions. But dont find the ML good cos she bind the tummy only then never really target on the thighs. I have thunder thighs wor. Thk of getting other ML now.

Chloie, maybe u can wait after u give birth... like abit waste money if u TTC no 2 and now go for slimming.. work hard now.. i heard that the first half year after u give birth is the most fertile period.. jia you...

xiu, i went shopping during lunch hrs. i cant wait to check out taka 10% sale & surprised to see m)phosis sale, its my fav sale. hahahahha..

u shop alot too? :p

Elicia> I tot of that too but I'm scare I would pile on even more weight then I would have an even hard time losing all the weight after birth. Cos I'm big size to start with.

Chloie> Oic, dun noe if those slimming cream which targets for thigh, arms & tummy will help or not...Also have bind for the thigh... there some exercise which may tone down the thigh...Maybe can tell ur ML ur requirement so she can empathise on ur area of concern...

Popomin> I tried not to shop alot, muz resist sale & temptation. hehe.. M)phosis is always crowded when there's sale. So u got anything?

