(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


wow! proposal on the cruise!!! so cool and sweet of your DH! haa..


i support locally made. Same "pdt" but "cost" is cheaper mah! hahaa.. =P

I think each proposal is special in their own ways.. and especially unique because it's your hubby, your love one who's proposing to you! doesn't matter how it's done, how much is spent or whether romantic or not..

a lot of things isn't what it is unless we human beings tag the meaning to it lor.. =)

突然很多感触! haha.. sorry for the ranting ah! heee.. must be all the studying that made me go gaga!


xiu: is like that one.. my hr also side my boss one ar.. so i can't say anything.. haiz.. sad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


我们是无所不谈! any topics also can.. =) you too can start the ball rolling to chat on another topic.. don't be shy hor..

Ya. I agree wit you Jaster.

Actaully, I always tell my hubby actauly proposal whether simple or not.. It should always come from the heart cos monetary is not as important as sincere and true love to me. Agree?

And I always stress him must remain the standard from the day he marries me till now. I also have been married for ages. COming 4 years.haha

Yesterday, I just mentioned after a kid comes along, I feel that certain things just changes.. esp his care towards me.. haha.. ANd he say he will try buck up cos he say with a child sometimes its hard have more personal time with me. I guess its also true..


why stress to your hubby? if a guy truly loves you, he will definitely love you from the time he started wooing you, till you all date and even after getting married.. don't stress him too much.. if not maybe will affect ttc cos too stressed..

Mummy Monkey,

=) ya.. the effort! 心意!


We courted for about 6 years.. at 19 and married at 25. I must say its a very long one. 6 years, and now married coming 4 years. Being each other only first gf/bf then marry lor. me no chance to choose anymore.. hahahaa yupz;)


not stressed i meant i empahnizd that to him.. haha.. just that newly married and those marry ages a bit differet esp when kids come along lor;)

Fern >


Me also 6 years with my DH...

but married only 2 years nia....

Same lah married at 25 ...

As long as you happy together why care that you dun have chance to choose others right?


no la, I was joking la. If I wanted, I could also have chose another back then.haha

But up to date I never once regretted. I am happy with the decision I made back then.

Haha. so co-incidence. we same time in courtship haha..

Jastar, What does that mean ah? My mandrin not good la.

alamak... me going to reach 7yr itch leh...

Married for 6yrs. Only date for 1 yr...

Total 7yrs together.

I think no need to emphasized, a man want to eat outside they will find all reason.

Even if he still treat u like during dating time can be FAKE.

So be yourself and make more spice to your marriage and relationship.

Time flies and ppl grow old cannot be always like LAST TIME de ma..


that means you and your DH have been in a long run relationship.. not sure if i've got the correct translation. My ang moh also not very good.. haha..


i agree with you! read another thread on the forum that a man had s** with another woman when his wife was away to her hometown. then he went to confess to the wife leh! if it's me i can't take it sia..

i feel that it's both wife's and husband's responsibility to keep the flame burnig, even when married and not just the husband's duty to love the wife only leh..

sometimes i wonder is it because we ladies expect a lot from our husband and that is why they go out and 偷吃!?

Fern > Haha... I noe u joking I also joking with you lah...

Ya lor... Smae time... hehe...

Kerqing > Wow... 7 years liao... how i wish can be like u reach that state... hehe...

Kerqing> Haha, control ur 'itch'...

Tink my courtship d longest here...


Married: 1yr 7mth

HB & I also 6 yrs gap, but not 1st gf/bf...


Yah.. AT least you tell him how you feel for him to improve for the better. Whether he wants to eat outside is not within our control anymore. At least we know we have done our best liao and we need to plan our new life ahead. My own tots.

And this situation varies from couple to couple too. some can still be ever so loving some marriage even fail withinn a year too.

Agree, it take two to add more sparks and spice to your marriage.


Another topic for the day:

If you all are married. And you find out hubby eating outide, will you alll forgive him or divorce him?

I will divorce cos I dont like being betrayed.

YOu guys?

You see, Man are very visual people.

To me earnestly, even how loving they can be at courtship days, they may fall outside.

So as a wife, we really have to give them the needs they need leh. cos I guess man are more visual whereby women are more emotional.. ANd I guess man also like freedom, Although I like control I just to let loose a bit haha

So now we already have a new topic..

If man eat outside, what do we as woman do?

Jaster, this type of man i will say he used his lower body to think only.

I also cannot take it. Haiz...

But I will say woman are soft hearted animal.

Jaster> I even read that a man had xxx with a woman when his wife is pregnant...Wa piang, the woman had to endure physical & emotional pain during preganancy yet the guy can go & 偷吃 to satisfy his needs...

Yah.. I read b4 many man eat outide when wife preggie. so horrible! If me, I think i will div or even go crazy leh.. wah lau, bear 9 months for his child and he dare to eat outside?

Fern > For me my hubby WILL NEVER EAT OUTSIDE FOR SURE.... Thats y I never tot of that...


If currently ask me this Qs... I will forget him for the sake of the Children and for the sake of the Family as long as he can come home to me this prove I won...

If that he choose the other women this prove i won too because this man is useless to protect the family I want him for what... That women will be so stupid to want him.

xiu, that is normal.

I heard, wife pregnant #1, went out eat.

Wife noe, forgive.

Pregnant #2, still eat the same woman.

Wife cannot tahan divorce.

#1 Prince #2 Princess leh. So prefect.

That Man marry that outside woman.

So very scarely de lor. If during pregnant if dont BD, DH will eat outside coz 9 mths leh. How to tahan... hahahaha.

I heard if BD during pregnant likely to give birth early. wahahahaha

kerqing, xiu,

very sad hor.. but i think all men are like that.. but depends on how much 定义 (ding yi) they have! those who can't control of their urge to fulfil their sexual needs, will have multiply sex partners.. those who can, even if wife is preggie also can tahan.


why so easily divorced? though i say i can't take it if this really happens to me but i won't want to divorce. Instead will think is it anything that i've done to make it fall into the trap of having extra marital affaris!

Kerqing> Omg,the man will have karma, who noes, maybe the 2nd woman he married to will go out to eat...Keke

Tink BD may not affect the rate of delivery, juz have to gentle...During the 9mths,the guys can still DIY instead of BD mah...hehe

if the guy go eat cos no BD, then the guy only care about his XX needs lo.. he dun even care abt the woman he say he love..

me know my dh for 10yrs.. but dated only 4yrs later cos i was with my ex then.. then my mum always skip the ex part and say we dated for 10 yrs..

Start a new topic since so quiet...

Do u celebrate "Valentine Day" after marriage or juz celebrate "Wedding Anniversary"?

Vday dinner only.

Wedding Anni, ROM or Customary de?

hahahaha these days some will have ROM date n Customary date.

I only celebrate ROM Day.

xiu: we celebrate both.. =P dating anni, valentine's, birthday.. heehee.. .wedding not yet.. have to wait next yr jan.. =P

jaster: hubby will plan surprise.. sometimes he will tell me he cannot make it.. but always last min appear at my office.. bad him.. =P

Eelynn> Can't wait to see me arh...Keke...But sorry, got someting on le...anyway still got 2 upcoming gatherings which i would join... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... during preggie cannot BD ar? I think my DH will burst lei.... Afternoon ladies.....

He is almost on a daily basis de... I still wondering... After 2 years of marriage le, thought will reduce?

I also always tell hubby about those cases of eating outside de.... Just to see what he thinks... He keep saying he won't do it... Too busy le lar... and he say, he dun like to handle another woman since he dun know how to handle woman de....

Think me quite short lei... Dated less than a year then prepare wedding for a year then married for 2 years le....

