(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

morning ladies.. can anyone give me some advise..

should i go buy a pregnancy test to test or should i wait until next month??

my last period was 22 April..

Hey Diana,

CAn you add me to facebook too? Wats yours? I go add you?


Fern > Hi Hi.. Sorry for the late reply.. Busy... Humm... Just add u in FB le... Waiting for accept... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diana n Carice: thanks.. wait for next week den test.. hope this time is not false alarm..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

"wave" to all.. Mdmkhoo.. i miss u too la.. Mrs Carice, Puffgal..etc..

Popomin: haha tell you something ~ i duno which is your real name..keke.. i tot you are another person..now i remember the real name instead of nick.haha

i am back from Sunway Lagoon, injured myself..with a big bruise.. arghh.. will take more pictures to show you all .. okie..

Puffgal: i chiong at KLCC and Pavilion haha - Burberry on sale.. the staff at Gucci says these 2 days going to have sale as well. Bought myself a wallet haha at Burberry.

Mrs Tan > Haha... I joking with you de lah... Wow... Now all sales... must sweep more things back to SG... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi diana.

THanks. I have added you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Stay in touch. ANy msn to add you as well?

Hi everyone anyone miss me ??? I suppose no bah ... Sob sob

Ytd n today whole day shopping like crazy lor but didn't buy much one 1 pc of tube for myself n e rest r my gal n my Hubby ..... Wanted to buy coach bag but think of saving e $$$ for my gal to buy for her toys or other stuff ( any mummies same as me ???)

mrs tan: glad you enjoyed yourself there shopping... take more photos... we missed you lotz!!!!

Serene: dun think that way oooo.... we missed you too.... enjoy yourself shopping during GSS!!! =)

Eelynn: wow.. so nice to hear from you.

I will take pictures... din't buy much things only 1 for myself and the rest my daughter's clothes.

Need to change her wardrobe..keke cuz she is very thin so she had been wearing her same clothes for the past 3 years. So now must replenish some for her.

But the sales not very attractive, i think i will go back SG to get those that i really need.


mrs tan: heehee.. we went for our MJ today and our steamboat.. very delicious and full.. hope to hear from u soon!!! Enjoy!!

morning ladies.. now in the office.. so tired.. my body temp is 36.7..

is very hot from inside.. is it normal ar? i think the hotest start last week ba..

Morning ladies!!!!!!

Fiona> I'm also in the office... Got to drag my feet in today... No choice.... Having interview later. My admin girl is calling it quits. Leaving me with her pile of sh!t.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Drink some cold drinks to cool down your body?

MdmKhoo> Where is THONG CHAI Medical???

Fern> *blush blush*

Tip to a loving and caring hb: Find an older man. LOL!!!!

Your boy is very cute!

All i remember of confinement was that I kept perspiring non stop, even after a shower. I dont think I would want to do confinement again. LOL!

lolx.. my head like got fire like that.. see things also blur..

think i'm going to get sick soon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning ladies...

Fiona> High temp constantly could mean BFP but lately the weather is quite hot & humid...Hope it's not the weather tat causes ur temp to increase...Gd luck to u, hope it's gd news...

Chloie> Dun let ur work affect ur mood, hope ur new recruit admin girl can clear the 'shit' soon...The Thong Chai Medical is at Chin Swee Road...


There's alot of TCM...U can also go to Chung Hwa clinic, similar to Thong Chai...for gynae issue since there's specialist for gynaes issues on certain days at low cost...


morning ladies...

chloie/fiona: i'm also at the office.. =)

chloie: i agree with you.. find an older man.. =)

fiona: good news from u soon... =P

Gd morning ladies! :D

Wow seem like gg to hear gd news from Fiona liao! Hope dat u can be our no 3 graduate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Tan! u duno my real name ar? now u noe le ma? Pls be careful over there..

Take more pics & show us ok.. and u come back sg to buy la.. got M)phosis sale leh. hahaha..

Mrs Tan> Yup, yup, i miss u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...Hope ur bruise will heal soon...Glad u got ur burberry wallet since it's on ur 'wish list'...Update us where have u gone today..Hee hee...

Eelynn> Gd morning, glad tat u all had a great steamboat session last nite, too bad i can't make it...How mani went?Got take pics bo?

fiona> On fire lei! So serious mah? Better drink more water.

xiu> Thanks for the link!

Eelynn> Hahahahaha! Older man got more an chuan gan. Though I also like his part time maid, at least their thinking is more mature than man of our age. I think I were to date a "boy" of my age 6 years back, I wont even be married now.

Oh ya, since you ladies are ttcing, are you taking folic acid aldy? You need to start on your folic acid when you are ttcing wor.

tell u all smthing, my hb seldom dreams. then yesterday he told me dat he dreamt dat i had given birth.. im so happy leh. he also very happy.

but it was just a dream. hahaha.

chloie: lolx.. ya.. feel like my whole body on fire.. lolx..

but i'm the type dun scare hot de.. only scare cold..

but now is the diff way.. scare hot not scare of cold..

Popomin> Dream do come true...My frend M dreamt tat frend S is pregnant. Tat time,my frend S dun noe she's preggy yet but my frend M told her abt her dream and tata, Frend S is indeed preggy. So dream do turn into reality [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope to hear gd news fr u soon...

chloie: yup.. guys of our age dun think as matured as us.. =P I've just started taking FA...

fiona: update us the good news okie.. =P

xiu: never take photos.. brought my camera along... but low batt.. opppsss.. =X

popomin: good news from u soon.. heehee...

Eelynn: sure.. i'm so scare of the result wor.. thinking of taking the test later..

but if i let my hubby know he sure say i waste money again :p

good morning to all.

Wake up late today. Didnt sleep well yesterday night coz sinus is back yest night and now sore thoat due to back flow.. ARGH...

Fiona, dont worry, BBT need to be high high for a BFP. My last cycle highest was 37. Close to fever. I quickly went to see doc then end up doc say not fever. hahahaha..

Go test it secretly lo.

thanks ladies.. baby dust to all of u.. 2 weeks later den go see gynae.. now i think only 4 weeks ba.. Hubby like don't believe don't believe like that.. cuz that time got one test kit spoil make us happy for nothing.. but this time i trust the kit la.. lol.. i'm so happy..

C O N G R A T S Fiona!

im so happy to noe abt the news when i come in just now. Hope got more graduates to come soon. hehe!

Take gd care of urself hor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


get hungry easily.. i just ate something just now.. but like nothing go in like that.. haha.. n i am feeling very tired lo.. but can't sleep.. too hot already.. some more no air con..

