(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

haha... so many ladies same with me... prefer money to flowers... haha....

Oh ya... is GSS le hor.... I actually is very male character de lei... I honestly hate window shopping... I dun like to shop without a reason.... So I wont be seen at GSS... haha... except when I am forced by my DH, who loves GSS....

I abit scared also... If I pregnant, will sure look like a huge watermelon de... super sianz....


Hapimint: dun worry ar.. every pregnant woman look sexy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiu, i got 2 belts, 1 necklace & 1 scarf for $34++. oh under 50%! im so happy. if i got time, i sure can walk to all outlets in orchard.. hehehe.


I add you ok? Are you Chloie Peck? Me not sure if its the right person?

how old is your #1?

Hi Chloie,

Ok, I go add you now.. SOrry, pardon me, What do you mean by if she is still around? I didnt read the earlier post. Something happened?

Popomin> Can feel ur satisfaction esp got 50% dis...Dun buy will feel regret...keke..Walk to all outlets in orchard mean more damages to ur pocket...Keke, save the $$$ to shop at HK & AU next mth...

xiu, dun like dat ma.. u understand me so well. so i dun go out during this long wkend.. i stay at home & pray. hehehe! :p

Fern> I'm supposed to be a May'10 MTB but I went to induce in Apr'10 cos my girl was detected to have Trisomy 18 when she was in week 28. She passed away mins after I gave birth to her.

Puffgal> I want to start but dont know when to. But confirm would like to have a rabbit bb. Initially I was waiting for my period to resume then now after I just ended my first period, I dont know what I'm waiting for. I'm not sure whether to rest for a few more months or to start now. My gyne told me that I can start to try for another after 6 mths but I dont want to waste time lei. In a huge dilemma.....

HI chloie,

I am sorry to hear that.. Rest first before you tr to ttc ok? HOpe you are feeling better now as this just happened.

BTW, I have added you liao.. Nice to know you too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie, i noe you are anxious to have another one, but i would suggest you to wait for few more months and listen to your gynae, becos you just give birth, your womb not yet recover and you are still weak, so better to rest and build up your body and womb again...i believe you can easily strike soon...

Hi Chloie,

Me agree too..

DO rest first as womb weak not adviseable to get preggie so fast. SHould rest at least a year and take some tonic to build up your body first. AS you are still young you can get preggie anytime[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Relax yea;)


Actaully I am not really the loving kind. haha Hubby more loving bah. I easily paiseh one to be loving outside... haha

But must admit that sometimes I quite bad.. still say him or scold him for the slightest mistake he makes. Must learn to try to be more loving towards him hahha..


i know that you are anxious in wanting to try for another one.. hugs.. like what other ladies say, do rest your womb for at least a few months before trying? the womb has to be strong for the little one to stay in yeah? =) i think you're a very strong gal.. if it's me i may get into depression already.. i nearly did when my little one went up to heaven..

I think my body also wants me to recover first before trying for another one. I'm like telling my hb that we shd try for another one maybe after 3 mths but here I am taking the pills. Very mao dun right!

How long does the womb take to recover huh? Never know that need to wait for it to recover then can try for another.

Chloie, My gyne says at least 1 year leh.. when you just given birth. think diff gyne varies.

I think you are a brave gal too. all the best to you ttc for another!

THink its best you first concentrate on building up your body and you hubby and family will definatley be supportive in your decision.


i read online (for D&C cases), most gynaes will say to rest at least 3 months then start trying again. actually the 3 months is for women to recover emotionally. this website say after cycle resume can start ttc-ing.. some say better to rest 3 months is for the lining to resume it's normal thickness..

Chloie, in fact i heard is 1 yr that the womb will be completly recover, but then i see a few who gv birth to one liao, and accidently kena another is about 6mths later

Fern > Hehe... No lah not bad sometimes in marriage must spice things up mah if no scolding no qurrel no communication that is not healthy mah... Right... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies...

so busy today trying to finish my work plus co is monitoring our internet usage so cannot come here too often..sob sob

got anyone miss me?

Jaster> Sorry to ask but what happen to your bb?

I nearly went into depression. My hb promise to take a week off to be with me after my labour but he cant & therefore didnt. I had a major breakdown about 2 weeks back. He asked why are we quarreling almost every night and I somehow figured out that it's cos of his broken promise. I did told myself not to blame him for not taking time off to be with me but on the other hand, I felt empty and cheated so maybe that's why I kept finding fault with him. After we talked thru, I have been better. Maybe also cos I came back to work so everything is ok aldy.

1 year for the womb to recover ah? Abit too long liao. I still tot of having a rabbit then a dragon. But I'm also afraid of the overcrowding of dragon bbs. LOL!

chloie, maybe 6mths? still in time for a baby bunny and you can take this 6mths to build up ur body and womb too...dun rush dun rush, i can fully understand how you feel...but you are still young, dun rush on such thing...

its great that you come here to say it all out, you need a place to say out all ur tots, so that you wun go into depression, chat with us over here more often...and you will feel better...i believe your gal in heaven also do not want to see her mummy so sad...she will be coming back to you soon...trust me =)

Lynzi> Me miss u. Thought u on leave today again. Hee hee...Wow, company monitoring internet usage...quite scary...


lost my baby in 1st trimester, the most unstable period. heartbeat couldn't be detected already and i realised something was wrong when i was bleeding. =)

if you don't mind, may i ask why you are taking pills ah? cos if you're intending to ttc soon better to be off the pills? are u seeing and TCM to tiao yang your body?

i know how you felt when your hubby didn't manage to take leave to be with you. hugs.. it must be quite a emotional period for both of you.. hugs..

Chloe>Glad tat u have talk it out with ur dh and ur dh is more understanding towards u...Feel free to rant/chat here...Perhaps you wanna start in July...

Hi chloie,

i had a stillborn too.. she was 35weeks then. you can try to cook "Ba zhen" with black chicken to pu.. i cook tat myself every week except the week tat i'm have my AF.. i fully understand what u have gone through.. We might have gone into depression without us knowing.. its good that u are recovering well.. for me it took me almost 5 mths to "recover" as there is no diagnose for her departure.

i have cousin who give birth one at jan and one at dec of the same year... they look just like twin.. born in same year but different month.. my cousin seem okie.. although i dun really understand the recovery of womb thingy.. but actually there is many cases ard me that they give birth again within 1 year.. hee... anyway to play safe.. 3-6 months should be enough right?

Lynzi.. here here.. i miss u.. haha.. was wondering why u didn't come online... thought u haven't recover..


i just managed to read about your gerl.

im so sorry to hear that but at least now she is in God hands.

i know its never easy.

yup the rest are rite..u should rest for 6 mths then can ttc again. Thats what most gyns will advise.

must also do confinement n massage.


hugsss..u are another strong lady.

xiu, elicia,

awww..so sweet of both of u.

im at work but im going to have a reali long weekend as i will be on 1 week plus leave starting monday..shiok!

lynzi: so you joining us tomorrow?? Waiting for your answers leh my dear...

Hazel: Glad you've been strong.. Jia you!!! =)

puffgal> Ya, I also tell myself not to be too rush. If my body has not recovered, it would affect both me n my bb so better to rest for a while first.

Jaster> Ooh... 1st trimester very unstable. But at least your bb decided not to make you suffer any future. Imagine mine, can feel her kicks, can respond to me talking to her, even worst.

Why I'm on pills ar? Cos I'm in a dilemma mah. But also cos I feel that semen can make my complexion better.... *Blush* So prefer to go "unprotected". LOL!

I never went to see TCM to tiao. Cant decide whether to or not.

As you can see, I'm a very indecisive person. Hahahahahaha!

xiu> Ya, I'm so glad I did talk to him. Recently found him to be very lo-so. Like to tell me "da-tao-li".

Hazel> *Hugsssss* I totally know how you feel. Just that I was aldy prepared about my bb's situation. Hope you are all fine now!

elicia> Eh! I also want to try that lei. It's just like twins lor!

lynzi> Thanks for your concern. I did not do a proper confinement though.... Hahahahaha!

Eelynn> Have approved you. Just noticed that our hbs have something in common. DIRT! My hb like to "roll" in the mud too but with his truck. LOL!

chloie > Jia You must "tiao" your body frist... really try TCM can go THONG CHAI Medical [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I added you in FB pls accept wor... hehe...

Dear ladies..

got miss me??? i am in KL now.. arrghhh the GSS in better i guessed.. but i had some damages done as well. haha... keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Must keep me posted on what happened. i will only log in at night haha.. brought my Laogong's Laptop along haha..

here's an update, I woke up at 6am and left at 6.40am and then i drove abt 100++km and the rest Laogong drove.. wow happy trip so far.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I miss all of you!!!

Eeylnn, doris, Kerqing, Xiu, Hapimint, Jenny, Rachel, Lynzi, Rina, Lina, wowo..alot.. how are you all??

mrs tan!!!!!! miss you lots..... glad you're happy shopping and enjoying urself there.. take more photos and show us okie.. =)


Hey Chloie,

Thanks for adding me too. Think I am forgotten.. haha. I am really very encourged by you by your pics and all in facebook.. YOu are really strong woman..i am sure you will be able to conceive a very healthy child in future. And most importantly can see you have a very loving and caring husband.

Jia you yah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

