(2011/11) Nov 2011


Yes i agreed,labour cramp should be intense..These false alarm makes me frustrated sometimes.Some Disposable panties are cotton and comfortable too.I bot mine at chinatown,the material very good and soft.


fion, teach me how to drop bb's weight leh.... mine overweight... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

is-elle, I read their magazine too.. in mag, got intro some.. i only get a few.. mainly neck n lips products.., cuz since pregnant, my neck starts to hv lines... looks so old...

little_bb, the payeasy is in chinese.. :p anyway, i feel totally same as u!!!! cramp, hardening, active bb movement etc... i told my gynae abt the pain.. then he replied, " soon u going to give birth, then no more pain... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]"

Hi all mummies,

Sorry missed out in the afternoon and evening chat. I'm advised to bed rest side way at all times after today check up

At 37+5, bb weigh 3.5kg. Got to be csection le. Doc dun recommend induce cos my BP might goes up when contraction comes. Will cause danger to me and bb. Plus my swollen feet is not subsided, meaning not enuff rest.

This coming Monday will have another appt with him and then decide when to csection but the latest also will be 20/11.. Anyway I will be still dischage earlier than my CL availability date, lucky got my auntie to help me a few first days.


Better cut down on sugar level, if not sure csection. Cos if too big, induced cannot pop end up also csection. Will end up paying more fee.

Disposable panties

I bought mine at swatson at chinatown market. There is paper type and cotton type. Big and comfy plus high waist.


Natalie bd will be so nice to remember. All the best to you.


I stay at Blk 147 st 13. Ur side is my marketing hangout area. Maybe next time I can meet u there for breaky when bb is more stable to bring out. Ur is no.3 le...very Lao jiao Liao...can ask u when I dunno. Heehee

Cyn & iselle

Good to hear ur bb has gained weight and at a good size. Dun worry for both, sure can carry till full term.

Little bb

So many false alarm. Better monitor carefully. Soon is ur turn le.


Ur CL so good ah... Heehee..u keep her contact. If I have any friend who need CL, I will ask u again.


Jia you. Smooth delivery!!!

Ok, I have curfew from hb to sleep before 11:30pm. Good nite, have a good rest. Byeee

Congrats Mummies who have given birth and jia you for those who will be soon. I am a end 2010 mummies and I got a tin of Enfalac Stage 1 expiring on 17 Mar 2012 milk powder to sell. Country of Origin: Netherland. My girl is no longer using stage 1 so I am selling this at $20. Self collect at Jurong Point on Weekend or Vivo/Redhill on Weekday. Please pm me to liaise. Thanks and enjoy motherhood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Jean,

Have a good night's rest and take good care. Dun worry too much k, even c-sect but baby healthy is most important.

20.11.2011 is also a nice date!

So long le....... I still haven't given birth.... Also have cramps accompanied by lower back ache on-off.... I thought my little girl will come out soon. But yesterday I went for checkup, doc say I haven't dilate, cervix still hard, baby's head not engaged yet..... So sad... All the unnecessary pain when she is not even ready yet....

Now everyday, I wake up eat loti, read newspaper. Then lunch, watch VCD until dinner time. Lunch is always a bit of problem.... It's getting more and more difficult to go out. Walk a bit breathless.

Like cyn, My gynae is also out of town this weekend to next weekend. He say, he's quite sure that I most likely will not deliver until after he comes back... If that's the case as he predicts, then my girl will be a little bit overdue... EDD is actually 18 nov, next Friday.

Jean chua

Have a good rest..Your bb will be very cute & chubby..its ok to go for csection at least you dont have to go thru labour pain.Now you know your csection date,you can get everything prepare.


The waiting period is frustrating esp when you having signs of labour.Everyday i receive false alarm! Today the crampy feeling on and off torture me the whole day.Me too experience backaches,leg cramp feeling spreading to thigh.Today my swollen pig leg is the worst! Suddenly swollen till out of shape!

Hi mummies jus wake up after delivery..Natalie is at3.642kgat week 39..

12midnight: being pushed in operating threatre..

Starting to Yr particulars..

I was inserted anthetistice throu my back ( abit pain)

When my doc operated mi I can feel the pull pain , no chose but to breath throu a gas tube , become semi conscious .. I hear voices n slp at the same time ..

When they remove thegas tube I slowly regain my conscious .. I keep hearing them telling mi can u c Yr bb n hear bb cry .. I was so weak .. I know they carry her to mi ... I got impression that I vomited .. Doc also say that lucky I csec cos the umbilical cord cord ard bb.. If I natural will still have to csec in the end... I was given the gas again for my stickes..

Den I fall aslp again ,when know the time it was 2.20am .. I was pushed backto the ward n rest.. I was shivering non stop n I can feel the total numbness at lower body.. I saw my hb waiting outside n I ask how is my bb .. Everything is fine ..thank goodness , it all worth it .. Now I can slowly regain my numbness I can feel my wound abit pain ..didnt have a clear look at my bb..

Congrats Esther n all the best to cassevonrie!

For moo moo club mummies, maybe u can try to take more salmon fish cos my CL told me it helps to increase milk supply too. I ate a lot of it and with the breast massages I get pretty good supply now. I also massage my breasts as advised by the massage lady before pumping to clear the ducts n get better milk flow.

Hi esther

Congrats to you and Natalie. Have a smooth confinement. Can't waif to see nov mummies and bb gathering, after hearing so many birth stories of each other.

Thanks on ur csect details. At least I'm more well prepared when it is my turn next week. I think my gal will be around natalie's weight too.

Cynn and little bb

Thanks for your concern. I have been telling myself, bb health is the most important issue, so already well prepared for csect. But now I need to bed rest alot.

Little bb

U need to bed rest sideways in order for the swollen legs to subside. It is not good sign. My doc say swollen legs might be a sign of weak kidney as they r weak to relieve the water out of our body. Dun walk too much....need to raise ur legs whenever u sit, but better bed rest 24hr. This is what he advise me, as he afraid of the problem might still be there after delivery and will worsen my health. Do take care ya.

Today 11.11.11 nice date. Jia you to those mummies still in d-ward now. Congrats to mummies who has given birth today.

Dear all mummies, my name is kaemii n I am a nov 23 MTb too.. Not so active onto the threads but seem nice to have frenzy to chat ard.. Juz went for my wk 38 checkup and bb fine but dr ang (lawrence ang) advise nothin seem to be otw yet.. Bb seem far fm delivery.. Dunno hw is like since this is first child...

Bb wgt doesn't seem heavy only at 3.5kg.. Dr only advise n say see next wk if I can go for natural which I am opting.

@ felixp: congrate on yr new born. Were you delivered by dr Lawrence Ang too? Is he gd?

As for the baby full month, I been sourcing and asking around and lotsa f/b is pp nwadays will prepare red egg/Ang ku kueh and glutinous rice alongside wiz the buffet.. Tt mean whomever u invite can eat also.. Only prepare those gift box to pp whom give u stuffs but nvr attend..

As for fun pack etc, they suggested do at bb first Year old cos by then they know more stuffs n will ve more frenzy.. Nw they juz slp etc.. So might as well save e $$ up n invest onto buffet..

As for caterer the most recent recommendation wiz nice f/b is Neo Garden n Gim Poh. Serving lotsa, food nice n price gd..

An1 looking for photographer for yr newborn can try her.. Recently juz saw my frenzy bb photoshoot. Nice n price okie.. Look for casssandra: 97672173

I do agree with 1 of the mummy above that all nov mum shd catch up an gather and maybe in couple years time we can share n travel together with our lil 1 and hb.

1 of my fren a Jan oct mum n she made excellent frenY thru e thread and they share all good lobang together.. They also go out wiz bb and u see all e lil bb lying together side by side so cute...

Ok I shall pen off n we catch up soon.. Btw today got expo motherhood fair tho.. Ve a nice wkend all mummies...


Btw anyone using Avent bottles? Does it leak? Mine does and worst, the wordings "dropped" or peeled off. Which means, no wordings now. So silly.

May I also ask what's the diff between the semi yellow bottle and the fully transparent bottle? I know the semi yellow one is for breast milk but function wise, what's the diff?

Esther>> Congrats, hope you getting better now, Natalie is in good weight. Thus, she wanna choose the nice 20111111 bday for her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ptsmallbear>> Yes, I also waiting for my D day. most probably will over due date le, still not much sign for me. Mon checkup bb haven engaged yet.

Littlebb>> According to my gynae,the irregular contraction is good, the uterus is contract then can push bb down and engaged. I dun have much contraction le, not sure is it my bb so long haven engaged and diff to make my cervix open ler.. hee..

Hi rebeana

Full transparent avent bottle has a separate white piece near to the teats (to prevent colic) so will tends to leak is not place properly.

While semi yellow bottle are in built with the white piece, so won't leak easily.

My gf recommend nuk wide bottle teats for their similarity with our nipples to prevent nipple confusion. NUK wide bottle teats is able to fit into AVENT bottles. So pls test them out before investing another set of NUK bottles.

Hi ptsmallbear,

Haha your gynae so sure your baby won't sneak out while he is away ah! I keep talking to my gal now, better guai guai dun come out before her gynae come back.

Like you, I feel that getting lunch is so much trouble, don't feel like getting out of the house but still need to eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


3.5kg baby not heavy enough for you? Wah.... I hope my baby weight can hit 3kg I happy liao.

Overdue babies

I always got the impression that most babies will come out before their due dates! Now then I know it's also quite common to be overdue. Baby too comfy inside, need to coax them to come out haha...

Wow last night was quite a torture, dunno if its cos never rest enough, tummy cramping up every now and then. Aiyo.... I shall take it easy today...

Hi Rebeana and all mothers with good confinement ladies,

Can I appeal to y'all for help to provide me with the contact number of your CL after she has finished attending to you during your confinement and the extended period you may like her to be with you. I need a CL ard from 11 Dec onwards for a month and finds it hard to find one so last min.

Have a long story... MIL is with me only during this first month to help with my confinement and baby but... It's not that smooth a time and I don't know how to handle everything on my own next month.

J colours

Take it easy. Dun over stress urself now. Everything will be different after the first month. Cos the bb will tends to have their preferred habit. So try to relax and trial and error on their feeding amount, stick to their feeding and bathing time... Dun get fret out, soon or later, u will still need to be alone with bb.

Hi j

Don't be stress first. Actually I'm also starting to be stress thinking about next mth when I have to deal with baby, house work and making my meals.. Trying to learn as much as possible but keep forgetting. My CL number is 8242 6108. Yan Jie. Can try calling her. I know her ex employer hires her 4 mths after her confinrment.


I also feel that lunch is a difficult part. Try to use slow cooker and hot water to boil ABC or bak ku teh soup or scallop with meat porridge or small ikan bills with peanut porridge when u wake up in the morning, usually takes 2hrs plus to be ready. Then for the rice, u can cook extra for the dinner portion as well, so won't burnt if portion is too small.

If not, try to cook western for lunch. Baked salmon or chicken chop, and salad, or pasta. Just try to incl meat veg and carbo in ur meal.

Today got so many places got sale! Expo got a fair, metro got 20% storewide... I wanna sneak out go gai gai! But expo is too far away for me. I intend to use lunch as an excuse to go out! My husband got say I tummy big big, dun anyhow go out... But I'm really a shopaholic, hear where got sale will wanna go.... Sigh... When I think about the confirment time cannot go out, I feel a bit sian. Cannot bath, cannot blow wind.... So would like to go out as much as possible now.


I tink usually ppl advise 1 month after c section for Jamu. The minimum I heard is 3 weeks.


Thanks for sharing ur c section experience... I quite scaredy cat n give up easily person. Dunno if can go thru normal delivery or not. My colleague told me if doctor suggest induce, I might as well go for c section, dun suffer the pain twice. Cos induce also have to wait so long, together with the pain. So c section is on my mind. Just that I still scare pain.


Gynae old old wan... His experience and confidence made me quite assured not my naughty girl not likely to be out next week. He even mentality prepared me that, there may be cases where the cervix doesn't soften n dilate for a long time till overdue, so in such cases, c section will have to do the job. Or can induce lah. But I dun wish to go thru prolong pain. Induce n wait, still cannot, in the end go c section...

Hi every1! juz went for my appt ytd. bb @ 38wks, now 3.2kg. i will b gg for my csect on 15/11, 4 days for now!! was tinkin actually can try norm delivery, duno y my gynae keep wantin csect. got the feelin she wan csect cos can earn more $ =.=

i can c my bb's chubby full face & big eyes! so cute! i dun hv any contractions now, tink she too comfy inside. but tis 2 days she kept wakin me up @5am, duno wat she doing

Rebeana > cannot on fan, but i saw somewhere air con can ley... but doubt my mum allow. my fren's tactic is to on the aircon in room 1st, let the room cool down, go in den switch off. so the room will b cooler

twink > i tink confinement rules like dont shower for 12 days, no aircon/fan still need to comply ba.. some foods oso cannot eat. its better for our body in the long run

esther > congrats!! my bb has her cord ard her neck too. seems like a lot of bb has tis issue. my hb say when he was born, they realised the cord was tied around his neck 3 rounds! he was born with normal delivery, and came out din cry for a few min. scare every1 to hell!

Hi ptsmallbear

I also tot my gynae v experience. I went checkup on Sat and even asked my gynae if I will deliver early but she said no. but I delivered on Sun! Lol!

Massage lady

Doing my massage now while typing this. It's my 4th session. So torturing coz Jamu wrap is so hot and itchy. Anyway really can't relax too coz she talks non stop! Haha.. Wan take a nap also can't have to keep entertaining her. Seen her for 4days but already know her entire family, family problems, hobbies, ex bf, etc.. Regret hiring her..

Hi mommies, I am discharging from TMC today... Pls remember to get the formula milk samples (was given one carton) and glass bottles (for storing BM) on the day U discharged. They gave me quite alot of glass bottles but without caps.. ;pp

Today is the crazy day after the D-day - first day bringing bb home... Hope we can cope with the CL and that my engorged breasts can recover soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

All the best to all mommies who are delivering soon!! :pp

Hi hui

I on fan but it's not facing me. Really can't take it la! Anyone else doing the same?I on aircon at night.

Hi Felix

Welcome back! Welcome to confinement. Boo..

Wah hospital gave u 1 carton of mill. So nice! I don't have.. U opt for total breast feeding or what

Overdue bb:

Cyn>> Yes, I have same thought as you, thought once overdue, doctor will sure do something, either apply induce or suggest c-section, as normally bb may too big size when full term. But my gynae from SGH say can due until 41 wks shoudl there is no other complication. Ya, bb can stay inside too comfy and dun want come out le.. think my gal is the case.. hee..

As my gynae check she haven engaged and head so not down, thus she predict won't deliver so fast base on her exp lo..

I just heard that my colleague bb also overdue, as breach bb, thus end up when over the due date, gynae suggest c-section for her.


Me also dun understand why you need to go c-sect leh, 3.2kg is still ok wat? Somemore you at 38wks, still 2 more wks to full term. Unless you are very petite-sized? Cos after doing c-sect for #1, likely need to do c-sect for #2 and thereafter liao, me prefer not to.

I asked my gynae yesterday what if baby become too big how? He just laugh and say depends on individual, sometimes 3.5kg or 4kg baby oso can deliver successfully via natural =P But anyway he is a very pro-natural gynae.


Haha, never say never! Babies no schedule to follow wan lol... Enjoy your shopping later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eh you are mistaking me for an accomplished cook like yourself! Usually when I need to cook then I go do my marketing, so fridge is usually empty except for juices and fruits haha... But thanks for the advice.


I also think its quite annoying when you wanna rest and the other party yaks non-stop. You pretend to fall asleep and dun respond to her lor. Pretend to snore if you have to!

Issit gonna rain??? It's so hot now even with the fan blowing at me. Pity the mummies doing confinement now....

Ester>> just to check with you..how heavy is ur girl at wk30??? i am a Jan 2012 MTB and my boy was 1.7kg at wk 30..gynea mention he is heavy..

Hi Jean, haha, we will for sure meetup one day since we are so near. i am still not lao jiao as still exploring how to juggle 3kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hey, your bb have a good weight, will be very chubby when come out. you must rest more k, take care.

Hi Esther, Congrats n have a good rest ya! your bb have a nice weight.

hi Felix, welcome back and have a good rest confinement. I also deliver from tmc, but they only give me about 2 glass fm bottles.That is nice of them to give u a carton!

hi rebecca, my massage lady also like to chat alot, cant rest while she massage for me. but she quite friendly la. Haha hence i only take 5 days treatment as jamu is so tight and i feel so hot and itch. but it do give some effect, i lost 0.5kg each day after each massage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just endure lor.

Hi Cyn

A lot of times I didnt reply her or turn my head away but she still keeps yaking.. But her massage skills not bad la.. hehe..

Hi Dreamy

Wow you lost quite abit.. Like you, I also cannot endure the Jamu wrap as its really hot and tight and itchy.. Argh.. So I only took 5 sessions as well. My tummy did trim down. Can see quite obvious. Just that I don't have a weighing machine to see.. But now i feel so so ugly coz confinement cant wash hair and I feel so dirty and ugly..


Dun feel ugly and dirty during ur confinement. See ur bb more often will give u the impression u r the most beautiful mummy.


Dun worry on ur GP. Paul tseng has successfully help my gf to deliver a 3.8kg bb at week 40 via natural birth. Of cos she use epi, laughing gas, and vacuum suction for help, 36hrs of labour since water bag burst. But final pushing part is the last 2-3 hrs.

Hahaha..I'm not that accomplished cook myself, just that my area is really ulu, so got to stock up my fridge. So just a suggestion for after confinement mummies as well. Defrost the Frozen meat in chiller or fridge 16-24hrs before, then will be easier to prepare them in the morning.

Haha, I'm actually planning my marketing list for my hb to buy after I discharge from tmc. Heehee


We definitely going to meet up. Normally where do u bring ur babies for vaccination?? Polyclinic, GP or PD?? Which one do u recommend in our area?


Wow, so good, tmc give u so many samples and glass bottles. U can buy cap at their phmarcy


I can understand ur urge of shopping even there is nothing to buy...hahaha. Do be careful when u are out alone or get someone to accompany u Loh.


I'm out of sudden feel liked having burger king, Mac and kfc. Hahaha...I told my hb yesterday is gal gal telling mummy to go for them. He laughed at me saying I'm always using bb as an excuse. Heehee...

Esther-Congras..Thanks for sharing your birth story.

Felixp-Have a smooth confinment.TMC are generous to give you so many glass bottles & sample FM

Kae-Welcome to the nov thread.Your weight quite big i think,will be a cute & chubby bb.

Ptsmallbear-Some mummies had induced,didnt take very long.My gf also went for induced 2weeks ago,only take 7hours..It all depends on individual,sometimes cervix dont want to open.

Hu1j13-Why your gynae wants you to cesction when you can try for natural.Maybe you can ask him wats his reason.

Evelyn-My bb head had engaged 2weeks ago & i had also dilate 0.5cm,i still tot i might be fast bt 2weeks had passed & im still at home.Today walk is a struggle,have to drag myself.My thighs like muscle aches,pelvic very pain also.Yesterday night while im sleeping i had crampy feeling again,this time i dont bother like previously.I continue sleeping.

Jean chua-I was shocked & worried when i saw my feet suddenly become so swollen,feel uncomfortable too.My hubby keep massaging for me & now the swell had subsides abit.phew...


Ya now that you mentioned Jean, where will you be bringing your baby for vaccination? Going to the PD/GP is costly, so thought of going to the polyclinic. But what kind of jabs do they have? And how can I go about doing it?

dreamy > wa, so gd ar? wats her charges? where's her shop?

litttle bb > initially say she's gg to b a big bb, dats y gg for csect. date fixed liao lor.... now her growth slow down le, but bcos her placenta v close to her neck so she still wan csect. i heard frm a lady dat went be4 me dat she's gg for csect too cos her bb oso has the placenta v close to her neck.

mayb when i go for no.2 i will chg my gynae le. feel dat she only wants to push csec

Congrats Esther,have a good rest!

Wow got so many fairs out there, can't even step out of my house, my mum so strict on the confinement, still got 2 more weeks to go then total freedom!


There is 5 in 1 vaccine and 6 in 1 vaccine. They are the compulsory vaccine that required for every bb.

5in1 need to vaccine every month

6in1 need to vaccine on month 2,4,6 only. Lesser pain for bb and one more virus is cover

Rotavirus is to prevent food posioning in tummy or tummy virus. It is optional.

There is another optional vaccine is to prevent TB. Dunno how to spell.

My gf bring her bb to kid link clinic at bedok Blk 136. Heard from her, PD consultation is $15. Vaccine package can be deduct from baby bonus. So do check out with the PD if the vaccine is able to claim from baby bonus or not...if not will be very siong.


Which one is ur gynae?? I also feel that y u need to csect when ur bb is at good size and weight for natural. But since it is booked already, then just relax and wait for the arrival of the bb moments Loh

Will u opt for GA or epi??

Congrats to all mummies who hv popped.

Im still waitg too. At wk39 chkup bb head still nt very low to gv birth this wk... So gynae say mayb ovrdue again juz lk no1. But this time bp still gd tho beginning to climb, gynae will let me wait till wk41 if all well. Thk muz start to do more squats le....


u r so lucky tat tmc gv u so many glass btls... They refused to gv during my no 1 time sayg tat they no longer can gv....


Everytime I let my boy latch on like fighting with each other. Both mums comment maybe the way I carry him not so comfortable. CL seems to prefer me pump out the milk but I want to have more bonding with my baby. Any idea how to latch him better?


My bb seems to have frequent hiccup after having milk. My cl says its very common. But sometimes hear him hiccup till my heart pain . Is it really normal?

snowpear, your no 1 also overdue har. How is your no 1, any show after wk40?

My no1 come at wk39, this time i could be overdue lo.. hee..


Dun be heart pain, it is very common for bb have hiccup, some mother may say let them have water, actually not much help for bb I feel. And it is normal for bb have hiccup, just let them be.

Think when bb inside our tummy already have hiccup le, I always can feel it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jean, my area (CCK) also have kid link!! Tot PD would be ex.. But the consultation only $15?? Cheaper than the GP in my area lor!!!

Hehe! For me, if next week gotta go for csection, I will opt for GA.. I dun want epi.. I scared to see people cutting me while I am awake... hahha!!

Rebeana, why next week then can wash hair? I tot 1 week don't wash hair can liao??? Then after that can use da feng cao to wash??

Shjean, I think next time my bb will always hiccup too.. Cuz now he in my tummy, always hiccup already.. hahaa!!

My hubby asked me to walk more cuz he said his friends' wives all walk alot so they gave birth naturally.. But, so tiring!!! Walking makes my legs and feet pain...


hi rebeana, dun feel yourself ugly la, confinment is like tat de. i wash my hair about twice a week but i will blow dry after wash, also make sure window all closed. after confinement, i will want to go rebonding liao, now my hair is like " pong sai gou", super ugly, haha

Hi Jean, my 1st boy, i took him to bb pd for injection @ Tampines st 81. however the queue is crazy and consultation fee think about 35 or 45buck. then i hv 2nd boy 2 yr later, i took him to pasir ris polyclinic for injection. newborn can just walk in, dun need appt. however, subsequence jabs need to fix appt liao. The waiting time is not too long and cheap. so my 3rd boy will also be going to pasir ris ployclinic as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi hu1j13, my massage lady do not hv any shop, is freelance one. i use her service since my 2nd boy and then my 3rd one. her charge is also reasonable as depend on the residential aream east side will be cheaper. Her name is called Mdm Kasma, hp90694575, said recommend by pasir ris ivy. but i m not sure if her schedule is now full a not coz nornmally need to book in advance. you may call her to check if you are keen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

