(2011/11) Nov 2011


We are carrying a bb which is around 2 point something or near to 3 kg weight, not only that still need to add on the amniod fluid mar..

My right feet is more pain in these 2 days, become Bai Ka when walking. Hope later on ML can have more rest and dun need walk so much can be better..Then just wait for my D time to come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~


Hey mommies! Just had my apptm at 37 wks 6 days -- bb girl is 2.7 kg and cervix is still closed i.e. 0% dilation... but bb movement is lesser now.. Dr asked to monitor foetal movement; if there is no movement over the next 2 days, then will have to consider induction next week.

Btw, i heard my gynae mentioned that he will be very very busy next week cos there is a day w lotsa deliveroies, i suspect its 11.11.11 bah =pp

Jean, yah, i oso find climbing stairs extremely tiring... walking is still okay but climbing stairs is definitely tedious.. perhaps due to the gravity pulling our tummies...

Evelyn, pls rest well... ask ur hubby to help u massage at the end of the year... i oso find my feet swollen by end of the working day, very uncomfty =((

After my apptm just now, i went shopping for xmas pressies for my family... I am KS loh... but i am just worried that i wont have the time to buy as i will be in confinement =pp


U got to rest more. Try to raise ur leg up when at work or dun walk too much. Try doing some leg stretching exercise while u lie down or sitting down eg. Rotating ur ankle. Flex ur feet.


Wow, u still got strength to Xmas shopping ah....hahaha...I think I will order online for Xmas presents for kids only...my 2yrs old nephew seems to have everything since my SIL manage online biz with her friends. Hahaha...dunno what to get for him and his little bro...

Ur bb is at her good weight.... Dun worry, it is only coming to 38 weeks, she will decide when to come out... U can try drinking cold drink in afternoon to test if she move, or talk to her, or shake ur tummy....so excited in this thread, almost everyday is a good news for everyone...

Climbing up is tedious, but walking down the steps is liked elephants...I got to hold my tummy liked watermelon..scared it might drop out...hahahaha...even my dad is so scared about my style of walking now... I try not to climb any steps if possible unless Bo Bian that I drive and park my car at multi story car park.


Since ur bb is at the low position, does that mean ur gal is coming soon?? We still have 3 more weeks to go...hope everything is smooth smooth for u.

Thanks all the members of moo moo club for sharin. Makes me feel more prepared.

Felixp - nice to hv ur update as we hv same EDD. My nex appt is nex tue, same as Evelyn. Hope gynae has gd news for me!

Babyzel - thanks! i'll try to substitute Horlicks over Milo then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley - hv a smooth confinement starting today! rest more n visit us here whenever u r bored.

hu1jun13 - wa.. reading steve job bio to her. so inspiring for her!

Jean - yea i like the endin song of d hk drama. she has v sweet voice hor. but when i saw 'laughing gor' duet with her i burst out laughing whaha...

Stairs - i agreed that tis is the ultimate killer! take a few steps then gotta pause and pant. i avoid walkin to the mall now cos of the overhead bridge.

BM storage stickers - alternatively can use maskin tape n juz write over it. when done juz peel off n stick another 1. take the coarser type not the shiny smooth type as the earlier easier to tear off and remove and can write on it.


Thanks! Ya luckily my bb jaundice level went down, no need for further follow up on that. All thanks to my CL who woke up in the night to put bb for her phototherapy sessions.

For the courses, the nurses will automatically ask you whether u interested to attend. Got 2 days for u to choose.


oh yrs is scheduled c-sect huh....

BTW, mummies watching HK drama, can share the link with me? I try a few links but Sing IP kenna block leh.... only China n HK IP can.....

Can catch up some drama when I'm on ML next wk :D

Snow pear

I'm not sure about the IP. I have downloaded FUNSION this program, so I normally watch thru this way. PPS is already blocked, so no longer has HK series. I'm not sure the download still works or not, cos I tried to download to my hb desktop and laptop, laptop is ok. But desktop always give upside down viewing...so give up. You can try.

Or you can watch thru LE TV or PPS on iPad application. I'm planning to use iPad to watch while I'm in tmc waiting for delivery or recovering...hahahaha


U r lucky to have a good CL. Hope ur bb all well and cooperative with ur moo moo career.


Hahaha...but I'm surprised hk actors can sing and act so well...really oversea talent... I also feel funny that laughing gor confirm to be spy in whether modern or old china times...just suits him so much...plus can't get away with that 笑 name. Now hooked on fa zheng Xian Feng 3, while waiting for wan Feng zi Wang to come...

Weekend coming...all the best to all mummies to be and moo moo club members...

I'm going to celebrate my dad bd tonight with my hb. Got to prepare now...Byeeeee alll. Pray that my gynae check tmr is fine....


That's good to hear, your CL very zi dong


Nope, gynae say low position doesn't mean coming soon! I got a feeling I will carry till almost full term, baby seems really comfy.

Random question: If we can't touch water during confinement, that means we won't be able to bathe our baby ourselves?

jean - gee.. ur dad's bd is close to his grandchild bd then!

cyn - tats similar to wat my gynae told me too! it say my bb is head down n low. It says low enuf to deliver but still says within these 3 wks. 1.5 wks had passed oso no symptoms. I oso feel my ger too comfy inside!

Zel - i hope my CL will b as hardworking. I've heard of lazy ones. hope mine will b like urs! u muz reali give her a big hongbao at the end of it!

Snowpear - i watched from funshion too for hk drama. sometimes i watched from youtube for korea show when funshion hanged.


The previous CL was quite bad. Really tested my patience. Think she very experienced, requested for this n that. She also dun really care for me n bb. She finishes her work very fast n spend a lot of free time watching tv n resting n chatting on the phone.. Actually a lot of things to complain about her..

The current CL is a replacement from PEM, she's less experienced but earnest in her work n took good care of me n bb.. Way much better than the 1st CL.. Kinda lucky I got a better replacement.

Iselle, ya she got more initiatives n very humble. I will definitely give her a bigger angpao when she leaves.

Jean, I also using Funshion to watch.. hehe!! And download in my ipad some drama too.. hehe!! Prevent loading slow in hospital when delivering.. haha!! I now start to watch the hong wu 32 that u said..

Hmmm.. I always feel my baby turning and kicking inside.. Then, tummy will harden.. Dun really like the hardening feeling.. Quite uncomfortable..hehe!

Wow.. So many bfing experience and explanation! That's great! I just flipped through the instruction manual of my breast pump, it says that breast feeding can help in weight loss! So, for those mummies who want to lose weight, JY in breastfeeding! Can loose 500 kcal lei per day! haha! Then it also state that, our intake should be ard 1800kcal per day if want to loose weight..

Hi mummies i was so busy the whole day.Went to my office to sign my maternity leave form.I had unpaid leave for about 5 months and paid maternity leave for 4 months.I used hot pack every night before i sleep on my swoolen pig leg,i realise it does helps.I had slight contractions recently in the morning while im sleeping.Woke me up and i thought will be signs of labour.Will touch my tummy and find it quite hard but onli last for less than an hour.False alarm so will continue to sleep.

Jean chua-Tommorrow finally is our checkup appointment,sooo looking forward.What i most want to hear from my gynae is he saying my bb head had engaged and may pop anytime.I will definely be delighted.Oh you just had your first coconut as your dad afraid too early take will be too cooling? Coconut juice definely tastes great rite,so refreshing..I just had beancurb skin,barley with ginko nuts dessert.

Celeste-Welcome to nov mummies thread.Thanks for sharing with us about the midnight sales.My girlfriend had told me but i had bot all my bb stuffs so wont be going down.

Little bb,

Ya Loh, my dad afraid it will be too cooling for me if I take too early, this afternoon I told him I'm already at week 37 liao...then he realize huh so fast Liao ah...can drink le, so he bought me one today...hahaha.... Just after dinner with him and hb, went to ntuc, saw coconut on offer 3 for 2.80. So bought 3 home...heehee

So happy today can go out Kai Kai...have been at home rot for a week le... Went serangoon garden for chicken rice and found a dessert shop 一碗甜品 selling hk dessert (2nd floor above ocbc bank), taste really good...


How do u load movie to iPad?? I dunno how to do that...I was thinking to use the wifi at tmc to watch. Dunno will be fast or not.


Normally how much will that ang bao be if she is good?? Cos mine is recommended by my SIL, so not sure about the market price of ang bao. She charge me 2100 for 28 days as she normally charge 2300.


My whole family born in the month of nov!!! Hahaha...my dad, me, hb and my new upcoming princess.. Heehee... My hb just mentioned to bring me for fine dining on my bd, I told no need lah...maybe food haven't come, I pop at restaurant Liao...hahaha...


Ya, we can't bathe our bb during confinement...but I think the last few days should be fine ba...cos I also thinking to ask CL to teach me how to pom pom them....I even have bought the shower net to hold them...and little duckies liao...just so cute, so cant resist that...heehee


Thanks for sharing about the midnight sales... I also had bought alot of things Liao, dun think willl go there...but mummies, if u intend to buy car seat or stroller or High chair, there is the place to go.

Oh and ntuc having 20% for tollyjoy product, just bought a set of 2 narrow teats for the glass bottles and changing mat just now.

Any idea if hb staying overnight at tmc, do they charge for 1-bedded?? Or is it included?? Cos I told hb if they want to charge, then he can go home to help me prepare bb room and boil red date tea and do marketing....

Jean, I use the apps: PPS, PPTV and LeTV... If you want to download and transfer to iPAD, I use the funshion to download.. Then after that use Videora Ipad Converter to convert and then can transfer to ipad lo.. The videora ipad converter u search online.. it is free! hehe!!

I also born in NOv lei!! hehee!! Mine is on 6th Nov..


Happy birthday to you...

Mine is on 15thnov. Heehee

Videora iPad converter download in desktop then use iTunes to transfer to iPad ah???

all/jean - wow we not only hv lotsa Nov babies but oso Nov mummies & even daddy here too haha..

Fynn - thanks! i din noe we can tfr to ipad tis way! i dun like the hardening feelin too... in fact, super hate it! i feel like im carryin a boulder n whole body turn statue and cant breathe.

jean & little bb - hope u both hv gd news for us aft ur checkup tmr! hmm.. i wonder y my gynae sees me 1.5wks instead of weekly at tis stage of mine.


Maybe ur gynae want u to save money leh...or he think ur not at high risk type....

Mine is becos of my high BP in the last two appt, so he say must see him weekly Loh.

I also have the harden feeling when she kick or turn...dun like but I think I will miss them also...thinking so fast I'm going to be mummy Liao...lost all my freedom and cannot sai jiao liked gal gal Liao...hahaha


Thanks, I will try out this weekend. See how is it....

I was already browsing and surfing for my gal full month catering and also gift boxes....hahaha...any good lobang...seeing some website giving red eggs and choco bar costing 5.90 Liao..,havent count in delivery...

Thinking to DIY during my confinement...hahahah

Jean chua-Cold storage selling 90cent each for the coconut but i find the juice only half glass nia,so little! Oh you went serangoon garden for the chicken rice,i like it too its delicious..As for hubby staying overnight for one bedded at MOunt A,they do charge for his meal.Will also be given pillow and blanket,thats what i heard.Im using bbpus now,bb kicking very hard,it hurts!!


Yah, I hv no symptoms also! Only felt e hardening of my tummy once or twice so far. Our bb really very comfy hehe.


Did you have to pro-rate e previous CL's pay before sending her away? Sometimes really see if heng or not to get a good CL, hopefully mine is good cos she charges 2.3k, quite exp. But she seems ok, called me up recently to chk if everything was alright w me, nvr MIA.

On top of that need to give her ang bao when she arrives & leaves, plus her train tix back home to msia. Any idea whats e mkt rate for the ang baos?


So sad! Can't bathe our baby ourselves =P I got a nice pink tub for her, so cute! Better make sure the hubby learn how to bathe our baby fr e CL.

Happy birthday to all Nov mummies as well!!

Little bb

Then if hb not staying, then they will not charge his meal?? Cos hb feel that 75/night for meal and pillow, he rather spend on other things for me. Moreover he has to attend his night class. So I think I will be online most often when I'm in tmc...hahaha... Remember to be online often when u moo moo time...hahaha


Wow, pink tub!!! I only buy the ikea one blue white, so all her shower net, small scoop...all blue and her toiletries basket is white...heehee.. I prefer ikea non slip bottom and inside...maybe I'm going for a boy in no.2. Heehee

I'm also going to ask hb to learn how pompom bb...I think the most I can do is to apply cream cream on her after she shower...at least that is the little bonding with her naked skin...heehee

Full month gift

Regarding the full month gift, do u mummies prefer the traditional ones (red eggs, ang KU Kiel..etc) or prefer to recieve chocolates and candies???

Cos I'm thinking to ask my hb buddy to help me print the boxes and the announcement card....

Just show my hb some sample, he prefer chocolate cos at least easier to give to his colleagues in office if they didn't attend the buffet...

Hk series

Aiyo now watching fa zheng Xian Feng 3....makes me keep chasing for next episode....dun seem to be tired....

Auntie little bb,

Today, mummy say is gong gong's bd, so can skip bb plus lesson today....so today I very Kwai Kwai never kick mummy very hard, only moves lightly when mummy ate the pomelo mango dessert and durian mousse... So yummy!!!

Sometimes must let gor gor pom tang his lesson too... =P

From baby Yvette

HI! All... can some one tell me how to use the baby liners.... do we have to put the liner, above the baby cloth diaper, so the baby does not get wet?? please help... i could not find the instruction on the box.... thank you....

Also can someone tell me where to get the baby cloth diaper cheaper one??? thanks you in advance.


the angpao For CL is entirely up to you, for PEM you can give any amount. For those freelance CL, some actually asked a min like $100 for home going angpao but the first Ang pao can be any amount. So this time I am likely to give at least $100 for the CL home going Ang pao.

For one bedded in TMC, they do charge if ur hb staying over. Incl of breakfast $65. All meals $75. All amount before gst.

I opted all meals for hb during his stay cos only $10 difference.


Yup I pro rate her pay, she worked only 3.5 days. But got to lugi the Ang pao cos still got to give 2. But the going home one I give $12 cos I really not happy about her service.

Yours is recommended I think should be good ba. Dun worry too much.


Mine won't be a fair estimation as I'm settled the bill in cash, not using medisave at all cos I can make some claims from hb's co benefit.

Littlebb>>>The neverfull strap can be painful on shoulder when it is full and heavy as the edge of the strap can discomfort you esp if u wear sleeveless or camisole. I think long champ is another popular, affordable and light choice alternative to prada. Saw that gucci these days also have nylon shoulder bags and look quite nice so u can shop around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shjean>>> I think these days the stitches are those dissolved type so when i saw him 1 wk later, he just pulled away the white plaster and cut the edge of the stitches. No discomfort i felt. Only that i saw that i have a longer csec cut for #2 bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Does that mean if i have more surgery or csec, the cut will get longer and longer,feels scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Generally the trademark for most bb is to suckle and fall asleep like after 8-10mins of suckling. even though i am a 2nd time mom, my bb also just sleep on me after 1 side of suckling between 8 and 15mins and when i switch him over after burping, he usually just suckle like 5mins to at most 10 mins unless growth spurt. This is normal for all bb. BB less than 1m old sleep the most. Once they are older, they are noisier and awake more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babyzel>>> Is it the normal to give $100 as red packet after assignment? What is the market rate for bad, average and good confinement. I am thinking of giving between $30 and $60 of red packet at the end of the assignment since already it is exp to get 1 CL. Their pay actually is alot since these days they command >$2000 for stay-in.

Simp> thank for sharing ur experience .. My gal stool is watery and yellow , so I wonder I shld warm the Ebm more?

Cos I express for her due my nipples are hard to latch on..

Dear all, finally we are home with Javier yesterday . The first day of confinement is like hxxx. I could not sleep last night with the aircon. My body is super hot n the cool air came into my body . In the end , I decided to open the windows n on the fan facing to the wall. My poor hb had to tahan the heat generate from me ... Today is the second day .... Counting down

Food to avoid for c- section mother.

This morning my cl cook mee sua this morning for me n inside got scallop . And ask me to drink chicken essence. Can we take scallop since its seafood?? I know to protect the Wound cannot eat egg, peanut, liver. But not sure about chicken essence and scallop. Please advice n help

Busy bee

Diaper liner is place on the cloth diaper to prevent the stools got stain on the cloth, it easier for u to wash as the stain won't be so deeply absorbed. It will still wet when bb pee or poo. To prevent nappy rash, it is best to change it every time bb pee or poo.

CL ang bao

So CL ang bao must be given at the beginning and at the end of their service... Ok. The first one can be 10-20?? Then the second one is up to us to judge her service hor??

Tmc hb charge

Ok I will confirm with tmc later when I go for my appt. I tot is 75/day.


Thanks for sharing.

Shjean, according to my cl, she said cannot have seafood during the entire confinement. Scallop is considered seafood so cannot eat.. As for chicken, also cannot take within 1st 12 days of confinement. Probably you could take fish essence instead of chicken essence?

Yesterday I digged out my AVENT breastpump and tried to dismantle it.. Then after that tried to assemble it again... haha!! Took me an hour to figure it out...

I told my hubby to learn to bathe baby but he said, he dun dare to carry baby.. So fragile.. -.-"

The tub I gonna let baby use is the one that I had for my chinese traditional custom wedding. Hehe! So the wash face basin, also that one during my wedding de.. hahaha! Can put them into good use.. =P

I also looking at those full month gift box.. But very ex lei.. I also thinking of making them myself.. As for the gift card, I gonna design and print, then laminate.. Since I have a laminator at home.. hehe!! Chocolate might be a good idea.. Save my time of baking cookies!! hehehe!!

Ohhh.. About the stitches, do anyone know if natural birth, will the wound be pain?? =( How long will it take to recover?? Imagine we can't bathe, the wound will rot lor!!!


Oh no, have to REN for now. Good news is that cooler weather is ahead, will have more rainy days very soon!

I thought in general if you have a wound, should avoid shellfish. But then again, fish is also seafood and is encouraged leh. Hmmm....

Shjean>>>I also felt super sweaty during the 1st 5 days post csec. In fact while i was at kkh drinking warm red date tea or after every bf, the perspiration just keep coming even though aircon was on. Even when i am back at home doing confinement, it was the same. Then i switched from drinking hot red date tea to drinking warm or room temperature drink. Think feel better.

Food to avoid for c- section mother.

I think chicken essence is to boost energy if u keep feeling tired. I drank once 2 days ago but i feel itchy. The last time when my mom did my confinement and cooked chicken 2 wks after csec i always allergy so i din have chicken dishes then. This time, when i drank chicken essence, i feel itchy at night. So u will have to see if u r allergic to it. Scallop i think ok as my CL also made scallop fish mee hook soup this afternoon. So i think shd be ok unless u r very sensitive to food or body is weak. Generally most mommies can take a lot more than food than mommies with female problems and conditions.


R u using the Avent single or the double pump? I think if got difficulties, can look up all those demos on youtube.

Must insist that your hubby learn to bathe baby! If not when your CL leaves, both of you also blur haha...

Wah you and Jean very creative, will think of DIY full month gift box. I have not thought much about it. But I remember a mummy posted on the Oct thread a long list of shops providing such full month packages, you can go there and take a look for inspiration [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Fynn, the wound would be slightly pain. Imagine a cut there, sure pain. Heard recovery period is from 1 week to 2 mths depending on individual. Somehow I feel the worst part of it is applying cream onto the wound. Having to touch yr own wound and knowing that it's so long makes it very scary!

Hi Shjean

I totally agree! Dunno y after delivery, our body is still so hot. It's really unbearable and it's making me frustrated and dirty. No mood to carry baby too. Worst is, there are so many visitors and you have to entertain them despite being tired/time for breast feeding or you just want time alone. But they meant well and cannot ask them not to come. Luckily I finally bath today after 6 days. Really happy!

Latest updates : due to bb overweight , delivering will be on 10 nov.. The problem is it not open yet have to dilute 1st .. If still not open when the clock hit 12 midnight , doc will csec.. My bb will be csec on 11.11.11.. I start to worry ..

Esther, dun worry k, everything will be okay... Mommies who were induced were able to deliver their babies safely n smoothly... Btw, what's ur bb's weight?? ;))

Hi Mummies,

Can any1 recommend brand of abdominal binder...?

I seen mummies recommending Dale brand but I am not able to find it in Guardian and Watsons.


Not to worry. D stool of breast fed bb r yellow n watery juz lk tao suan haha..... Juz nid to warm milk to room temp will do... All nutrients will b gone if its too hot ya...

Juz back frm buffet lunch at sichuan duohua at top of d plaza... Very nice view up there....


For no1 my stitches below was nt painful at all n i din even hv to tk painkiller. But my only complaint was that d whole butt lk wan to drop... Cld b due to d pushg....my stitches heal within a wk or 2.

Hi mummies

I was awaken by tummy cramp this morning, plus keep waking up last night... Didn't have enuff rest....bad day to start off. And hb tot I'm gg to deliver, so worry that my CL is not here, keep talking to bb to wait till CL is free.

Just come Bck from my gynae appt, bb is fine and growing to 3.4kg at week 37. But doc worry about my own health. My BP shot up to 146 and urine contain protein... He advise to cut off sugar, carbo, and rest more. If next thursday appt still not ideal, he might need me to be hospitalize for a few days before csection... After I see him, my mood gone down....dun even have mood to go par tuo with hb le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ur bb at 3.5kg is already going for csection Liao ah...jia lat...then mine at 37 with 3.4kg also will kanna Loh


Ur hb dun dare to handle bb!!! Cannot, must push him to learn how to hold and bathe bb.... If not, CL leave or CL not good, then u guys will be very troubled...

I'm also thinking to bake cookies, but since we can't touch water and cookies need to be airtight, I forgo this idea...I'm thinking to buy chocolate egg to give instead of traditional red egg...but where can I get the chocolate eggs???

I even saw the supplier use flower gem biscuits in their gift boxes...I think less than 10pcs..charging at 1-2bucks per pkt as add on... So expensive. I rather save more in the gift, and budget for better buffet... And moreover, my hb colleagues are wine and beer drinker...jia lat...


The pain of the wound last so long ah??? Then when we poo or pee, will be very painful Loh?? Can use water to rinse there instead of using just toilet paper to wipe???


If u scare of the allergy of scallop and chicken, can suggest auntie to use pork rib to boil the soup, can ask her to boil more then save it for next day lunch. If not, I'm not sure if we can use ikan bilis to substitute scallop or not. Can Check with ur mum or mil....

Little bb,

How is ur appt??

we mummies to be bb too heavy worry, too light oso worry. no wonder am hearin pre & post natal blues more & more. in our mothers time not as much hor...

esther & jean - dun worry. whether it's completely natural or induced or C-sec, most impt bb healthy. n u 2 can c bb earlier!

mine wk 37 only 2.3kg, too heavy oso headache, too light oso headache hor...

Feron - my gf passed me OSIM binder so i've not research on others or heard of Dale.

Snowpear - wa.. u still can eat buffet ah? these days i cant eat alot so i'll super lugi if i eat buffet hee.. glad tat u enjoy ur lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rebeana - sounds like it not juz physical pain but oso the fear of knowing how long the wound is! luckily with modern tech & cream it'll heal v fast!

Hi Jean

The pain is bearable. Just that because of the pressure, can feel slight pain when u walk. Maybe also because I didn't take pain killers. If u are scared, can request for pain killers lo. But the pain is really bearable especially for us woman who have gone thru labour pain and menses pain. Haha

Oh, u have to clean yr wounds well. Have to be hygienic. In the hospital, I use their hose (warm water) to wash but at home, no warm water hose so I use warm water and toilet paper to clean.


Snow pear > thanks for the info


Suddenly having a bb is not easy .. Cos during the daytime I will learn from my cl how to look aft bb and also need to pump bm for bb to drink.. Cum my gal dun like to drink milk need to wake up to drink and feed her take more 15 min ..

