(2011/11) Nov 2011

twink, are u gg to handwash the clothes? If by machine, why wash a few only? I actually dump everything - clothes, napkins, towels, mittens, etc into into a few laundry bags and into the washing machine and wash w bb's laundry powder.

I didnt wash pillow and bolster. I only wash their covers...

Hi mummies,

The main reason is my bb is big.. At wk 33, he's already 2.7kg.. If I carry to full term, my bb is likely to hit 4kg and need to go for csea instead of natural.

And also, I hate to wait.. At least, if I induce, I can plan properly.. Btw my #1, I oso opt for induce. So, for this #2, I oso choose induce.. Hehe..

Rebena, yup i agree. I think even before we are preg, we will give up seat no matter if we are piority seat anot. Next week, i will not be taking my company transport as its not worth the $ to take only for like 1 week (charged me $60). Hence, my nightmare will come taking the public transport.

Felixp, ya.. slight one as shown in my MRI scan. Hence, a reason for me to tell myself cannot take epidural.. haha..

Simp, sorry to hear that. But must stay positive ok? I was borned at 2.2kg (36weeks) according to my mum. Now i still can be healthy, so I believe ur baby will be too! Pls rest well and dun move about..

Now I have another worry which I am trying not to think of. I am down with Flu, Sorethroat, Cough, Aches and Headaches (lucky no fever). Yesterday spoke to a indian colleague of mine in my working cubicle. After 15 min, he told me he got slight cough from his children (i was like: WAT! U got cough and u still come near me?) And guess what happen today? He called in and say he gana H1N1! Faint. I called my Gynae which answered by the nurse. The nurse say, "THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO". I was stressed and almost break down. But I manage to control my emotion and called up CDC immediately to ask for advice. End up adviced to go to GP and took a swap test. Just to be safe. Now waiting for results and meanwhile see got fever anot. (Anyway, the GP tot i am only 5-6mth preg. He was shocked when i am at 35 weeks!)

Hmm.. should i complain the nurse on the coming mon where I will be meeting my Dr or should i just leave it as I have a few more check up to go? On second tots, Dun want later she revenage after I complain her...

Twink,I started washing the cloth diapers yesterday.. hehe! Cuz I bought those modern cloth diapers that need to prewash 3 times before use. So, did the first wash yesterday. Today didn't wash cuz the Sun power looks weak after the rain this morning.. hehe! Clothes ah.. My dad ask me dun wash so fast.. Later put in cupboard then dirt particles attach to them again.. So, I wait till mid oct then wash clothes. Need to wash blanket also.. Cuz I intend to let my bb sleep in aircon room. Cuz, I definitely need aircon. So, must let my bb get use to aircon since born... hahahaha!! In hospital also have aircon mah.. My helper want to handwash the clothes, diapers and everything. But I told her, dun have to lah.. Use baby detergent can liao.. hehe! She was like... errrr... Cuz in her hometown, she handwash all her children clothes.. I dun wan her too busy washing clothes.. haha!

Simp, no worries about your condition. Always happy and keep no worries. =) My friend's sister-in-law baby also didn't grow in her tummy as the bb cannot gain any nutrients from her. So, was taken out in week 26 but only 500g. Now her baby is very lively and cute! =)

WRT giving up seats, with my big big tummy, most people give up their seats to me. Only twice I didn't manage to gain free seat. Hehe!

Oh.. Some mummies also waiting for their BTO??

I also!! My BTO is at Teban Garden.. hehe!!


Jia you! Dun worry too much, stay happy and positive and things will turn out fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My colleague's son was induced at wk 32 cos not growing and weighing only 1.6kg. Now at 18 months, running around and very lively.


Aiyo your colleague oso not auto, shld stay far far away from you if he/she is sick. Nowadays i run away from people who shows sneezes or coughs around me! There was once i changed seats on the bus twice cos everyone seemed to be sick! So silly, talk about being paranoid hee

Happened to be reading the Oct thread, quite a few mummies already popped and shared about their birth experiences. Got quite a good scare out of reading :p Oh well, praying hard for a smooth delivery for all mummies!

Sorry to interrupt. I have brand new Sophie the Giraffe teether toys to let go, please email me at:

[email protected]

each, will include normal local postage.


Hi How's everybody? Not been here for some time and wow the thread is long.

I'm donating cordblood too and next week will be meeting the coordinator to do all the documentation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fynn, what is the website that sells cheap stroller?


me handwash the new clothes i bought, but intend to machine wash all the other stuff. i kept the clothes i washed in zip lock bags. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i bought the kodomo detergent it seems like alot of suds. duno how much to put for my front load machine..which bb laundry powder u all using? i was tinking of washing the hand me downs pillows and bolsters.


aiyo ur colleague shld try to stay far away frm u man..i think the flu virus recently abit more strong. take care, drink more water and rest more!dun worry i'm sure it wont be h1n1.

btw, slip disc cannot use epidural ah? i duno if i have slip disc or not also..

Ya lor.. What to do.. He so friendly, cannot be asking, "Oi, u cannot auto abit meh." LOL. Somemore he new to the company. Must look friendly la. Too friendly liao, now worry. But i tink should be fine. No fever as of now. if got fever, i will rush to see doc immediately liao. Now got to take care of hygeience. But i tink H1N1 become a common flu virus. like all year round ppl also gana. Just that because we are preg, better be safe.

Twink, i heard epi will give u back problem. So since got slip disc liao, i doubt i would want to increase my back pain. Cannot tahan one loh. i tink labour pain more relief than back pain. haha.. Hope so.

Simp> just be postive .. I also have problem with my bb lately as she have decrease movement .. Just have faith and cheer up..

Now I on hl for 13 day..


mine is Punggol waves ready in 2014 ba.. by the time i move in my bb is 3 yrs can find childcare center le..

I dun get a seat in MRT, even yes i will be getting down the next stop.. nowsaday, ppl so selfish..

to all mummies : Jia you!!

giving up seats experience

My office has been moved to MBC and during the last 2 weeks trip back home in MRT. I was lucky enough to have the seat. But sometimes I need to wait for a while then would have kind person to give me the seat.

But sometimes I still need to stand and people just ignored me. There are

1. youngsters

2. young fathers

3. uncles

4. one morning, there was one guy in army uniform and I still remember his name is YY KOH. He kept looking at me but never give up his seat to me. My hb told me I should ask him which unit he is from.haha

5. another time, one lady was sitting at the priority seat and she realized my existencee after 15-20 mins, then she asked me" em, do you want to sit?" I just nod my head then she gave me the seat.

Intersting thing is I found most of the foreign workers / Malays will give up the seats immediately. sad to say...

And next time I must teach my boy must give up seats to people who really need to sit.

Simp> I recom u my KKh gyn , prof cs tee.. He is very profession and can handle very complicated problem. I am also a transferred case from tmc to KKh .. KKh is gd in this area and feel very secure with KKH.. In fact I just discharge on tues due my bb dun move alot..


i also heard epidural might give back pain but alot of ppl also say epidural wont give back pain its due to posture of mum after birth and bending and carrying the bb that gave back pain.

i think i will try to go without first.if really cannot then ask for epidural.


true true, malay and foreign workers give up their seats more.(but not those PRC though)

Twink, i remember in a one of the forum, the mummies actually tell herself, the worse pain havnt come. Wait for the worse pain.. so she wait n wait and then bb come out liao. no need epi. LOL. My dr charge me $700 for epi. So ex! I can use the money to stay in single bed. haha

Hi mummies-to-be!

I have For Sale: 6months preloved Medela Pump In Style Advanced (PISA) & Breastmilk Storage Bottles.

Locally bought US complete set with local power plug. See photo for included accessories. Full Set Photo Bought for S$599 on 24/02/2011. Receipt Photo Used for 6months, warranty for another 6months. Selling $380, or $390 with the storage bottles shown below. Also for sale: Medela Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bottles. 12 x 80ml BPA-free bottles with lid. Bought for S$40, selling $20. Storage Bottles Photo

Interested parties, please leave PM or SMS @ 987 six one 872.

Thanks for viewing!

Evelyn – Thank you so so so much! Gonna contact SCBB now!

SHJEAN – I just went to Momiji Japanese Buffet Restaurant @ City Square Mall for lunch - the variety is superb and it only cost $18.10/pax after the PAssion card discount from $19.90 for weekday lunch! Me and colleagues completely stuffed ourselves.

Been standing all the way from SK to Dhoby and back on train these days coz it's so crowded, I cant even get near seats for people to notice! :p

Hi kiamkiam

What do you mean by decrease movements? Actually Im not too sure how to determine if my baby moves a lot of not but gynae ask me to monitor.. Getting more and more paranoid.. Can feel baby moving but not very very frequently.. Not too sure if this is right.. Don't wish to scare myself either..

I heard fr antenatal class shd b average of 10 kicks per day, but my doc is v relaxed, as long as there is obvious fetal movement everyday it's ok.

We asked our gynae about monitoring bb movements. He said throughout 12hrs, as long as there are 10 movements (any sensations also consider)ok le. But actually within 1/2 there will be more than that already.

Yesterday i also feel a decrease of movements and she's moving or kicking very slowly and gently. I'm worried too but dun wish to scare myself. Hubby said she's tired cos we wake up very early yesterday...

Rebeana> if your baby has less than 10 movements per day for two consecutive days, u need contact your doctor..

My bb din move the whole day on mon.. So gyn did a detail scan on my bb and say everything okie .. But bb is too lazy but need to monitor from 9-9 Daily .. Ensure she got move 10 movements over the period

Janice, the website is http://www.babyshopasia.com/

Email the person for best price.. hehe!!

Oh... There was a day when I quarrelled with my hubby and I cried and cried.. Then, baby didn't move at all when I very sad.. Till the next day night, then he moved abit.. Dunno is it because he was sad also or what.. haha!

As for the Sophie Giraffe, I read on internet that quite a number of babies were choked due to its leg.. So, becareful when giving baby that..

Kiamkiam, I initially intended to have Prof Tee as my gynae too! My hubby side said Prof Tee very pro in complication. But then, end up I chose Dr Adrian cuz his clinic is just below my house.. More convenient... Pray no complication.. =)

Thanks for all the information about buffet. I was thinking of hotel buffet but usually it's international buffet n I can't eat those seafood n raw things.

Bb movement

I found my bb moves a lot during night time. When I am busy with work he got less movement. And yes I believe bb will get tired oso . They are affected by our emotion also. When I am in bad mood , bb tends to be quiet also. I think all bbs r very smart n sensitive

Hi mummies,

I'm a new mum with a little princess to this thread, edd on 26/11/11, will be at tmc. Went for gynae appt last 2 days, bb weigh 2.22kg on 31 weeks + 4 days.

However, my gynae warn me about my sugar level high this round, and ask me to drink plain water only. So disappointed. But have been telling myself bb's health is more impt.

Btw, just wondering how many disposable panties and overnight pads do we need during our stay in hospital??

Little bb,

I delivered my #1 at wk 37 thru induction as she wasn't growing since Wk 34. Probably it's due to my aging placenta which is not delivering the nutrients to bb. Thus this round more or less the same as gynae saw signs of placenta aging again. Same problem n my blood pressure also higher this time round so gynae say likely won't carry my bb past nov.


Dont worry too much, your bb will be fine. Do remember not to move too much n stop doing housework. Bedrest as much as possible.


Oh I got the Naraya slippers from Bangkok. I'm not too sure if the Naraya outlet in spore carry the bedroom slippers or not. If any of ur frens going to bkk, ask them to help u buy there.. Quite cheap.

My bb is moving a lot n causing me lots of discomfort. Sometimes can feel her literally bouncing inside me. She is very active throughout the day n esp so after midnight. I wonder if she ever sleeps. Haha. My tummy is very big n so stretched that I feel the pain. Bb is also very busy during my scanning. During last scanning, she was seen sucking on my placenta and doing frowning. Turning n tossing n burying herself into my placenta.

Hi Jean, we mummies are considered a responsible bunch already, don't worry too much n just drink more water n less sugary stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My doc also says my 0.5kg increase in 3 wks is way too low and baby is now thin- I felt so guilty!! Come to think of it, we must maintain a happy vibe anyhows! So relax and be positive!

Qien_baby,Jean chua- Welcome to the thread.Hopefully more mummies can come to this thread and share their experiences.

Twink-I got the naraya slippers from Bangkok as well.

Simp-Sad to hear about your experiences.Be positive.Hopefully next appointment bb will start growing.My bb also abit small and his head is huge so i am worried as well.Lets pray and hope everything will be fine.


I ate alot of buffets about twice a month as im not working now so very free.I do eat alittle sashimi about 2 pieces and alittle seafood.Those hotel buffet sashimi and seafood are fresh so i dare to eat abit.Actually my gynae said its fine to eat abit just avoid during the 1st trim.Mostly i had high tea so not much seafood selection.I am planning to go The Line at Shangri-la one of this days.

Giving up seats

I strongly agreed no one give up seats to us esp MRT.I can stand infront of the reserve seat and the lady immed took out a tissue pretending to blow her nose as if she is sick.Whenever i step into the MRT those on the reserve seats immed fall asleep.I have to snatch seats with othes,pathetic right! Those not on the reserve seats also wont give up their seats as they thinking why should they give up as they are not on reserve seats.Never a lady gave up her seats to me before mostly is guys who are more glacious.

Swollen foot

I just realise my foot are abit swollen.Any idea What can we do to help to prevent from more swelling?Izzit becoz i walked too much?


Anyone experience numbness below the breast? My left breast bigger alot than my right breast.There is stretch marks on my left breast but not on my right.My breast like papaya now so i feel numbness below my left breast.

Hi mummies,

Thanks for ur welcome. Naraya outlet in sg? Where is it? I'm also tempted to buy one extra slipper with better quality, since I got one from daiso.


I will drink lots of water. And now my hubby banned me from ice-cream and soft drinks. Even breakfast "zhu Chang fen" is without sweet sauce!!! So depriving. But I know is for my own good, so never blame him.

Mrs Chong,

Swollen feet

I do experience that. My SIL advise me to reduce salt intake and put legs high wherever is possible. Of cos, avoid walking too much. My doc also ask me to try to lie down as much as 8hrs per day (even not sleeping). But I ask my hubby to practice massaging them.


I only experience it on my both arms and hands, to that some extend will numb even holding chopsticks. Sometimes, will be awake by the numbness.. But as for breast, mine doesn't grow a lot, in fact I think they seems smaller than pregny. Wonder will have enough milk for my gal?

Chinese herbs

Any idea what to buy for confinement? So far, i only bought tang Shen, red dates, dried longan and wolf berry. I saw some mums talk about pre-packed herbs, need to buy as much as 30 pack?

Seems like never ending stuff to buy! Any idea when is the next expo bb fair?

Ahh exciting. I'm going to the gynae today. ^^ gonna check if baby is growing (which I'm pretty sure she is cos my tummy is growing plus it feels squeezier =\ ) Bahh. Also to clear my doubts on csect or inducing..

And is anyone experiencing super hard heartbeat?! It's till the extend I can hear my own heartbeat at my eardrum. My goodness I started since mid trim 2nd but now it's getting worse.

Swollen feet

I think you should walk more and drink more water. That probably help. When I sit and play mahjong for more than a round I'll get immediate water retention that's so obvious that my hubby also wanna laugh. Cos really it's like pig leg.

Giving up seats

Well I think singaporeans all very friendly. All enthusiastic to give up seats to old people.. But not me. I guess it's cos I don't look big and my tummy is still slightly smaller than my breast and I'm only a b cup so.. Yah tummy is small. So no one knows. I can be standing right in front of them and they actually don't give me seats but subsequently when they see someone else who needs the seat more, they enthusiastically call out to the person and give up their seats. So I guess the problem is with me. Lol.

Chinese herbs

Have to buy sheng hua tang and all that different tang to drink. And i think the tcm doctors will pack it into packets. But i think the prescription is very important so hopefully everyone gets good prescription and all get their body back in shape. ;))

Losing / gaining weight

Anyone fretting over losing weight after giving birth?! Cos I am. Arghhhh.

Hi qien_baby,

Thanks for your advice on Chinese herbs.

Losing weight

I think with the constant postnatal massage and binding does help. But cutting off food is not advisable cos, u need calories to produce milk for bb. Advise from my friend, is to drink more soup and eat more meat and veg, less rice. Small meal but more frequency will help lose weigh and able to BF. Slimming centre works if you go there as often as 3-4times a week plus controlled diet. But sure will bounce back if never control diet.

Hubby gone for work, dunno wat to do now... Bb is kicking me till can't sleep. Haiz.

Hi mummies,

I'm waiting in the clinic now.. Seeing my gynae soon.

I will be doing the culture swab test.. Hopefully not too pain..

Look forward to see my BB..

Jojo don't worry the test is not painful just uncomfy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun at the scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my feet are so swollen too!! I got 3 pairs new flatties bot last mth now all cannot fit :p I heard pre natal massage can help rub down water retention but haven't got ard to booking one ;)

simp - don be discouraged. My bb growth for the past 2 mths was slow too with the tummy being smaller than the head and the weight being a pretty low percentile. So gynae tell me to keep eating. I eat all day round. Increase your calories with frequent snack like banana, ice-cream (yes, advised by my gynae) and other high calories food.

After 2 mths, my bb is finally back on track..still not a big bb but at least at a satisfactory range.

Twink - i bought the pigeon powder detergent where they indicate that it is suitable for front load machine.

For MTB using washing machine, is there a need to descale the machine before washing bb clothes?

I bought my bedroom slipper at Uniqlo. V comfy!

Do relieve swollen feet by drinking alot of water. It works well for me and till now my ankle and fingers are still trim..they are probably the slimest part of my body now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies! It's Friday and I'm not working today... super happy cos raining all morning


Hey your EDD is the same as mine! Where are you delivering at?

Little bb

I do experience numbness sometimes in the area btwn my breasts and my baby bump, usually when I bend over to say do housework or pick up stuff lol. Not sure why though.

Swollen feet

No swollen feet for me yet but besides drinking more water and reducing salt intake, my colleague told me to prepare warm water to soak our feet in before sleeping.

Confinement herbs

My CL just rattled off some herbs for me to buy over the phone when I called her, couldn't catch what she say. Intend to head down to the Fu Lu Shou complex area and ask the shop owners what to buy, I think they would know.

I just went up a cup size (I'm not too big in the first place) so hopefully milk supply will be sufficient. First time mum, dunno what to expect. Actually I worry most about breastfeeding.

Baby is more active at night, less kicking cos maybe too cramped, but can really feel her stretching everywhere, sometimes all the way to my sides *ouch* Then I'll try to soothe & talk to her and tell her that mummy is going to sleep and be nice to me... So far no use leh, still active :p

Wow.. Just finish my checkup..

BB is 2.8kg at wk 35.. He only put on 150gram in 2 wks.

I guess bcos I control my intake.. Hehe..

Anyway, gynae say BB is mature to deliver anytime...

So happy.. I'm counting down now.. 18 more days to go..

Hi cynn,

I will be deliver at tmc by dr AL Lim. He is one doc that always control my weight, maybe my basic weight is overweight ba. For my last appt 2 days back, bb head is still not down, hopefully she will be head down by then. And will let me have a smooth delivery.

I also worry about BF being first timer. All my gfs' milk are able to BF their boys for 18months and need to stop production by cold cabbage. So I wonder if I can do it or not.

My gal has been Kicking me actively at night, makes me sleepless thru the night, only allow me to nap a while after daddy goes for work till lunch time. And I notice she likes to kick or move more when the radio or tv has HIP HOP or Rock song!!! My hubby is teasing her to ask her to learn ballet instead, then can TURN TURN TURN in mummy tummy. :p

Hi jojo, nice to hear that u r counting down to ur delivery. All the best to you and your bb.

Little ones,

I did descale my washer before washing my bb clothing. I bought the descale powder from daiso (cheaper), ntuc also does sell but I think is about $7-8per pkt. I think is up to individual whether to descale or not.

I use pigeon liquid washer, it smell liked baby sebamed bath. But i feel expensive even after offer at expo sale, anyone try tollyjoy or kodomo?

Bedroom Slippers:

There's a NAraya outlet at Vivo City, somewhere near gong cha there. Can try to find else cotton on body at Wisma also selling..

Massage lady:

By the way, some mummies pm me for my massage lady contact. I just called her up and she said she's fully booked till dec.


I just went to Fu lu shuo complex yday to buy some herbs for my red date tea. They have a list for you and will advise you what are the main tonics to brew for confinement. Btw i went to Joo Huat Trading. Very crowded with lots of customers...may have t wait before someone will serve you.


Me delivering at TMC also by Dr Paul Tseng. Dun worry, at this point some babies tend to somersault around, maybe you could ask your gynae on ways to coax your baby to go head down? My appt is next week, can't wait to see how much my baby has grown, do feel that my tummy is much heavier. Hopefully she is of a healthy weight!


Dats great news! Wish you a smooth delivery in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! I was still wondering which shop I should go to. Will take time off to head down next week, hopefully afternoon time won't be that crowded.

Chinese Herbs:

The Joo Huat Trading is the same company as “龙马” or Tan Sum Joo Provision Shop on the 3rd level of the hawker centre opp fu lu shou.

I bought my bird nest and some other chinese herbs for red date tea at the market. quite cheap (as in much cheaper than those medicine hall with alot of branchs) and fresher. I always look for the male staff with botak hairstyle. He is quite friendly and able to give some discount off the listed price. I am recommended there since all my aunties like to patronise there since my granny's times.

Massage lady:

I do have one contact but is a chinese auntie, recommended by alot of SIA girls. I got her contact thru my gf who does reduce her water retention after birth. Im not sure whether she is good or not, cos she dun recommend me to go for pre-natal massage in 3rd tri, so I never try before. Her rate is still 50 for this year massage. I forgot is for how long. If any of the mummies want her contact, Can PM me.


Your doc is the Superman Hairstyle doc, very angmo. He is popular with expats. According to my gf, he doesn't recommend DHA or cutting the V.

Congras to both of us having the girls out on the same day if possible. Hahaha. My hb is hoping that his girl will always be his gf forever, always asking him to buy presents.

Dun worry about her growth, She will be healthy and happy as long as we are happy.

I guess Im really too eng liao being a housewife, always online reading the forum or watching online serials.

Jojo-Congras that everything goes on well.Now you can really countdown..

Naraya slippers

Vivo used to have a naraya shop but recently had closed down.

Cynn-Yes yes sometimes i do experience numbeness between the breast and the baby bump.

Swollen feet

yesterday night i lay my feet on a bolster while sleeping but as im sleeping on the sides so quite difficult to lay it on the bolster,i will use pillow instead of bolster tonight.Think i should control salt intake as mentioned,soak warm water before sleep.Wonder if i walk too much as i went out almost everyday.

Yesterday night had a huge quarrel with my hubby,he went drinking with his collegues and came home very late.I was aggitated and screaming at him,just couldnt control my temper.I kept pushing him away and kicked him when he tries to cool me down.I regretted today,wondering if i had hurt my baby.

Any idea where to get comfort padded nursing bra? I just bot a nursing bra from gmarket,i dont think its very comfortable maybe because of the stitches.One thing i like about the bra is that it comes with padding to slot into the bra and no underwire.I had also bot a warcoal nursing bra when i went phuket,dont like it as no padding so can actually see the shape of the nipple.Thinking to buy 2 more nursing bra with padding,no underwire and comfortable,any idea where to get?

Little bb,

Nursing Bra,

I came across at taka bb dept, can't remember the name of the brand, but it seems like having the slot to put padding. But it is expensive. I have been trying Mothercare, im ok with that. since need to put nursing pad for BF, so I think it is ok with that. won't be able to see nipple.

You can try out at taka bb dept or mothercare.



Yah my gynae's clinic is always swamped with expats. My friend recommended him to me, says he is very pro natural birth. Btw, what's DHA?

Little bb

Hope everything ok btwn you and hubby today. Sometimes we might tend to get more emotional, most important is your hubby understands. There are days where I find my hubby very irritating for no apparent reasons and I will tell him so. But he usually shrugs it off cos he knows I'm just being hormonal =P

Btw I went to Spring Maternity at Vivocity to get my nursing bra, wanted to try and determine my size. Not that exp, ard $30+? They do have a few branches elsewhere. After that same as Fynn, me went to the bulk purchase forum and ordered there cos more sure of my size. Have not received yet, so not sure of quality or cutting.

