(2011/11) Nov 2011

Fynn, can i check how can we take hospitalisation leave? Can we take like one day or 2 day hospitalisation leave? Coz my MC also finish liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



I just told my gynae that my Medical leave all finish liao, can take hospitalisation leave? Then he said ok lor.. You just tell your gynae.. If your gynae can issue HL, I think you can take.. =)


Thank you... yup yup urs is nice too... i also think mine wont zhun zhun as EDD de so hope can 1 Nov 2011 which i doubt so... hehehe... so i think most impt bb come out after full terms healthly will do le. hehehe..

u are now week 32 going to week 33? cos i now also week 32 but tml will be week 33 le...


Many thanks for the information provided. will check it out at the website and email you if confirm getting it...

Fynn, oic. U a teacher?? Rest well k...

ssbaby, yep, i think take coconut juice is good despite what our mummies say. My mom has alot of theories, like cannot watch shows with animals in it but I still want to watch the planet of the apes and I even asked her cheekily "Ah Pee (my dog) is also an animal, how?" She is speechless ... Then she just told me recently cannot eat beef and mutton, to which i asked her "then malays how??" She is speechless x 2.. Haha! I think must listen but with a pinch of salt loh... btw, u feel sick? Must take care k.. =)

I just called up mount Alvernia to check with them regarding the renovation works.The receptionist told me the renovation is at the front part of the hospital starting from next week to about 6months.I am thinking to change hospital but i had already confirm my ward at Mount Alvernia dunno now can change anot.

yiling, u r welcome! forget to provide the products original webby http://breathablebaby.com/ it provides more info ba.... hehe!!!

felix, yep yep!!! i'm a teacher. actually just finished nie n joined the sch.. so guilty tat i hv to take leave after teaching for 1 term... but, cannot take it.. keep cramping n pains.. now worse wor though i stay home.. think my little darling too heavy liao... as for mutton, my dad asked me not to eat cuz scared of "yang" dian feng... haha!

LORain, i had booked.mine in July... My friend intro de.. I hvn't try b4 cuz first time mummy mah... My friend said must book early...

little_bb, u ask ur gynae if he also helps to deliver in other hospital or not first wor... cuz for mine, he only delivers in mt A and TMC...

I had a shocked yeaterday night! Yesterday i went vivocity and shopped the whole day,when i reach home i am so dead beat but i feel pain in the chest,thinking i may be too exhausted.My sister brew cordyceps with ginseng for me yesterday before i went shopping.Then at night before going to sleep,my nose bled and follow by blood flowing out of my mouth.I really got a shocked! Awhile later my nose stop bleeding but whenever i spit,theres blood.I used up almost half box of tissues.The bleeding continues for about more than an hour.My mum and sister told me i am too heaty,preggy around this stage should start to take cooling stuffs like coconut.Cordyceys and ginseng are very heaty so i shouldnt take now especially i am taking still taking gynae multi vitas.Think i should stick to birdnest which is the safest.

Fynn, ya my edd is 5/11 but i hope i can deliver on 1/11 instead hahah... i keep telling my bb that we'll see her in nov, hopefully not so early as in Oct. Today my colleagues commented that my tummy is very big now and may deliver early :-S

Coconut juice - i was told to start drinking only starting week 36 leh. not too early as it will be too liang.

Braxton Hicks - i think i have been having it since week 20 and now it's even more often...????

Littlebb, aiyo wat an experience. take care hor...

Fynn, since the cot wrap from toy r us, u think singapore toy r us will hv it too?

Felixp, lol.. my mum also dun allow me see animals, monster/strange looking characters. Ya.. felt abit sick. Maybe aircon too cold but put on jacket too hot. Haiz. Sianz. I

Little BB, alamak, cant they delay till dec? Lol. My gynae warned me alot of time, yet i want go with it. Will the dr carpark be affected? I afraid later my gynae no place to park his cos he is a tmc dr.. I tink we should take food that are more light in nature. Maybe fruits are more safer? 5.30pm! Pang kang!!!!


had emailed to you regarding ordering for the cot wrap... thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had asked my colleague who had delivered in TMC. She said when delivery, we will wear TMC gown so we do not need to bring our own to be soiled. after delivery we can wear our own for easier BF too as TMC provide those gown, behind is open type.

janice, i'm not sure lei... but the web when u click, it will jump to babies r us web.. haha!! sg dun hv ba cuz when i tried searching online, all US, UK n Australia webby...

Yiling, yep! i received ur email... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will see if over the weekends any more mummies want.. if not, i order on monday... cuz dunno how long it takes to reach us.. hehe!

ssbaby-I think definely the carpark will be affected.gynae not Mount Alvernia doctor ae well.Sianz..I am thinking to change hospital if thats the case.At least your gynae got warned you,my gynae never mention at all.


Haha yah lor, who knows might meet u in same ward! Same, my friend told me usually will have free upgrade to 2 bedded ward from 4 bedded at TMC, so fingers crossed for that!

TMC was also having some renovations, hope they are finally done with it?? I have enough construction noises at my place lor, (undergoing lift upgrading now) cannot imagine stay at hospital still need to tolerate those noises. Oh well, maybe by then I would be immune already.

Little bb

Wow, take care! That was quite a scare.

Guess its wayyy to early for me to drink coconut juice since I'm only in wk 30, but nowadays I'm craving for papaya milk. Heard that it's good for milk production?

Still need to get nursing bras & PJs, think I better not be lazy and head down to mothercare or something this weekend and get the sales assistant to measure for me. No idea whats my size now :p

today thread moving very fast.

hdb flat relase

today my collg excite me so much w e balance flat release till 28 Sep. i really wish to move bk to my old estate in Clementi cos i find the area so much more accessible to gd sch ard. maybe super KS, but i have already plan for my gal to go bk to my old sch, just that our current house location is close to 10 min drive away. thou not far but i don drive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


does mummies here go for massage? i been having prental massage at my regular but now my legs are too too painful to walk and barely go.. today buay tahan and went to do leg massage at another reg place but this one don do body massage. this preg total no energy to walk. my exhaust my leave by taking in 1/2 days and fetch my gal from sch and go bk home. my #1 u st got energy to walk 2 continous day b4 my plan c-section day.


i intend to book my mine from my reg, she also do pre-natal. if u int to try her prenatal do pm me.

appointm w gynea

tomo going for my gynea appoint and need to take ny 2nd GTT. hope can pass as i dun to go thru e pricky routine again. i realise i never ask gynea how heavy my bb is. he is 29 wk this wk. edd suppose 0612 but since i already plan c-section so pop date wld be in 2-3rd wk of nov.

Fion, if you are from that school, your child sure can go in in phase 2A. Also, 10 min drive can take school bus.. You can check with the school.. =)

Anyway, for the weight of your baby, it can be seen on the ultrasound photo that your gynae gives you.. =)

Hi mummies

Just seen my gyn.. Hey my bb is 2.2 kg at 34week.. And she have turn down.. Doc say I eaten too much so I always vomit and advise me to eat less but more meals.. Since like my bb Is too big that I feel very painful on my lower abdno..

Little bb, well, i insisted on mt A coz i m born there as well. Have some closeness w it. Already done the pre admission. So let pray everyting will be fine..

Kiam, my bb weighs 2kg at 32 weeks. And over this 2 weejs, i put on another 2kg. I tink 1kg might go to bb liao.. Coz all my weight gain till now go to bb, mummy dun have. Dr say good weight and ask me dun worry..


wow that must have been quite a scare to have blood flowing frm ur nose and mouth! cordycep and ginseng both very heaty stuff! take care and dont eat too heaty already. me also super heaty now..shldnt have ate so much durian paste and chocolate over the weekend and i didnt rest enuf also now down with runny nose and cough and phelgm. so regret..too "tam jiat" liao..

just hope i can recover soon..feel horrible from nose blowing and spitting of phelgm.


i would love to go for massage but i think not quite advisable by a lot of ppl cuz must be very careful not to massage wrong areas. the only massage i get is frm my hubby learnt from antenatal class.i love the back/spine rub and calves press..

maternity pad

i also got those super long overnight types instead cuz i heard frm my fren maternity pads dont have wings?


actually alot of stuff we avoid are just myths.. but it makes us or ppl ard us feel better we just do it lor hee.. i also dun follow all. i watch alot of animal shows also but try to avoid horror show cuz scared of nightmares.hee..but the coconut juice i think alot of ppl also drink nearer EDD so i feel should be fine. i heard some inlaws also strictly forbid too.


i also have cramps several times everyday.. sometimes it makes me difficult to breath depends on position of bb when the cramp comes. i think i am getting more now as compared to previous.

Twink-We shouldnt take too heaty stuffs instaed can take more cooling food.I will stop taking the cordyceps and will just stick to home brew birdnest every week instead.This weekend will start drinking coconut juice.My mum and mil said its good to drink coconut juice now.

ssbaby-My girlfriend Edd mid of oct she will also go ahead delivering at Mount Alvernia.Her gynae said its fine and will not affect much.I have another gf she wanted to cancel but her clinic assistant rejected her as she had also confirmed the ward.I only worried about the parking space and the day time noise.

Twink, i agree w u.. My cousin eat pineapple at her last tri to reduce water retention, everyday one cold ice pineapple juice. Lol

Little bb, my fren working in MT A has told me that the reno noise will keep to min. Only 8-5pm then got works. Thats why she ask me choose Our lady ward if can so can reduce the impact n its much nicer.

Ssbaby, so nice that all ur weight gain goes to baby!!!! I think most of my weight gain goes to me... -.-" gained 15 kg since pregnancy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Twink, did u drink cold or cooling stuffs at night?? It will alsO cause cramps lei... Tat time i drank coconut during dinner, kena cramp.. Then i stopped.. Cramps also stopped.. Then i drank grass jelly.. Also kena cramp.. Then i stopped, cramps alsO stopped.. I drank Gung milk tea, also kena.. Stopped n cramps stopped too.. So i think it is linked.. Haha!!!

Twink> my frien ask me to get the 35 cm overnight pad instead ..

Ssbaby> my weight is slow down too and the weight are gain by my bb.. I only gain abt 0.5 kg these two week plus and she gain 0.4 kg ... Doc say she is doing fine and face down ..

Another few weeks I can see her ..

I didn't get the maternity pads too.. Got the 35cm overnight pads instead.. Think its enough, its really not enough than see how lo..

I gained 11kg as of 2 weeks ago.. I cut down on carbo for the past 2 weeks as instructed by my gynae coz she said I was gaining too much weight. Also, no appetite to eat much so keeping food intake tot he minimal..

Today's finally Fri.. Can already feel the strain.. Feeling very tired lately. Just like in tri 1.. Hubb's doing most of the housework which makes me really guilty but secretly enjoying it ;p

Really can't wait to my due date.. Can't wait to see baby and can't wait to escape from work.. Work seems to be catching up these days or maybe my boss suddenly seems to be loading me with more and more work.. Keep discussing with me about year end plans or early next year plans when Im not around.. Have no idea why.. Sigh.. Making me so worried and feeling left out...

Hi mummies,

Just to share. Previously I asked my Admin HR and they mentioned that any HL taken after week 32 of pregnancy will eat into your 4 months maternity leave entitlement.. So I guess you all better check with your HR before taking.


Taking coconut too early canl trigger off contractions. That's what I heard from some of the gynaes.. As for the exact reason i also not very sure.. So probably better to take after week 36?

Patricia, I think it depends on organization ba... for my case, my RO in school asked me to clear those hospitalization leave first then.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies-to-be!

I have For Sale: 6months preloved Medela Pump In Style Advanced (PISA) & Breastmilk Storage Bottles.

Locally bought US complete set with local power plug. See photo for included accessories. Full Set Photo Bought for S$599 on 24/02/2011. Receipt Photo Used for 6months, warranty for another 6months. Selling $400, or $410 with the storage bottles shown below. Also for sale: Medela Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bottles. 12 x 80ml BPA-free bottles with lid. Bought for S$40, selling $20. Storage Bottles Photo

Interested parties, please leave PM or SMS @ 987 six one 872.

Thanks for viewing!

Hey mommies, TGIF!!! Another few hours to go home time!! =pp

Pat, thanks for reminding us! My HR policy is also such that if i take mc related to my pregnancy within the 4 weeks period before my delivery, it will be counted as part of my ML!

Rebeana, yep, i oso gotten the extra long pads instead of the maternity pads... shld be enuff i guess..

I've gained 11 kgs and my bb is only 1.6kg =pp and all the extra weight went to my lower body -- my legs, my butts, etc... =((

hi all mummies,

Finally is friday again and here comes weekend. hope all of you will have a gd rest over the weekend... hehehe...

little bb,

take good care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok np de. when you free or to your convenience you then order... just let me know if u need other information from me if any... thks thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ssbaby-Dont think we can choose the ward right? Even the renovation works will be keep to the minmium but sure will still be noisy.The environment oso dusty.Did your friend mentioned will the parking lots affected?


just rem today is F1 day and marina area wld be super crowded. do avoid going.

Gynea appointm

back from my GTT and hope things turn out fine. bb is at 1.3kg at 29th week. surprising he is smaller than jiejie. i ask gynea shld c-section ard 36wks as my #1 she say may not need if i don get gesttaitional diabetics. then i had when having my gal and my gal tummy is bigger.

i ask her if i choose nice date need extra, she say no need as long as within office hours. so counted if bb pop in 38th wk wld be 221111 and if earlier may be looking at 111111.

bb is in gd head position but i don dare go natutal


i think i cannot eat too cooling also cuz alot of phelgm.have to wait til recover first. u mean can start drinking at wk 32 for coconut juice? was still tinking of drinkin at wk 35 or 36.

ssbaby, wow i miss pineapple also. but everyday?? too cold bah haha..


no leh i dun always drink cold water or cooling water at night but i always get the braxton hicks cramps everyday for many times.esp recently when baby movements are super active and extreme. Or are u talking abt leg cramps or braxton? hee.. my leg cramp mostly come when i on fan/aircon directly on my legs and i dun cover with blankie.


ya i also got the 35cm overnight pad. i dont quite like the idea of wearing a loop pad.or super thick non wings pad.

Twink-I think can drink coocnut juice on week 34 onwards,week 36 i think we can deliver already esp big bb.My mum,mil and sisters they said its fine to take but dont take too many.If you worried prehaps start with once a week.My gf started taking week 30 onwards,she said her gynae encourage her to take saying bb skin will smooth smooth but i think week 30 too early.My gynae told me to get everything prepare 4 weeks before EDD and that is week 36.If my bb is of a acceptable weight i do hope he pop out around week 37.Nowadys seems like alot of mummies deliver earlier.In the past,if you are more than 2weeks later than your EDD,will have to be induce but now if you are just few days later,gynae will want you to be induce.If you take cooling food try not to take at night,thats what my mil told me.Today my mother cook green bean soup for me,its cooling too but i take in the afternoon.My body too heaty thats why my nose bled and i spit blood.So i cannot take anymore tonic,multi vits already very heaty.I always complain very hot,i sweat alot.Must on air-con day and night,once step out of the house sweat again.

Twink, I talking about leg cramps lah.. hahahahaha!!!

I also intend to get the 40cm pad rather than maternity ones...

Up till now my gynae haven't discuss with me about giving birth issues... haha! I think maybe next visit ba? Next visit would be around 31 weeks liao..

Maternity pad

I will get the extra long pads rather than maternity pad.As i still do not know if i will be going for natural or csection.My sister told me if csection,the flow will not be so heavy.If really the flow too heavy then i get my husband to buy at the hosptal pharmacy.

My last visit at week 31,my gynae had talked to me about contractions.Is it true that when later stage of pregnancy,gynae will check our cervix?

Hi all,

Pink bumbo chair (with tray) for sale at S$50. Used only twice and tray is un-used.

Collection at sengkang MRt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PM me if interested.

Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good evening MTBs,

Now bb gal at 31wk but we seems to b very relaxed unlike our first gal. a lot of things havent bought but we kinda lazy esp our gal kept getting sick. really burn out our energy.

saw the discussion on Placenta, i would like to contribute my thoughts on it. my wify initially also find it gross but i kept encourage her on taking it. i glad that i convinced her as her skin n constitution was gd, no sickness n radiant skin color n texture. even her colleagues wonder y is that so esp those who were mothers long ago. anyway the placenta will b processed into capsule form so u wont even b turn off from it. btw i do not do placenta processing or associated to them. i found them in the May 2010 thread.

Hi mummies! Got 2 qns- how long will menses last after delivery? Need to stock up pads after the hiatus! :p And, I only put on 1 kg btw my last gynae appt (28wks) and now (30wks) > izzit normal? I heard we shd b gaining weight exponentially in last tri? *worried*

Zanissa> according to my friends who just given this yrs, mense is abt a month and stock overnight pad if u like pad with wing..

Wt gain

My wt gain actually slow down to less than 1kg every 2-3kg.. But my bb gain alot , she increase from 1.1 kg at 28 week to 2.2 kg at 34 week .. My gyn say as long bb have gd wt and mummies dun increase too wt ..

Little bb> so far my gyn din check cervix during my last visit at 34 week.. He only check the position of my bb .. Keep telling me bb is facing down and her wt is gd for natural birth..


I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour $30

2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use $150

Interested can PM me. 


Maternity pad

i prefer to use the extra long overnight which has the self adhiseve than the maternity loop. yet to buy the disposables panties.

i had csection for #1, thou cant rem how long its last, but its less than a mth.. maybe 2-3 weeks and the flow is light esp fast 1 week. i think during c-section, most blood has been 'suck' out so lesser than natural.


book e maid last week, shld be coming in early nov, hope no regrets and she is ok.

confinment food catering

been thinking shld spend more on the food or e budget for massage.. eventually shld be going for massage as some of the food selection i don dare to eat esp those w vinegar smell.

went to chinese medical store and bot the min items, yet to buy e da feng cao cos this small oulet don sell.

