(2011/11) Nov 2011


u are sooooo lucky!

Your mum is so capable.

No wonder Jadelyn is so chubby.


the focus pilates got prenatal?

I have never done pilates before so not sure if im up for it.


would love to add u but dunno how to from a page. think can check with leikela.


lotus root soup with pork ribs, red dates and cashew nuts (those raw ones for cooking) is very nutritious. if add peanuts and black beans during confinement, it can help boost milk supply. huai shan (Chinese wild yam) chicken soup is also very nutritious. actually no need to add any special/expensive herbs to the soups. just need the usual red dates, wolfberries, huai shan etc. or even go without is good enough!

here is a website i always go to when i have mood to cook. very easy to follow the recipes there. http://www.noobcook.com/all-recipes/. tried the beef stew the other day and hubby couldn't stop praising it. lol! actually very very easy le.

lynzi: yup, prenatal pilates. ermm i am not a active person too but they use those machines, teach u breathing, strengthen pelvic muscle and best part tone yr body. I love it la, so plan to join them again after my next appt if everything is ok.

N THANKS for the post on PARU SAMBAL!!!


oops! started your craving. :p i don't stay with my mom now but every night gotta pick my babe up so will 'shun bian' stay for dinner. very simple homecooked meals, no big fish big meat but very wholesome and nice lor. her soups are always very very 'thick' and nourishing. last time when younger dunno how to appreciate her cooking and would prefer to eat out, but now really feel that homecooked meals are the best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] during my confinement that time i even told her that if got anyone staying nearby just gave birth but can't cook, she should offer her services and do her own mini confinement catering!


now trying to learn some recipes from her bit by bit. otherwise all her 'specialities' will be lost.

starry: I agree. last x i dont appreciate home cooked food, now everytime i am back I always eat till my stomach can explode. ah the taste of mother love!!


how much the fees like?

I know got one place at tanglin even got yoga n pilates for both mum n bb.

Hehe..next time i cook more can give some to u.


i also go to noobcook quite often..hehe

OOPSSSSSSSS...just realised i cant join u girls for the outing on 17...shucks!!

Its my wedding anniversary n i completely forgotten about it.

Dh will kill me if he knows..lol


cheater's guide to cooking. lol! love it. she's so ingenious!


oops, didn't know that. i think u can just post there bah.


I also can't join for the gathering on 17th. My boy's PD doesn't see patients on Saturdays anymore, so bringing him for his MMR jab on 17th just before my detailed scan since Raffles Children's Centre is just next to Raffles Women's Centre at the hospital. Sorry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For muslin spree, closing on 24 June. Details on FB. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have you given your details? I don't see your details on the table








Nope. hehe! I'm from Oct thread same like Starry =D

Nick: piggy_jas

EDD: 23 Oct

Gynae: Dr Lawrance Ang

Hosp: TMC

BB#: 2


ent - i am also waiting for the books to arrive..should be these couple of days right? Jul issue of mother and baby talked about the various routine for baby care where they compared gina ford, tracy higg, the baby sleep system and the "no routine routine". After reading it, give me a better idea the pros and cons but now i cannot decide which routine is best!!!! *HELP*

janice - the tmc class i signed up at amkhub is on saturday.

ooh i have received the muar otah i ordered earlier from Yuki...will update all on how it is!

rainzz - yes..i also found it very hot when i had to wear it last yr! will it help to prevent leg cramps?

awbb - what post abt paru sambal by lynzi? i must have missed something out


- starry + jadelyn

- leikela

- tinyvoice

- l.tulips

- aabunny

- rainzz

any more mummies can join in?

Little_One: Hehe! You also ordered ah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hmm, thanks for sharing about the July issue of Mother and Baby. I should go look for it an dread too. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry: Haha, yah the pills look like saga seeds hor!! So you don't eat those ah?

By the way, how do we use those muslin blankets that we are ordering online? :p Just as blankies to wrap baby and make them feel secure?

Little one, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will go take a look when I go for my next appt ^^

bleh- As for the aqua fitness class,you have to go down to KKH to sign up.Our venue at Hydropool,rehabilitaton department.Basement one,children's tower.Saturday 1-1:45pm, 2-2:45pm..Last session we ends at 2pm so think the session is an hour..The 4 sessions consists of warm up,flexibility training,aerobics conditioning,strength traning,cool down and relaxation.Cost is $111.30 inclusive gst and attire have to wear swimming costume.The Hydropool very shiok,warm water instead of icing water.

Baby fare again,last saturday just alot of bb stuffs from motherhood bb fare at expo.Think now i only need to buy a infrant car seat and a stroller..

starry: ask ur mama make and sell to us!! my body has very poor constitution and needs a lot of building up! my poor boy must have gotten all the weak n bad genes fm me. he's skinny (but lanky) and v prone to coughs n colds.

Little bb: they only have classes on sats ah? weekends i have issues with babysitting. hmmmmmm but i wanna try it! alws liked aerobics... n i think more exercises are gd for us.

Janice: did u say neck aches? me me! i get stiff necks so often for this preg! and back achin, head oso aching! i could be getting Paul Tseng to deliver #2 this time, if my current gynae refuses to let me try natural. Btw, does he deliver at Mt A??

Bleh, u got neck aching too? Hmm very uncomfortable lor. I put heat pad its better but next dau come back again Zzzz.... I'm not sure whether dr Paul deliver at Mt A or not leh.

bleh, I think Paul Tseng does deliver in Mt A. cos DH's aunt who saw him was deciding to deliver either at TMC or Mt A.

Hi jmi, here is my info for your updating. Thanks!

Nick: wendy

EDD: 25 Nov

Gynea: Dr Beh Suan Tiong

Hospital: TMC

BB#: 1

Boy/Girl: Not sure yet

Hi jmi, here is mine as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: AW_BB

EDD: 27 Nov

Gynea: Prof John Tee

Hospital: KKH

BB#: 2

Boy/Girl: mystery yet solved

jmi,janice: gd to know that Paul Tseng delivers in Mt A! TMC parking is a nightmare.

janice: i get neckaches so often that i began to wonder if i need a change of pillow... maybe gg to aqua aerobics help?!

little bb: i'm v interested in the class. let's see what kinda arrangements i can make. can join the class anytime is it??

i'm trying to boil chicken essence for myself now after hearing all gd remarks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynzi: can't rem how much , will ask rme n let u know! Wah u cook the paru sambal yourself?!?

Little one: hehe!! She's in my FB la, so always see her food posting

Bleh, ya tmc parking is really a nightmare! Hmm... Me too interested in the aqua aerobic but not sure if I can do it. Need to confirm with dr Paul after my detail scan.

Jmi, mine was updated few days ago or last week but the table dun hv my data leh :p

bleh-I booked the aqua fitness class many weeks ago,my class only 6 people.Must book early,slots taken up fast.We are in our 2nd tri best time to take up,wait untill 3rd tri tummy so big where got stamina.

Tiny_Voice: You also wanna go aqua aerobics?? Sounds like fun!!

Little_One: Errr...It wasn't me who ordered the otah. Hehe...Not sure who did!

Hi Jmi,

Can add me, just in case I give birth late and my bb bcome a Nov bb!

Nick: Genesis

EDD: 21/10

Gynea: Dr TC Chang

Hospital: TMC

BB#: 2

Boy/Girl: Boy


Btw is there someone organizing the aqua aerobics class? Can I join?


yah..its made easy cos my mil has already helped to boil the beef lungs for me.

I only left to fry the sambal.

Even with fish..i dont know how to clean it.

My mil will help to clean, take the guts and gills out then nicely wash and give to me..hehe

