(2011/10) Oct 2011


My baby is also starting to suck his hands when he feels sleepy..

Raise legs high up,

Maybe got wind inside baby stomach? Did he cry or feel any uncomfortable?

If not..he probably playing with his leg..some babies raise legs high up to suck their feets too..i have seen my elder son did that before..



I taste a drop of my thawed EBM everytime..before i feed my baby to ensure the milk didn't turn bad..OMG, feel like going to puke..even though test taste only a drop..most of them got the fishy taste..

For some batch after i warmed up my milk..i found yellow layer like of oil floating on the surface of the milk..this taste even more disgusting..it tastes similar to"mutton"..why is my milk like that? Anyone has any idea? I asked my hb..he say is the fat content in my milk..cos eveytime when he wash milk bottles..he finds it very greasy? Is it really true?

I'm now +2kg pre preg weight but my chest area bigger as I'm breastfeeding n tummy still there so some of e tops n pants even can go in will still feel tight!


My BB's using pigeon pacifier. Initially need to keep helping him as he doesn't noe how to suck it n will refuse it.. but recently to keep his mouth shut I intro pacifier n he keeps asking for it thou as n when it'll drop out.. recently I'm trying to feed him using bottles n he keep refusing so i remove his pacifier when he's drowsy n feed him wif bottle..

My BB also drinks v little.. I keep coaxing him to drink milk when he's drowsy but at most only 60ml or so every 3 hourly n I latch him at nite.. but he doesn't seems to WAN milk..

bubblygeek: if u feed him wif bottles, wun he be sucking air which lead to wind in the stomach.

m also +2kg pre preg weight bt tummy still so huge.... breast area nt alot of difference even though m breastfeeding, maybe not alot of milk..

My BB for the past 2 nights is drinking very little milk, dun nod is it because she wanna play hence dun wanna drink....


so far the max no of days my bb didn't poo is 2 days. I'll try to urge her to poo not my inserting the cotton swap but the old fashion way by making the pooing sound. Not sure if u get what I mean. She's been trained by my CL so I continued.


I think it's ok if bb doesn't drink much. My nephew too as he loves to zzz. He's 4 yrs old now.

Yup my bb has been kicking her legs high and the whole hand and legs seems to be doing boxing. Quite cute.

She's been trying very hard to suck her hands and fingers even with mittens but I try to stop her as much as possible. My mil doesnt want me to give pacifier so I didn't but I have a hard time coaxing her to zzz. Sometimes when I'm in my room I latched her. Keke..


Yes milk has oil.. So it's greasy.. The reason is EBM is not pasteurised. So the layer of oil will separate from the milk when it's settled.. Some batch will have more oil becos it's probably more hind milk than fore milk.. Usually after I exPress I will mix the hind milk n fore milk so it's even out..

Re: Poo

I tried to use cotton bud this morning.. But fail.. No poo poo still.. Sigh..

Thanks all for the info. I guess maybe he got wind inside..he din cry or feel uncomfy though..he jus keep raising.


My boy did not poo for a week last month. I was den advised to massage his tummy. ANd it helps! He pooed after that..


He used to drink very little and slow too. 60ml only.I then realised that it was the teat size. After changing, he is now drinking more n faster. However, he drinks about 100-120ml only. Sometimes cant finish and i got to seperate into two feeds. =(


If fishy taste is a concern, mayb u can try to mix half of the milk with freshly pumped one?


Heard many mummies been talking about this Gina Ford method..i think i have ever read about it somewhere..but can't rem exactly what it is all about already..can you roughly tell me more about this method?


Understand that thawed bm will sure have funny taste..but did expect mine to be so strong? But since baby did not reject..i will just continue to let him drink..


About the fm feeding amount and times on the tin..is "recommended/ for your ref only" no need to follow..just follow your baby demand is more impt..


I intend to wear my maternity clothes back to work. I dont want to spend money on new clothes. Rather save it for fm. Its not going to be pleasant i assume esp going back office n facing pple who will ask me abt my big tummy. Worse will be having pple assume i m still pregnant on the mrt when i refuse to take the seat they offer cos i embarassed them n their nice gesture. But wat to do? The tummy jus refuse to go down! Very sad. Sigh

Reduced mlk intake

I asked pd abt this as my bb has not been feeding well. Used to be every 3 hrs but now can stretch to 4-5 hrs before he wants to feed and even so he only needs one breast. If i offer the second breast, he will suck, pull, twist and clamp down with his gums till it is very painful for me. He plays and does ot want to suck.

Pd says the bb trying ti adjust his milk intake requirement. He says bb should hit 9-10kg by 1 years old. If your bb weight is already nearing this mark, their body will self adjust to reduce milk in take.

I hope this helps mummies whose bb are having reduced milk intake to expalin why.


No choice need to go back to work so have to bottle feed him wif EBM..


My BB poo lessen n less freq ever since he feed 2-3 hourly. N his poo texture seems diff too.. I tried to change e teats to 3+m but milk keep flowing out from his mouth so i use e initial size..

Think I've to buy a couple of new pants too tight when I sit Haha! Those button down shirt I also can't wear cos breast expand quite a lot! Didn't expect +2kg pre preg weight can make such a great diff faint!

Thaw EBM

Mine also v greasy think it's like tat but i dun think mine has fishy smell..


I detest the wrap too. Becos its tight and our weather humid n i need to do housework etc in it, i ended up with loads of heat rash. Thats why i also stop after the one week. But i really want my big tummy to reduce. Pple still thinks i m pregnant or give me ouzzled look when i carry my bb. Must be wondering why i m so pregant again when my bb so small. I feel very self concious when i go out even tho i seldom do.

I also hope it will reduce in the coming months.


Good to see u back in the forum. Envy u back to pre preg weight. Guess with two kids, its really a challenge!

Hope ur maid comes soon n all goes well for u before ur trip!

For me i am experiencing separation anxiety.

Whenever i think about going back to work n not being able to care for bb, i get sad and anxious. Its terribel! My hubby says i have grown too attached to bb! I tot its only normal since i m h is main caregiver and i face him the whole day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a May 2011 mummy had brought in some kids cool Baby Food/Milk Car warmer selling them @ $25(inc Normal Mail)-5 available

* Deluxe soft material insulates and protects

* Adjustable neoprene material with zipper accommodates various size bottles - regular, angled and wide neck

* Warm bottles quickly and evenly

* Hook-on clip design allows parents to hang it to anywhere in the car, stroller or diaper bag

* Foldable material and design makes it easy for storage

Package Content


* VoltageDC 12V

* Capacity500ml

* Warmer Temperature45°C±5°C

* Color: Blue

* Gross Weight: 0.330kg

* Package Size: (LxWxH)17cm x 10cm x 4cm


If any mummies are keen, can pm me or email: [email protected]

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a May 2011 mummy had brought in some kids cool Baby Food/Milk Car warmer selling them @ $25(inc Normal Mail)-5 available

* Deluxe soft material insulates and protects

* Adjustable neoprene material with zipper accommodates various size bottles - regular, angled and wide neck

* Warm bottles quickly and evenly

* Hook-on clip design allows parents to hang it to anywhere in the car, stroller or diaper bag

* Foldable material and design makes it easy for storage

Package Content


* VoltageDC 12V

* Capacity500ml

* Warmer Temperature45°C±5°C

* Color: Blue

* Gross Weight: 0.330kg

* Package Size: (LxWxH)17cm x 10cm x 4cm


If any mummies are keen, can pm me or email: [email protected]

Hi all

I tried Gina ford method with my #1 but not successful as it entails very rigid time schudule whiCh I a, not able to adopt. I had the.bool some where but think I gave away already..

Yes,my bb like to suck his fist too but our household does not subscribe to the idea of pacifier so I just let him be... Continue to suck his fist....

Bb had his injection of 6 in 1 during his second month and will be getting another injection. On 3rd month.

Pofy, on the separation anxiety .. It is normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but just remind yourself you work to provide for bb. Hopefully it make you feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby feeding

My baby weighs abt 6kg at 11 weeks but is only drinking abt 80ml per feed. He feeds abt 7 times a day. Seems like he's taking very little milk. But due to the good weight gain I guess shd be fine.

Thawed EBM

I tried to thaw a pack and feed to my bb. It really tasted quite horrible. Like mutton. He doesn't seem to like it. Only finished 70ml with a bit of struggle. Guess I will still continue to freeze. If throw away the EBM like very wasted.

Winny< i get what you mean, i also did the same thing but she just dun poo....

Pofy: when ppl give up their seat for me, i wld juz take, if not it pai sei the giver and myself...

you take care of the baby for 4 mths right? i only take care of mine for 9 weeks, i already feel what you are feeling... think juz ve to endure when we go back to work.

Eliaw: did u insert the cotton bud in n out till you see the poo? cause usually it wld stimulate and will poo...

quizzer: basically its a routine for you to follow everyday, like when and how much to feed, when to play and sleep etc. the routine changes with the age and works towards a baby who can sleep through the night (7pm to 7am). I just started on the routine so am asking if any mummies here are doing the same, as I find it very useful and it really works.

pofy: I will also be wearing maternity/nursing wear when back to work. think it makes it easier for me when I express at work too. dun be upset with your figure, most of us are also stuck with the tummy. cheer up!

Anyone bring their baby out ? I have started to bring him out when we go for dinner as no one at home look after him. Sometime bb behaves and slept thru our dinner/ lunch. Sometimes halfway thru wake up need to feed and carry him. Yesterday I bought my #1 and bb to hi tea, bb fuss after 20 minutes .... I have to carry and walk him...

Back to speed eating days, where I need to gobble down the food fast.... Haiz.....


Is your wrap the Velcro or cotton type. If it Velcro n unbreathable type, maybe you can wear the wrap on top of your clothes. So the wrap does not touch your skin and cause rash. I have the same problem when I was in hospital and my gynae suggest I wear cotton clothes and the wrap ontop of the clothes.


Yes. I tell myself n bb that i need to return to work so tat i can buy his diapers n milk powder. Tat is wat i tell myself whenever i have those anxiety attacks. My wrap is those with velcro. Thanks for the good idea. Didnt cross my mind. My concern now is getting one to wear inside when i return to work. Wonder where to find those jus like a tube around tummy to bind it down. I brought bb out a few times only for family meals. Disaster for most of them. Either he cries in the pram n even when carried cannot be consoled. Ended up i didnt finish my meal n had to bring him out of the cafe so tat wont disturb other patrons. There was once he needed to feed and i was in the nursing room throughout the lunch n he even wet my nursing wear with milk. By the time i got back mto the table, the dishes gone or cold n i had no mood to eat anymore.


Yes. Trying to cheer up. Guess i dun have slim genes. I read in the forum iora sells xl sizes n their prices quite ok. I will ck it out the next time i go out.


Yes, this is my last month with bb at hme. I m still waiting for e infant centre to tell me if they can take in my bb. If not i have to look for a nanny. They told me dragon year alot of babies but i wonder as dragon year not here yet n even if so the earlist should b in infant care only in mar 2012 right?? Very puzzled. My hubby say could be alrerady reserved a place and start paying fees tats why. Gosh!

How to take the seat? I paisei cos i not pregnant n when i return to work i will be in heels! If u come across a good binder to wear under work wear let me know. The other way would be to buy a long strip of cloth and bind myself but its so untidy i bet the layers can be seen.

Hi rejoy28,

Hopefully your bb guai guai...

S.o that you can enjoy your dinner...

For me, yesterday hi tea was a waste... Cannot enjoy at all and was stress out as bb was fussing... Others guests looking at me in amusement .... Thinking why I bother to go hi tea at equinox with a infant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi jojobar,

i've brought bb out many times already but with hubby too. We take turns to eat if it's her feeding time or she's cranky. We even brought her to Botanic Gardens. Hahaha...

Tried once with frens and we took turns to carry bb too. Wahaha!!

pofy: recently i bought a corset type of thing to wear bt it is thinner than corset n more bearable...

ve to see if gt results.. keep u posted...

where do u stay, there is a mummy posted that she put her bb in the infant care at sengkang and as it is newly open, there are spare available

hi rejoy28,

i put in & out like 10 times.. but no poo leh.. i have been massaging her tummy several times a day also no use..

later will use the suppository liao.. feel uncomfortable with the poo all inside her.. must get it out!!

hi jojobar,

i also brought her out several times.. yes, cannot enjoy in peace.. but i feel so bad to leave her at home..

last saturday we went out, fell asleep in my arms, once i put her in the stroller, she woke up.. i ended up dabao the dinner home and eat.. haha...

another time, i brought my #1 & #2 out alone to meet friends for lunch.. in the end, my friends helped me to take care too...

Brought my baby out a few times to restaurant and fast food. We make sure that he's well fed before we go and have our meal. So far he's been good. He will lie in the stroller and look around. The thing is we use pacifier so if we see that he's going to fuss we will pop it into his mouth. Sometimes he will just fall asleep. Of cos we will not have the luxury to chit chat and have a slow meal.

One thing abt bringing bb out is that it's really inconvenient to move between floors. Got to take lift all the time. Stroller on escalater looks dangerous.

I am very frustrated and despaired. My bb dun wan to drink from bottle. All these while, i bottlefeed him during day and latch him at nite. Since few days back, during day time, he doesnt want to drink from bottle. Even my hb feed he also cry like crazy. Thght it was the teat prob, and i've switched to different brands. Afterwhich, realised that he still prefers his old teat.

Today, he had wasted 3 rounds of milk. sigh....any advice?


anyone of u tried the bio essence slimmin cream? It is effective


Brought my BB out to family outing few times.. most of e times he's cranky. Need to change or bf him n will be frantically looking for a nursing room! When back to e dinner food also turn cold n totally no mood alr..


I'm trying to bottle feed him as i'll be returning to work soon n i need to bluff him in order to do so n even so he only drink 60-70ml.. will latch him during nite.

Jus kana from my MIL.. cos previously BB's on hourly feed for 1.5 mth then i find it too tired but he's gaining weight fast n poo a lot. But as I find it too tiring so I prolong his feeding hrs n he's now on 2-3 hrs feed n need to bluff him to drunk bottle now so it seems like he has slim down n poo every few days.. so MIL is telling me not to control his diet n latch him if hr doesn't wan bottle but i told my hb if I return to work he can't latch on too then will face e same prob. N i try to latch him if i find he's drinking little but he doesn't wan so it's not up to me now! Hai.. as if i dun wanna feed my son..


I bought my baby out almost everyday after he turn 3 weeks old..sometimes to malls to get some stuff..but most of the times to eat lunch/ dinner with my 5 yr old preschooler..

I usually bring him out after he finish his milk feed.. and if there is a need to stay longer outside..i will also bring along a fresh EBM with me..

warm up to feed when he wakes up..

i juz came back frm my dinner... she is zzz all the time...bt still i eat quite fast cause dun nod when she is gg to wake up...


I think Gina ford method works for my #1.. His waking up, feeding time and even nap time everything were very ON TIME..very routine..very predictale and easy to look after him..to the extend that.. i know when he will start crying for milk..so usually i will prepare the milk 5-10mins beforehand..i guess baby character also need to play a part to make this work? Cos i see my elder son now..he's still very much into routine..that's why he loves going school so much?

quizzer: wow, hw old was #1 when u implemented it? how did u manage to keep baby awake from 2-7pm? mine start to cry for sleep at 5pm and will fall asleep by 530pm and does not wake up no matter what I do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mnm: how long do you spend outside with baby? He so guai will go to sleep on his own, mine will cry when want to sleep... wa, your baby is already 6kg?! mine only 5.7kg :{


I bought bb out mostly weekend for dinner. But have to ear fast fast loh, and have to e sure my three year old eat well. So quite stressful....hubby joke that the we eat faster than the waiting time of the food preparation,,, if we go Chinese resturant where the dish are serve one by one, them I will eat last ...and food is cold ...

Quizzed, you are so lucky with your #1.

Pofy, I don't bf outside hence I will bring formula for him and feed..


how do you bluff him? Mine die die dun wan drink from bottle..he uses his tongue to push the teat out.. else not, he will do the wuek-vomit action.sigh

Hi all! Happy new year!


My girl likes to kick n lift her legs high but I don't think she's uncomfy. In fact she does it more often when she's happy. She likes to "stand" and not so much of tummy time. I worry she will learn to crawl v late coz of this. I'm also worried that bb will not hv any tummy time when I return to work coz only the maid will b home.

Sucking fist

My gal also loves her fists but I still refuse to give her pacifier.

Seperation anxiety

I'm already feeling it though I'm returning only after CNY. I will miss my gal and I worry abt not adapting back to work. I intend to resign soon but I worry can't get a job.


My bb drinks ard 60-80ml every hour n dozes off. However she can slp 4 hours straight in some afternoons n miss her feed.

Bringing baby out

How do u wake ur baby up to feed them? I want to feed her full before we go out but sometimes she just refuse to wake up, so I end up having to bring many bottles of EBM out

Creamdonut, usually our meal time last for at most 1 hr. We brought him to marina sq for half a day and had lunch at secret recipe before. He was good by staying in the stroller. For my baby just have to know what he wants. If hungry feed him, uncomfortable change diaper or burp, want to sleep then give him pacifier. Been quite lucky that he is good.

Mnm: wow, your baby is so easy to take care of! Mine will fuss n cry if want to sleep or bored. So if we are outside, have to spend like half an hr coaxing a crying baby to sleep. Sigh.


I stay in woodlands. I saw her post too but sengkang too far.

Corset! Never tot abt tat. Its exactly wat i needto bind down the tummy. Must go search for it.


Yes, also consider feeding fm. The next time i will try. Worry engorged tats why i didnt try. I had a bad espisode. One of the day my breast become so hard i couldnt sleep as it was so painful. I tried to pump but nothing came out. Ended up seeking help fr tmc parentcraft. Lucky i went or else the blocked ducts would be infected but very expensive episode. Cost me $85!


I can understand. My mil have loads to say. If bb cry must be i didnt feed him enough or his tummy pain but i dont know etc etc. its tough being a mummy n a daughter in law. I tried to pacify my bb but he cried n cried and so there was once my mil jus forcefully take the bb fr me to rock bb to sleep. Haiz.


Thank you! I find it tough becos very difficult to judge if a person really needs it tats why i tot go thru social welfare orgainisations. But tamms n jojobar got a point. They might prerfer other forms of help. I also find its not so ethical to ask for items n resale. If the items offered are not suitable then the receiver should jus reject so tat other pple in need can have it. I saw kthe link tat some mums offer her clothes must bigger than wat her 4mth old need. I tot if in need, can keep as bb will grow quite fast. Anyway i m in no position to comment. Haiz. I jus hope pple dun take advantage of generous offer fr other mummies.



I also same as u. Separation anxiety. Haha

I also want to quit but no courage as i worry i cant get another job. Expenses will only go u p and up, i doubt i can do without a job. Scary at times when i think about it.

My bb when he wants to sleep will also cry cry n wants to be rocked to sleep. Quite embarrasing in public when he screams n i have to rock in public! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

