(2011/10) Oct 2011

winny: i started on GF routine, so there are play times slotted in between eat n sleep. i have difficulty making bb sleep, how did u do it? mine always cry n cry and want ppl to carry

hoppy: hahaha, ya have to keep intro new things to distract. their attention span very short! have u tried change the teat size to fast flow? it helped for my case


My bb was sleeping through the night past few weeks but recent days she'll wake up at 4am to feed. I wonder why.


I do carry my bb for awhile to make her sleep. I feel if carry awhile can make her sleep for 1 hour or more, I would rather do it. Coz now if u don't carry her, she'll suck her hand which I don't want.


I have a IPL package for underarm but my salon say as long as bf, I have to stop IPL.

My bb do zzz at least 4-5hrs at night without feeding, the problem is she zzz at ard 1-3am! Dun nod hw to manage when I go back to work next week...

Dear mummies,

Can advice me: m gg back to work next week, the BM u express at work, do u keep un the freezer directly or put in the fridge, go hm then put freezer?

Winny n bubbly, yes!!! Same!!, Last nite I changed to pigeon n she drank in peace. Wonder why there's a change in preference. Anyway I better keep the avent ones cos never know when she will have a change of preference again. Anyway my mum nagged me on this say shd hv listened to her etc etc..zzzz anyway...

Creamdonut, she was already on the 2-3 mth teat fr avent. Problem was before she even suck the bottle she cry the moment the tear goes into her mouth. Lol. I will observe. Maybe I will try avent but bring down temp of milk so that's it's case to bm temp. Getting creative. Bobian.

Rejoy, way very tiring fr you!! Does yr baby sleep a lot during evening hence able to stay up till so late ?

Winny: shld be a growth spurt, will go away in a wk so just have to feed more in the meanwhile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sweetsnow, rejoy: I think I will intro FM for night feed when I go back to work so tt bb can sleep longer at night. This way can slowly intro cereal milk when bb ard 5mths n intro food at 6mths.

Rejoy: put in normal chill compartment as i m unable to maintain e milk in frozen state on the way home. The cooler bag n ice pack can only keep it cold bt nt frozen.

i just want to vent this out!!!

i posted a wtb thread looking for milk bags, and 1 person posted that she has some for sale. some disgusting, unethical newbie member posted on my thread and hijacked the item!!!!! she din even have the courtesy to say she will be interested if the owner of the thread does not want it, nor does she waste any time in dealing with the seller as she collected immediately after the seller posted!!!


Sorry to hear about your nasty episode. It's just sad to know there are loads of such selfish people out there who onot think of their own interest. I just find our value system for the younger generation has been declining despite the more advanced education system. Paper results good but no value system.

pofy, I am damn angry loh. i posted the thread for like 2wks liao, then out of nowhere this freaking greenbird with FIVE posts come and hijack away my item!!! i wonder what sort of values she is going to teach her children. shang liang bu zhen xia liang wai.

When my bb rejected the year initially my hubby asked if the temp of the milk is too low and he warmed it. But still the same. Anyway for my case is the teat.


I hope she will fall back to the old routine. From nite till morn!

i've changed to different teats - using pigeon intitally..changed to avent, tommy tipee...nuk..my bb still dun wanna drink from bottle. keep using his tongue to play with it. duno what to do..

btw..can we rebond our hair if bf?


I also just rebonded n coloured my hair yesterday in preparation for cny n returning to work. Just inform yr hairstylist that u r breastfeeding so that they will not apply the hair dye near the hair scalp.

I also managed to train my bb to hold the milk bottle when she drink her milk... Haha so cute... : )

I gg color my hair too. Need to pamper ourselves. Sometimes at home taking care of baby rely no image to speak of only of loose t shirts ( easier for bf) & messy hair lol.

Creamdonut, don't be angry anymore. Not worth it.

Just a question we can start introducing cereal when baby is 4mths?? I intend to do so around 5 mths. Once baby starts on reveal, how much milk should baby take per day n roughly how many times??? Any idea or advice ???

coco: so cute! how do you train?

hoppy: sigh, true la. i just have to wait for another offer loh. at most just pay more buy from stores bah.

can give cereal at 4mth, bt must spoon feed. but any reason why you want to give so early at 4mth?


Do share how to train them to hold bottle. So cute!

bb's neck

When will it be strong enough to support own head so tat he can sit up himself?


wanted to ask u about the corset like item u bought. Is it effective to bind tummy flat? if yes can let me know where to get? I tried on work wear, sigh, can't fit into the skirts. Maternity wear OK just baggy. Tot of binding down tummy under clothes. I went iora already, got a top but dun want to spend too much money so tot get binder.

Hold bottle

i removed the mitten from bb during feeding time and place bb hands on the milk bottle and guide her to hold the bottle. After some time, bb learned that she will get to drink the milk when she hold the bottle. If she lazy to hold the bottle correctly, no milk for her...hehe.. see pic below on how my bb hold the bottle.

bb neck

my bb neck is strong when she is in week 10 and now she is week 13 and she can sit up and also hold her neck for few min when placed on her tummy..

coco: no pic leh, quick post i wana see ur cute bb!! when first learn, will milk spill everywhere cos roll off or not in mouth?


sorry,,,very difficult to post pic here....have to resize so many times.

milk will not spill out lah..

Wa u wanna go rebond but hb say better not as he scare e chemical might go into e scalp.. hrrgh so my hair is in a mess now!


Ur BB is so cute!

Recently ny BB so cranky! Ytd on n off dozed off n only eventually slp at 5! Tml gg for his jab dunno will it be worse! I'm also worry abt gg back to work wif his crankiness i'll be super frastrated!

Hi coco! Ur bb is so clever but u let her carry the big bottle all the way till she finish her milk?

I think her hands still not strong enough to hold uP high. I understand that when feeding, milk should cover the top of the bottle as much as possible so that bb will not suck air.

Coco, ur bb is so cute.

Pofy: yes it does, can really feel the difference while wearing clothes. I gt it at tampines one... Wld send u more details tomoro.


I did not make my bb carry bottle throughout the feed, have to help her tilt the bottle at times. Usually she will hold bottle very tight in beginning as she is hungry. Around half way thru feeding, her hands will start to let go as I believe she is not so eager for milk bah... I started to train her when she is 3 mths old. Today she finally can hold the bottle by herself! (after one week)

Hi guys,

Can I join in too? My boy was born on 31 Oct, I haven had the time to really surf the net, really glad to find this thread.

I was reading the past few post, what is GIna Ford method? Where can I can more info. I would like to try it out too. My boy will wake up every 2-3hrs for milk, I'm really worried when I start work how to cope.

Cream donut: I have extra milk bags if you are still looking. I bought 12 boxes initially and now my milk supply has slowed down so I won't be able to use finish all. Let me know.


Any mummies interested,selling it cos it is big for me.


The orignal popular corset on TV. 

2 pcs of Brand new in size S

available in Begie and White. 

Very comfortable and super soft. 

Made of smooth polyurethane and satin 

Make your body slimmer 

Help you to get ideal weight Being slim and sleek in a safe way 

For a woman who want to look slim 

Elastic and strong material 

Quality satin and absorb prespiration 

Re-slim after giving birth 

Slimming your belly and hip 

Up your butt 

Make you body look beautiful 

Will reduce fat belly 

Help to burn fat 

Make your body look better and more attract 

Effectively reduce fat around belly 

Help you to get ideal body 

Recommended for teenager, housewife and career woman 

Selling 1@$25 with postage or 2 for $45 with Postage. May self collect at Admiralty too. 


Pls Pm me or email [email protected]



Any mummies interested,selling it cos it is big for me.


The orignal popular corset on TV. 

2 pcs of Brand new in size S

available in Begie and White. 

Very comfortable and super soft. 

Made of smooth polyurethane and satin 

Make your body slimmer 

Help you to get ideal weight Being slim and sleek in a safe way 

For a woman who want to look slim 

Elastic and strong material 

Quality satin and absorb prespiration 

Re-slim after giving birth 

Slimming your belly and hip 

Up your butt 

Make you body look beautiful 

Will reduce fat belly 

Help to burn fat 

Make your body look better and more attract 

Effectively reduce fat around belly 

Help you to get ideal body 

Recommended for teenager, housewife and career woman 

Selling 1@$25 with postage or 2 for $45 with Postage. May self collect at Admiralty too. 


Pls Pm me or email [email protected]


coco n creamdonut,

thats fast! hehe..i want to rebond my hair too..its in a mess..

btw...ur hair is long or short..if long..do u all tie your hair at hm?cos it can be quite messy if carry baby..

Hi buzzingbee,

Used to hav long hair but cut to shoulder length before delivery. As such, hair is very messy n flyaway,,. No choice hav to rebond else can't face people :p

I m trying not to tie my hair for first two days after rebond. After that will tie lor as really hot n inconvenient to carry bb with yr hair flying away..

Btw, wish to enquire what is the market rate for part time helper? I used to pay $50 for 4 hr for my chinese part time cleaner n recently she wanted to increase to $60....

I oso rebonded my hair and I have long hair. I try not to tie but I risk getting my hair pulled by baby.

I'm going to colour my hair this week, even thou I'm still on fbm

Welcome forever81! Ur bb's birth date is my ideal date coz its my hubby's bday but my bb decided to meet us early on 19oct.


Can do together if your hair can take it. But of coz if can aford to go back to salon again, still better to do it seperately

need help -

i had been latching on exclusively for the past few weeks and today, i decided to bottle feed 2 consecutive feeds as i wanted to clear the freezer. so when bb was drinking the thawed EBM, i also pump at the same time.

immediately after the 2nd feed/pump, my breasts became very hard and pain like there is blocked ducts or super engorged. i thought it was very weird as i did not skip/prolong the pumping time. i waited an hr later to pump agn, and this time also put warm compress, hoping to relief the pain and hardness but it was still as hard.


1) how do u mummies do bottlefeed EBM without this problem?

2) why am i having this blocked ducts although i am pumping out? is it the pump lousy??

3) the solution for blocked ducts is always let bb latch on. but how will i be able to let bb latch on when i go back to work and have to express (which then lead to blocked ducts)? the pain is very bad, i dun think i can concentrate at work.



WTS: 2 tins of NAN HA Milk Powder @$37 each. Original price $42.50 each. Expiry date: 4 Jul 2013. Self-collection at Kovan MRT.

WTS: 6 bottles of Obimin @$18 each. Original price $28 each. Expiry date: 11 Jan 2013. Self Collection at Kovan MRT.

Pls call 96568688 to deal.

