(2011/10) Oct 2011

Could it be the baby is going thru growth spurt?

My baby was also like that a week ago..he started to prolong milk feed and tends to keep wanting to sleep? My pd ever told me..some babies will skip milk and wanting to sleep..after they wake up for milk they will drink alot..

True enough..my baby seems to put more a bit of weight after that..and up his feeding amount..



My BB also didn't poo for few days n e fart will be v smelly.. it doesn't used to stink if he poo daily.. recently he poo like every few days n if he does it's a lot. But it doesn't seem to be his usual poo I dunno how to describe like e poo's water..


If I feel tat BB has been sleeping longer than usual in e day i'll wake him up for feed unless it's at nite which hardly occurs..


I've been breastfeeding n I wanna train him to bottle as i'll be returning to work.. I realise sometimes he's ok wif bottle n sometimes he's not.. does any mummies have e same prob n how to deal wif it.. ytd I went out n he was left at hm n hb called me saying since morn till evening he has been crying n refused to feed on bottle..

I don't mean to boast, but what should I do if I hv too much bm? My freezer is full n I even borrowed my mum's freezer. Shld I throw some away? Feel like so wasted

Hi! I mean night time. Usually her last feed is around 10 and she would wake up at 7 am but last night, her feed was 9pm but she woke up almost 9am then I bath her followed by milk. By then she's already screaming.

Actually for daytime feed if bb wants to sleep, should let them sleep. I verified with PD already.

Mayb my bb's fart is smelly coz she's on total fm? Last time on Bm not that smelly. So that's why when u say smelly, I think it's normal.

sweetsnow: u can try post in the forum to give away your BM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or if u are uncomfortable with the idea, u can use the BM to do foot soak too.

Winny:, so good ur bb can zzz throughout the night... Mine never do tt.. The most she zzz is slight more than 5 hrs. My bb haven been pooing daily now and she dun poo herself, every 4-5 days, I wld help her poo... She is on total BM so dun understand why is she like tt.

Sweet snow: envy u wif so much milk... I wanna pump more to store in case my supply drop when return to work.

Bubbly: my bb all the while is on bottle feed in the day and I wld latch her at night. Maybe u can try to bottle feed her all the way?

Sweetsnow, I bought a chest freezer for my frozen milk cos my home freezer is full and my mum is complaining. About $200 to $300 for a new one. If you want one I can help you order from th shop I bought from.

mummies: any recommendations for disposable breast pads that are cheap? currently using Pigeon, loved it a lot as it is absorbent and can stick to clothes, convenient when going out. Any other brands that is similar but cheaper?


Don't feel wasted..there's only so much you can keep..i had the same feeling as you too..actually i wanted to get extra chest freeer to store..but my hubby..told me no point to keep so much..cos baby consumption is so little..

Hi creamdonut, I still have left over pigeon breast pads since im not bf anymore. Letting go at $0.15 each. I have 36 pcs left. You can drop me a pm if interested.

Hi rejoy28, I help bb poo also.

I also don't know how it started. After she turned 2 mths, she woke up later and later which is a relieved for me as I can sleep till morning.


Wa v wasted leh! Bot whole set of avent.. now I change e teats to 3+m avent.. but he still need coaxing to suckle.. but he's ok wif it at times leh.. so dunno y sometimes want n sometimes dun..


U can buy a chest freezer but i tot BM can only store for 3 mths so if ur BB didn't drink tat much e rest hve to throw

Bubblygeekypig, initially she also like this. Sometimes want then sometimes don't then finally one day she really don't want and cried as if I bashed her up. Wasted a lot of milk also. so I decide to find out the reason and realize its the teats.

Ever since I changed, I don't face the prob.

winny: wow, ur baby can sleep so long at nite!! how did you managed to do it? mine have to feed every 4hr, very tired, cant really get to sleep at night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so for daytime and night time both also let baby determine when to feed?


My hubby dun agree with me buying a mini freezer. 1stly dunno where to put, 2ndly it'll be of no use once I stop bf.

Bb is now drinking early dec's EBM, so still can keep that's y I feel it's a waste to throw some now


I've bot a bottle of NUK to try c how it goes...


I'm now latching n gg thru e transition of bottle feeding from my EBM too cos need to go back to work soon.. hardly pump out unless I go out for v long but still my freezer also almost full alr.. think i'll face e same prob but think I'll throw e earliest BM else i'll give away but doubt anyone would wan it!

Hi creamdonut, for me yes. Usually she quite punctual la. Daytime every 3-4 hours and nighttime from last feed till morning.

I think I give her fm so she can sleep through. I'm not sure if this is the reason.

Haha! No la. My boss will kill me. And my hubby still cannot get over the whole process. For me, prob another 2 yrs.

I wld be trying for another baby this year, so sld be a snake baby...

The tout of gg back to work make me feel tired cause I already nod there r already tonnes of work waiting for me...

Hi rejoy28, will ur colleagues be unhappy? I'm very worried what my colleagues will think of me if I get pregnant so soon.

For myself, I still have to try to persuade my hubby. He's the only child and he feels he just wants to have 1 child.
Hello everyone,

Been awhile since i log on. Went thru a funeral. Sigh

Need some advice. Anyone know where i can donate bb stuff like clothes? I want to donate to pple who really need it such as single parent or those organisation who help unwed mothers. Had a bad experience. Gave away a birth tub extra from friends n the mummy actually drove a Lexus to collect. Isorry, but I didn't feel she needs it more than others.


This is my 2nd and will be my last..sometimes my hb will jokingly tell me 3rd will sure be a girl..i seriously don't know he really wished for one more or..say it just to disturb me?

Winny: can't be help if they are unhappy, I can't delay or stop my family planning because of such external reasons, taking care of a baby is a life time commitment... M 30 this year, wanna give birth as early as possible so that it wld be easier for my body and taking care of the baby and ensure I still ve the energy to play with them n watch them grow up.

My hubby is an only child too, he too tell me one is enough but I think one is really too lonely... Unless really can't afford or other reasons like health, I wld wan to ve another child. Single child tend to be more unwilling to share...


We r of e same age! For me it's too tiring taking care of e crying monster alr.. initially had phobia cos he wake up.hourly for feed n cries like nobody's biz! Now feeding prolonged n immune to his cries so slightly better Haha! I won't have another 1 till much later thou but hb is trying to persuade me to have another hopefully a gal earlier cos they can grow up tgt.. anyway we've a bigger commitment this yr- jus got a hse so would have to wait n c Haha!

I just left my bb at the infant care this morning..he was still sleeping when i pass him to the infant care teacher there..I wonder would he feel strange waking up later to see a whole new environment and unfamilar faces of people looking after him?

It is a new infant care center opening today..so far he's the youngest there..there is also another infant 2 months older than him..just the 2 of them..although feeling a little sad to put in there so early while he's still so young..but glad that he can get more attention from the teachers there since not many enrollemnts now..


I agree with you..growing up as a single child can be very lonely..i am a living eg myself..that's why i went on to have a 2nd..even though their age gap is 4.5yrs apart..and have nothing in common to interact? At least they have each other when i am old and gone next time? For some reasons, many ppl are planning to 1 child only..i also feel comfortable with this family size..if we had not been able to conceive a 2nd within this 1-2yrs..

winny: yes, i tink take FM will feel more full, can last longer in the night ;)

pofy: i saw a WTG thread of a mum living in rental flat asking for stuff in SMH. let me go n find for u the thread n u see if she is suitable?

update: this is the thread...


Hi mummies,

Anyone of you managed to regain yr pre pregnancy figure? I still hav 2 more kg to lose but my figure is bigger than before, esp the bottom n chest area. Now the old work clothes are too tight.. Went shopping yesterday but can't find any suitable clothes... Stressed that no clothes to wear for cny n work.... From what I understand, it is not advisable to diet when breastfeeding . I also dun dare to do much exercise as my c-section wound still a bit painful.. How to lose weight??

Coco: I also got tummy still. So I jus go spring maternity to buy new working n cny clothes. They hide tummy very well n got nursing access too.


I've dropped off a lot of things at the salvation army, you can consider doing that. The items donated are sold through their thrift stores and the money received is used to fund their community programmes. Alternatively, you can write to homes and charities with the list of things that you want to donate. They prefer to receive food or cash donations though so salvation army might still be the best choice.

I prefer not to give away to individuals due to the trouble of arranging for collection timing and correspondence, and also the suspicion that the 'needy person' is going to sell my free item for profit.

If you're thinking of donating to a good cause, here's an online donation portal https://www.sggives.org/SGGives_P_Home.aspx

hi coco,

i managed to almost go bk to pre-pregnant figure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

still got 5 more kg to loss.

but can fit in all my previous working clothes >.<


Thanks. I try look out too.


Might take up ur suggestion but the last time I drop items off I was appalled. The donation bin was overflowed n the whole place very messy. Loads of pple take them as a place to dump unwanted stuff including broken stuff. Very sad.


I got tummy problem too. Big as if I m five months pregnant still. Very sad as it makes me feel very low self esteem n unattractive to my hubby. I tried the tummy wrap. Wrap whole day for a week also no use. Very embarrassing when I go out cos I run hve clothes except for maternity n nursing n it's jus a few pieces. But recently I went giodarno. They got those big big blouse. I bot 3 n intend to wear it for cny. Even with those I can't hide tummy but at least it's not maternity wear. Pants n skirts I still wear maternity. I hope in a few months it can go down. Dare not diet or exercise as I m stil breastfeeding.


Good luck when u get back to work. I dreading that moment already.


I got big problem on hand. Bb had severe reaction to rotarix virus. High fever and also loose stools. I called clinic to ask if will have loose stools the nurse says no only fever. But I went online loose stools is one of the side effects but rare. Now I m super worried. Every feed my bb will hVe loose stools. Tmrw I intend to call clinic and ask them to tell doctor.

Hi all,

Mia for quite a while as my helper went home due to unforeseen situation, so I was really stress and tired out looking after two kids and the household chores...

As for me. I am back to pre pregnancy weight hence fit into the old clothes already. Guess the kids wear out my weight... But the small tummy still there.

For me, I intend to sell away the big tickets items which I don't use and donate to salvation army for the clothes and such.

I am anxiously waiting for my replacement maid to arrive in a couple of weeks. Hopefully she is good as I need to travel to USA in feb for a training.... But only starting work in mid march la...

QuizzAr, where is your infant care centre ? I am keen as my mum cannot cope with two kids . I might need to send my bb to infant care. Can pm me ? Most of the infant care centre I contact are full house ....

Hi pofy!

My boobs still big but not as huge as when I was bf. tummy small but visible so with these two "burdens" I did not buy clothes. No point coz look ugly anyway. Much that I wish tummy could be flattened, I'm just turned off with the idea of tummy wrap. Not comfy and hot. Haha...

Guess I'll just have to live with it. Heehee..

Hi hi everyone!

Happy New Year!


My bb hasn't poo for 4 days.. 2nd time already.. The first time I inserted a suppository on the 4th day.. Don't know if I should wait or insert one tomorrow if still no poo..

Re: Excess BM

Think should just pump less instead of pump n store.. For those who has lots of BM, chances is yr supply will sustain.. For my #1, I also froze a lot of BM, but in the end, I threw all away becos I couldn't bring myself to feed bb becos of that fishy/metallic smell..

Anyway how much milk r ur bbs drinking now? My gal takes about 500ml in total.. Seems quite little to me..


My infant care center is at Sengkang.

Currently 3 teachers are looking after my baby and another infant..cos the enrolment have not pick up yet.

Eliaw: my bb has only poo by herself once since beginning if dec, I have been 'helping' her to poo every 4-5 days. I wld put cream on a cotton stick and put it in n out of her arse(this is taught to me by the PD)

My girl is 9 weeks and drink abt 800-900 in total . 500 sound little but if the bb is nt crying for more milk, I think is ok. Better than u force feed the bb than vomit everything out, I was worried previously that my bb is drinking too little also and a mummy reminded me that if my bb didn't cry for more milk than is ok...

Pofy: same here, my tummy is still so big as though m still pregnant. Haven't try my pre pregnant clothes yet...abit scared... Haha... Bt wld do tt by this week as m gg back to work in 2 weeks time..

Hi.. Does any of your baby sucks his/her hand or finger? Mine is n is sucking the handkerchief or bolster also.. Not sure wars the prob.. N he keep raising his legs high up at nite.. Anyone experiencing this?

What brand of pacifier is gd?

Sharen: bb sucking hand or fingers are very common, mine juz started, she wld like try to put her whole fist in it even wif her mittens... I only put on her mittens at night now...

Nt sure abt the raising feet though.. Mine kick alot, most of the times, the whole blanket wld be kick away



Thanks for the info.. Tomorrow will try that first instead of suppository..

My gal is 10 weeks already.. N weighs 4.5kg.. I think she's growing fine.. But really drink quite little..

N my lecturer once told me not to put on mittens after 1 month cos its not good for the development of touch.. Maybe u want to remove the mittens at night too?

Sharen, I think he's just doing some stretching..

