(2011/10) Oct 2011

m gg back to work in feb too. duno how to survive with the late nights bf when working. sigh.

MnM (mnm2009): u gg to bring bb over to MIL to take care? is it cos tiring to travel to and fro so you dun like?


Hi MnM, I'm also going back to work in feb and my mil will be taking care of bb. Initially I also have the same feeling as u but all my frens assured me that bb will still be close to Mommie so you don't think too much. For myself, I will want to take care of bb at night too.

Sweetsnow, the milk is collected in the rubber that is suppose to protect the motor. I asked my fren and she doesnt have this issue as well. Not sure why I have this problem. I need to brIng the whole set to Philips. Which means I may have to go without a pump. Sigh

I dun like the idea cos I'm afraid that bb will be closer to MIL rather than to me. He will be spending the whole day with her and I will only see bb at night.

I am going back at beginning of Feb. the thought of it saddens me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] only slightly more than a month to go. My PILs will be taking care too, same as my elder boy. I remembered he became very close to my MIL and would refused to let me rock him to sleep. Very sad then, and even considered becoming a full time stay home mummy.

It was only before 2yo that he became attached to me again. Now he is still close to me and hubby, seems that when a kid gets bigger, he would recognize that his parents are 'special' in a way. When he was young he would only be attached to his main caregiver. And also parents are more fun since we bring him out during weekends :p

I would expect the same for my no 2. So am prepared for the heartache when she chooses her grandma over me. But I also know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What to do, it is the price FTWM have to bear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Dear MnM and Leeoh,

i think it's inevitable since we all have to work and earn for a living.

Our child/kids will still be close to us eventually. My heart will ache too but what to do....

Winny (winny): ya i intend to take care myself at night too, but duno whether i can take it with work during the day and looking aft baby at night. esp if have to keep waking up at night to feed baby.

MnM (mnm2009): oic... dun be sad, like what winny and leeoh mentioned, baby will eventually know and recognise parents. plus dun they always say kids bond with mum more than dad? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Creamdonut why must always wake up at night? My bb usually wakes up once around 3-5am. Her last night feed usually 11pm.

I also very sad have to start work in early feb. hope don't have to work ot.

Btw, are u all deciding on the 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 jab?

Btw anyone of u who are still bf and wants to get nipple cream? I bought the big one 37g as I tot I would bf but now I decided to stop.

It's new and got it at MOTHERCARE for $19.30. I'll let go at $15 exclude postage. Anyone interested?

winny: sometimes my bb last feed is 10pm, so i will wait up until 1.30am to feed. then next feed is 5am. so i only get to sleep at 2+, after the feed and assuming baby goes to sleep immediately after and dun cry or play...

Creamdonut abt the same timing lo. Sometimes my bb wakes at 3 so lucky lo.

Oh yes and my bb doesn't sleep immediately. Will make a lot of noise and wants to be carried.

Same here! My hubby just commented that I shouldn't carry the baby immediately if she cries, so that it doesn't become a habit to be carried. But let baby cry and cry? At 3-4am even?


Hi MnM,

I am using philips electric pump. I do face the same issue u mentioned and I realized milk is collected there when I dun hold it upright when pumping. Esp nite time when I am tired, tense to hold it slanted then milk will flowout

winny: ya, mine also cry and cry then have to spend like one hr to coax to sleep. sometimes look like fall asleep liao then put down the eyes open big big. sigh. tt's why i say din really get to sleep, if have to work the next day i sure die one.

sweetsnow: ya loh.i also scared later neighbour come and complain.

I'm also gg back to work in early Feb n BB will be taken care by MIL.. e only worry is tat I need to wake up in e middle of nite to breastfeed n if he doesn't slp still need to coax which sometimes will take hrs! Dunno how to stay awake aft tat Liao.. my nephew also e same initially ard 1 yr old he'll say ge dun wanna go hm wif his mummy but now at 2+ almost 3 he seems quite attached to his mum so I think it's a stage to go thru..

I only carry bb if it's hysteric cry. Sometimes bb try to attract attention so I peep at the door to see what she's doing. Sometimes she struggled for 30 min to 1 hour then fall asleep.

The diff between the rest of u and myself is I m giving fm at night and now I am 90% on fm. So I get to rest in the middle of the night and prepare her when i return to work. I do see the diff in bb. She fall asleep faster prob she's very full. Last night her last feed at 8.30pm but she woke up at 4am! Lucky me!! Haha!

Last time when I bf she fell asleep when latching but when I delatch she woke up. I think i dont have enough milk. I get at most 100ml per pump if engorged. Actually it's my husband who encourage me to give fm at night so both bb and myself can get enough rest. Ppl say bb is also growing when sleeping.

I wonder how u all let ur babies fall asleep at night. If I'm lucky mine will fall asleep after the 10 or 11 o'clock feed. If he remains awake we will give him the pacifier and let him lie on the bed. He will suck, spit out, cry, put back again for a few cycles. Then we let him fall asleep by himself.

Used to carry him until he fall asleep but that was too tiring. Sometimes he doesn't sleep until 1-2am. If he remains quiet with the pacifier we will leave him and sleep first.

Candy floss, u mean have to hold 100% upright? Not even slightly slanted? Then that's not a very good design. Sometimes there's so much milk that it will overflow from the rubber part during pumping. Very messy. I'm worried that the motor will be damage as it is constantly in contact with the milk during each pump.

Hi MnM,

Maybe at most 20deg slant shld be ok. I will hav a cloth to clean the motor when milk flow out.

Hi winny,

How much fm u giving ur BB in each feed?

I am also same as Winny as my baby is 90% on fm. My milk supply is very low as only managed to express ard 100ml in the morning and ard 30ml every 3 hours. I don't express at night as giving baby fm so that I will not disturb my hubby if I express. Now i only latch or express ard 3 to 4 times a day and sort of resigning to the fate that my milk supply will not increase further despite me on ferugreek. On the other hand I think this is good since I am returning to work on feb and unable to express at workplace..

On my baby feed every 3 hr 140 ml fm during day time and at night she can sleep from 9 to 2am n then another feed at 5am n 8 am.

Candy floss, then I think I hold the pump within that 20 deg limit. Still milk is collected. It's becoming quite unpleasant to pump as it will be messy and I got to clean the motor.

Hi candyfloss, each feed abt 110ml.

Hi coco, do u feel that when bf bb don't sleep that well since bb not very full? I personally feel that. Like you, I tried all ways to get more milk but max is still 100ml per pump.

Hi Winny,

When I bf, my baby will cry for milk within 30 min to an hr time. If I feed fm, baby will feel contended n can sleep for longer time. I hav learned not be so stressed over milk supply now. During the first two months, I was very sad n giving myself a lot of pressure n stress over milk supply. I don't even hav time to spend quality time with my baby as most of time I be inside the room pumping milk. No milk means no milk...

Forgot to mention that I suffered from mastitis one month ago n it caused my milk supply to dropped further. My breast was so painful together with my high fever 40.4 degree celsius. My hubby seeing me suffering so much that he also asked me to give up bf...

Hi coco, I can und. I had fever too but not as high. I also took it easy now. It's the best for both bb and us. Most of my frens stop bf after 1 mth.

I'm giving my bb NAN HA. What abt u?

Bubblygeekypig: ya, I also scared of the same thing as u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Winny ,

I gave my bb similac for first two months. I noticed she has lots of gases n always tummy upset n now changed to nan ha. She is much better after we changed to nan ha. The only downside is that her poo is smelly n greenish in color


Im also worry tat my MIL would have prob taking care of hb nephew n my BB! Wat's more my SIL is giving birth in Jan thou they've jus engaged a maid but his nephew doesn't like e maid.. he'll also get jealous of my BB if my MIL carry him! N he'll keep saying wanna beat didi!

Anyway recently my BB doesn't seems like wanna drink n if he does he latch for at most 10min compare to b4 15min.. n he hasn't poo for 4 days dunno wat to do..

Hi libra bb, her last measure was abt 1 mth ago and she's 4.1 and she's feeding abt 110ml.

Her feeding now is also abt 110ml.

Mommies....since I'm not bf anymore, I have a Medela Freestyle pump to let go. 2months old and hardly use. Interested please drop me a pm.

bubblygeekypig : yups, mine also drink abt 10min each side nowadays. but doc say ok, as long as bb is satisfied aft the feed, the duration is not impt. dun worry!

winny: hw abt other brands like dumex or enfalac? there is so many brands out there i also duno which one to buy...

My bb used to drink enfa but it's too heart for her causing her to have phlegm. And pd says enfa is the most heaty. Some bb can accept but mine can't.

Have not tried Dumex before.

I also dare not change the milk since bb is drinking well.


Glad to hear it's ok for shorter feeds.. but sometimes he only feed on 5 min.. hope he's ok..


My BB jus vomit a lot wif some traces of blood! I noe tat someone in e forum also encountered e same n it's due to cracked nipples but I dun c any of my nipples cracked or bleed n I dun feel pain! Could it possibly be it's bleeding b4 n now it's ok alr? I dun wanna cause alarm so didn't tell MIL or hb..

Hi bubblygeekypig, when did ur nipple crack? Was it long time ago? I suppose if it's long ago shouldn't have traces of blood? Better see pd to play safe bah.


I can't even c a cracked nipple so I wonder did I even have a cracked nipple w/o me knowing it! Anyway I think i'll monitor agn if it happens agn then i'll c a doc.. BB's been quite awake in e day so in e evening he's been sleeping soundly n jus wanna latch on for 5 min only..

Merry Christmas mummies!

bubblygeekypig, as vomiting requires forceful use of muscles to get the milk out, i think maybe some muscles have tear leading to some blood. best bet is to tell your MIL or hb so you can monitor bb closely together. rem it's not your fault. seems that your bb's adapting well. if he doesn't seem right, get him checked out by pd for peace of mind.

hi Mrschun,

yup i have removed my bb's mittens 2 weeks ago.

Must cut her nails lor...but then it's inevitable that their face will have scratches but they recover fast.

It's my mil who wants to reomve the mittens as she say it will disrupt the growth...so no choice.

But i still put them on at night when sleeping.

hw do u all cut the nails? baby keep fidget around when sleeping leh. then a while later will wake up and cry then I cant continue cutting the nails


Yes I've read tat vomiting will cause tear therefore there's blood.. tdy seems ok thou he can be quite diff to latch on tdy n feed for 5-10 min.. If it happen agn will definitely bring to doc..

Cut nails

My BB still wearing mittens n so far hb cut BB's nail while he's asleep n I carry him cos if we put him down he'll usually fidget..

