(2011/10) Oct 2011

Pofy: ur mil is really mean bt there are such ppl ard. My Fren mil is one of them. They like to attack their dil self esteem which I do not understand y.

U sld tok to ur hubby abt it, nt to tell tales or expect him to tell his mother off bt to let him nod wat type of emotion stress u r gg through n to let him reassure u tt he loves u no matter wat u look like now.... Like u say it took 9 mths to become like this, it might take u the same or longer to be pre pregnant size. Jia you...

Communication btw couple is important to avoid conflict, the more u endure such nasty remarks frm mil n dun speak to hubby, the more depress u wld become, end up one day u wld juz snap at hubby...

It is easy to say to ignore bt dun think it is easy to do.... Come online here to vent out ur frustration...

We wld be behind u.... Take care


Libra BB

I try to.place hum beside me when he's asleep but when e move to cot he's awake n I'm afraid he'll end up like to sleep my bed not his cot!


Agree wif Rejoy, u shld talk to hb abt it else u"ll,snap if u bottle it up now.. yes come here to vent anger it'll feel better to complain n find support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pofy; dun be too sad abt wat she say la. No logic one, of cos tummy big la, if nt how to accommodate bb. We nt superstars with personal trainer to help us slim down leh. Talk to ur hubby, u will feel better aft saying it n hearing him comfort u mah, at least u will feel appreciated.

i'll feed my baby at 8am plus, then she'll fall asleep. At 9am plus, i'll wake her up to bath her, But after bathing, she'll get hungry again and will stay awake the whole morning! anyone else has the same problem?

Do you all get a brown line top-down across your tummy? will the line go away?


I just can't understand why your mil say such nasty words to you. Is she always like that? Well i guess there are just some people like her around, no point take her words to heart.

About losing weight after pregnancy, some lucky ones they lose very fast but some slower ones will take longer time..usually the last few kgs are always harder to shed..i mean those stubborn fats..but seriously be prepare to take 6-8 months or even up to a yr to lose the extras..we have to be realistic also..

mrs chun,

Feed baby with water should help to stop the hicupps but be careful they can get choke on the water very easily..may even end up vomitting.

The brown line will fade away slowly but i can't remember how long when i gave birth to my 1st last time.. probably 2-3 months? no worries, it won't stay..

Hi pofy,

It is really disgusted to hear what your mil say, she is really atrocious to insult you after u have given birth to her grandson. She even have to cheek to give validation if her son will to stray and blame it on you. I don't believe this is right, you should speak to your hubby or even her directly. If she has a daughter will she be insulting her the same way?

Sometime in life, you need to voice out your thoughts and feeling as pp might think you are a pushover and bully you all the time. In this case, is clear that you are getting insulted by your mil, of course you will feel lousy.

Yesterday I had my full month celebration which is load of fun and all enjoy the party. Today, cl is gone so I am much on my own. Afternoon went by okay and now I am worried the night tine...... I hope he will sleep....

Mrs chun

My son will feel irritated when he hiccup n he'll latch on whenever tat happens Haha! I'm also waiting my brown line to fade but at e same time I'm also applying bio oil hee.. when i sit down my tummy fats looks loose n bulging out v ugly!

Hi quizzer,

For my #1, after 2-3mths the line fade off totally. I notice this one is also slowly fading. However,stretch marks are the one I am desperately finding solution to get rid.

Candy Floss,

Just continue to apply your stretch mark cream..hopefully the marks will become less visible..i intend to continue applying after i end my confinement next week.


when i use it for the first few time, the shape is very urgly, so have to practice/use it more offen.

try when bb is calm.

when i want to go out, usually, i will feed bb, burp him, bb happy already right, then put bb in sling & go out to buy food.

Thanks everybody,

I jus needed a listening ear. Thanks for all the support.

As the losing the weight I currently still super lack of sleep. Once a chAnce I m either doing hsework or take a quick nap or care for bb. No time to go n think abt tis. If it will take 6-8 mths or even a year to lose it then I guess I jus hve

To be patient n endure their mean remarks if they say it again.

I told my hubby already. As expected he ask me to jua ignore. No point one. He won't voice out to his mum n cause trouble so forget it. I concentrate on my bb instead.

Bb's poo

Want to ask how u all clear bb's poop? I currently use wet tissue but use many at one go. Sometimes can use up to 12 pcs co's his poop alot. Thinking of more economical ways co's wet tissues very ex. I tried using cotton but co's not wet it sticks on. If I use a basin of water the same hand keep dipping into the basin like very unhygienic.

what time do you all bath your baby? before or after feeding? I did it before, but baby cry like there's no tomorrow, then i tried to do it after, but she became hungry again after shower and will want more milk, even though i think i got no more, coz just fed her before shower! headache man....


I hve Hve no fix time to bathe bb. Depends on when he wants to wake up. Same as u. If I bathe him before his feed he struggles n screams end up I very stress. After feed Tmc told me must wait 1 HR after feed then can bathe. But sometimes he sleeps till next feed so I see when he is awake n not jus fed I will quickly bathe foe him. I tried bath after feed but not wait for 1 HR he puke out alot of milk. Maybe due to alot of movement. End up more work cleaning up n changing tub water etc so I dare not already.


忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 Just let your MIL be, most important is that you must have a common understanding with your hubby. Have faith in your hubby. =)

Poop - My CL will use kitchen wipe to gently remove the poop then place it on top of the diaper (clean side up), so that bb's butt won't touch the dirty diaper. Then use baby wipes to clean the butt before changing the diaper.

Baby shower - I had 2 days of baby showers and it's exhausting. Glad it's over. Next is to schedule for bb to go shave hair and take vaccination.

Heat rash - My bb perspire and now there's heat rash forming at the neck. How huh?

Gripe water - What is this for? Need to take? How much to take? When can start taking?

Colic - How do you know if bb has colic?

Feeding schedule - How many hours is your bb sleeping and how much milk are they drinking? Mine still wake up every 2hrs demanding 100ml. If drink halfway fall aslp then the repetitive feeding and coxing her to slp seems forever!

Baby poop

I use a small container of water n drop a couple of cotton balls inside. Water kept minimal n just pick up the balls to clean the poop. Thereafter use one or two wet wipes to do overall bum cleaning. Started using wet wipes only n realised not economical, so changed.


Am also facing a hungry milkaholic every 1 to 2 hours! Feeding my boy 80 ml now but he demands next feed very soon!


ever since my CL left i'm so busy finally got time to log in.

Today my MIL ask me if i don't have much milk and I said yes but less milk is better than no milk. BM is the best so i'll still give it to my bb. Kekeke...

Taking care of BB at night

2nd day taking care of bb...no sleep at all. She tends to make alot of noise and i will jump out of bed to check. It's like from 4am start all the way until 6am..very tired. Are you mommies facing the same?

Sweetsnow, my bb had very serious rash too and some say it's heat rash too but when i went to PD she said it's neonatal acne. She prescribed with an antibiotic cream and my bb's face recovered after few days.

Hi Prettymums, same lor...but so tiring.

And also another reason is I latch her at night too and i'm not confident that my milk can fulfil her so i'm very worried she gets hungry.

Hi pofy,

Same as edazz, I use cotton ball to clean the poo. I will remove the dirty diaper, lay a piece of nappy liner below first before cleaning up. Soaked 8 pcs cotton balls in water and take it out squeeze out water and won't keep putting our hand back into the mug of water.


Gripe water is taken when bb is colicky and difficulty burping. I din give to my bb coz find it too sweet.

Bb sleeping in the night:

I swaddle bb when he slp in the night and turn on aircon and he wake up 3hr for feed. In the day I dun swaddle and remove his mittens, he can cry hourly for milk.


I usually shower baby either 1 hr after his morning 1st feed if not 1 hr before his 2nd feed.

eg. my baby morning first feed is 6.30am either i shower him at 7.30am if not another time would be 9am cos my baby is on a 3-3.5hrly feed.

Any idea how to get rid of milk rashes on baby face..my baby always use his mitten to touch his mouth with milk then go on to touch his face..end up now his forehead and cheeks have milk rashes..


My BB has infection ard his neck think due to perspiration n milk n seldom air it.. went to c GP n was given an antibodies

cream to apply..


My MIL usually wait till BB wakes up n aft I finish bf then bath BB.. so envy those BB who can drink 100-150 n can slp for 2-3 hrs.. my BB demand milk hourly n sometimes only latch on for 5 min which I think v little intake then slp.. on avg also 10-15min. Tried formula but doesn't help he only drink max 80ml then once i tried to force him buy puke almost half out from then aft he reject I dun dare to force him alr..


Any recommendation for online stores that sells padded bra with no underwire?

The none underwired bra I bought online are mostly non padded. Looks ugly when I wear tight fitting tops


i have a baby girl. Dont like idea of using wet wipes on private part as its not chemical free. So i use cut compressed cotton instead of wet wipes. U can buy it fr medical shops. i use Caressa brand by Smith and Nephew, white packaging with a pix of dove. Its rolled up like a big log, abt 12" x 5". Cost abt $4

A little troublesome to use as c/w cotton balls but more economical and u can cut according to the size u want. Also its in "sheet" form so can clean better than cotton ball as there is better grip. When have time to spare, unroll the cotton sheet (may not be visible but there is brown paper where cotton sheet is rolled) and cut along the width. Fr there can cut into 4 pcs. I usually use size of 4" x 4". Put into clean containers.

When need to use, take abt 4 or 5 pcs, wet them and squeeze dry between palms of both hands so that they stay "sheet" like. then separate into indiv pc to use. Dont be tempted to use 1 hand to squeeze out water as its more difficult to straighten/flatten again.

If baby poos a lot u may want to wet a few more pcs, even it dont use it can re-wet again for later use. Or can put a small container of water beside changing mat and wet whatever amt u want.

If using wet wipes think some brands are bigger size than the rest. I find Johnsons thick and large, so u can fold once twice after using on bum and wipe on clean part.

I dont like Tollyjoy. think the chemical content is more harsh. Used it on my no1 to wipe her hands when going out when she was 11mths and she developed rashes at the back of her hand.


i bought another brand of cotton wool before. Also shaped like big log. when opened up, its not in compressed sheet form but like loose wool. need ur hands to pull off and cannot cut. Messy!

if baby poos a lot and if u have confidence to handle baby and if baby does not struggle much then can use 1 hand to support baby's neck and armpit firmly . wash baby in sink (remove sink stopper) using the other hand. i had to do it twice already coz baby poo-ed a lot and poo was all over vagina, thighs. dont know where to start wiping


Which bra is padded with no underwire?

Heat rash - Rem i mentioned that my bb's neck got heat rash? I applied nappy cream and it seemed to have improved. Let me monitor and see how.

Shave hair - I brought my bb to shave her head today. She looks like a little monk now. luckily she slept throughout and didn't cry =) But the stupid tai mao bi thing is so exp

All mummies,

Can share what's your childcare arrangement after you end your maternity leave.

For me i have nobody to look after baby after i return to work, so baby will go infant care in Jan.. he should be about 2 months old by then..can't help feeling heart pain to put him in so young..

my son will be gg to infant care (my 1st skool), i also dun bear to send him there.

shave hair - how much tai mao bi charge u?

Tai Mao bi charges for everything. The stamp and brushes all start from $128 onwards. Then they will up sell and cross sell... Ask you if you want to frame, buy display case, carving etc


my bathroom sink has hot water supply. So can adjust water temperature to warm.

Must really hold baby firmly when washing coz baby may struggle.

Quizzer (quizzer2011) : i sometimes wash bb's butt at sink too. will use a small container to fill up with warm water from shower head to wash away the poo poo. agree its cleaner than wipes like what mummy mimi (faitii) said, as i find wipes cant really clean those folds at the thighs properly.

I also thinking to switch over to use cotton sheet to clean baby poo especially when baby poo really alot..my baby is not even a month old yet, we have finished using 5 packs of 82 sheets pigeons wet wipes already. And i seriously think just by using the wet wipes to clean poo (alot) is not clean enough..

Thanks everyone for the advice on cleaning up poop. I will try the cotton sheet n wash butt in sink method. Not so confident holding bb to wash butt n my tap no hot water got to use a basin of warm water. Hmmm. I will try out both methods.

Tried using the big roll of cotton wool but super messy. Kitchen towel not bad idea but too big piece must cut. I tried it out. Much better than using loose cotton wool.

Envy those with 3 HR milk feed. Mine still on his 2 hourly n intake still stuck at max 90ml. Abit worried. Tot at his age he shd bd taking 120ml. I tried feeding 120 fm but he can't finish. Wasted. Sigh



Mine had serious bb acne according to pd. Gave a cream to apply. Problem is after apply clears up but it will come back again. ESP if he starts rubbing his cheeks wif his hands.

