(2011/10) Oct 2011

Ya. It hurts when I sneeze. Hv to support tummy.

Intend to use muslin clothes for swaddling, as bb blanket & burping cloth. Can? Dunno shouldbi tag or colour indicate them at a corner or something.

Bathing wash cloth use small square hankerchief like we use in primary school can?


Is that so easy to pop up? Sounds like lots brave mummy here. I'm getting nervous already... Like less than 4 months left... How to overcome the fear of pain?

minidiary.. im still tinking if i can tahan the pain anot leh... cos to save money, maybe i not gg to opt for epidural.. hahha...

Hi Girls, we are organising a gathering in July.. Please copy and paste the following if u are joining, and indicate who will be coming.. Hubby, kids are welcome..

Date: 24 July 2011 (Sunday)

Time: 1230 - 330pm

Venue: My house - sembawang

Lunch: cater buffet and split cost by no of pax (excluding kids)

Confirmed Attendees-

- Me, hubby, my gal

Jas, sophia, susan, eliz, yvonne... can u paste ur attendance here? cos change date again.. haha

Once in delivery room, can straight ask for epidural? My pain tolerance is negative... I even scare epidural got pain also... I scare of injections, and also the thing put on our hand one...dunno what's that called.. Drip water? Haha

I taken epidural last time! at first i never preparing to take tis cos i heard tat the cost of this is very expensive. But after half an hour of the pain, i really can't tahan the pain anymore and the nurse keep asking me whether i wan to take epidural or not. I still remember that time I did asked the nurse about the price first before I decide whether to take. When I heard she said only S$200+ then immediately I agreed to take…haa..haa..

Hi Girls, we are organising a gathering in July.. Please copy and paste the following if u are joining, and indicate who will be coming.. Hubby, kids are welcome..

Date: 24 July 2011 (Sunday)

Time: 1230 - 330pm

Venue: My house - sembawang

Lunch: cater buffet and split cost by no of pax (excluding kids)

Confirmed Attendees-

- Me, hubby, my gal

- Eliz, hubby, my gal

Jas, sophia, susan, eliz, yvonne... can u paste ur attendance here? cos change date again.. haha

whiteloverz: thanks for organizing the gathering .. will not be able to attend as my hubby's birthday is just around the corner .. enjoy yourselves ..


If you look at the stroller handle, there is a light grey button in the middle. Push and slide, use your foot to step on the basket and the whole thing folds up. last time I saw selling at Robinsons, now I'm not so sure. Stroller comes with rain cover and stroller pouch that hangs from the handle.


Popular, but I don't like it that the basket is so small. With #2 coming I really have a lot of barang to move around.

Nursing bra

best to get it only after you hit 34 weeks, cos boobs will continue to grow till then. And when you buy, make sure the cup is not just right cos you will fill up with milk. I went from 32B to 36C marks and spencer brand, and another brand was 36D, so its a big difference from the starting point



me too.. requested epi immediately once in the delivery room when i was alrdy 3cm dilated.. but epi didnt seem to work on me cos i felt very terrible contraction pain frm start till throughout the 4 hours till birth.. probably my curling position was abit out hence the drug didnt realy went to the rite channel? till nw i aso dunno y so painful.. tot can zzz n enjoy when took epi..


Me too! I told DH, this time i dont want to tolerate so long liao. I rather faster take epidural.


this time epidural is about 600+.


when ur DH's bday? My bday also around the corner. Hahaha~

Date: 24 July 2011 (Sunday)

Time: 1230 - 330pm

Venue: Rox's house - sembawang

Lunch: cater buffet and split cost by no of pax (excluding kids)

Confirmed Attendees-

- Rox, hubby, my gal

- Eliz, hubby, my gal

- Jas, hubby, princess

Re: Epidural

For my first one, my water bag broke at 7pm and i took my epidural at about 9pm. Decided not to wait cos after 2 hours, the cervix only dilated barely 1cm so i can predict a looongg wait. True enough only delivered at 5am the next morning. With epidural, i can sleep and eat dinner. And even watch King Kong on cable! When my gynae came at 5am, she commented i looked more refreshed than my hubby haha.

Heard that without epidural, the stitches will also be painful.


thanks for organizing the gathering! won't be going though. maybe next round then join you girls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: epidural

better don't garang and try to endure everything. i went thru csect so dunno anything about labour pains but i heard from my friends that it can be 1000x worse than menstrual cramps. if your pain threshold is low and you don't take epi, chances are you will be too tensed up from the contractions for cervix to dilate and may hinder baby from coming earlier. the longer baby stays in there, the higher the chance (although small) of baby pooing inside the womb and inhaling in the meconium. my ex-colleague's case was such. her baby pooed inside the womb when she was in labour. luckily she had epidural and dilated fast, then doctor pulled baby out using vacuum, otherwise if take in meconium may have infection. best part was, everything was painless for her.

another friend of mine hung on without epi for several hours, but in the end couldn't take it anymore then asked doc for it. but doc told her too late for epi 'cos already fully dilated. she told me she pushed till she almost died from the pain, plus she felt the cut down there. ouch.. of course the most painful part didn't last super long lah, only 20 minutes? but she said those 20 minutes were the longest 20 minutes in her life! :p

oh yah, i'm not promoting epi in any way, just sharing what i've learnt from real friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if you can endure the pain, by all means go for it. think drug-free birth is getting more 'trendy' in recent years. read so many articles about the benefits of it.

I love GSS!!! Was feeling so bored at work so i sneaked out for a breather. Just bought 13 pieces of clothes for my baby boy at $128! And they are the nicer looking clothes suitable for going out....

Next need to settle home clothes which I tink shd be cheaper ba... Is $4-5/pc for home clothes a ok budget?

Anyway I realised 0-3mth vs 3-6mth not much diff so in the end I bought 3-6mth for economical reasons..

Mummies time to shop for babies' clothes!

I have a friend who tahan almost 20hours without epidural. Amazing! But heard it was super painful during the last 8 hours but by then about 7cm dilated so too late for epidural. Also heard that if long labour, usually have to use forceps cos' mummy too tired to push.

Gosh!!! I'm getting scared after reading all the posts about labour pains!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I always tell my husband that if I can endure 5.5 hours of marathon pain, I can take labour pain. Seems like I might be wrong huh! Perhaps the pain is like running 10 marathons in a row! Yikes!

My neighbour's entire family in Australia including cousins had never used epidural, most of them had quick labours. She thought she would be the same. Unfortunately she endured 36 hours of labour without dilating much. All this time the baby was doing fine, with no drop in heart rate. Finally dr advised her to take the epi to conserve her strength to push later. She finally delivered another 10 hours later after a good night's sleep.

I think most moms will want to try it without the epidural, especially first time moms. If labour is progressing well, and you are dilating well, and if baby is not undergoing stress, then its fine if you can endure the pain. However, if labour is not progressing and baby's heartrate is dipping, then please do not be so stubborn, the epi can really help to relax you.

I know of another friend in the UK who went through a 30+hr labour naturally. A week after baby was born, she started having seizures and they found out that baby had brain damage, probably from the difficult birth. We are quite lucky in Singapore because we are constantly being monitored in the hospitals, and the nurses will not hesitate to tell you when baby is facing any kind of stress. Its great to be pro natural, but do remember that the health of the baby is what is most important, not our vision of the 'ideal birth experience'.

Which hospital is charging $600?? This is without pre-admission package right? Mt.E is charging $300 for epi.

Hi Mummies,

Paiseh, change in date again... :p Must cater to more mummies!!!

Date: 31 July 2011 (Sunday)

Time: 1230 - 330pm

Venue: Rox's house - sembawang

Lunch: cater buffet and split cost by no of pax (excluding kids)

Confirmed Attendees-

- Rox, hubby, my gal

- Eliz, hubby, my gal

- Jas, hubby, princess

Eliz, Jas, can confirm again?

Hey! Paiseh girls... those who have emailed me their orders.... please make first payment transfer k. I won't be going ahead with your orders if I didnt receive your payment. Hope you gals understand! Thanks!

oops!! sorry babes if i have scared you all with my descriptions. when these were described to me i was also damn scared. but who said labour is easy anyway? no matter what still have to go through it. my csect had horrible parts to it also (seriously thought i was going to die), but i shall not share any more scary stories lah. haha! don't go and think about it. likelihood is that we will all go thru it without any complications. just tell yourself that since so many billions of women have been thru childbirth (with or without epi), so can you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agree with you. some hard-core natural birth believers will try all ways and means just to go drug-free but they don't know that they are actually putting their babies a lot more at risk than if they would just give in to epidural or emergency c-section. i could have gone ahead with trying natural labour even with my babe in breech position but i thought better not take the risk. i'd rather pay extra $1k+ to make sure my baby comes out safe and sound. don't say $1k+, even if only $10k then can guarantee her safety, i would have paid for it!

Yep yep, I agree with Tamms - it depends on the speed of the dilation. If our body is not co-operating then it might be better to play safe and take the epidural. But those blessed with faster labour, can consider natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I estimated that mine will be almost 10 hrs and I knew i wont be able to take it so i decided on epidural fairly early. But dunno if this round I would want to try to be garang and go natural. Hubby thinks i am mad to want to try hehee..

I remembered the contractions felt like menstural cramps but stronger. It is not the pain per say but the frequency of the pain that wears you down.

I heard that if your mom experienced difficult labours, so will you.. My mom was in labour for more than 24 hours with me!!! The pain was so bad and traumatizing to her that she opted for scissors with my two sisters..

If this saying is true, I confirm will have a difficult labour.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Not necessarily true... my mom has always maintained that once the pain comes, baby will come very fast. less than a few hours she still tells me. My sis went into hospital at 630, baby was out by 9. My aunt's labour was so fast she delivered in a TAXI!!! Mine was a text book 10hrs. sian.

So you might just have an ok labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry, Minidiary:

Someone had recommended Origins Jamu also. Heard that although they are more expensive, they also have good reviews from media.

So fast much start booking meh?


Is 10 sessions sufficient? My husband says he will pay for it so wondering if I shd have more sessions? haha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Was the massage very effective for your slimming for your #1?

Heard the massage very oily hence better to do it on a mattress with a plastic sheet on it. Is that so? wow then maybe I need to go buy foldable mattress fr Seahorse

For me, I had csect 5 years ago cos water bag burst and very little contraction pain. I admitted to hospital at 2am with 1cm dilation; till morning 9am still only 2 cm.... No pain no issue. Then BB inside getting stress by 11am, gynae tell me to go csect and I opt for GA cos really didn't want epidural. Easy job for my #1 ;) not really sure why no induce cos I heard induce can help dilation??

I will like to opt for natural birth without any aid.... But u ladies make it sound scary! Also not sure I can do natural since #1 is csect? Anyone had both csect and natural?


10 sessions shld be good enough. I started only after the 3rd week as I had csect, not recommended to start too early. But within 2 sessions of massage and binding, I lost 1kg. It is that effective. And my mom commented that my tummy looked significantly smaller after 2 days of binding. Actually if u just continue applying the ginger cream and diligently bind tummy everyday you will lose weight and tummy will go down.

For the massage oil, it's a bit oily but no need to place plastic sheet. Just lay a large towel over the mattress can le. After massage I'll just wipe off the oil with kitchen towel.


u mean u buy the Ginger cream to continue applying after u finish the 10 sessions?

Actually I ask abt the effectiveness of post-natal massage cos I'm quite sceptical. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos I'm thinking if it does such great wonders, then why so many mummies still lose shape after confinement? Many pple share with me a lot of weight and mass is already gone on the first day after the baby, water and placenta is out. So I'm thinking the weight loss may not be due to the massage. Afterall, all my friends who do post-natal massage nvr really go back to their Pre-preg shape. Of cos I dun doubt the massage can help to remove extra water, wind plus the binding shd help to tighten ba. However I wonder if the loose skin will "rebounce" outward without the bind after 10days.. Haha

anyway I will still go ahead with the massage ba since i'm a person who loves massaging. ;)

Hi Karen

I agree with you that the massage works better on mummies who have water retention during their pregnancy as it helps with circulation. I have a friend who found it useful cos' she had quite alot of water retention issues.

For me, it didn't work much cos' i have minimal water retention - my feet and fingers didn't get swollen etc. But this also mean mine is more stubborn fats than water hahaa... i kept 4 kgs after my first pregnancy. Just managed to drop another 1-2kgs but found that I am pregnant again!

For #2 time mummies, do you find that your hips grew bigger faster this round? I am wearing maternity pants which was loose for my first pregnancy and lasted me to the end. Now the same pants are tight in the 2nd Trimester! Shucks! I didn't eat much more than my first time but wondered where all the fats come from [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I understand your skepticism. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This whole massage-weight-loss thing is very subjective. Some ppl swear by it, maybe those like what leeoh said who have bad water retention. I personally feel that it's not enough to make u go back to pre pregnancy figure. Those loose skin folds, accumulated fats and enlarged hips all slowly happen thru the 9 months. 10 sessions of massage sure not enough to take all these away. The most it does is give u a headstart in losing a few kilos, tighten ur tummy with binding and give u a sense of well-being. The rest is still up to u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only applied the Ginger cream on and off, binding nv do after the 10 days 'cos too lazy! My tummy did go down alot but not completely flat like last time 'cos of the loose skins. But can't really tell if I'm not wearing anything skin tight.

My total weight gain during pregnancy was ard 15kg, shed 11kg over 3mths+ then got pregnant again. If didn't get pregnant, likely can lose the remaining 4kg over another 3-4mths time.


my gynae charge $30 for the fish oil


i only did twice. the auntie say no wind inside my body just body very tired. after dat i never do le. save $. hehe!

hi all

this thread is so active these 2 days.. Me jus back from mc - was queueing for lunch when i had this tightening in chest then felt breathless next moment vision blurred.... terrible feeling lucky i still managed to find my way back to seat aft ordering my food!

My gynae v cute, tried to ask for weight of bb she say now still early, later then check..

Weight gain- abt 6-7 kg to-date.. Hope dun balloon so fast.

Fish oil I bought from d recent babyfair @$38.

Gilera- wat brand is yours? Why so ex!

Just booked my staycation next month- so bored in SG.


Morning to all pretty mummies,

hehehe ytd was my detailed scan. everything is fine and well.. Happy and relieved ..

and it's confirmed a BOY!!..

5 more months ~~~ we will "POP" soon !!!

i feel like reading more labour stories.. to get myself prepared.

