(2011/10) Oct 2011

gilera, try Enfalac,heard a lot of gd review on it.I also used tis brand for my #1, and same to tis time round too..but ofcos hope will have more & more bmilk lah so can save $$$ mah!:p

Gilera, I tried many brands during stage 1 cos I let bb drink fm at night... If I remember correctly Similac is very sweet, stools very smelly... Enfalac causes constipation n the powder hard to dissolve, Nan causes laosai.. The best for my gal was Friso, stools ok, not so sweet... The con is tat dha level not high as compared to others but I supplement with bm in the day, so still ok

U nid to experiment the effects of the mill powder on ur child cos every child is different.. Best is to try to ask for samples now...

For bathing, first 3 months I use lactacyd.. It's very mild, almost soapless, its more for ph balancinh.. good for newborns

After that I switch the medela n Johnson n Johnson

Thanks cream donut. But I don have measurement tape... Haha hope my next visit on Monday, dr Ben could give me a peace of mind answer...or hope my bump grows bigger

Thanks. Will try source for samples.

For Latacyd, is there only one kind like body wash n use as shampoo for bb also?

Thanks as intend to complete all this shopping.

4 wks time reach 3rd tri already so wanna settle this itsy bitsy stuff else hb will just get any kind lor.

Latacyd got two types, one is body wash n one is feminine wash.. Can get from guardian.... Ya. I use same one for hair n body.. Actually I dunk whr I read it from, newborns skin got a layer of protection, dun nid to use real shampoo n soap yet... Some ctries sometimes bathe the baby once every few days but think is cool weather kind

Yalor I ks all buy liao

How about esteman , cetaphil they are also soapless cleansers. Hb got eczema sometimes need use these kind

Thanks for sharing rox!!


I also seldom feel baby movement. Only tend to feel it more when I'm resting at night. Even though so it's just slight fluttering on my tummy skin or feel the heartbeat only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I'm too engaged and busy during the day to feel him. Anyway I believe how much we feel depends on individual pregnancy sag ba. Whenever I do screening, my gynae says my sag very spacious, got a lot water and nutrients and space for baby. So I'm assuming that's y I dun feel as much as most mummies here.. Don't be too worried about that.


you very funny about trying to coat your baby to move and cooperate during the detailed scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


today I'm very depressed cos someone (a mother of two) came and tell me she noticed that my hip is very big! Not just tat, she says this is not the worse, it will get even bigger as we enter into third trimester. Man... Although I know this is uncontrollable since our pelvis is expanding tog with the womb, i just feel so affected and zoomed into my hips now...I'm going to use the link tat u hv posted about bump size.


I believe hospitals will give u ready-to-drink formulas as samples if request for some for baby. If u are comfortable with the idea, u can tell the hosp nurses to give baby 1 fm feed at night and see how baby takes it. If suitable and PD (who will see baby daily at hosp) says no issue with poo or whatever, u can continue with it 'cos it's not recommended to keep changing formula. Reason being baby's gastrointestinal tract is still very sensitive. Change of formulation may trigger off constipation, tummy upsets, rashes etc.

For shampoos and soaps, stick to those pure organic/herbal formulations. J&J is all junk, containing a lot of harsh chemicals. Brands like Gaia, California Baby, Burts Bees etc are good. For many months, we didn't bathe my babe with soap direct. Always dilute bubble bath gel (California Baby / Burts Bees ones) in water to bathe her since she never really got herself really dirty till she started crawling ard the house.

Re: baby sling

Can get those with hoops from Moms In Mind (MIM) website.


Don't be bothered by what ppl say. Hip will grow big yes, but will also shrink somewhat after birth. Anyway, you won't get so big till you look unproportional. If u are very worried, invest in a good binder and use it diligently after u pop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: cetaphil

Heard that this can be used as dry cleansers. Is it true? Mean just rub direct on skin and wipe off with towel? If really can, think gd for use during confinement when we need to stay off water for the initial few days?

Gilera, think for the other brands need to do research Liao.. The brands starry mentioned are good n friendly too, I lie canadula diaper rash cream, smells good! Sometimes I apply on my on legs when got rashes.. The milder n natural the better cos it won't irritate baby skin n cause skin problem such as eczema n rashes

Ya, starry quoted a good idea to let bb try sample milk at night n ask pd to see if okie or not.. Cos my bb only have 1 feed of fm a day, maybe tat is why she didn't get all these digestion problems, is more on the side effects of milk powder.. Starry, N last time I duno right, I didnt even mix the powder when I was changing leh.. I simply change totally..

I was using Johnson kids head n shoulder last time n my gal kena split ends! Now I use medela n it is okie.. So those 2-in-1 kind not good, prove tt it's dry n damaging..

Karen, expand or not r proof of ur love for ur baby... Ignore that mummy.. Sometimes ppl likes to make senseless remarks base on what they think n feel only.. nvr care abt others feelings.. My hips also expand n stretchmarks all over.. But it is proof of me carrying my precious babies for that few times in my life lor... I m proud of it just that now don't dare wear bikini liao... Haha

Gilera, must Jiayou for breastfeeding cos everyone (big or small) sure got milk if hardworking enough! My sis pump once a day only always complain she no milk de.. Then I gotta share mine with her gal.. my niece until now is quite weak, I think the foundation not v good.. Breastmilk is the best milk!


Sure will have milk, just latch on night and day. If you start missing feeds you will start to produce less. Best is not to take any formula at all. There will be certain times during baby's development when he will cry for more milk, that's normal because baby may be experiencing a growth spurt. Don't lose heart when that happens, just latch baby, even if he was just fed an hour ago. The constant latching will signal to your breasts to produce more milk and the supply will catch up with demand by the next day or two. Here's a great video that shows the correct latching technique that all first time bf moms should watch.

Your Baby Know How to Latch



Oops!! Didn't realize it is down already. Paiseh. If I'm not wrong, kiddy palace sells this kinda slings too.


When u changed totally, ur baby was okay with it? I know some will be more sensitive, have reaction to the sudden change. Some babies won't.


I've watched that video many times before! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's gd information. But still have to hands-on to REALLY know and understand the technique. Breastfeeding can be quite fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: sore nipples

I was told by many mommies and the LC that sore nipples during initial few days is a definite for most of us. I'm not talking abt cracked/bleeding nipples, but just soreness during the first few mins of latching. U all experienced that? Cos my girl latched on correctly but I was still very sore. LC and nurses told me that I was just getting used to the latching and once the nipples are 'seasoned', it will be okay.

Good morning mummies,

i'm so happy today after seeing my little prince R..... he has grow so fast... 3 weeks ago, he was only ard 450g.... yesterday he weighs 850g.... that's almost double. n i've put on 9kg where 8kg is on myself.... gg to eat healthy from now as gynae say BB will grow very fast from now on....

today i cabt tahan, i bought a packet of coffee from the coffeeshop after i smell the coffee smell.... opps.

Dear mummies

Anyone has disagreement with hubby over baby name? Need some advice as I'm really upset now..after brainstorming through many many names I finally found a name that I felt a special affinity to!

Hubby actually told me I could decide on the baby name but now insist I can't call my baby that..and I'm really really upset because I feel its the perfect name for my baby..

Any advice on how to resolve this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Dont be upset.... Hubby's giving his opinion means he care for the bb.... n he wanted to contribution to BB's name too... There's still time for BB's name so take your time to choose... At least your hubby is willing to share his opinion. My hubby juz say anything or you decide. He didnt really suggest or say anything abt BB's name.... we hvant really start to brainstorm BB's name. I've printed a list of boy's name starting with R. but he didnt read tru them as there is like 15 over pages...

Stay happy... dun let this upset u k?


you don't need to put yourself to the person's level, if the woman is an idiot just ignore her. i think she is just purely jealous of you !!!! your hips might not be as big as what she said. she might just wan to spike you..

heck care her.. she sure has karma...

Irritating woman..

Cheer up Babe, we are alwys the prettiest & sexiest mama hahaaha... just keep thinking that way !!! hahaahah

Karen, no need to care how people look at you! As long as you happy & yr baby is happy & healthy then is enough liao!

Did you join our Oct mummies secret group on Facebook? Sometime I really can’t recognize who are who leh! :p

Ginn Cai

My ds show is a boy too. So maybe the chinese calender is somehow accurate. By the way how many weeks are u in now? I am also a coffee lover LOL. Sometimes i do reward myself with coffee..

starry, no problem... the effects she had was mainly on her stools due to milk.. maybe in this aspect she is abit hardy.. haha..

talking abt sore nipples.. mine at first is sore, then my gal hungry at home n i no milk.. i thot keep latching will make her full.. so i latch her while watching tv, total latch 1.5hrs! then.... nipples form a brown patch of skin, the kind when u bleed and after that the skin will form over the wound to protect it... then when bathing, it drop off and bleed! that was then i totally feel like giving up breastfeeding, i nvr even pump milk.. then............. clogged ducts and fever!!!

come to think of it, it is a nightmare...

so i prefer expressing than latching direct..


I'm in my 24th week currently.... sometime if my sisters bought coffee, i'll slip a few mouthful. my elder sis drink kopi-O & my younger sis drink kopi & my mama drink teh-C... over the weekend when we meet, i drank milo but will always drink a few mouthful from their drinks... haha


I drank bubble tea after 1st trimster too.. but usually share with my mom or my sister.... n recently, i drank a few slips from my colliek milk tea. N that night i got leg cramp. so currently i'm not drinking milk tea. n my urine test always show that there is sugar content. I drink very sweet drinks,n i love sweet stuff.... usually my coffee is kopi add milk.... or thin kopi.... so it'll b sweeter... now no sweet drinks for me...

all of you so good, my hubby is like a 24/7 NEA/MOH officer. ytd passed by amk central got pasar malam !!!! but he dragged me out of it. and started his nagging.. saying for the sake of baby cannot eat all this, cos he feels that they didnt change the oil & rather no as clean as fast food. oh well.. at the very least he still let me have fast food occasionally .. heng !!

as for bubble tea, he also stopped Q-ing for me,


That's good.. i've gain too much weight from eating all the juke... dun eat unhealthy food... i'm gg for a healthy diet from now on.. else it'll b difficult to shed off the fats....

twinklewen: my hubby lagi best, never even go think.

i'm the one who think of the names, den ask him how he feel.

Then he give opinions, eeks, yucks.

den i will say him : so easy, u ownself go think la.haha

Ginn Cai

Looks likes it is common we still reward ourselves at times. I think is ok, so long as we control ourselves. I am in 22 weeks. Finish my DS last week, after which I was in very bad shape, down with acidity throat, then sore throat, now bad cough. Raffles medical GP didnt give me any cough syrup, end up i go else where to see doc again to get it. Last week, they found traces of protein in my urine test. After investigating with further test, nothing serious was found.

Yo gals! Doing another Carters's spree if you gals are interested!

Does anyone have itchy nipples now huh? The area (aerola?) became red and itchy. Can apply any cream?

jinnous, itchy boobs got but not nipple.. u can get those boobs cream/stretchmarks cream.. but must see why ur nipples are itchy leh, maybe got infection?

I tot I saw something like a little soft bump on thr aerola. Its the skin where the aerola meets the skin there itch. I hope I'm not expanding anymore! I read somewhere that the nipples won't go back to original shape! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I still take coffee, ice cream. Fresh sashimi. Tried smoked salmon n tat was no good..(tummyache), some seafood including crabs.. But no raw oysters n medium raw beef. Small rewards for oneself ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Names- should be joint effort ba, last time my hubby choose #1 name, this time #2 I decide both Chinese n English name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


coffee and tea are my greatest love! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very hard for me to stay away. during my first pregnancy, i went totally cold turkey during 1st trimester. after that it was back to 1 cup a day. this 2nd pregnancy really threw caution to the wind, drank as per normal. buahahaha! hubby damn scared at first that baby would turn out black black. but my girl is quite fair! hee hee!! drink a bit is okay. the one i really stay away from is instant coffee. 'cos the caffeine level is higher than normal brewed ones.


saw this website: http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/baby_ring_slings. got a few types on slings (ring type) on sale. not sure if retail stores are cheaper or not. otherwise go to the WTS thread to look for good deals?

here is a good guide to some of the most popular slings and carriers in the market, worth a read before committing to purchase. http://shopping.insing.com/feature/baby-slings/id-60340100.


hardy babies are good! haha! easier to care for also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] didn't know your bfing experience was so bad. i had a brown skin forming on the nipples before too, but didn't have any bleeding at all. the skin just fell/flaked off, quite thin, not like a crust. think you latched on way too long, that was why. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] try again for this baby bah. since got the experience you will probably manage things better!

Jinnous, I got the small bumps too, it's normal....

I also taking coffee n everyday 1 cup from 1st trimester.. It's fine as long as dun overshot.. I prefer mr bean icy soya w pearl to bubble tea... I realize I really dun like sweet stuff!


me too, don't really like sweet stuff lately. same for previous pregnancy. sometimes will have cravings for bubble tea or mini ice creams. but not as much as before pregnancy.

not sure if this was asked before.. anyone had experience with the Gina Ford baby routine? any comments?

thanks all dear gals for sharing

i am checking off my list one by one.

the pending stuff can get from Giant so no need visit specialised BB shop anymore i think.

re FM - then perhaps will just prepare one small tin see how things go.. very KS hor ...

yesterday check up BB was 670 g at 24 weeks , BOY and i have gained 6 ks so far. last month warned me to only up 2 kg a month which i was in line so HENG ah! eating all junk food, durian, milk tea - but now only gongcha is safe and kopi max once a day. now feeling more ZAI at chest and after work dun feel like eating dinner.

HBs are annoying. he wanted a gal so now our BB boy name is the boy equivalant in hope # 2 will

be gal to use his dream name... sigh

we asked the TAIMAOBI opp TMC, names for selection $88, with explanation is $128 if we want only single name = surname and single character name also can. dunno wanna use or not. seems like if they give us some to choose from only that few limitations. but now our head also limited in chinese name ideas la..

heard got this nappy reash cream desitin (sp?) where to get? BB surely must use nappy cream ah?

bought nappy liners yesterday from the full checklist - how do they work, only absorb wetness , goes thru to diaper so bum remains dry? is that all its purpose? though can just throw soiled liner and replace new one and non eed throw diaper but seems diaper does kenah the urine can use max how many hours?

just ordered BABYSAFE sling from thebirthshop.com

any other online shops for other useful stuff?

like breastfeeding pillow "my breast fren" etc.

i find iherb very not user friendly, webpage very messy


wow you are really doing your homework! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your hubby opposite of mine. kept wanting a boy but both are girls leh. hahaha!

you can get desitin nappy cream via forum's BP threads. got a couple of sellers selling. think agape babies also have. not all babies need nappy rash cream. only need to use if baby developed nappy rash or has tendency to get rashes. you will know to use if you see reddish looking bum area. it's a sign a rash is developing. actually for most babies, as long as you change diaper nappies/diapers regularly (every 2-3hrs), it will be fine.

nappy liners are for use with cloth diapers or those traditional muslin nappies. if you are using disposables, no need to use liners at all. liners are for trapping the poo so that it doesn't stain the cloth diapers, and once soiled/wet, please throw. cannot recycle. actually i don't use them at all. my girl is in cloth diapers and maybe it's the material or what, poo washes off very easily. so far many months already the diapers still look white as snow without having to use any bleach. my mom uses the ABC washing powder.

re: frequency of diaper change

for newborns, expect to change around 10 pcs of disposables over 24hr period. if you use cloth nappies, maybe even more 'cos will wet through quite fast. once they are older like around 2 months onwards, diaper changing will drop to ard 6-8 times per day. during weaning from 6 months onwards, only like 5-6 times.


I think i'm overweight.... I've gain 9kg at 24week.... n bb is 850g.... OMG. I had all the fastfood, junk food n ice cream (i eat tub ice cream).... n i love meat esp chicken chop n steak.. jia lat. juz now lunch, i didnt finish the noodle, for fear of getting fat... i sld start to measure my waist n keep track of what i eat... only healthy food for me now... n no sugar intake so no soft drink or ice cream...

afternoon mummies!

Sigh I fell off office chair just now and landed on my butt quite hard. Was worried at 1st but babycenter said so long not land on tummy should be ok. #2 moving around as per normal. Dun think I have spotting/bleeding. But still, be careful mummies!

Thanks Starry. Oh dear wat do I do w 100 pcs liners then. Intend use disposable diapers. Didn't know liners are for cloth diapers. So stupid. Can still use on disposables to trap poo?

Ginn- ur Gynae got tell u watch diet? Coz I am overweight to begin with n terribly afraid kena GD. Haven't been guai in diet so just heng no GD. Everyday soft drink. If u petite u can afford the gain ba. I gonna hit 100 kg by the time give birth no joke. I will look like monster carrying bb. So unglam lor.

at 20th weekm my bb ard 450g.. he has almost double the size... minidiary, mayb monday after your check up, u'll know if bb grows... it's gg that bb grown & mummy dun grow...

for me, i grow more than my bb....

ginn cai: wow 850gm is pretty big!

for me, i'm a bit worried, my bump seems to be not expanding much these 2 weeks but i gained about 1kg+ leh. total weight gain about 6kg now. am 22weeks +. hope the weight has somehow gone to baby. her kicks seems to have gotten stronger...

my next visit is coming monday...after my weeekend babymoon! will ask my gynae about baby's weight!

i think my baby will be quite small. both me and hubby quite small (or short) and i was a 3kg baby at birth too. hope not too big also or else i will really be a balloon by term and need C-section!


no point trapping poo with the liners if using disposables. at the end of the day, you will still throw away the whole thing and just wasting liners. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] why not see who wanna buy them from you? i have a few packs sitting at home also. haha! :p

all the babies seem to be growing very well! very soon will be >1kg already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i don't know what's my baby's weight yet. will only find out next week. waited so long already!! i've only gained <2kg though. appetite a lot poorer than last round. not complaining, 'cos minimal weight gain. but feeling extremely jaded during meal times.

starry, maybe i didnt really do much research on breastfeeding previously.. cos i take it for granted that it is easy.. just pop baby's mouth onto breasts n that's it..

ginn, good that ur baby can absorb so much!

i gotta do a swab test next checkup for strep B.. anyone else doing it? duno why this time i must do so early... gynae cleared me for GD test cos i was cleared for #1 pregnancy...


My gynae nv say BB is too big. He said BB is gorwing well. but after i told my frd & cousin abt my bb weight & my weight. They said BB is slightly big as their bb is ard 600-650g at 24th week.... n my frd put on 12kg throughout her pregnancy & they said during the 3rd trimster, the weight will accelerate very fast.

But Dr did say dun eat too much carbo food. I didnt eat so much rice & i dun eat so much white bread... but i snack a lot during these few weeks...

