(2011/10) Oct 2011

minidiary, could you help me to update my #2 gender? She's a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks, Babe!


hello mummies,

anyone interested to buy raw birdnest? im going to order from my fren in Sabah who did supplied for Eu Yan Sang. do let me know if anyone keen ya...

the price she offered really good as it is wholesale price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dont bear to cut away my hairs. I got long, thick hair. Now super messy, i dont bother.. For my #1 i cut till shoulder length, during confinement i tie and clip my fringe everyday even during sleeping cos i cant stand the oily hair. I washed twice with shampoo on the full month day.

This time round, might not cut so short since im going to tie and clip it up.

Lol the agony with long hair short hair curly hair

mine turns white v fast. every 2 month must touch up roots.

Use no ammonia dye ok right. Got the new one from loreal in salon

Mine is always tied up n fringe clip back v boring

wonder how others can let fringe cover their forehead whole day. Mine will b v oily

ok la I will chop them off but will consult w stylist cut wat. Lol

Talking about birdnest:

I think we have reached the point of our pregnancy that we can eat birdnest le.

What kind should we eat? Or rather what have you gals suggest eating? Definitely not those bottled type with rock sugar right? Since these are more diluted???

Where to buy too? How much to budget for this? Pregnancy has been an expensive process, got so many things to buy....




Anyone is buying from Carters???

I missed the previous spree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


previously im eating the LHK concentrate... eaten 2 bottles liao, red blood birdnest, White birdnest and find out it's kinda sweet for me because they have sugar inside. so thinking to get the raw birdnest and boil myself, can control the sugar level and enjoy as hot/chilled dessert.

for the LHK concentrate, every day and night only eat 1 small teaspoon. not satisfied at all.

now im asking my mum helps me buy Eu Yan Sang raw birdnest in KL, then this fren approaches me said she's supplying for Eu Yan Sang and can give me wholesale price. see if you mummies keen to order or not. Ive posted the picture in FB.


see if Im getting the scrapbook kit from US online or not. if yes, i can borrow u my Borderlinx acct. I can help u place Carters order...


you're sucha DEAR!!!

Thank you very much..

to be honest i have never use Borderlinx / vpost usa before, usually i buy stuff directly from usa and ship to SG str8 like victoria secrets. lol

hahaha cos dunno how the freight forwarder works :p.. ahaahahah

no worries... I should be ordering scrapbook kit online by this month because it's much more cheaper. hopefully i don get tempted by u to order at Carters. hahaha you can take ur time search search what u want to buy first and add to wishlist. then send me the whole wishlist.

HI All,

I'm going for my detailed scan next Wednesday. Another milestone of this pregnancy. ^_^

My gynae has 80% confirmed it's a Girl, and I'm so happy tho Hubby is still wishing for a miracle. ~_~

Hi Pray & Love,

PLease count me in. Could you pls email me the info? [email protected]


Once again Thank you, muahaah u won't get tempted but you will join in the shopping :p

i'm looking at them, most likely will decide the items by next Tuesday (detailed scanning) to double confirm GEnder .

now *crossing fingers* hope last month u/s the "bird" won't turn out to be his hands lol..

RE: Birdnest

I bought ZTP concentrated birdnest, twice teaspoons daily. it doesnt taste too sweet, after discount ard $56/bot, can last for a month provided u really stick by 2 teaspoons daily. hhaha


what info u want? the birdnest pic and price or carters? or scrapbook? sorry little bit blur liao...


shouldnt be the hand i think. since hairy tummy is baby boy... ya, im afraid mylsef will join u in the shopping list. Im waiting for my previous Carters order, should arrive next week lor... hehe just FYI, 1kg shipping costs about $14.21. baby clothes i think about 120-150gm. this is my estimation only haha

Hi Pray & Love,

Heheheh, sorry, I wasn't clear in my post too. PLs pass me the info for the bird's nest.



I'm also taking ZTP's concentrated birdnest. But the salesman told me that it can only be kept in the fridge for two weeks after opening leh! So I'm taking one big tablespoon a day to finish it within two weeks!


i guess it's their way of pushing sales? i keep the bot in fridge in one secluded corner so as to keep away from the rest of the items in fridge,

so far i have been eating *touchwood* no major stomach discomfort, only last week diarrhoea because of a particular stall in the hawker area.

was inform to go for amino test & don't know what test that will cost abot $1K cos they found that heart have an extra vessal. mine down sydrom test is ok leh....amino test can test for other defect meh?


Amnio test - rapid result take 2-3 days

- detailed result take 2 weeks

Hubby cannot b inside the room with u. If u want can loon at the monitor as gynae will scan where the baby is n insert the needle to avoid the baby.

People say cannot cut hair during 1st trimester, i cut my hair every month cause im short bob, if dont cut, will be v messy, now deciding if i shld keep short or make it slightly longer cause i worried in 3rd trimester, i might grow fat, now still slim slim hahaa

Yupie Genesis!!GUess we'll be seeing each other in e labour room as well. haha... Have you had ur detailed scan with dr chang?

I did it. Now hair is just at shoulder straight across. At least all the horrible ends are gone. Still can tie pony tail ok ba


I heard some of those friends who have given birth not to take too much concentrated birdnest cos keep in e fridge so not good for babies. Too 寒for them so baby come out keep getting sick. Better to buy the raw ones to boil but not every week. maybe 2 times a mth. I'm boiling mine with the dried thai longan, taste nicer and heard it's better also

Hazel, my detailed scan will be on Monday. Confirm its a boy liao even without a scan coz I did amnio le...

so when is your detailed scan?

I never liked birdnest even though my mum cooks for me on a regular basis since young even when i was not preggy.

I usually only like cold birdnest cause it has less birdnest "smell" hahaa...

If worried for bb, then u girls can take out the birdnest for 5-10mins, not so cold then eat also can lah...

Sometimes i also take frozen yogurt, i think as long as not everyday, should be fine.

Only soft drinks, gasey ones, i avoid. Though i sip from my hub once in a blue mood.

Hi mommies

I remember reading a discussion on cord blood some days ago. My friend sent me this promotion that StemCord is having now:


Cord Blood Banking Enrolment Fee: $1280

Annual Storage Fee: $250

1st Year Storage Fee: FOC


Cord Blood Banking Enrolment Fee: $980

Annual Storage Fee: $225 (Year 2-6)

1st Year Storage Fee: FOC

(Promotion is valid only for 5 year plan)

Is this a good deal? Any mommies sign up for cord blood banking already? Care to share your deals?

Morning Mummies,

my detailed scan is approaching, i'm too excited..



I'm hunger for double confirmation ..

the arrow on last month u/s where i'm pointing is the "bird".. do you think so as well?

Dr said 80% is.. but i am really excited & needed some assurance ... !~!!!!!..


looks very much like boy parts! but then again, better confirm during detailed scan lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are tempting me to shop again! burst my shopping budget liao... already bought clothes, books, blankets etc. :p


Emilybaby, Starry, BabyStarlet.

thank you all of you... make my day !!!!

becos i bought some basic bottles and blanket already and very tempted to buy more ... but all meant for bb boy.. hence hands very itchy but heart very gan jiong.. hahahaa baby starlet thank for letting me knw urs are similar!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ytd Pray & love was discussing over CARTERS!!! I want i want.. !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] already save up the wishlist liao.. hahaha their bb girls' clothing super cute man

