(2011/10) Oct 2011

Tasha, last time my cl used water to clean Bb bum then wipe dry n put desitin creamy. So don't hv rash problem. Some babies sensitive to wet wipes.


genesis28: I personally like PIS compared to freestyle cos the suction is stronger. However, PIS is alot more heavier than freestyle. So it really depends what you prefer.

emily1079: You can just check if it's working by just turn on the motor. As long as it moves, it should be ok. I cannot comment on the suction as I did not use it before.

goog morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary: I see I see.. cos i have a fren who wants to buy too & i gave her bbPotato's contact nia..

Karen: yupz.. got it thru a spree w Aug mummies (cos my fren's a Aug mum).. eh.. no warranty wor.. im praying hard nothing will go wrong! more assured after hearing starry saying that there wun be much prob.. hm.. chose Freestyle cos it had gd reviews fr mummies who have used it before.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

emilybaby: ur girl is so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happymomo: nope.. am still contemplating.. when i went for the MH Fair, got to know that you can also do referral and get $50 Capitaland voucher on top of the MH Fair.. since the fair is just over, can try to ask for the MH price.. heh..

tasha: yah, the Cordlife lady also didnt hard sell us.. just gave us the price and some brochures to read..

starry: oh dear.. hope u r feeling better now! guess u r really worn out cos typically preggies need ard 10 hrs of zzz..


I am also interested to get Freestyle Medela Pump from you. Let me know when your spree begins.


Royal aka Emiline


today boarding the train is the worst, one "phiXXXXXXX' nationality suddenly stood up and stand one side, she didnt mentioned anything, then another auntie asked me to sit down, so when i was approaching the seat, the phiXXXXXXX turned and said it's not for me, for the primary school girl.

hence i said "it's okay, fine" but the mother of the pri sch girl wanted me to sit down, and i didnt want to sit down anymore,

woaw.. i was sooo mad by this phiXXXXXXX.. wonder what the fck does she wants man.. so being pregnant one should give up seat and not sit down??? ..

hope her sp/wp gets cancelled soon...


Happymomo & fantastar,

thanks all for the encouragement,

I am determined to finish & trying ways to rest as and when as possible too....

alright mummies, i need to get cracking.. return during "snaking hours" hehehe

Prettymums, how heavy is the PIS as compared to the freestyle? Btw is it very noisy for PIS? For my #1 I use dual electric plus is the suction comparable?

Karen: Thks! Now then I knw wat is PIS liao :)

Prettymums: Thks! Can I knw how much u r selling for PIS and Freestyle? Maybe I’ll buy a new one, tis time really hope that I manage to supply more breast milk for my baby :)

miffyM2B :)

genesis28: PIS motor is like 2-2.5 times heavier than the freestyle motor. It's noisier than freestyle.

emily1079: Sorry. I will let you gals know the price tonight cos no time to check due to diaherrea from early morning. Rough price for freestyle around Sgd 430-445 and PIS around Sgd 350-365. But need to confirm later.

royal: We can start now if you want. But just want to emphasize no local warranty. If buying now, u need to check if the motor is working immediately after you have collected.

morning all,

can check, those already sign the confinement lady, the price is normally how much ah?

Got 1 lady quote me $2.2K.. not sure if its ex or reasonable.

And she also ask for angbao before and after the confinement... how much normally to give ah?

Thanks all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Unfortunately no one gave up, but 2 stops later, ppl left hence there were empty seats, then the same auntie asked me to quickly go sit..

this auntie also pissed with the PhiXXXXXX ... she stared at her hard.. hahaa..

sian man...seriously i can't wait to be on ML, then deliver, and no longer have to tolerate

such nonsense .

prettymums, rest well. coughing or throat irritation can try the pi par gao. and drink plenty of water..

Snuppy! Cool down k! It happens sometimes. At least the mummy asked u to sit down... I hope that FT was listening...

prettymums : thanks.

so u mean u give the angbao $100 for start of confinement and another $100 at end of confinement?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt, I have some extra original Sophie the Giraffe teether toys to let go, please email me:

[email protected]

It's S$28 each and normal local postage is included. Great as baby shower gifts!



My CL charges me $1800 for my #1. Am using her again so I guess the price is still the same. I gave her $28 angbao when she first came and when she left, I gave her $188 as I am really happy with her.


oh $1800 quite cheap hor.... think quite hard to find less than $2k de..

Hope i am also happy with my CL ;)

dear snuppy,

its common for people not to give up seats to pregnant women lah, especially at 5mths plus, our tummy not very obvious.

especially mine, nobody knows i'm preggy unless they observe my tummy or i tell them.

luckily i drive so i do not need to face seating problems at public transports though sometimes i still take bus or mrt when i send my car for servicing.

Also mommies, i wanna check for Cordstem and Stemlife, which one is better? Or both the same except the price issue?

As for Swaddlewrap/Pod, it is advisble to buy? How many do i need to get? Cause when they become older, we can't use the Swaddlewrap as blankets anymore.

I also noticed got those sleeping pods, which one should i get?

So far i only bought 1 hooded receiving blanket (think one for hospital use), 2 hooded towels hahaa...

Kindly advise, how many hooded blankets (thin types) and hooded towels for bathing do i need to buy? thanks! hee

chiakiki & prettymum: does your go tru agency? I tink outside agency is ard 1.8 to 2k.... cso the few contacts my frd & cousin gave me is ard 1.8-2k.... but they say muz pay additional fee for FWL application also which is ard $100.

Ginn > what is FWL application ah?

Mine is thru recommendation.

i dont have any contacts liao....if in the end didnt take up this CL, then i will have to go thru agency liao.

princessginnginn: mine is through recommendation. I used her for my 2nd kid. She had training with Mrs Wong at TMC before. I like her cos she is good.

bighungrybear: Thanks. Went to see doc last Saturday. But I think the medicine too mild. Can't really clear the phlegm and cough. Plus now having diaherrea. Making me feeling more sick.


Ya I think my CL charges is considered cheap. Been reading and found out that CL charges 2k and more now.


I am driving to work everyday and I guess would be continuing until I am gng to be due if possible.

Genesis: yup, i continue to drive to work everyday. my boss did so up til she went on maternity leave so i guess shouldn't be a problem. just hope not to have contractions while driving tho!

think the only thing to note is that the seat belt should be place below our bump and not across so as not to harm baby in case we suddenly brake or sth.


Yeh i know it's not common for ppl to give up seats, cos i have never expect ppl to give up seats to me, until today i thought she was giving up seat to me but ended up so awkwardly. & telling me no it wasnt for me T,T but the auntie besides me keep asking me to sit down. haha too bad i didnt video it down.

Envy you man, need not tolerate the crowded trains.

Seriously, being a commuter of the public transport, each and every one has their own rights.

i am fine if there are no seats, because i am used to standing throughout the journey eversince there's train. Unless i am feeling weak or ill.

but this morning i really find the person's behaviour disturbing telling me the seat is not for me when it's empty...

but others kept telling me to sit.. it's rather strange.

just like "A" asked u to do, but "B" said it's not for you. T,T


Seems like lots of mummies have found their CL. that's good!!!... hahah has anyone starting to countdown?? lol.. for me i'm left with 153 days.

I'm excited... hahahaahah


if you feel perfectly alright, should be fine. but my friend eversince she's preggy, has giddy spells if she's on the wheels. right again, if you feel okay, i guess should be fine.

woaw Genesis, salute to you, still able to drive. for me even at the taxi passenger's seat i feel like emptying my bladders/bowel if not burping..


ya the medicine they gave is mild, tat time i also visited 2 doctors, on my part i will try to cough all phelgm out, drink pi par gao, lots of water.. oh dear u having diarhoea now, i just got that few days back. i rmb some recipe mention, those clear porride (plain rice & lots of water kind) you cook at home helps you to relieve & replenish the water loss from your body.

Oh it's foreign worker application. The msian CL will want a form that is apply tru MOM website. cos if they frequently come over spore, the custom will ask them the reason. so if they r working in spore, we'll need to apply a permit for them.

I m working for my hb today, in the mom ep application portal got a tab to apply pass for nanny.. I guess is this one for confinement nanny

No problem driving to work, I drove until 40th week last time but just that feet abit swollen, hard to press peddle.. actually got airbag cannot sit infront, not safe for preggies

About confinement, anyone experienced taking PEM or GPLS? I am planning to take thru' confinement agency, don't know what is the out come leh.

Thanks Jinnous (jinnous)

I read some already, but realise no comment on GPLS leh. I-kara, their timing to meet up is relatively inflexible.

You mean I-Care? I called.... the person listed on the webby... full of arrogance... said wanna call me... that was like a month ago I haven't received her sms or call....

Prettymums, hope u are feeling better. Drink more water to prevent dehydration.

Btw I'm interested in the medela freestyle. But is it too early to buy?? Cos all my friends told me to get after I delivered. Cos firstly dunno how much supply I will have n secondly they said usually the 1st month I get let the baby lach on first. So dun need get so early.

I tot it's better to get it now to get myself prepared first so I won't be lacking anything when I need it butwhat my friends said made sense too. So what's ur opinion??

I c.... Thks for the info. I thought there's a law or something say cannot drive coz my colleagues keep asking me am I still driving....

Shld be able to drive till full term i guess hahaha, imagine stomach bigger take cab even more troublesome right? Habe to queue at shopping centres, Pay more and then the car park at home

I was told can drive till full term, at most drive slower, i got put maternity sticker behind but sometimes cars still like to tailgate me


cloth diapers are great if you have the time and dedication to do all that laundry. For going out, I would still suggest disposables, I can't stomach the thought of carrying soiled diapers in a wet bag all day... When my girl was still small, I cleaned her with water and cotton wool, then dry with paper towel, air for half a minute before putting a thin layer of diaper cream and then diaper. No problem with rash.


Have not used the swaddlepod before, but it looks like a great concept. Price is about $16+ from Mothercare after disc, which is also cheaper than the other swaddles. can use from 0-3months. I used blankets initially but baby was able to get out of the blankets + it was hot cos I did not use ac in the first month. i bought only 2pc to try, but this means that I have to wash it right after using. Good thing is that the fabric is very light and easy to dry.



Ya... Drowning myself with lots of water now.

Regarding the pump, your friends are not wrong too. But for me, I always encourage mummies to pump after each feed to stimulate more production. But then again, it depends on individual preference.

