(2011/10) Oct 2011

1dog1rabbit, okie.. i think my gynae also got help to check down syndrome at 16 weeks, but i am not so sure about the check he does and tmc's...

Jasmine, u know about it? by Dr Lawrence Ang de..

1dog1rabbit, but one day if both u n ur hubby pass away, then ur kid how? maybe by then, he is not able to care for himself.. issit also very cruel? i always think about this.. keep or not to keep.. but touchwood la, our babies will be fine!



One of my relatives is born disabled. He's in his 20s. His mother had a tough life and passed away 2 years ago. Brother is not responsible for him. He's depressed almost everyday...

Also another lady whose parents are elderly and she is the main carer for her DS brother. She has no life outside of caring for her brother.

However I have also read of others who are living happy and full lives with a DS family member. Depends on you and your hb, and how much family support you think you'll have. Personally I do not wish for my now 2 year old daughter to be responsible for my decision

MiraclesDoHappen, that's why family support is important. My parents & siblings are supportive even if baby is special needs. So if anything happen to us, I know they will look after and love the child like their own. Even if so sway all of us die together, I know my aunts, uncles and cousins will readily step in to help cos of the close bond we have.

& that is why insurance coverage and proper planning of who will have access to the money after our deaths is very important (who can be trusted to spend your money prudently and who understand you well enough to know what you will be willing to spend on). I review and revise all my beneficiaries annually to keep them up to date. I even have a list of 'items' I'm willing to splurge on for my son as a guide.

And I'm very bad. I make sure my hubby's beneficiary is me. So all his money will go to me. Even if we die together, by law, the older one will be deemed as the first one to pass away, so his money will become mine and be distributed under my estate.

So if anything happens, the money is definitely enough to cover the kiddos and my family who will take care of kiddos.

snuppy, CS: caesarean section

Re: 1st tri screening even though I'm going for it again, I won't be going to terminate my preg just cos of possible abnormalities. Rather, at least I'll be well prepared should anything happen to the unborn bb. Or at least it'll give me a peace of mind to continue with the preg, which is stressful enough as it is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a good night, mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi minidiary,

Pls help me to update.

EDD: 28 Oct 2011

Gynae: Dr L C Cheng

Hospital: TMC


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


He mention next month blood test after blood test the next week go for Oscar scan which costs about 300+

1st time with him too.

Morning 1d1r.. yup is a nice weather to sleep in but have to drag myself up for work. Slept 9+ last night but woke up so many times. =(

Good morning ladies!

I had difficulty waking up this morning too! I can't zip up my work pants this morning!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies

Me too had difficulty going back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night. Really tough when we need to go to work early..

Good Morning Mummies!!!!!!!!!


sometime feel like eating KFC but hubby doesnt, but i alwys use the excuse it's your bb who wants to eat muahahaha.

maybe u want to try popeyes. i tried the amk outlet their fries are superb and their chicken not that oily,

i also think my tastebuds have changed..


thank you for your clarification of "CS", my 1st trimester scanning is on 07 Apr. All the best to your scanning!!!


You are not alone!!!

i cannot buckle my pants either. and have to force my thunder thighs in..

i have bought some stretchy $10-15 pants at Bugis V.

you know the snacks stall selling sausage/fried food/kueh opp the fruit juice stall.

turn into the lane after. as you walk further in you will many shops selling..

HappyMoMo, same here.. had to get up every night to pee.. And then couldn't sleep afterwards.. My cousin's boss actually let her nap on her desk during her pregnancy. So understanding huh!!

1dog1rabbit, u still have lesson? I can hardly last till late afternoon.. I cant nap in the office during lunch, phone keep ringing or people knocking on the door. Anyone here works in raffles place and is there any recommendation for rest place? Or a lunch place that is not so crowded?

Snuppy, I also bought two stretch pants during the weekend and start wearing them these two days, I bought it at 12 bucks. LOL I feel uncomfortable in my usual dress too.

Tabbyz, my office is dealing with equities, no chances of even jus take a step back to rest, cos phone keep ringing. haiz.. i am extremely tired everyday. Dont feel like going out for lunch also kena phone calls during lunch.

Morning mummies!!

I am having a "blue" week! So tired and feels like dozing off! I wonder when will I get my energy back!!


Hehe I also can't fit into my jeans/pants anymore.

To be more precise, I outgrew my pants since I had #1 2 years ago!! Hips are really expanding!!

RE: babyfair

Oh I skipped the TMC booth! Didn't realise there are special discounts for FBI/SBI. I managed to stock up alot of pampers diapers and pureen shampoos/bottle cleaner/detergent. Good shopping but its all for #1! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have been to raffles place for lunch once and it was crazy! By the time I finally found a seat, all the food is gone! Amazing. So I always wonder how folks in raffles place "fight" the lunch battle! :p

Aiyo still must work through lunch ah... Do you have a pantry in the office where you can pack food back and eat in peace?

Baby_mummy, sadly there is no pantry at all here. If stay in office got to continue with all the calls, if get out of office I have no where to go.


U are new to raffles place? I've not worked in RP bef hence I am not familiar with the area. But can u travel out of RP?

Hmmm u should leave office and get a good break!! I rem MOS burger etc has some seats.. but not so good to be having fast food everyday.

Snuppy, I don't think I look good in tights.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Gotta start to buy more babydoll dresses now. Hopefully I'll only grow bigger at tummy area and not my arms and legs!!! Fingers crossed!

HappyMoMo, I miss CBD so much!!! First job was at Raffles Place and then moved on to second job at ulu Macpherson. Blah..

So much food there! I miss Amoy Food Center, Maxwell Food Center and Market Street Food Center so so much.. Cheap and good food! Should get out of office during lunch so you can R&R. Office is too stressful for preggies.

1d1r, i think i will still go for oscar.. yesterday think think think, i feel i dont have such good support if "unlucky" thing happen.. better play safe..

snuppy, yesterday i ate a small box of durians, so shiok! hmm, i feel that at this stage, whatever we can stomach then eat loh.. i have been eating junk, MacDonald's, Long John, KFC.. & sometimes i can go without a meal... Told myself as long as I got take my vitamins, I am safe.. haha..

After this pregnancy, I need to go on diet liao cos dont think I want to have a #3 anymore. So must enjoy fat belly now!

hahaha thanks ladies, I was thinking to bring my own laptop out during lunch to surf net. Maybe I should go out and see see look look.


Haha got no seats even for me to chop leh! So pathetic leh!

Now I am kinda "fearful" of going RP for lunch!

The funny thing is.. I always dream of working in CBD! But somehow.. haha I am always at the outskirts of CBD!


Tanjong Pagar has lots of yummy food! Was there for a one week course and I never get enough of it! U must be missing it lots!!

I love bbdoll dresses too! But as it gets shorter and shorter due to the tummy expansion, I gotta wear leggings to work else kenna complain for wearing short dresses to work!!

happymomo.. i tink can eat durian leh but dun take too much cos sugar level very high... my mummy say preggies cant eat "cooling" fruits.. durian is heaty kind so confirm can eat hahha...

Actually working in raffles place will be fun if u are not preggy. You can meet up with lots of friends and have a fun lunch. Now when Preggy, I try not to make lunch appointment cos it will be really very tiring to talk and walk around. Hence, even if u want to lunch alone, and trying hard not to meet familiar faces can be tough!

Hi Mummies,

Are we able to feel baby's heartbeat said if we feel it through putting hands on our tummy area?

I asked that cos I can feel the heartbeats but don't know whether I am thinking too much or something....

good afternoon mummies! Hope u had a great lunch.

happymummytobe, it's difficult to feel our bb heartbeat as our bb is nestled v v inside our bodies, surrounded by many many layers. More likely it's your own heartbeat as it's working hard to supply nutrients to our bb.

Some mummies here have tot of buying a Doppler to hear the heartbeat but not all are reliable, though.

Jasmine... I also want mango! But the ones at the supermarket are not nice... so I din buy. Bought longans & papaya instead....

Fruits make my nausea go away :D


Can I join in this thread? I m actually due in end Sep, but becos have been following this thread since preggie, so tot of joining..


Baby #3


EDD: 29 Sept 11

Dr Woo Bit Hua


recently I brought 1 mango - CP stickers on the mango. Saw it at shop & save. smell very nice & is super sweet. The mango is not very fat kind but have a little reddish colour on it.

Hi Conniemummy!

Another Dr Woo patient!

Seems like Dr Woo will be very busy in Sep/Oct!

Btw, you seeing him at TB or PG clinic?

I'm seeing him at PG clinic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Appt this Thu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies to be !

Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy !

Have you already bought a Diaper Bag for your baby ?

A diaper bag or nappy bag is a storage bag with many pocket-like spaces that is big enough to carry everything needed by someone taking care of a baby while taking a typical short outing.

These bags are not always designed expressly as a diaper bag, as any well-pocketed bag sized in between a child's school backpack and adult pro-camping backpack can be used for the purpose. Some are now being made with rigid handles and wheels so that someone can cart one around, allowing that person to hold the baby more firmly, complete more tasks (like opening a door, paying a cashier, or using a phone), and reduce lower back pain. My Child magazine suggests a brightly colored diaper bag is harder to lose and can help combat the "baby blues".

Diaper bags are generally small enough to fit on or under a stroller or buggy. There have been fashion trends against large bags, as mothers learn to reduce the number of necessities carried

I am a mother of a girl myself too, I was using a normal Naraya bag, until I get so frustrated trying to get my baby diaper and handkerchief out from the bag FAST but failed to do so, because the bag is either too cramped or messy. hence I decide to get a proper diaper bag.

if you are keen to explore a reasonable price diaper bag , pls drop by my BP thread taking in pre-order of famous brands Carter, Stork, Eddie Bauer and Ergobaby Diaper bag. various models from slingbag to shoulder bag to backpack. BP is only for 1 week only from 21-28 March. Shipment will arrive in early Apr.

Link per below :


thanks #2

I m with him at the PG clinic.. Just went for appt last thurs.. next one will be 3 weeks later lor

mb next time we can arrange appts together heehee

but i usu take the last slot cos work late..

Can we eat mangos? I have cravings for tat but i think i recalled someone told me cannot eat mangos.. so i ren..

winnie, my mom also bought the CP mangoes for me! Really sweet and juicy! But they gave me pimples!! I think mangoes are too heaty for me!

Afraid to put on weight so I'm avoiding durians now. Hehehe..

nv heard before that we cannot eat durian/ mangoes... but some bananas we cannot eat leh... my mummy say del monte bananas cannot eat.... then she also mentioned those from philippines cannot eat... then recently my company keep giving bananas during the weekly fruit day, i jus bring back for my hubby to eat...

Conniemummy, are you staying at Punggol area?

I normally take weekday morning/afternoon slots cos I work from home. But this week I realised that I'm free on Thu so hubby can save on his leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mangoes no prob if not too heaty for you...

I have been eating the small bananas... Del monte ones are 'cooling' & I don't like them...

But I've been a naughty girl lah... been taking a lot of cooling food until my mum nag at me on FB...

any idea what type of bananas we can eat then?

Yesterday my MIL gave me jackfruit and papaya!

I dunno if we can eat jackfruit leh so hb quickly hide it back in the fridge! haha...

1d1r... yeah the small bananas but i dont like those... wah ur mum so modern also know how to fb hahaha...

im tempted to go see TCM to ask based on my body constitution what kind of food i shd eat.. dunno if the doctor will say i siao anot hahah... cos some stuff are really cooling but i dunno what are those.. somemore i love double boiled soup.. wanna know if winter melon soup/ lotus root soup can take anot... hahha...

HS, I always wanted to know exactly what kind of herbs etc we can't take and why!! Maybe TCM will shed some light? Please let us know after your visit ok??

Baby_mummy & HS, my mum learnt how to use MSN and Skype when my brother went overseas to study. Now, my parents are both using FB (initially to play games but now they post statuses and upload photos too). Even my 70++ year old uncles and aunts are using FB!!!

I <3 jackfruit!! Butnvr see any at the supermarket... Else I'll surely buy!! hee!!

happymomo, ya, we can eat durians but not too much esp if mummies got gestational diabetes..

Happymummytobe, it should be ur own heartbeat.. i still cant detect my baby's heartbeat using my droppler cos i am only in my week 8th.. but I can hear my own heartbeats at the womb area.. haha..

I think we cannot eat the big banana right? heard it is cooling...

But i guess the keypoint is to eat everything in moderation, then eat whatever will be fine bah.. my first pregnancy, i still eat pineapple leh..

baby_mummy... haha ok will share with u all if i really go...

1d1r.. i tink jackfruit mus go fruit stall to buy ba... seldom see in ntuc one..

MiraclesDoHappen, I am eating pineapples during this pregnancy :p Also ate a lot of pineapples during my first pregnancy until the canteen auntie dun wanna sell to me :p


so it means jackfruits are ok ya? My SIL went some special fruit stall and bought this honey jackfruit! I love jackfruits!! But very heaty lah...

