(2011/10) Oct 2011

hihi, does any MTBs here have great increase in urge to pee?

i'm now 14+ wks pregnant. Recently have sudden high increase of urge to pee. Sometimes will feel urgent again within minutes after just visiting the toilet.

At times, feel very "high tide"...but only very little pee when I visit the toilet. I'll also feel slight pain and sometimes burning sensation when peeing.

Any MTBs experiencing this? And is this normal?


jn_teng, it could be sign of UTI (urinary tract infection).. better go see a gp or gynae on this.. several frens got UTI also experienced such symptons..

Hi mommies,

I just went for the CVS due to high risk result from Oscar. Any mommy who is also going and would like to find out more abt the procedure can pm me yeh. I think it's good to know the process beforehand. I went without much knowledge and almost wanted to chicken out cos of the fear.


i understand how u feel. my hubby is always travelling as he's taking care of 11 countries in the region. i'm always feeling very lonely also....this wk he is in town but have to go for dinner functions almost everyday. i just turned emo suddenly and cried~~

no matter what, we still have our bb companying us ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and i'll be looking forward to hubby's return everytime he travel. at least now we can enjoy some peaceful time at home. when bb is born...its hard to feel lonely anymore.

cheer up babe!!!

jn_teng> ya, sounds like urinary tract infection, quickly go and see the gp or gynae, it can worsen quite fast and sometimes if get bad will pee blood and extremely uncomfortable. Meanwhile if you really have to wait till tomorrow, go to the pharmacy and check with the pharmacist if its ok to buy Citravescent Sachet to drink first. I used to take that before I get preg and if I get UTI.

roxanne: i also suspect it's some kinda infection. but not sure if what i'm feeling is normal symptoms during pregnancy...that's why didnt go to the gynae. my next scheduled appt is 3 may. i read that some pharmacies/watsons sell home test kit for UTI. maybe gonna see if i can find it.


actually i feel a greater need to pee now, and I don't hv uti. But I am almost 16 weeks and tummy is starting to get big so that cld be the baby pressing down on my bladder. If yours is uti, u can try downing cranberry juice, and drinks LOTS of water. You can also try and take citravescent. You can buy that from any pharmacy. Its alkaline based and will neutralise the acid in your pee IF there is burning sensation. If not painful when you pee then its not necessary to take it.

Me too! I have that metallic taste and I'm still having whole day sickness! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies,

Can I ask where can i buy maternity bra?? My bra is making me feeling uncomfortable now.

Does anyone knows if preggie can do manicure, pedicure, dye hair or do rebonding??? Will the chemical affect the baby??

Anyway it's Thursday already. Weekend coming soon. Jia you all mummies. Have a great day ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maternity Bra: You can try Mother Care. I'm also getting soon coz I also feel very uncomfortable with my current ones even with extension...

Manicure & Pedicure: I know there are mummies who do when they're pregnant but they do it after 1st trimester.

Dye Hair: I read an article about this from a Mag. It says the chemical will go into your body through your sculp and eventually to your baby so it advise not to dye during pregnancy especially during 1st trimester.

Rebonding: not sure but should be the same as dye hair bah... since it's also chemical applying to your hair.

For me, I'm not going to do any hair dye and rebonding until my pregnancy is over. Hee... I a bit KiaSi... :p

good morning mommies,

Spring Maternity at Vivo has up to 50% discount on some items. some maternity wear has 20% off. Can go check it out.

fantastar> mine also changed to 14 Oct edd..i think will keep changing +/- until much later in the pregnancy.

Qiu Ling> I saw at Spring Maternity yesterday, you can try online spree too. One of our Oct mommy is also selling. I think is whiteloverz, posted a few pages back. Oh I think rebonding and colouring better not do due to the chemical.

creamdonut, me too have an uncomfortable taste in my mouth. And sometimes, I will take heavy tasting food, such as mee siam, mee soto, tom yam or take lots of chili, to help me in getting rid of the taste. I bought lots of bottle chili from ntuc to go with my rice for dinner. I am not sure if this is the correct way to heal this.

morning mummies~

oct here very quiet, sept and nov mummies all very active.

creamdonut, eat sour plum work ma?

today after eating chwee kueh keep feel nausea, eat mentos also no use >.<~

Qiuling, better dont do rebonding and hair dye cos got chemical.

hi mummies,

why not donate your bb's cord blood? to save lives?? and if any of your kids ever need it(choyx3!!!), you only need to pay minimal fee, even if u only donate for 1 kid. and they'll inform u if yours are needed.

i would encourage mummies to seriously consider abt donating their bb' cord blood and help your bb to save lives! dun throw away just like tat!

to read/know more:


do call and arrange early as it takes some time for administrative works to be completed.

rabbit_bb.. are the clothes are spring maternity expensive? i gotta buy some maternity clothes le cos my dresses are getting shorter and shorter.. bcos i cant pull the dress down to waist level le !!! hahhaa.. do u all have such problems?

jasmine.. i tink might be the oiliness of the cai por that make u nauseous?

recently bought no underwire bras from piere cardin from Metro. Cheap and good. Didnt want to invest on nursing bras yet coz might need to change size by 3rd tri.

Rebonding/Hair Dye: As there are chemical invovled, would suggest to avoid. Even after delivery, if bf, should avoid too.

I keep having craving for spicy food. Do know if too much herbal or will cause bb to have jaundice due to "yellow" contents.


I think it's too oily too.. anyway, chwee kueh has no nutrious value. It's zero carlorie food according to my colliek. which means u eat for fun & there is no nutrious that is gg to your BB. So i seldom eat that..... Maybe drink some warm water to ease the nausea.

Anyway, I feel something different in my stomach. I'm not sure if it's the BB movement or wat... & I'll feel some twikerling feeling.

Hi All

have not post for a while as i was pretty tired due to MS. yesterday i went for my 12th week scan and blood test. Hopefully everything is fine.

baby moon is a must for me. For my first born, we went japan. But for this second one, we are just going langkawi to relax. With a toddler and pregnant mummy, we just want to go to beach resort and relax ......

jasmine i used to love chwee kueh..but few days back i felt nausea and all after eating it as well.

guess the oil and chilli probably does not sit well with our MS stomachs

oh chwee kueh 1 of my fav too thou i noe it doesnt have any nutrious value haha!! i curb some of e nausea feeling my taking ribena sweets..

Wanna plan for babymoon too but apprently e results of my oscar is making me lost enough so meanwhile no plans...

hi mummies,

im thinking to buy pregnancy pillow. any of u got it? feeling uneasy trying to sleep sideways...keep turning left and right... then sometimes cant sleep just after pee midnight...

looking for this pregnancy pillow, but seems like cant find in SG... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]http://leachco.stores.yahoo.net/backnbelly.html

I buy maternity clothes online leh... it's a lot cheaper than buying in SG. But I can't find any pants. I'm still wearing jeans but I leave it unbutton. Dunno can tong how long also.

By the way, any recommendations on sterilizer huh? Dunno which brand should get. What bout bottles etc?


It's my #1... so totally cluess wat is the feeling about... I applied some body lotion as I though the skin may be dry.....

I juzt feel so uncomfortable now..... 5.30 faster come


My frd recommend me Piegon multi function stertilizer. She told me it can holds many bottles instead of Avent where there is the bottle holder. So it's restricted to only washing a few milk bottles..... I think Piegon price is reasonable... She got a set during the baby fair where there is free gifts given out..

Hi Jinnous,

I currently using Pigeon sterilizer for my #01. Is fast n good. Can sterilize up to 6bottle at one time. For bottle, i am using NUK (premium) for my gal. The teat is big n soft.

Think i saw the shop houses at toa payoh centre selling maternity clothes. think it should be cheaper than in shopping malls.

Soooo.... Sleepy.... Ahhh.....

Btw with regards to sterilizer. I've been using the pigeon one but the thing is the socket connected to the sterilizer is get loose Tat's the problem overall very ez to use

Ginn Cai

i feel my baby's movement at about 9-10weeks. apply stretch marks cream twice a day after bath.


i use avent sterilizer for my #1.

I cant feel any movement leh..I wonder how's the feeling. I also want to feel it... faster kick me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Minidiary, mine starting to play somersault inside me. Can feel when baby change position, esp if the head is at my bladder. Super uncomfy! No obvious kicks yet but can feel movement.

You lie still on the bed, then try to poke and shake (not too hard!) your tummy to make baby move :p

I applied stretch mark cream twice a day too, but still keep itchy at times..... ....

BB is like not kicking, it's like dashing inside my stomach. a bit uncomfortable plus a bit cramp.

I've let my BB listen to my Idol, Jay chou's song last nite before sleep.... Hehe.... Want BB to be as talented as Jay.... hehe


u can feel playing somersault ar... wah!! i only feel slight movement but not everyday. Every night i sleep i turn here turn there, wonder bb inside uncomfortable ma cos i cant find a nice spot to get into sleep. Plus every night never slp throughout sure wake up a few times, dont know y wake up also. sianz~ i miss my slp...

Ginn Cai

Don't scratch k.. Itchy cos expanding. Scratch later got stretch marks.


I like Jay too! And Yes, i even thought of putting up Jay Poster in my bedroom so that BB will be as talented as him. Hahah! But Hubby dun like leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I can feel some small tugs and pulls inside these few days, not sure if its baby. Haha.


Hi five..... I'm a totally Jay chou crazy fan... I'm hoping for a BB girl so dun wan BB to look like Jay. i've printed some cute BB pictures from the website & paste them ard my working desk... Cos my hubby's eyes are a bit small, hoping BB don't inhert papa's eyes.... I'm looking at BB with big eyes & wide smile photos...

I'm very KS... I've applied the stretch mark cream when i'm 1mth pregnant. Initally I used the cheaper one that I bought from Gurdian. those almond oil strech mark cream.

But after I saw my best frd stretch mark at the side & back, I changed to using Clarins, which my cousin recommend & I saw a few mummies recommending it. Remember to apply not only the front rummy, u need to apply the side & to the back, as well as ur bum & thight....sometime i'll rub my arm with the leftover, not to waste it... haha


yeah.. we can have a mini jay chou fan club here hahhaa....

ginn... do u believe by looking at cute bb photos, u will get cute bb ??? haha i wonder if it works....

