(2011/10) Oct 2011

Snuppy :)

Now I looking forward to eat their “Chou Tou Fu” and drink their Bubble tea but don’t knw whether can it or not leh! Now I still wearing those old old clothes, really can’t wait to go there to buy more new clothes for myself and my girl and my 2nd baby too :) My dh and me go with 1 luggage but maybe come back with 3 luggage …hee..hee..

Hope you enjoy your kelong trip too..after giv birth you still can go other place de



Cool down..... take a 10min relax break... breath in all the good energy & breath out all the -ve energy & stress..... u can make it for your sales....

a good & working mind is what u need in striving you sales figures..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you

genesis28: do not fret and think so much .. jia you jia you .. me also got an audit the next 2 days; not going to bother myself with it and just accept the outcome as it is ..


I've initally book a Trip to Europe with my hubby, flying off on 21Apr till 2May11(my 16th week) (with 2public holiday). But agency called up alst Thur to say the tour was cancelled as there is not enough pax to make a tour. SO i'm postphoning my tour to 13May to 26May11... Not sure if I can go in my 18th/19th week. I don't know if I can tahan the long flight or walking distance.... but i dun wan cancel the trip which I've plan for so long.....

jus went for my OSCAR last wk n currently still waiting for result. hoping result n 'end product' turns out to be fine after reading comments on false -ve & false +ve! pray hard...

Wow so many mummies going oversea. My hubby n i planning to go Europe next month. It's our honeymoon trip. So looking forward to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: weight gain

I gained weight too. A total of 1.4kg so far. From

52.5kg to 53.8kg. Think next appt confirm gain more weight cos my appetite was super good the past 2 days compare to the past few weeks. Hope I din gain too much. Aiming max. 10kg.

Re: belly button

My belly button haven protrude yet but already got the bump. Having been wearing maternity pants for the past 1 month. Can't fit into my usual pants n shorts already.

I think for the past few days, I seems to be able to feel baby kick/movement. Not sure if it is but it seems like. As this is my 1st time preggie, I can't confirm too. But quite interesting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] everytime I tell my hubby and put his hand at my lower adobmen, the movement just stop. Very funny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Oscar test is at 18 apr. Actually dun want to do but the nurse keeping saying good for the baby. So in d end I do it. Hope everything is fine.

But every visit is expensive. I spend ard $500++ on d Oscar test n blood test at kk. N each gyne visit is $100 ++

roxanne: that was what i was planning =p

so many mummies going on a trip .. so nice .. me ban from going overseas, even malaysia, by parents, parents-in-law, hubby =( even have to give up a few overseas meetings ..

Hi fionali,

Thanks! I hope it'll all turn out well too. I'm going for CVS this wed. Result will be out within 72 hrs. Although CVS risk is higher than amnio, I figured that I wouldn't be able to wait until 16 wks for the amnio. I'm already quite distressed everyday just thinking abt it.

I'll be praying for you and your baby too! We will survive this!

princessi: ya i also spent abt tt amt on the test, guess its like a mkt rate range regardless of the hospital. did u sign up for package? then u dun hav to pay everytime u see ur gynae

minidiary: wa, quite unique milk supplement. seldom see it in the supermarket. so nice of ur MIL to go source of such special things for you to take! i guess i will go for the more common ones bah, then easier for husband to buy for me also ;p


good luck for your cvs! Initially wanted to do the cvs but my gyn recommended for me to take the amniocentesis instead of cvs. My assessment was 1:25, she said no real need to do cvs unless 1:10 cos the NT was ok. My hb, mil and mom were more kancheong than me, they wanted the cvs to know results sooner. but I'm quite a laid back person, and this is my #2 so I don't feel any stress at all re the results. Whatever will be will be, if baby is not going to be healthy we are very clear about what our decision is. I'm 15 weeks now, having the amnio next Mon.

All the best. Relax!

fantastar.. im not going overseas also... not that im banned from going overseas but places like tw, hk are so near to japan, got risk of radiation.. then not that keen to go bintan/bali... so in e end jus stay in spore.. but going for a short staycation at sentosa over a wkend... at least its something different haha.. maybe u shd try that.. go to some nice hotels in singapore, relax and enjoy...

wanna ask u all... if constipation right, will have tummyache but nothing come out isit ? these 2 days tummy feels weird, dunno is it constipation anot... so feel lk taking mc and nua at home hahaha... tinking of see doctor, but since its not lower abdomen pain, i dun need to see gynae hor ?


need advice from mummies who did OSCAR scan. my gynae jus called n inform tat my OSCAR test says low risk, however my BB has a thicker than normal neck at 4.4cm at 11wk comapring to 2.5cm for normal. She ask me to consider CVS or amnio or jus leave it till BB's born.. I've gone thru internet source but all tell me the thickness of neck is ard 2mm?? Im so confused. Advice needed badly.. thanks and appreciate!

Hi morning... can anyone advise if Mount A or TMC is better for delivery? Cos heard so many versions, but very hard to decide. Thanks.

Good morning mummies,

I have a $50 TMC parentcraft voucher to let go at $40. It can be used for their services including Childbirth Education Class. It expires in Jun 2011. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!

I am not going overseas anymore.. Just came back from taiwan last month, totally nvr enjoy my trip.. recently walk a while tired liao, cannot imagine going overseas.. very tiring de...

Ya, i rather book a nice hotel room for a mini staycation! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what is the risk of cvs? & what is the indication of a thicker neck for bb?

risk of CVS is ard 4% & risk of amnio is ard 0.4%. CVS can be done now n amnio at a later date.. but unfavourable result n shld i choose to terminate, gynae will have to induce birth cos after result out BB too big. Indication for thicker neck despite low risk in down's may have other defect/abnormalities but it's unknown wat kind of defect. so im wondering shld i go for for further test or jus leave it.. I cant bare e tot of an abnormal pregnancy..

morn all mtbs!!

just managed to read thru some old archives, very glad to learn that yan's bb is such a fighter. i rem u cos i believe we have the same LMP date. was very sad when i read abt ur post sometime back but glad all's well now. when is ur EDD? mine is 31oct.


think the mummy u referring to gg to spain is me but then i'm gg to greece, not spain. heehee. sorry to hear u hv to postpone ur trip, dun worry, i'm sure u will hv a gd time. we are gg to spend easter in greece. its a hugh celebration with parades & firelights. but since i'm preggie, my hb prefer we just watch the event on tv. its a waste since we are alr there but can only watched thru tv. but no choice, later too crowded or the crowds turned rowdy, then touch wood lor.

me rushing for my OSCARS this sat. all fully booked alr so gotta join the queue at 830am. hope can get a no. & know the results before i depart next fri morn. *fingers crossed*


think my details got duplicated (#59 & 61). shd be the same person lah. thanks!


yup, i agree a staycation at a nice hotel can be very nice & relaxing too. i stayed at MBS last dec, it was very nice, esp the skypool is lovely. we were celebrating our aniiversary & the hotel even gave complimentary macarons & free upgrade of room.


sorry to hear that, if u r really unable to bear the thought of ur bb being abnormal, then u might want to opt for amnio test instead of CVS. its less risky. i personally known friends who have been thru amnio & they went on to have a safe delivery. you just need to make sure u have 3days of strict bed rest after the test. all the best & stay positive.

If going for a Staycation at Sentosa.. I'll highly recommend Capella!

The service & room ROCKS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Angel!

Wow.. Envy u all le.. Can go holidays. My hubby dont allow any trips at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my Edd is the same 26Oct at the moment! I m also going for my oscar this sat! I will be doing it at the clinic itself!


wah, ur edd is 5days earlier, haha, i must have O late cos we have the same LMP & previously think we cfm our last BD also the same (2feb) right. lol.

so good, u can do it at the clinic, i still need to queue, not sure got number also. die die have to do it this sat cos i will be flying off next fri & after my trip back, wont be in time for OSCARS anymore.

actually, my hb doesnt like to travel nor share my passion for travelling lah... everytime ask him go travel is like a battle of war (no kidding). i have to literally drag him along with me. lol.


Envy u gg for your trip next week... ... I'm not sure if stomach will be very big by 13May11. Not sure if i can walk around... praying that BB be good....


dun worry too much. think 2nd trimester quite ideal for travelling cos MS (for most ppl) will have subsided gradually. not much pain etc. 3rd trimester, all the pelvis & round ligament pains will start to come in liao.

just take things slow lah. my this trip also pretty relaxed & slow-paced.

bubblygeekypig - I know how u feel, I too, went for my 1st tri scanning ytd, bb results was normal, but my blood as low PaPP and bcos of my age, I am considered high risk of DS. Scheduled for amino test in May 04. Really hope baby will be fine and then I can "fangxing" Plan for a short trip with my frds.

Angel -Same here, hubby hates to travel, and always complain hotel bed not as good as his bed! So much so that I give up asking him to go. I rather go traveling with my own grp of frds and leave him at home..:)

Re: MBS hotel

I don't have a pleasant stay during my Jan11 MBS stay. They have the lousiest 5 star hotel services. I've to Q very long to manager to check in at 4.30pm. And the room they gave me is not the room i book for. They gave me a club room which has very very big toilet but small on the outside. Then they change us into another room at Tower 2, the room is also small. I only got the room I book for at 8.30pm.... I got so angry that I make a lot of noise(by complaining) In the end, the floor manager gave us a $100 dining voucher. But my purpose it's not to gain advantage. I've paid $500++ for a bigger room area at a higher floor so I can view the city view, which is more costly than the normal room) Only then i realise that those lower room have bigger area. Because of the unqiue structure, those lower lever rooms are bigger. So I pay more for a smaller room.

Although the roof top infinity pool is nice with great view, it's cold in there as the wind keep blowing. You can't even swim or enjoy the view and there are so many people watching you swim. So it's a very public swimming pool.

Overall, bad experience & I'll nv go back MBS to stay.

Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day

Today Ben & Jerry is giving away free cone ice cream..... Outlet at VivoCity, United Square, Great World City, The Cathay, Heeren, Raffles City, Dempsey, Zoo, Bird Park & Sentosa

But sad, there is no outlet near me.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wah, same same, my hb also like to whine when talk abt travelling. getting him to agree to the trip is usually a mega task. sometimes, he gives in, other times, he just flatly refused. sigh...

but luckily when we actually do the travelling, he's quite ok lah. mostly he just think travelling is a hugh waste of money lor.

Angel & Royal

Thanks for ur encouragment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun understand how can i be low risk for down but BB's neck is thick n could be other abnormalities [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hubby cant bare e tot of me doing amnio as it's invasive n he didnt wanna put BB at risk.. as gynae quote us an example: "short BB doesnt mean its a dwarf, it may jus be short" so thick neck doesnt mean BB is abnormal.

but on e other hand i cant bare e tot of having an abnormal preg.. so confused..


hv u googled or chk with doc what else would caused a bb to have a thick NT measurement?

think u & ur hb need to sit down, talk it over & work out a mutual decision together.

yeah, think mostly thick NT are usually indicative of DS but u r alr low risk. does ur bb have a nasal bone?

was the NT measured a few times & showed the same thickness each time?

my last OSCARS, the NT was measured 3times (as shown in the scans) & all 3 measured 1.2 or 1.3 (cant rem which)

not sure how many times was e NT measured and i didnt get back nor saw my report. i jus noe it took quite some time for e measurement to be done.

my hubby jus received a call from gynae tell him e info n i jus called to enquire more. tat's y i dun understand y it shows a -ve result but BB have a thick NT at 4.4?? gynae mention low risk for down but maybe of e thick NT measurement BB might have other defects..

good afternoon mummies! So long no posted due to intense interim and internal audits. Hardly rested?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Thank God now at finishing stages...

bubblygeekypig, try not to worry about the thick NT. Ultrasounds are not 100% accurate. Ratio is all but estimates. Think good thoughts instead. Good for you and bb.

Re: vacation my boss has planned a Good Friday getaway to Malacca. Hope hotel room can be booked *cross fingers* This could be my last trip before #2 comes.


thanx! but nontheless worry abt it.. to make things worse, im alr a natural worrier n the result didnt make me feel better.. my fren didnt go for OSCAR test so i've got nobody to consult..

Hi mommies,

today TMC called me to inform me of the oscar result saying its low risk, she didn't elaborate anything else. but I will still need to go and draw my blood once more for Thalassemia. My hub and I examine his blood report from his health check and his rbc seems normal so hopefully nothing serious on my end.

bubblygeekypig> i know how it feels, just like when clinic call me to go back and take the blood test again (after just taking a blood test for oscar), its unsettling but try not to think too much, during the next visit check with your gynae again.

This morning my lady boss came in my office to congratulate me cos my HR informed her yesterday. Now i just think positive look forward to the two public holi and my babymoon cum anniversary celebration coming May [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rabbit bb

thanx. im jus wondering shld i go for amnio or jus trust tat my bb is healthy n leave it... my next gynae appt is end of e mth ie 2 wks to go n shld i decide to go for amnio n after waiting for result it'll be more than a mth of worry...

Maybe you can discuss with your hubby on whether you want to go for the test now as much as we want to try and find out more by reading off the internet but after all we are not medically inclined so some of the stuff we read might sound like serious and cause us even more unnecessary stress. There could be many reasons why the NT reading is higher, heart not circulating fast enough or due to measurement by sonographer.

take care, babe.


My hubby same same always says holiday is a waste of money and he's always passive abt the trips until I flares up.

Bubblygeekypig - From what I know, amino test is quite common and lots of people been thru it with no problems. perhaps just treat it as a way to know ur bb's condition better to prepare yourselves in taking care of bb in future..that is no matter what happen, you will wan to give birth to it.

on 2nd thoughts, if test results is good, it can be assuring to u as well.and then u can really relax and enjoy the journey of pregnancy.

I agree with rabbit_bb#1 that sometimes all the reading or hearsays may make us more anxious. maybe we should let the Professionals handle the job and we should trust that all will be well.

Hi #Edd, company subsides most of the cost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]so lucky me.

Now lunch time enjoying my long gan cos no appetiate to eat alot.

hi mummies


Planning one in June/July too, likely won't be able to walk around much so maybe somewhere near but romantic just to spend some quality 1-1 time? Any suggestions? Has anyone been to Banyan Tree in Bintan?


I did my Oscar last week, results is 1:8000. Low risk but higher than my first kiddo's test. I suppose it's due to the age.

Bubbylygeek, did you test early in your pregnancy? Was just wondering if the results will improve as the baby matures. Would a week or 2 make any difference? My first kid I tested early - 11 or 12 weeks and the NT was 2-plus mm. This time i tested nearer to 13 weeks and it was 1.6mm.

I feel that if you are really worried, why not go for the amino test to give yourself a peace of mind. The risk of miscarriage is small and with the advanced technology and experienced doctors, I am sure you are in good hands. Don't let this mar the whole 10 months pregnancy experience. Remember Happy Mummy = Happy Baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Winnie the Pooh Pants (Unisex) 1 pair


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


gixmoz: thanks for the suggestion .. will go and 'fan' hubby to bring me for a staycation at local hotel ..

yan2609: you are not the only one who is banned from going overseas .. when i suggest going somewhere, hubby will find some excuse to turn me down (i.e. radiation, earthquake, riot) =.=

princessginnginn: i am just next door to united square but i am tied down with an audit .. unable to step out from the office =(

finished the 1st round of the audit .. still got a few rounds to go .. pray for me, mummies!!

