(2011/10) Oct 2011

Fantastar: I dun hav e tightening feeling, but I do feel pain at the lower ab on and off, sort of like cramps. I duno wat this means, n m sort of worried abt it whether is it baby kicking or something abnormal


The tightening feeling/cramping could be baby shifting position or your uterus expanding.

As long as it's not pain until you can't move & no spotting, just rest & relax will do.

Mine can feel the stretching when baby is in certain positions. Now 14 weeks 4 days.

creamdonut: mine is mixture of cramping and tightening .. especially worse at night with a full bladder and when i suddenly stand up from a sitting/lying position .. will have to wait for a while before it goes away ..

1dog1rabbit: hopefully it is just my baby shifting or uterus expanding .. my 1st precious so a bit worried .. hubby wants me to go and see doctor .. but was thinking of waiting till this wed as i will be going for the down syndrome testing ..

raining heavily outside .. sianz .. was earlier thinking of going for a walk in the shopping mall and check out fetal doppler .. now got to stay at home =(

It's normal. When you bladder is full, you are stretching the muscles & ligaments more, so the increased pain/discomfort.

Sudden movement or fast sitting up or standing up will cause the ligament to overstretch and cause the pain also.

All normal. As long as not pain until you black out or have to stop moving for prolonged periods of time, no bleeding/spotting. It's ok.

Very normal, especially when heading into 2nd tri.

1d1r: it's not pain till can't move, but it's quite a discomfort feeling. Like a bruise there that sort of pain.

M in my second tri, bt nt enjoying it at all. Vomit everyday n always feel light-headed. Dun even know if those supplements that I took got digested another, or jus all cm out as vomit. Already tried eating less, breakfast is just one soda cracker, bt still vomit. Argh!!!

Minidiary: did u go to e forum in e end? I find it very useful, especially e last session where Wong boh boi demonstrate all e anenatal exercise. It's really very value for money at $10 per ticket [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i didnt go leh... happyenough went.

glad that you enjoy the forum. so now can do exercise at home aredi?

what happen to you? vomit so badly? im so relax now. and gaining 1kg in 2 weeks... now gain another kg... my appetite keeps getting good! Hope you get rid of MS soon...

Happy Birthday to you, 1d1r!!! hope ur wish for bb girl come true... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya, it was fun to learn a lot of things shared by e speakers there. Dr ben was there too! As funny as ever, haha... E exercises were quite simple n effective. Like how to concentrate breathing, I tried wen I was home n fell asleep in like 5min!

Ya loh , I can vomit Bfast n dinner everyday. Quite sad. Tink I'm e unlucky ones who dun get lesser MS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dr Ben giving talk? Im still counting down days to see him.. another 15days to go... long neck aredi lorrrrr....

Ya, I think MS strikes so hard to control one, and loss of appetite is the worry. scare bb not enuf nutrients. Remember eat small meal with good nutrients!

Minidiary: ya, he's one of e speakers, talk abt way to expect at delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the MS is so bad that everyday jus got worse, doesn't seem like subsiding. I also v scared abt e nutrients part! Prob start milk supplements. Which brand u take?

1d1r: oops got typo. Is sup to be "hapi bday" not "Hali bday". Stupid iPhone -.-"

Hi Mammies

would like to high recommend my confinement lady, She is called Xin Hua. She has

20 years' experience. She can cook a variety of confinement food

(including soups and tonics), can take care of baby and do simple

housechores for you if you don't have a maid. She is very

pro-breastfeeding and can do breast massage too. I had quite a hard

time breastfeeding my first kid and she is really a great help.

You can contact her at +60172418030 (M'sia no.) or +6590395121 (Singapore HP).

Fantastar: thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've tried drinking lime juice, can drink 2l in 3 days, hahaha...

creamdonut: wow, that's a lot .. for me, soya milk, milo, bread, salad and fruits are the only food i can stomach now .. and on better days, kway teow and bee hoon .. rice is a no-no ..


im taking Enfamama Chocolate.. but so far taken 6 glasses only. so lazy to take sometimes. my in law bought me other nutrient drink from E.Excel..so i drink that and stop Enfamama at the moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

during my MS day, I take alot fruits, Lime juice, Cranberry Juice, Prune Juice... haha

I have a pre-loved Medela Pump In Style Breastpump in Traveler Backpack to let go at $300. V good condition. Original box from Mums & Babes still available.

Contents: (as stated on box)

Pump In Style Breastpump

Microfiber backpack

Removable motor unit

Removable cooler carrier

Double pumping Accessory Kit (2 funnels, 2 tubing) –however for hygiene purposes it is recommended to get new ones

Manual breast pump

Cooling Element

4 Medela Breastmilk Bottles & lids

AC adaptor

Battery Pak

Willing to throw in:

3 brand new Medela membranes (needed for the funnel) FOC

10 glass bottles with caps (lids) –good for storing expressed breast milk. Size is compatible with Medela breast pump, just attach directly onto funnel, express, cap and store!

Interested, please PM me or sms 9180 2300.

fantastar: y is rice a no no?

minidiary: have not heard of E.Excel, is it nice? hahaha, i'm usually at work, so i jus hav to go vomit it out, not able to reach fridge to grab the drinks n can only drink lime juice during lunch time. u stock up so much juice at home??

Minidiary... Pls update! Thank u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: yan


EDD: 26Oct

Dr Poon King Fu



Hope no Monday blues!! Been having difficulty sleeping! Tend to wake up at 4-5am, can't get back to sleep till 7am.

Mummies!! Any remedy for a good sleep?!

Good morning mummies..

FTWM, have you told your bosses about your pregnancy. HB advised me to tell today because I'm already showing a bump. He said it's not nice to be "hiding" the pregnancy from company.

But I have no idea how to tell.. Especially to my CFO.. Argh.. Can anyone share?

Hi tabbyz,

Before I hit my 3 mths, I only told my immediate supervisor + manager.

So, now, I have juz finished my 1st Trimester, I think I will talk to my Boss when he's free one of these days. Coz we need to hire a temp to take over my duties during the period tat I'm not around.

Morning mummies,

got slight pulling and cramp in the lower abdomen... hopefully nothing big deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

everyone entering 2nd trimester aredi??? How's everyone feeling? hopefully MS gone...

Morning MTBs

According to the calculations, I conceived abt 1 wk after I got married. Didn't expect the bb to come so soon! Am supposed to go for first trimester test this Sat but after discussion with my hb, we decided to skip the test. Hope & pray that the bb is healthy!

Have not been sleeping well too. And definitely gt Monday Blues!!


EDD: 24 Oct


Btw, any Mummies here have any good suggestions to sleep thru the night?

Since being preggy, I have nvr had a proper full night of sleep. Will always wake up 2-3 times in the night...

tabbyz... i only haf a manager so i told her quite some time back le... do u report to your CFO directly? if not no need purposely go into the room and say bah....

i went to see gynae on sat and had scan again... my EDD brought forward again, now is 10 Oct... then he say he saw some white thingy and could be the dick... but he say not confirm need to wait til next time to see him so dun tell mother in law first.... hahaha... i wasnt expecting him to say that at this stage... he made me so looking forward to the next appt....

I also cant sleep well. turning here and there...

previously wake up 3 times to pee in the middle of night... now luckily reduce to 1 time aredi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary, gynae told me it's normal to feel the stretching.. uterus is expanding.

Piglet, why do you have to tell so many people?? I thought your supervisor/boss will take care of it?

HS, yeah I report to CFO unfortunately.. It'll be super tough to tell him especially when I just got promoted.. >.<

Hi tabbyz, I've told my boss abt 2 wks ago, still before my first trimester. Actually she already suspecting cos I've gt the symptoms similar to my other colleagues when they were pregnant. She's super observant!! Plus my boss is quite nice, I feel bad nt telling her...


Coz I told my immediate superior as she was actually planning for a Vacation in Dec with her kids... So, I feel bad that I sorta 'ruined' her holiday... So, thought I better tell her 1st so that she can plan for 1 during the June holidays.

As for telling my Boss now... I just feel that it's right for me to inform him personally, and also to discuss with him on my taking of maternity leave... Coz mine is a very BUSY firm... Hence, they actually buy back maternity leave if you don't wish to take so many mths... But, I was intending to discuss if it's possible to take additional mths... (Just in case, I haven't found anyone to take care of my Bb)

tabbyz, no wonder it's not easy to tell your CFO.. Understand that kind of situation you're in but I agree with your hubby that you should tell your boss early. It's better to tell him before he finds out himself and it's better to let him know early than to tell him last minute. You've cleared your 1st trimester right? That means you have ~6mths to look for a suitable temp to back you up while you're away.

sleepyzz, how good to have a nice and understanding boss!

piglet, wow this is the first time I heard of a company buying back maternity leave!

lizy, yea already cleared first trimester. Won't be hiring a temp staff cos I'm heading the department.. Probably getting my team to cover as much as possible.

Hi Yayoi,

I've decieded to do the Amnio test. my appt is 11 May together with my detailed scan. stay strong your baby will be a healthy and normal baby

Morning mommies,

Not feeling very good, TMC just called me to ask me to go for another blood test to see if I have Thalassemia, and my hub to go for a blood count. He has got low white blood count since birth. So now I'm very very very worried if its going to affect my beanie. He got meeting tomorrow so cannot go, and we have to go for the blood test on my hub birthday on Wed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tabbyz: i told my boss and few colleagues after i confirmed my pregnancy due to organizational restructure and my promotion .. just as well, i got special 'priviledge' from boss ..

