(2011/09) Sep 2011

hey ladies...

not sure if you all know that Metro is having an infant fair from 8-17th april? Juz to share...not sure which branch has the most bb stuff thou...;)


oh another thing, enjoy ALL the attention and Love you get from your hubby during preggie (wise words all my friends who are mummies too). Guys like ours are typically sweet during these times. I tot i wont have the sweetness in my 2nd P but i still get it.. haha.. but of course not as much but good enough. keke

bunnz - 'Go ahead and do whatever makes your heart beat faster.' very suggestive. i suppose anything that will make us happy ba,,,

yes we have to be thankful for all we have and cherish them as well.

ILoveSashimi - our HB breed extinct liao. how old ur Hb if u dun mind, maybe same generation pattern.sometimes sweet, sometimes irritating , sometimes petty like little gal. LOL

Actually, I think men are quite 'balanced' lah.

If handsome, maybe not so sweet.

If can earn alot of money, maybe not so sweet.

Mine is very sweet.


So... er... give and take lah :p I dun mind the no money, not handsome and quite dumb part... as long as he is sweet :p

Cos I see my friends' hubbies...

The handsome ones... not very sweet (only on special occasions)...

The rich ones... only know how to buy buy buy things to make wife happy, dunno how to please the wife in terms of actions (help with housework/tabao nice food)...

So I always teach my students: Looks & money not very important. The heart (& character) most important!

Looks can change (grow old). Money can earn (ladies now all have earning power mah).

@Kelly, I went for Metro's infant fair last Sat. Pls, don't waste your time there. The fair is so small, it's just one basket of stuff. And it's not even cheap.

I did however realised OG sells baby stuff cheaper than other places like Robinsons or Taka. Bought more Avent bottles there at >20% off. Also got a maternity bra.. cheaper than outside. You can go check it out. I'll be heading back to get bb clothes when the gender is confirmed, the clothes are good quality and not too pricey (considering how fast babies grow)..

Plus, AMEX got additional 10%. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Realised that at this point, a lot of mummies are expecting prince here. Haha

And I still can't draw the link from your nicks to your fb names.. Getting a bit confused. Haha

Maybe, we should also upload a copy of the EDD and gender table on FB for quick reference.

Sing Yee,

if breastfeeding (direct latch), only need around 2 125ml bottles will do (for in case). You can use breastmilk bags or storage cups to store the excess milk if you express.

if giving formula, around 5 125ml bottles should be enough to rotate to wash & sterilise.

The larger bottles (250ml or 330ml) you can buy later cos every 6mths need to change the bottles anyway.

Dear mummies,

For those not in facebook group yet, shall we meet up over a weekend afternoon hi-tea to celebrate the end of our 2nd trimester? prob in June or early July, just before our stomach balloon till we are too tired to move.

p00H, CONGRATS on ur prince! hw come ur detailed scan so fast? did dr koh guess the gender correctly? mine is nex week.

Hi Mummies to be

I just bought 5 Moo Moo Kow Cloth Diapers from Tangs at $30 each. They are really lovely, comfortable and absorbent. Each comes with 2 inserts.

Unfortunately, my mom-in-law insist that traditional cloth diapers should be used. So i am parting them at $100 for 5 pcs.

Read more about it from the link below:


Interested, sms Vincent at 98733440.


my DS is sheduled in MAY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so can only know it @ week 22 if BABY really wanna to play guessing game with us..

My DS is schedule to be done at week 19...isn't it abit earlier? Thought usually week 20 at least...when i did my scan at week 16, my gynea just said 'should be a boy' but didn't give us a 100% clearance so hope this DS will be able to tell us the gender of the baby and most important of all, baby is healthy!


Most of us who are having boys are easier to detect gender. Actually it's still best to confirm after detailed scan as the brief scan during gynae visit might be wrong. My gynae gave wrong prediction when I have my #1. My HB actually asked my gynae 3 times during my last visit. Confirm? How many % confirm? So I go buy blue baby clothes ah? Hahaha. I hear aledi wanna laugh...


Depends on your gynae ba, 4 weeks later is actually my 19 weeks 5 days but my gynae say must be 20 weeks + better so have to be 5 weeks later. What a long wait!!!

Hi dongle,

So yr gynae predicted boy or girl for your #1? So I thought detecting boys are easier...last visit, gynae showed us on the screen somthing in between the baby legs, so he just said..'mmm..should be a boy...hehe

Simbaobao: My detailed scan is at 22 weeks too at NUH! Is yours going to be there too?

Went to Spring Maternity after work just now, bought a dress at 70% off at it made baby and me very happy! Haha..don't know what else to buy..

Simbaobao/jojo88: Mine's on 20 May, just before I turn 23 weeks. Checked with my gynae’s assistants and they mention NUH always do around 22 weeks. HahA..my appointment is at 8 something in the morning! o_O

morning gals!!

will give my gynae a quick visit later.i have phelgm now !! then will see whether to take the med he gives .:p

Gina : u are really very onz!! you prep so many things for bb already. hehe

My detailed scan is on 9/5 at TMC. Hope to finalize gender by then.

#2 : haha i like the way you describe men..

It all boils down to what we really want or value the most in our partner.

Before marriage: open both eyes big. After marriage : just close one eye lor (with reason):p

We have to accept we cant change them to become what we want. But have faith they'll become a better person esp now that they are going to become a dad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gilera : haha i like your word "suggestive", sounds as if you have naughty things you want to do.

my hb is like a kid also ..sometimes charming/sweet/attention seeker/grumpy etc

I 've learnt what's most important is not the situations/stuff that happens but how we choose to react to them.

Gilera: my hubby 34. :D

#2: cham liao cos my hubby no looks + no money + sweet only at times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I totally agree with your teaching to your students and thats why i ended up with my hubby. At least he is hardworking and tried to be honest Christian where possible. haha..

morning gals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my detailed scan is on 27 apr @ TMC. I think by then I'm also past 20 weeks liao.. can't wait! :D

agree with bunnz, we already made the choice, so we have to accept the choice we made. closing one eye makes things easier. ^-^

mine is on the 9th ard noon time.. haha hopefully baby won't be having nap @ dat time.. maybe i should go bribe baby with some potatoes stuffs to keep him/her awake.. hehe


omine!! i m having my DS the same day as u.. watz ur timing? LOL.. mine is 1030am... :D i oso cant wait till tat day coz since my last gynae visit is like 6 wks ago.. wa biang.. such a long wait...

in fact as wife, we might not be as perfect as well.. so in marriage itz all about give and take, learning to compromise and accept each other shortcoming... my hubby isnt those who r super sweet or wuld shower me with branded bags for my delivery.. i still remember during my 1st preg, from 1st till 3rd trim, i went for gynae checkups alone all the way becoz he isnt free to acc me due to his workload, the only time he is with me is my DS and delivery day, even in hospital stay he wasnt around most of the time.. during confinement i did it at my mom's plc so practically he wasnt with me most of the time for the 1 whole month but he did came for like a few days in a week for an hr or 2 to see bb n me la.. he never change or bathe my boy till he is near 1 n a half yrs old lo... terrible right??!!!

think tis way.. giving birth is oso part of our duty as being mother.. so dun be too upset if hubby isnt as involved becoz they r MAN! they will be more participated when they see the bb physically becoz now they cannot feel anything yet.. LOLL!!!

Happymummytobe: TMC will send the report to the clinic.. but on the spot, they are able to tell if the bb is ok or not..

DS shld tell u the gender, they will wait till bb turn to correct position..

chine: yes yes.. dr koh guess is correct.. i did the DS at 20wks..

daddysbao: u wanna try to call TMC to see if 18Apr appt (2.30pm) still available?? cos i just cancel mine yesterday.

My DS is coming Friday at TMC. Hubby hates the parking there, ugh. Hoping for a confirmation of gender as gynae mentioned most prob princess.

Any of you have 'violent' hubbies when sleeping? HB pressed down on my tummy in an effort to propel himself from left sleeping position to a right sleeping position yesterday. He didn't do it on purpose, but I still scold him haha. During my first trimester, he kicked me in my back while sleeping.

p3, my scan is at 11.45am. I think u'll be done by the time I reach. :p

Most likely going to sign up for TMC card on that day, and sign up for their antenatal classes + maybe go for hospital tour if possible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks pooh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but my hb has taken leave to accompany me for the scan, so nah, better stick to 27. ^^

Held in suspense is good too. Results may be worth the wait. hehe

btw, hw ur urine test? i havent go bac yet, mus remind myself to got is sat, coz i hav been wrking past 2 weekends.

daddysbao: no prob.. better to take 2pm hospital tour.. cos most patients discharge at 12noon and u will get a higher chance to view the rooms instead on looking at photos..

chine: so far no news. no news = good news to me.. hahaha

Good morning mummies,

I have a $50 TMC parentcraft voucher to let go at $40. It can be used for their services including Childbirth Education Class. It expires in Jun 2011. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!


ya man..i got my gynae app at 1110.. lol.. thought can see u n say hi in person.. hehehehe..

oo.. speaking of hospital tour, probably gotta call up mt. alvernia to see whether got slot for a visit on tat day bo.. since hubby is accompanying me...

Hello hello everyone!

Has been a busy morning for me!

But the good things are 1) finally Mt. Alvernia confirmed my place for their childbirth education class (prenatal class) and 2) finally confirmed taking GPLS confinement service and their postnatal massage package.

Anyone signing up with Mt Alvernia for their class? I'm starting mine in June, taking their Sat class.

Look like most of you going for your detailed scan soon... mine is so far away... 16 May. And my next gynae appt is also so far away... 26 April.

Hi Pooh,

Thanks for the update. I just hope they are able to tell me my baby gender on the next DS even if I am still at week 19th. Mummm...seem that a lot of us are schedule for the next scan at April 18. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then me cham lah.. my hubby is sweet (when he feels like it), help out in housework (when he feels like it otherwise he dont even wash his own bowls), not rich, ok looking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Definitely something abt him that i like when i marry him but funny thing is that now i think, i cant point to what it was.. whahahha..

Gina: How’s the availability of the clothes at Spring when you went yesterday? Thinking of going tomorrow morning but not sure if there’s anything else left for me to grab…=|

Gilera: *hugs!* I agree with Bunnz, coz this is what my hubby sincerely pleaded with me many times too. Inside all hubbies, they all want to help and be the best they can be for us. But problem is, they are wired differently and don’t understand what we want unless we spell it out black and white for them! Many times I will feel that my female pals are the most encouraging when all hubby can do is give practical advice, but to them, this is the best form of helping. So do voice out specifically to hubby what you need: it’ll add a lot to your relationship together. =)) And try your very best to stay happy yea? Remember it’s the best pressie mummy can give to baby now! =))

Went for gynae visit yesterday when I was 18 weeks. Was excited to confirm gender (have been talking about it for daaaaayyys!) coz previous time at 14wks gynae thought she saw something but can’t confirm. So hubby has been telling baby to show us ‘bird bird’ coz we saw abit the previous time. In the end, all we saw was baby standing very still with butt up in the sky and head down the whole time. Refused to move an inch but kept maintaining that position strictly while using his thumb to show us a ‘good’ sign. Argh…was telling hubby baby must have heard ‘butt butt’ instead of ‘bird bird’ and was just obediently (and proudly) following instructions…now have to wait 4wks to find out at DS instead when I’ll be 22wks! =|

my DS is end of the month but by then i be 21 weeks P. Cos i prefer friday appt and 22Apr is a holiday.

Read tat someone ask if can get report on same day of DS. Yes u can see the report on tat day but sometimes it may take a few days/next visit to receive a copy.

My hb treat me the same regardless P or not. But i complain backache so he help with some chores which he normally dun do. He buy bags during special occasion like bday. He can change diapers, bathe my boy, read story books and play with him.

I tink men usually dun help so much when children r small but at certain age when kids move around and will look for daddy, men participate more.

asura79 : mine is 11am on 9may. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Got a bonus! went to see gynae for sore throat and flu. just gv me lozenges and flu tablets. he did u/s as well. saw bb shaking legs this time. but still cant cfrm boy or gal.

Bb seems to have changed position though like head is up or down not like usual lying sideways..

I tink sometimes is women have a higher or different expectation of housework chores and other things, and when hb can't meet the expectation, women complain and want hb to do the same standard/method so hb give up trying and went back to lazy mode. I think tats wat happen most of the time from wat i understand from my frens.

If u r tired of doings chores and want help from hb, u have to accept their sloppy way of doing and close one eye, if not u have to tolerate and grind through doing yr own standards.


Hi Pommes, wonder why you choose GPLS confinement services? I am also looking for 1 cos my previous nanny and I have conflict so not gg back to her.

