(2011/09) Sep 2011

I miss ikea food too. During dec went with hb.. End up the q went to the exit... Seeing the q made me u turn

Must find one day go n eat


It's always very ling queue at ikea. I'm here now waiting while my hubby gets the food.. If not by the time we return, there will be no seats. And this is considering it's a Tues. What are you all having for dinn?

I had veg pasta for dinner.

What is gd at i kea?

#2: u r very systematic !! But group tuition needs to hv discipline like that . Much more.

Yeah I taught tuition for 2 yrs part time before I started piano. Almost fainted when comes to exams. Everybody wants extra lessons. Like few days in a row. And so long per session.. only maths n eng though.

Pommes : youngest is 4 n oldest is my student s dad. But I don't really teach adults these days.

Daddysbao: I was young then. Didn't think so much. Plus started w beginners only n gain experience from there. Try different books on different children then. In bet I taught in a primary sch for 2 yrs .. But keyboard to a group of 40 kids.

Couldn't take fixed hours n red tape. Too cumbersome.

Otherwise most of them come by referrals these days.

For me , I like to hv fun w them.Of cos u get kids that r so mmischeivious .. That makes me scratch head. But that s the interesting part too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 inspires me to be more discipline in paper work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies - Urgent! For those who are keen to get CL, please make the contact NOW. We are only turning 3 mths next week and I was thinking of calling after that. But think hb knows I have been stressed over CL/dogs issue so he went ahead to call two contacts today. All booked for Sept! He told me after work and we panicked. Called another 4 subsequently. 3 of them booked and 1 rejected due to dislike for dogs. Among these 6, two of them are even booked for Oct already. I only managed to confirm one at my 7th call (through a friend's friend's referral).

pooh - Yes, dont hesitate already. I was really panicky over dinner.

We were at my parents' place so my mum even offered:

1) I shift there with baby for 1 mth and she will do confinement for me

2) I leave my dogs with her for 1 mth and try to engage that one CL who rejected me

Dad called aunt to help check with her msia's biz associates, to see if they have referrals directly. Luckily my friend managed to secure the 7th contact for me, with good comments. I spoke to her and she's ok with multiple dogs, said she has done confinement for families here with dogs as well. PHEW!

You wanna try the one who rejected me? She didnt say she's booked in Sept, only said doesnt like dogs. My friend has engaged her last year and she is pleased with her. Said took care of her & baby well and cooks well. I can PM you the contact if you want. Can contact directly to see if you are comfy with her.

good morning fresn / ladies sorry cud nt log in ystd ws havin a very bad migrane last nite

bunzz sure pl email me details on [email protected]

my DS scan ws done all ok no need to go for amnio or CVS. thank GOD!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynea asked me to stop consuming Engfamam she said i dun need it and might gain a lot of weight at eh end of the pregnancy

she also said i shud abstain form using the facial products cos now a days most of the products are absorbed in the skin and there is only scientific proof for retinol, aha but there is no scientific test done for the rest

i have extended my hospitalization leave to 8 march gynea asked me nt to use up all the hl as it might be useful later in pregnancy in case complications.. i can afford to do tat now cos my project is finishing ow it wud be really difficult for me to sit at home anyway now itself im havin a hard time sitin at home so used to workin sumtimes get depressed cannot run .. no work .. feel so lethargic ... i am happy if i live an active life ..

Hi Ladies, I've just turned 9weeks yesterday and was told by Gyne to do Oscar test.

Was wondering if this is a normal routine?

Prenra: pat pat... I understand how u felt. I nearly got into depression during the 1 St mth too. Can't work from home , tis cannot do that cannot do when my life used to be so busy till the hrs before I sleep. Now is like waiting for time to pass everytings seeing the stuffs infornt of u but can only stare at it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ppl who don't understand will goes like I envy u, such gd life can shake legs do nothing. Really no words of encouragement but a pool of icy water.

-Simbaobao: Mine is ugly too cos its on my calf and during times when I wear skirt, it is difficult to hide the rash. I can also understand how xin ku is it to have it on the back, cant reach to scratch. My hb has been putting aloe vera gel for me and it is better but once is a while, it flares up like yesterday.

Baby af did Ur gyane told u y u have to do it? Mine was I chosen to do it myself. At coming 12 weeks.

If I am not wrong Oscar test is done within 11 to 13 weeks

Gina: Yeap when it get really itchy it's like so torturing...

kylekyra, pls pm me, thanks

gina christine, yes yes.. mine is on neck.. red big patch.. hand and legs also got, but its small little dots.. i have seen 2 docs, both gave me CVG cream to apply.. neck almost recoving, abt 2wks+

Babies AF, yes.. i did mine at 11 weeks

Babies AF,

Normally the gynae will go through ur medical history (e.g. whether any DS cases in family, ur age, etc)then make recommendation on whether to do or not. Normally they will strongly recommend if the mother is above 35 yrs old. But the decision should lie with u.

For me, i am doing cos there's some distant cases of DS. Think most who do it just wants to make an informed decision.

Babies AF : yes its is routine the oscar test is simliar to Down Syndrome test. first the scan is done where the doc measures following things

crown rump lenght (CRL)

Nuchal Translucency (NT)

the above two factors they compare in form of a graph against the existing statistics they have they also check other miscellaneous stuff ...its a detail scan based on th scan they will determine whether amnio or CVS is required

Simbaobao (simbaobao) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] glad u understand

Hmm..makes me wonder if its related to hormones or the preg since some mummies here also got it.

I'm gonna stay away from seafood for a while until the rash goes away completely.

Thanks Ladies. I thought it was out of the norm.. Phew.. What a relief.

Well, i think i can't compare much till my first trimester is over as mine is ivf pregnancy. thus, depending alot on hormone medication till 2nd trimester.

how long will we need hormone medication? the whole 9 months? I am also on HM, but i didnt ask my gynae how long need to be on...

my rash is on my finger...i think it will pass to teh kid, because i only have rash during pregnancy, then teh baby comes out, also skin not so good.

I tried having bird nest during pregnancy also no use lei

for those who cant find confinement, at teh end of the day, no choice, can go to agent loh...my last pregnancy also like that. played out by the one i booked...so no choice has to go to agency...still ok lah...except that you need to pay for levy...other than that, the pay is the same as u book on your own

pooh - you do not accept PM.

Yday I sent out "SOS" messages to my close friends who know, some of them reverted with more contacts later in the night and this morning. Dont worry, though I was desperate, I told them to only refer those with good recommendations. I can post them later for others who are interested to contact directly. As for the one who rejected me due to dogs, I'll only send to Pooh first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My eczema is flaring up too. And I had stopped using a very good steroid cream. Read in other threads to try calendula cream instead. Will keep a lookout for that.

Janet - I'm still on jab & medication. Think can stop at 12 weeks once baby is stable. Gynae already asking me to cut down medication from 3x per day to 2x and 1x eventually. He also mentioned the jab this weekend should be the last dose. Will move on to multi-vits after this.

Hi Prenra, feels happy for you that all went ok with your oscar test. Do you mind sharing how long it took to get the results? Where did you do the oscar test?

Could I check if anyone of you have signed up for the Baby Shower Fair Seminar? Tried registering and was led to a paypal website to make the payment. Sorry, I hardly do online transaction. Could anyone of you advise me if I should sign up for a paypal account first?

Hello Mrs Wong, I did the DS scan at KKH it took half hr to 45 mins depends on whether baby co-operates since the doc needs to get the correct potion to tk measurements. they give the result on the spot

i noticed there are tiny red dots rashes on my breast now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] look so horrible...

Are we supposed to have full bladder during the scan? I scared wait the person pressed too hard, i will tell the person.. wait i need to pee...


I always had to empty my bladder when i go to my gyane there... den recently some told me NOT to do so... *confused*

hi sim, yep best to go w full bladder ,the doc and nurse got remind almst each time cos my bLadder not full euff. this is to allow the scan to be clearer

Other CLs' contacts that came through friends:

1) Aunty Mary (engaged by a pri sch friend of mine for both her pregnancies)


2) Aunty Su Zhen (engaged by my honeymoon friend, she said took care of her & baby well, though cooking quite normal. CL dotes on her daughter alot, they are still in contact though daughter is already 1yo+)


3) Jiao Jie (engaged by ex colleague's friend for 2 of her pregnancies)



4) Aunty Rose (engaged by friend's friend, overall good except cooking so-so)


5) Aunty Sharon (recently engaged by friend's friend in Dec 10, good comments)


Good luck! I havent spoken to the above as I managed to confirm one at my 7th call.

Wont be posting those I've called since all booked for Sept/Oct already.

thanks for the advise... i tink i am really one blur sotong.. no wondered i did 2 scan from tummy... doc said NOT blur yet.. must V scan den can see clearly...

For my initial visits to gynae (W6 to W9), I was often told to prepare a full bladder. But from W10 onwards, no such request from the nurses in the clinic. Is it because we now have more amino fluid?

Hi Janet, yours is also IVF ? Well, for my case is to take the hormones medication till 12 weeks.

Ladies, any idea how long does the whole oscar test takes?

Babies AF

according to my gf, it depends on how co-operative ur baby is.. as long as its in the right position.. within 1hr or so..

but if baby is not co-operative.. and the Q is long.. will be asked to go take a walk n communicate with baby den go back...

RE: full bladder. Initial stage baby and water bag is too small to be detected though ultrasound scan without a full bladder to push nearer to surface. When bb is bigger, no issues already. Of course full bladder makes the scan clearer but very uncomfortable for the mummy.

Normally in 2nd trimester, they will ask u to do urine test every visit, so already need to empty bladder before seeing the gynae. But my gynae wait is very long, sometimes abt 1 hr after my urine test, so by then not very empty bladder liao.. hee hee

Babies AF,

When I did my OSCARS for my #1, i had to come out and walk ard so many times that i only completed my OSCARS test at 1245pm when my appt was at 845am. BB sleeping and in wrong position so bo bian.. they will ask u to go out and walk abt then come back to scan again. I will take MC for OSCARS and Detailed Scanning cos no point going back to office.

I just contacted 2 confinement agency for their package. I don't have any contact at this moment, feel abit shy to ask friends. Thinking of only breaking the news to friends after the OSCAR test result is out.

kylekyra - notice your contact is all the foreign numbers, hmm.. Do u need to apply any work permit for your CL to come and work with you for that month? I heard is illegal to come on social pass and yet, getting paid. But then, I thought all CL are doing that, aren't they?

Oh yes, when you call your contact, what do you ask her? Will you be meeting your confirmed CL beforehand?

Sorry for so many questions, clueless on how to find CL on our own.

Hi ladies,

Can I just check if any of you are SAHM or know friends who are, who have managed to find employment after the 1st trimester?

My case is like that: Due to work problems, I've left my job in end Jan. It's a good break too coz I was feeling unwell with all the preggie symptoms. Now that I'm much better (and really dying of boredom at home!), I've starting sending our resumes to govt sector jobs (since they should be more pro-family). MOM's website says that you can qualify for the 4mth maternity leave as long as you have served 3mths prior to that in the company. But I am just worried, do you think employers in the govt hospital sector will want to employ a preggie as according to MOM's recommendation?

Thanks! Really stressed and going crazy from staying at home and having nothing to do now...but at least I'm feeling much better! =)


Hi ladies..whien i started sourcing for one about 2 weeks ago.one popular one is booked till july.

u can try these numbers. my 2 choices then(I sourced from the feedback from internet)

Can try this 2 : XinHua 90395121 ($2100 for 28 days)

96144580 : Xiao Feng ($2200 for 30 days, can even go see her first before deciding, think doing confinement now at woodlands, not sure finished already)

