(2011/09) Sep 2011

not taking cos my mum is doing for me now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks Kyra : never tried them before.. think will give them a miss.. meatballs is beef right?

Prenra : Will email u soon. rest well!!

#2: bgt Kee's today. cldnt resist it. but will wait till next mth to cook it which is next week!! :p

Simbaobao : think if you can find good books to read at home and keep yourself positive..will be much better. See if you can meet friends for lunch now and then (when you are fitter , of course)Go out for walks nearby

I rem there was a period when i was alone most of the time during the day..also not used to it..got cranky. also being more at home meant i had to do more errand stuff..like arrange for servicing, groceries shoppping etc. all the general work la. think most impt is still communication.

Pommes - Yup, all the contacts I have gotten are from Malaysia. Did try to look at local sources but they mainly commit only to daycare and the charges are almost as high. I thought so too but just realised MOM has a temporary work permit for CL. Do we need to get that? My CL is charging me 2K but I havent asked if there are any special requests. Read in forum that some will ask for bus tickets to/fro Malaysia, angbaos etc. Anyone has experience? What's the market practice?

Over the phone, we talked about:


- Address (Estate)

- # of pregnancy

- Dogs

- Any special things to prepare

I didnt ask alot over the phone as all the contacts were reviewed by friends with good comments. Was also clueless over who to engage/how to find because we havent had any confinement experience in the family in recent years. Cousins all tapped on their mothers/mils for help. My mum tried to "volunteer" then my dad pointed out that she doesnt even know how to bath a baby. So I relied on forum and friends. Of the 7 I called, 2 were sourced from this forum and 5 were friends' recommendations. And most of them were engaged in the recent past 2 yrs.

Will be meeting her in March when she's here for an assignment. Will check with her on details such as: duties (cooking/housework/childcare/marketing), our preferances (eg BM/FM), more on my dogs at home, things to prepare, travel arrangements, cost breakdown, EDD +/- dates etc.

Bunnz - Ikea meatballs contain both beef & pork.

Kyra : usually you give a red packet when they come. for good luck. like $18 , $28 is fine.

Then when they go back, can give another red packet but based on their performance la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no, mine was not IVF..because i am old lady, that is why on HM.


I think it depends on the employers. Previously, I also big stomach, but hid it really well. So teh interview very smooth, even abit confirmed for second interview. they only noticed i big stomach when they asked me when can start work...then no news already.

havent said that, my workplace has employed a woman who was about to give birth...

so i think really depends loh

FYI on CLs:

Even though you've booked your CL, you must have mental prep that they cant come once you discharge from hospital, or they can't complete their agreed period with you.

Reason being delivery dates are highly unpredictable. A mummy due late Aug can book her, but end up deliver late and her last day with that mummy might be after you've delivered.

Similarly, you've delivered and another mummy who booked her for Oct give birth early, she may shorten her stint with you and go over to the Oct mummy.

True. My gf ever encountered 1 who cut short the stint by 2 weeks as her daughter went into premature labour in Malaysia. All depends on luck I guess. Perhaps good to discuss in advance the +/- dates and if they have personal commitments around that period. And always good to have alternatives to fall back on.

Kyra, that's why those confinement agencies got business. Cos will have this type of last minute customers who are thrown into such situations.

So if CL comes on time, best to quickly learn during the first 2 weeks :p

Also, can't blame the CL if such clashes happen. They also can't say don't take customers before and after a booking. GWIM?

Thanks kyra.

One of the agency contacted me. It was a rough estimate of $1950 + $168 (levy) for 28 days. But additional charge included herbal bath, red date tea, tonic soup...

Can do simple housework for us, and cook for hubby. Now waiting for the proper quotation to arrive.

Am going to visit an infantcare with hb this evening to hopefully book a spot for baby. Heard the waiting list's super long.

If it is successful, it should take off a big load off our minds on childcare when ML ends.

Anyone already starting to engage infantcare for ur Sep arrivals?

Hi Christine,

You are staying in the east as well yah?think from the table..you're tampines/bedok?

I'm staying in tampines...think there's quite a few infantcare in the tampines blk 300+/400+ area as well as simei..which one are u looking at??

#2 on the way,

my previous case is exactly like that...that is why go to agency loh...but like what pommes quotes, cost is almost the same as getting your own, only extra is the levy...so i think it is ok..


dont get teh extra, e.g. herbs and soup from them..very bland, ie, very little herbs only...maybe taste better if you get the herbs yourself. but overall, my previous experience with teh CL from teh agency was ok..oh, one thing, they will ask for time to take nap when the baby sleeps because they said they are tired as they need to take care of nights too.


so fast book infant care already? near your house, or near your workplace? i am still thinking to use infant care or baby sitter

Gina - Planning for IFC but haven't done any visit/ tour.

Another confinement agency replied me. Similiar pricing but included all the herbal bath, tonic soup and red date tea. Now, I just have to ask friends if they have any good recommendation for CL to compare.

- Kelly, you talking to me? Sorry confused cos there's another Christine in this thread. Can call me Gina. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup, my mum is in Tamp, I am in Bedok Res. I'm looking at one near my office. The one at 300 / 400 is under which infantcare group? Any idea? Are you also looking at that option?

-Janet, Yah, have to start early. My colleague booked almost 1 year (10 months) in advance. She just got a place. Based on now, I only have about 10 months to wait.I will also keep the option of baby sitter open and hope I come across a good one. So far, none and I don't want to wait until last min. Will keep thinking about it.

Janet - Thanks for the advice. Personally, I prefer to engage agency to be hassle-free. But hubby is not totally open to agency. He wants people we know to recommend. But I think getting a good CL depends on luck. "One shoe doesn't fit all"

Will discuss with hubby and ask friends for their experience.

Pommes, getting a good CL don't depend on luck.... it depends on whether u've gone to a good source. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also at first want to get from agency...because i have experience both getting on my own and from agency...i feel no different loh...

but my mum wants me to get from word of mouth...see how lah

I agree with #2 on CL. When I had my #1, my EDD was end Mar but end up I gave birth early Mar. so end up my CL could only cover me for first 2 weeks and then got her friend to cover the remaining. Her friend did a lousy job, served me cold food, veg with stem, etc. Also find her not very clean. So after 3 days, we kind of ask her to go and ordered catered food from newbaby. Was quite bad for me cos my hb happen to be posted overseas so he had to leave when bb was 3 wks old. I was all alone for the rest of the time.

For #2, i engaged the same CL, this time I told her that i confirm book her from mid sep to mid oct, even told her not to accept anyone in oct cos i dont mind paying for her extended services. Hope this method works. heh.

the standard is 28 days for most.. if u want them to stay extra days got to pay them for it.. most of their work permit is only 30 days..

icic ok can thks.

@Christine, i believe u pre arrange w her for the 40 days?

@Simbb, if we dun go thro agency .. who will apply the work permit ? the CL herself?

muffin: i tink we have to help her apply it coz we r gg to be the "lao ban niang" for tat mth...

i haven't start my search yet so tinking whether to get FL or from agency one

my frd juz got rejected by a FL who agreed and reject her coz of her dog on the phone last nite.. she was so upset and cried over it.

simbaobao - When is your friend due? I spoke to 7 yesterday, all ok with dogs except 1. But mostly booked for Sept, if your friend isnt due that month, can try calling them. We particularly like 1 who came highly recommended in other threads. She told hb she is from Pahang and owns 8 dogs. We explained we have 3small and 1big, she laughed and said wont be bigger than her kampong dogs anyway. She asked if we plan to let our kid mingle with the dogs, we said of course and she was very encouraging. Alas! She's booked from July to Sept. She asked hb - Oct can anot? My hb replied - My wife due early Sept leh, Oct I need to check if my mistress giving birth. Both of them LAUGHED OUT LOUD :p

Muffin - can check MOM website.

My ex colleague was very pleased with her CL, she extended the stint to 6 weeks. Her CL couldnt accept me as she's flying to Australia to help a chinese lady with her confinement from Aug to Oct (2 mths) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For IFC, I think it is good to start sourcing early too. One of my colleagues was supposed to come back to work after 4mths, she's now extending her ML into 3mths of NPL. Cos she couldnt get her daughter into an IFC near them, she's #40 on waiting list.

Christine, am from one of the TCC thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kyra, oki i'll check later.

maybe i shd try be a CL after i resign . do the day time kind hee

Muffin, heat up in oven is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must heat up until inside piping hot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks like the CL packages from agency are quite similar. The quote i got was $2050 + $168 (levy) for 28 days. OMG, CL are so expensive! 4 years ago, i hired mine for only $1600!

Ya lor, he even related the conversation in front of my parents. My mum laughed but I think my dad rolled his eyes. Wahahhahah!

I was very depressed after her rejection too cos she seems like a perfect match to multiple dogs family. And I liked that she asked about our pref to let kids/dogs mix, even my mother isnt that encouraging. Still harping on (1) baby sure cry cos my dogs will bark (2) fur may cause asthma (3) dogs will jump on them. I told her yesterday, now inside me, he/she better get used to the barking now!

Hi, just did my Oscar scan last week and received the results today. The test took 4 hours cos bb position is not ideal and i have to go in and out 3 times. I remember my 1st pregnancy is faster cos 2nd time ored got it.

Regarding confinement, my 1st pregnancy was done by my mum but she was clueless about taking care, bathing etc cos many years ored forget le. At the last day upon discharge from hospital, me and hb attended a short talk on bathing bb so when we go home, i ask my hb to guide my mum. It was a stressful period cos my mum can't take the stress. But its better than having a confinement lady bec' my mum help to take care at night time too as i know some confinement lady may not work at night. Also i ordered confinement menu food from Newbaby which is much better than those cook by confinement lady, cost around $1K or so. Given an AP to my mum.

Dun forget tat the money given to confinement, e.g. $2K does not include food cost. u still need to give her food money.

Kyle: I tink she is may or June cannot remember...

I oso wan apple pie... Yummy...

Preparing baked pasta for dinner... Rainy day made one so hungry


I am looking for infantcare, my colleague told me Q list is v long so need to reckee. I am checking on their rates first before deciding whether to visit. My elder son's CC has scrap away their infantcare so can't put together in the same CC.

simbaobao -awaiting for update at your food blog [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm.. I notice most of you seem to have better appetite now. I still have bouts of MS, why?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm approaching 11th week this Friday. Really hope everything will get better.

Pommes: my ms is still not very good but like my said dun eat oso will gave ms.. Eat le at least body had some strength to handle it.

Am taking lots of fruits n juices now

No more tibits... The moment us in... All will b out

Baby is making me felt so healthY now

wah, good for u simbaobao...

it's easier for me to take tidbits and crackers now, cuz bb's not stopping me and i get hungry around this time and before lunch time. :p

i just pray hard my weight dun increase too much that i can't lose at the end hehe


I love Guo tie too but I missed shoeing jian bao more

Wanna to make but too much work n scare BB dun like it

Will tempt to make it next trimester

