(2011/09) Sep 2011

coz i was requesting to work from home to my sup. then my sup needs to check with him lor. and he made me sit in for so long listening to his nth-fruitful-whinning! keep saying on my career path la... bla bla bla... keep avoiding the topic. End up, i flared up and turned my head to ask my sup, so in the event i cannot come to work, i jus go take MC. otherwise i take urgent leave. Dun expect mi to bring my laptop home everyday and expect mi to work.

then the big boss finally said, well, if it's once a while type, still can work from home, but otherwise, i guess that's the way.



Chistine, cheer up. Male bosses are that one. When i had my no #1, my ex boss could tell me my variable bonus already considered very good,cos after all i had another extra 3 months. (referring to ML). Hear liao really wanna slap him left right!

iluvjp: sigh... this is sad.. very sad.... anyway, i really can't bottle this. so i tell my sup, can let him know that i dun need him to publicize on my preg? coz i dun like it.

sup said, ok, he will convey the msg. FYI, my sup is a male. i think so far, he is one of the better males among the top mgmt.. wahahha

adelene, sorry. i did join dec 2010 thread for a while..

thanks sung for the cl thing.. think i shld just stick to my initial plan of hiring a cl..

Christine, the initial part will be tough. Either you charge cheap or you have to spend a lot on advertising to attract students.

I started off with some students coming to my house and some students I go to their place. Then slowly change to all at my place when students start recommending friends/relatives.

Hi Christine,

U may wish to bring in MOM to your boss as it protects women who give birth... SG's birth rate is lowest last yr... I am sure all mummies-to-be will be the BIGGEST!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh... don't like that leh... I am a mother of 2 gals... this time may be a gal too.... :p

jennifer chung: sigh.. i believes he knows the rules better than i do lor. coz his wife gave birth to 3 ma.. wahahaha... opps...

aiya, my lady boss insisted on having a son ma, then she very envy ppl with a son de... so unless i'm very mad, otherwise, i seldom will say things like 'serve them right for having no sons' coz this ger or boi, is given by God de ma..

haha.. i dun mean u la... in fact, i also prefers a ger this time, coz no money to buy clothes.. as hse is coming when i'm giving birth.. haha

Christine, I can understand your feeling completely. In fact I also thought about requesting for this 'working from home' right. But I still decided to wait till after the first trimester. I would be very upset if the big boss tells the whole world about my pregnancy too. Your big boss is really insensitive and really has a big mouth! But cheer up, there's really nothing you could do about it.


oh... this is not ur 1st P? How many kids do u have then? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrswong: the work from home is to help mi to tide over the 1st tri, coz last round, i have bad motion sickness, travel only, will puke n puke.

jennifer chung: this is my #2. =) #1 is a ger feb 2010 de.. haha :D

Christine, yes. I agree it helps. The consolation of the whole incident is that at least you could work from home now. I have to take cab to and fro work these days. But I feel my big boss (who is a guy) has a big mouth too and this is my first pregnancy, so I'd better bear with it. Sometimes I have to take my annual leave to rest at home too.


I start to constipate now...worse, I have piles now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very unglam but need to share... any idea how to stop constipation other than drinking more fluid, fiblegel and prune juice? I am taking more fruits like honeydew now.. Don't think can take watermelon coz too 'liang'... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jennifer, you need to moderate your meat intake.

Try to take high fibre foods like wholemeal products, brown rice, etc.

Oats is very good soluble fibre to help ease passing motion.

Take probiotics regularly too (can be in powder form, yogurt, Vitagen, etc).

Jennifer Chng - i think you should go easy on honeydew. My mum told me that honeydew can be quite "liang" too.

Sung - Thanks for the links. When I shopped for maternity clothes, I ended up having a Size S for my bottom. I quite scare later, my hip expands, then cannot wear even though the pants feels loose on hip and tummy.

Suddenly, I feel depressed. I think my work is affecting me. Hais...

My maid just helped me use the stretchmark oil to massage my back. Very shiok cos the smell is like those massage oil that they use in salon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes : I teach piano [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U have a gd memory!

#2: students have been with me for years..many of them, see them grow up from 7 yrs to teenager

now. Boys are so cute..the bigger they are, the less they talk..girls are the opp.

have to wait till i shift house also.

main concern is scheduling.

piano is always 2nd/3rd priority to their sch work/cca which is really scary these days.

Jenniferchng: if have piles, better go see your gynae..or at least give a call.

How about less protein like meat? more white meat/veg

think honeydew also dont take too much..still a melon

bunnz - can you refresh my memory how you schedule your students during confinement? I'm doing piano teaching too, but is my sideline. I can't bear to give it up but neither am I confidant that I can continue after baby arrives.

*In a dilemma*

mrswong: consolation ar? lol.. i think i din touch it.. but my sup is ok la.. so if i really cannot make it to work, i will let him know and ask him if he prefers mi to work from home tat day, or i take MC lor...

oic pommes u teach piano too!! yeah

which area do u teach? yeah i understand.

esp when it's only once a week. and 45-60 mins only each time. if u need teachers to stand -in, i can check with my friend's friend. at the same time check for myself.

depends on how many you have also..

plus u have full time job, u may want to spend the extra time w bb after work

unless u plan to slowly go full time.. then perhaps now's a gd time

That's why I have to decide what I want to do exactly before may and let parents know accordingly. By then they wld know i'm preg and all of them are very understanding.

I'm registerin all students for july/aug exam only 1 in sept.so pray bb will go full term. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] edd 19/9 timing just nice actually.

so far only one parent knows only.

but aug students know i'm not avail in sept but did not tell them reason yet.

For those who still want teachers to go their place, they can start look for teachers soon and switch just nice after their exams.

or mb handful i still can go in the evenings to teach 1-2 when my mum is home to keep an eye on the little one but do not wish to tire my mum too much after her work.

so also little dilemma here. teach or not to teach?

Coincidentally oct/nov is school exam period.

I'm thinking majority of them will wait .

in fact students will be happy to have the break.

else i can ask whether my friend's friend's to help me teach for a while..but i tot will be messy for the students, unless permanent change.

plan to start teaching after their school exams finish ..earliest nov

think here and there: worst scenario is still eventually the loss of income, shd students choose to switch teachers. And miss the cute students!

sung : the BPs you gave are good..busy checking only the first one..and so cute the clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks. very affordable also

bunnz - You plan very far ahead. Very good! I teach in the west area only. Previously was a full time piano teacher but after getting my dip, I went back to the industry which I graduated from school. Over the years, built up my portfolio with pte teaching, but recently, cut back alot.

Actually, I would only have left 2 students after this March exam. Stand-in teacher, I have friend in mind. Don't think she would mind standing in for me for a month. Is the 2nd month onwards, I'm worried. Can I leave bb at home with hubby? Last night told hubby, I go teach, he stays at home alone with bb for 3 hours. He looked lost. Said he will bring bb out and wait for me, and fetch me home after lesson. With his answer, I know he is not confidant of handling bb alone. But then who is, afterall we are first time parents!

I have the intention to go back full time teaching again but not these few years. Am hoping after I have #2, then I can quit my full time job and just teach piano to supplement income.

I haven't told any of my students and parents. I think I will only reveal once I plan properly.

Actually, I'm quite greedy too. Currently, picking up violin lesson too. Really hope to continue even after bb is borned cos I really want to master the violin!

wow! so many piano teachers here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've never taught piano b4, but had been considering whether to quit my full time job and turn to piano teaching when i have a family. this way will have more time for family

Any advice? like if i should start teaching at school first or if i should just take on one or two students somewhere if i'm really considering this line?

welcome bunnz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i bot from the sellers "bbr" and "babylove" before so know that their quality r good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy online shopping!

Haven't logged in for today... The medi doesn't seem to wrk alrdy..kept coughing

Got woke up by the loud thunder but now no sight of the rain

Felt so hungry

Wanna to fry Kway tiao but realused lup Cheong expired

So Juz make do without it

hey i'm also in west area![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i need to plan till they finish exams plus for my own rice bowl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at least parents have options once they know what i want.

I was studyin for diploma, then half way got rom/married(both different timings) , got distracted plus little lazy. in the end never completed. my only regret. shd hv studied earlier during my studies. cos never used what i studied in sch at all! perhaps in real life situation like money mgt at home only, hr with parens ahahah

2 students is easy to manage..yeah do discuss w husband.

somemore no exam in later part of year. just nice!

only thing if have theory exams, then ask your friend to help revision.

i hv ard 30

wow.. 2 piano teachers! hehehe.. i rmb i hated my last piano teacher during secondary school days that i purposely dun go home after classes so that i dun need to face that woman.. and there was nothing my mum could do except scold me, and i later dropped out of piano..

i am intending to let my daughter learn piano, but of coz only when she is older la.. she's only 16.5months now.. when is a suitable age to start her on piano? wad's the rates like now ah?

hehe.. pommes : i learnt violin till grade 4. picked it up few years ago. teacher went very fast also.cant take the position for long. back aching . then hb always disturb me say i'm creating noise or music. i 'm practising mah..hehe

but piano goes very well with violin..bigger market for students.both very popular with kids these days. my teacher can play 7 instruments! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daddysbai : i wld reco you pick up few pte home students. wil be much better. more freedom or time plus earn more also.

then slowly as u get more, u can quit your job.

i started off teachin part time(1-2 studetns, beginners) while studying...then graduated to full time over time.

never work full time before also..very lost with outside world one. like turtle some times.

3 years wld be good..yamaha has gd group classes for exposure. very good for hearing and interation.

depends on qualifications of teachers also..from what i know.. for grade one from $120-$150.

sometimes i really pity the sch children these days..they really have loads of school work and yet their parents insist them to go for piano exams ..says need to push.. but sometimes i beg to differ. u can see the student realy tired during classes!! sick off and on...my gdness

daddysao - I started in music school before I moved on to pte teaching. School pay sucked but was to gain the experience.

simbaobao - i think you can cook very well! I never try cooking anything beyond my staple of stir-fried veggie, steamed fish and soup.

bunnz - ya, i just need to decide if I want to continue or give up. But of course, the best is the parents can send them to my house for long term. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow bunnz you have so many students! Did you start teaching at the music school? Like daddysbao, I'm also considering to teach piano full time in the coming years. But it seems there are so many piano teachers around in Singapore!

bunnz, but if u start from pte immed, how do u noe how to teach? that's wat i'm worried about, how to capture interest of students.

my piano teacher likes to emphasise the importance of technique, but children won't buy that. they think it's boring. hahaha

my ever youngest student is at 3.5yr old and my oldest is at 45yrs old. But both need lotsa patience and lotsa of luv. haha...

simbaobao - you also heard of noobcook, rite? I like her receipes, so simple. BTW, I added your blog to my blog..hee hee so I can have your latest food-affair update.

Bunnz & Pommes,

Yours is piano, still easier to arrange. Mine is tuition, and EDD is near exam period!!

What I have in mind now is to get my friend and another tutor to help cover my classes during first 2 months. I already have the entire year's syllabus and worksheets ready.

Intend to finish up teaching what I need to teach before I pop, then the replacement tutors will be doing revision/exam paper practice.

So far I've not told anyone at all. Will issue a proper letter with what's going to happen during my confinement to inform all parents once I firm up plans (probably will inform them in early May).

Just to share:

It's very easy to captivate kids' hearts.

You have to think like them and have fun with them.

My piano teacher was very good at doing that.

She emphasized on techniques but made it into a game.

I score points if I get the scales perfect and she has a variety of rewards to choose from if you reach a certain number of points.

Pommes: yup I heard abt her from frds.. Visit her blog once very homely blog [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lol my purposes to start blogging is a reference for hb so tat he can cook for me Wat I like but since par tor till now he only cook 3 times for me.

#2, thanks so much for your sharing. I thought of teaching piano but the idea of dealing with kids really worries me. I have 4 nieces and 2 nephews but I always find myself not having enough patience dealing with them. Even dreamt about my baby crying non-stop while I did not even know how to change the diaper and clothes!!! I always wanted to be a mother and I really hope I could really cope.

Mrswong, the maternal instinct will kick in. Don't worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must have confidence in yourself.

My friend ever dropped her baby during changing diaper cos she was not confident at all. End up, me and hubs went over everyday after work to help her. Cos her hubs is equally blur....

Thanks #2. Dropped the baby while changing diaper? OMG! I hope that won't happen to me... But thank god she has a good friend like you to help out. ^_^

Mrswong, she too kancheong. And thankfully, they stay nearby. now, even nearer cos their house is just opposite blk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Even now, when her girl is sick, she will call us for help. Partially cos her hubs bochap and blur blur. We show him how to drive to the clinic a few times already but he still not sure of the route -_-"

