(2011/09) Sep 2011

Asura: yup same here! I do laundry almost everyday cuz sometimes the dirty clothes frm school come back wet n gross so gotta wash immediately.

Think generally when preg w #2, #1 tends to be overall more sticky. That's what people tell me.


Hi all!

Haha didn’t appear for a few days and I realized for the past few days this thread is moving at Superman speed! Just finished reading thru all the archives...


I have very bad history of constipation and had hemorrhoids twice in this pregnancy already. Tried prune juice but it made me nauseous with bad cramps and diarrhea. =( My hubby happened to buy this odour-less and texture-free fibre supplement and it’s very good! Mix into water also no taste. Brand is Metamucil, product is called Fibresure. Gives me very good bowel movements every morning and only half or less a teaspoon needed. Go try! Hee I’ve tried everything but only this has given such good results!

Alkalizing your body:

The best way to really alkalize your body is to take more alkalizing foods such as fruits and veggies, and less of the refined foods such as sugar and white flour-based products. Oh yah, if you take alkaline water, do remember not to take with meals coz it can affect digestion!

Haha I also love taking the beancurd skin dessert…it helps soothe my tummy before meals! So my mum helps me cook it minus the gingko nuts…supposedly can’t take.

I’m now exactly 11 weeks and the nausea and dizzy spells are all gone! Now only slowly regaining appetite…so jiayou to all mummies!


Some kanji words in japanese are similar to chinese characters but there are usually 2 pronounications so can be confusing..


I know. The GPS here is so retarded and confusing haha and it doesnt help when you dont know Japanese.

Had a sleepless night again. Whole night i was jus trying to fall asleep...Damn

Chocolate15, the key to making them not so active is to provide them with activities that will use up their energy!

My boy goes to the playground daily for 30 minutes to 1 hour to spend his energy there. Then he's milder when he comes back.

And I signed him up for swimming and other enrichment classes so he's not so bored at home. Use up his energy during the classes and he's well-behaved at home. *phew*

wow u gals sure can stay up late. By 10.30pm, my entire body will be screaming for me to go to sleep.

realise i need more sleep now than before.

#2: thanks for the tip. My boy goes to childcare so there are endless activities to tire him out there thank goodness!

It's weekends that's the problem haha. Will keep ur advice in mind! Thanks!

Chocolate15, weekends have to find some activities to tire him out!

Kite-flying, swimming, playground, etc etc.

Mine goes for swimming and chinese class on sats. Then sunday he is at my mum's house, play like mad.

Yesterday I kept him home cos he vomited on Sunday (think he play too much after his meal). He was so naughty the entire day!

kylekyra, same.. my bb @ 11wks measure 5.5cm and i lost 3kg so far..

Simbaobao, i did my DS test already.. nothing much, must like normal scan and it took longer time.. as for the blood test, draw 1 testtube of blood and that's all..

Jessica, wow, ur bb open mouth.. so cute.. mine did somersault inside..

b.isforbb, we cant take gingko nuts ??? oh dear, has been eating them..

Actually I am interested in 2 topics - birth plan and fit for labour on Day 1. 2nd day topic - I think too early for me to absorb. Sure will forget one.

I think I will sign up tonight or tomorrow if confirm no clash in our schedule.

How'e everyone preparation for your new arrival?

Currently, these are my top priority

1. Infant Care

2. Confinement Lady

I'm also eager to start some light exercise once I have the green light from my gynae. Feel so fat without exercising.

Pommes - I saw this yesterday and am also interested in the first day program.

Infantcare wise, we've sounded out my parents and mum seemed thrilled to take up the task. Plus point is we stay in the same estate (10 mins walk). But I'm also afraid we'll have conflicts. My gf is having problems with her own parents over childcare issues.

Confinement Period/Lady is my biggest headache now. I still havent sorted out this part.

pommes and kylekyra, CL is also my biggest headache.. Seems like my mum wants to help, but that means i need to move in with her.. currently staying with in-laws, not sure if they will be upset or not..

p00h - Maybe need to discuss with inlaws first? When I was borned, my mum was staying with inlaws, so she tapped on my paternal grandma for confinement help. By the time my younger sister was borned, my parents shifted into our own flat. My maternal grandma visited daily to help with cooking instead.

For my case, I've already told mum I'll get a CL, so if she or MIL still wanna help in the day-time, they are more than welcomed.

As for childcare, I wont consider MIL as she's staying in a neighbouring estate (10 mins drive) and she's already looking after my SIL's 2 school-going kids.

So her daily routine includes leaving the house to bring each of them to/from school or CCAs etc.

Hope she'll understand, will leave my hb to inform her.

kylekyra, my initial plan is to get CL. did mention to my MIL abt that, she ok with it.. as 2 of her daughters also engage CL.. but after my mum heard of it, she say some CL no good, too old also no good.. then she was trying to convince me to come back home to stay, so she can help. haiz..

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes & Pooh : i'm also interested. But if go, will go alone. Hb not in town. Still thinkin abt it.

daddysbao : like you , i get tired by 10ish.

I usually get up very early as well. ard 5plus 6am.

previous night slept at 930pm.

welcome fifteenmay.

iluvjp : i already have prob with just mandarin. that's why one of the first enrichment classes for bb shd be in mandarin.hehe

i also didnt sleep well. woke up to pee ard 2plus and couldnt sleep to 4plus i think.

Boo! Just realised I cannot commit to 12th Mar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Attending a 1yo bday party in the afternoon and having a sec sch gathering in the evening.

Asura: think my hubby got it from Suntec’s Carrefour. =)

P00h: haha this is what my mum says so I just follow…but lotus seeds are good! =)

Pommes : confinement will be done by my mum but says i jaga night shift lor

Infantcare will be done by myself primarily with the help of a domestic helper.

Not sure how I wld take to it. :I

Only issue now is to inform my students and get them to come my place for lessons instead.

most of them are nearby as well.

also thinking whether to go out and teach 1-2 in the evening...excuse to get out of the house and free more time during weekends

biggest concern shd be just re-arranging the schedule and perhaps fee structure

also concerned whether the baby crying will disturb the on-going lessons .

Like what #2 says, bb shd get used to somekind of noises during the day

#2 :how did you manage with the teaching at home ad baby at home then? in younger days where they still cry now and then..was it easy?

Perhaps you ladies whose hb are busy should attend together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks interesting to me too but I am engaged in church activities on Saturdays and the interesting topics to me are only on Sat.

I'll prob look for those later in the year to attend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw ladies, if you have good recommendation for nannies who stay near Bedok / Tampines, I would very much appreciate if you could let me know.

Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

opp side of the island [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u let me know if u are still going..if your hb is working.

timing is warmish also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think i won't be going.. cuz i'm actually only interested in the fit for labour part... not keen to travel and spend 5 hours there, just for this portion.

i just hope labour will end asap and not drag on n on :p

Prenra : You mentioned you wanted to try meditation. There's a meditation on 26th feb. Sat . If you dont mind giving me your email, i'll email you the details. You can bring your husband and ils there. There'll be lots of other punjabs around too to communicate. The session 'll be so wonderful for the bb too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz/ pooh - Dunno if hubby is working on that Sat. But my cleaning lady is coming on that Sat, must make some arrangement. Not willing to let her skip, because my house is very dusty from the lift upgrading. I hope I can go to that seminar though.

Bunnz - wanna ask you, are you giving tuition or giving piano lesson? Cos I remember you wrote, you play the piano.

Confinement lady - cannot depend on my mum and MIL. MIL already told hubby, she is not interested in taking care of kids. Mum, she has to quit her job and don't think I can "afford" her. Haha...

Infant care - like above reason, we are on our own. So must really buck up and secure a good IFC for our baby.

Bunnz, my #1 was a very very good infant. He did not cry unnecessarily and will be soothed upon hearing my voice (no need to carry).

My maid could handle when I was having lessons.

Just need to follow schedule and prepare the EBM in advance will do.

Muffin, I did not circumcise my boy cos we felt that there's no need to do so.

hi mummies!

the thread moves too fast! catching up took a long time, phew! will try to post as much as i can recall hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p00h, muffin and prenra,

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae din give me anything. he feels that indigestion and stuff like this will pass naturally by end of 1st trim so no need to take med. he still feels that any med is no good for the bb as we will never know the effects so try to minimise as much as possible. i'm trying to bear with it and counting down to end of 1st trim. well, he did give alts such as taking ginger water to reduce wind, prune juice for constipation, all natural remedies and better in his opinion.

re. maternity clothes

1st time mummies can try getting it from online sellers, much cheaper and the quality can be quite good too. some of the sellers allowed trying at their plcs too so if there is one near your plc, can try it out. i find stores selling maternity clothes too exp. 1 pc can be twice the price of normal clothes and we only get to wear it for like 8 mths at most? hee i got most of mine during #1's time from online sellers, so this time round, no need to get too much liao. only got 1 capri jeans and the quality is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for info, some BPs currently selling maternity clothes:




re. cl

hmnn i always feel it's better esp for 1st time mummies to get cl to help. reason being you would prob not feel so confident taking care of a newborn by yourself. even with mother or mil's help, you will still have to do quite a no of stuff yourself esp night duty. i hv quite a few friends who let their mother/mil do their confinement for them, ends up their verdicts are all that they feel very tired after the confinement coz they din get to really rest well. if finances permit, getting a cl is good coz you can rest well and learn from the cl how to take care of bb at the same time. learning from the antenatal class is diff from learning hands on, very diff with a live bb from a doll demo at the class. of coz, getting a cl is pure luck too, so am waiting for 1st trim to be over then can ask my frens for recommendation. my cl during #1's time is a nightmare in some ways though she did help alot. if you are planning to have a traditional confinement, eg. no touching of water, etc, more impt to have a cl. oh yeah, according to tcm docs, we are not supposed to carry heavy weights, squat, bend or do awkward positions in our confinement. as mentioned by #2, our bones are supposed to be moving back to their original position after childbirth so must maintain straight position so that they will align well. haha not sure how much of it is true but i have heard alot of stories of friends who used to be very strong physically (healthwise) whose health took a downturn after confinement coz they did not rest well and vice versa, some friends who were more sickly as in have more pains but getting much stronger and better after confinement when they "bu" enough and rest well. up to individual to believe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. infantcare

hmmn i dun have this prob now coz is sahm or should i say, i hv diff worries on how to cope with 2!!! and not who to take care of them haha. when i had my #1, there was heartache going on, coz my mum who originally agreed to help (before i was pregnant) backed out when i was about 4/5mths preg, then we asked mil who agreed to take care but she din tell us impt info like she dun dare to bathe bbs? so ended up when i first went back to work, have to come back every night to bathe bb. she also surrendered and showed the white flag midway into taking care of my bb during my ml and said she can't cope along coz my #1 was a high need bb in terms of carrying and being close to adults. he is good and very smiley, cooing everytime he's awake as long as someone is carrying him. put him down, you get a cry cry monster. mil's surrender put us into intense stress coz was going back to in less than a mth! ended up we decided i was to resign coz i cannot trust and rest assured if someone who is not family is taking care of my bb. almost had depression as we went around looking at ifc, maid agencies. also paid deposit for a maid but ended up crying every night when i think of the horrible things that could happened. haha i could be more a pessimist but i fear what could happened to bb more than anything. any harm done can never be undone! thankfully hb's supportive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


we checked with pd before for our #1. pd suggested no need to circumcise unless little boy keeps getting uti, then better to do so. else no need to coz can save little kid the pain. so far dun find any need to.

i'm so irritated by my big boss. He came into the office offering us food. then he announced damn loud to the whole office 'so, christine, u can eat more rite since got 2 mouths' then i jus keep quiet and smile and shake my head. then he said 'did Your GYNAE bla bla bla..' i was like WTH!!!!!

He's a father of 3 leh!!! No wonder until now still no son yet. argh!!!!

