(2011/09) Sep 2011

Kudos to those who can make their own food. I tried bao-ing shui jiao before CNY and it was such a disaster. LOL!

Meeting my JC friends for a hot piping dinner later - Nan Hua Chang Fish Head Steamboat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Sigh but after merlion so many weeks my weight din drop lo

It went up 2 kg in fact

Never eat oso gain weigh...

Hb kept telling me is the water bag la

Actually, weight gain during pregnancy is really up to individual genes. My cousin ate super healthily but until now, still can't lose the pregnancy fats she gained from having 3 kids...

I ate all sorts of junk but I was back to pre-preg weight upon discharge from hospital... All the new mummies were staring at me when we went for the infant bathing class just before discharge (I was walking without support and wearing my capri pants already). The others were still struggling to walk to the classroom, some were still in wheelchairs...

Kelly - I heard of My First Skool. Will check that out too. Thanks!!

I just finished 2 cranberry bread too. Hunger pangs always strike around 4ish pm. The best part is that it doesn't spoil dinner, unlike last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ellysia - I agree that waiting list these days is very long. It will probably be longer since more people are having bunny babies. Would have been convenient for you if the cc of your elder child still take babies.

Daddysbao, support as in they walk until like very xinku, then their hubs must hold them like helping to support their weight.

My hubs was still happily walking behind me sipping his coffee -_-"

The c-section mummies were mostly in wheelchair.

#2 - I can eat steamboat everyday! Just had Xian De Lai steamboat with my family at Nex mall on Saturday, today eating with friends.

I love steamboat too!

We normally go to Rajan Inn at Tangling Mall. Each one has a small pot for your own steamboat. Good to go with friends who don't take beef cos I love beef. and they got deepfried DURIAN.. Yumyum!!!

Just thinking about it makes me DRRRRROOOOOLLL!!!

Rajah Inn! I have one near my workplace - Tiong Bahru Plaza. It's our frequent haunt. Colleague wanna go today as well but I told her I'm having steamboat tonight. So we ate @ Thai Express for lunch. I love the shabu shabu slices of thin beef too. TBP no deep fried durian leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Prenra, yep i quite like subways

my mcd delivery came 25 mins late, can feedbk n hv free happi meals? hee

i was hungry n excited abt the delivery plus also just settle one case at work.. that i experinence some short stabbing pain.. then was washroom ..n there was some slight pink discharge .. after this will take Duphaston n rest.

how many hrs interval do u take yr Duphaston? 4-6hrs interval yeh?

Muffin, usually before week 8 can't see heartbeat and sometimes, sac not properly implanted, easy to miscarriage. Also, there's failure to thrive (yolk sac not enough nutrients, baby not growing).

After 8 weeks, the risk of miscarriage is still there, but lessen by a lot.

After 12 weeks, the placenta should be fully set up and functioning already, so the risk is further lowered after this.

Muffin, it depends. For my first pregnancy, the placenta was attached rather high up right from the start. For those with low placenta, it may move up as the uterus expands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My friend had placenta previa and hers was quite bad. The placenta cover her entire cervix, so she was bleeding throughout her pregnancy. And no choice, hers is C section at 37 weeks to prevent her from going into labour (and cause the placenta to rupture).

Visit to the infantcare was alright but they do not allow reservation of places. Decided to join the waiting list, hope by Dec / Jan, will have good news. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if anyone interested to get a cl, do pm me.

I am from feb 2011 thread. My current cl is so much better than my previous one. You can meet up with her if you want as she stays in singapore.

So pissed off now, tried ordering stretchmark oil from iherb but all my credit cards got rejected!!!Like that how to order arrugh..

iluvjp, how come all rejected? I've never experienced that before....

Try again later? Dun forget to use discount code YAF688 to get $5 off your purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2, thanks for the code!

I dun know why rejected also. Anyway i tried with hubbys CC then can! Stole his card while hes jogging now haha..too bad for him, he gotta pay!

Gd ! Most of u has got ur appetite back!!

I hv been looking for more tidbits these days. Haiz. Sweet ones, saltish n sour ones. Gosh. Feel like a bin lor.

#2 : think you are still very young when u gv birth. So got figure back very fast.

Didn't know u hv to source so early for infant care!! But makes sense. Suddenly rem my frens were on waitin lists as well.

If placenta is low, any symptoms besides spotting ? So far gynae never say anything. Never even weigh me yet. Says not impt for now.

Realize many of you like steamboat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Personally I like Ching Qing hot pot..

And the hot pot buffet m hotel.

Otherwise never venture much elsewhere

i love steamboat too... esp homemade ones... used to host it during cny yearly but with baby inside... tis yr.. we passed it..

u all r making me.. wanna steamboat... but cannot eat much.. no shiok...

hi ladies i need a bit of help here.. someone here gave a veri good detailed analysis on the prudential insurance a while ago.. i wld like to do a fast search bk to the thread for hub to read. wat is the best way for me to do the search ..Tia!

grr.. post disappeared haha..

bunnz: i love chong qing hot pot too! but then again, i love steamboat in general so yea.. M hotel's also nice..

#2: tanglin mall has a rajah inn? din know.. will go check it out when i can..

re IFC: mummies who intending to put their kids at ifc after ML better start to scout around now.. hard not to be kiasu but there are much fewer infantcare centres as compared to the countless childcare centres around..

Muffin, I've spoken to a Prudential agent about the insurance already.

Some ready facts from what he told me:

- There are 2 parts to the insurance. One is a lump sum to cover pregnancy related complications. This is dependant on the mum's age and it costs around 300 - 450 (one time payment).

The other is to cover the mother's life (during pregnancy) and the baby's medical + life (upon delivery). This is $100 per 100k cover. Is a monthly premium.

- The one covering the baby's medical plus life is actually a ILP. You can choose to stop at anytime but the value of the policy will depend on the value of the units in the investment portfolio. This can double up as a 'savings plan' and you can take the money out later for your child's education. He also mentioned that after some time, you may even use the money in the investment to 'self-sustain' the policy. Meaning use the cash value to pay for the premiums so the policy is still valid but you don't have to fork out any cash.

This is what he told me over the phone. Cos min 18weeks then can buy this policy, so we will meet up with him nearer to 18 weeks.

Oh ya, your gynae will also need to fill up a form for you on the health declaration part for the lump sum pregnancy complication policy.

I am still having nausea on and off, and heartburn. can't really eat too much in one meal, so have to keep it up with bread and biscuits.

Can't rem my pre-pregnancy weight but tot is around 55KG.. however last checkup reveal a 5KG gain, gynae intend to monitor so next month visit can only increase 1 KG she says.

Wow... steamboat... me drooling liao.. i like the beach rd steamboat or the crystal jade steamboat buffet. Both cheap and good.

My 1st pregnancy, placenta is low so spotted until 15 weeks stop when placenta move up also. If placenta is low, try not to walk too much or lift heavy things. I have to resort to take taxi to work cos can't tahan to stand inside the MRT too long.

Insurance - i took Great eastern hospitalisation insurance for my son, can only activate it after he is born but i have the plan draw up before giving birth. Subsquently oso take up accident plan too. So far have already claim from insurance twice i tink. Its impt to take up insurance very early.


I also work quite near TBP but not walking distance. Just went to rajah inn a few weeks ago, there's fried durian leh. They have it on friday to sun and PH only.

I'm at redhill.

Pinkie - Today is week 12 for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Going for fetal scan tomorrow.

Thank u Bunnz!!

@Ellysia , u mentioned u had spotting till 15 weeks but not much cramps ya? how was the spotting like? in that case were u on duphaston for thro the 15 weeks? soorie for the questions ,but i wld like understand more.

@pinkie, why 2 more weeks then end of 1st tri? not one more week?

Hi Muffin,

Juz to share, I'm still having some spotting...you know the brownish type when its towards end of menses? Doc told me nothing to worry as long as its not heavy like period. I asked gynae if i need to take medication, she say no need becos the placenta is already functioning now (at 10weeks)..

really hope the spotting go off fast...no matter how much they say not to worry, its juz quite distressing..

Hi Kelly, yep mine is the brownish type and sometimes pinkish.sometime a little sometimes like that of two 50cents coins/ how often do u exp the spotting,any cramps and did Gyne explain y?

Opps i realise i reali hv a lot of questions..pardon me

yes, i'll be praying for our spotting to cease .

R u currently resting at home?

Hello all mummies,

Hope everyone is enjoying lunch now. Hot weather outside ~_~


Called my mum last night and realised that my SIL also got hers from agency. My mum also mentioned she will help me buy all the necessary herbs and get the CL to use it. Now, mum is helping me to ask her friends around to see if know any good freelance CL.


Already started to look at 2 IFCs. One is near my workplace, the other is near our house. So hopefully, both are good, especially near to our house. Will be so much more convenient.

Hi Muffin,

On Mon, i experienced dark red flow about 50cent size stain on panty..so i panicked...went for ultrasound immediately..and baby and placenta is fine..no blood clots on ultrasound..she even helped me do a 4D scan..and again, all is good...I asked her why there;s spotting, she say many times, its unknown.

She say when there;s bleeding, juz try to rest, don't rush around too much. I asked if bedrest will stop the bleeding,and if standing for too long will cause bleeding, she says not really. So i actually return to work liao..

So now on off when wipe will still have the brownish sometimes pinkish stain, but juz took her advice that as long as not heavy, dun worry...

I'm only in my 10weeks, but already went to her and did ultrasound for 4 times! (twice is regular check, twice is for the spotting, juz to check)very siong on the pocket..haha..



I think if u see dark red flow, whether heavy or not, better go see and check to get a peace of mind. Brownish and pinkish stains are ok. Did ur gynae give u duphaston for the spotting?

