(2011/09) Sep 2011


When is ur edd? Same here, I am going back to my gynae on 29 Jan to fine out my edd. 3rd time going back Thomson. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jenn: as of now don't have an edd haha. Probably find that out on 29th Jan. My guess is mid sept. U have edd already? I will b at mount A again.

Beginning to get this metallic taste in my mouth again but not exactly nausea. Kind of like motion sickness feeling in stomach. Had the same thing during first preg. Back to sucking sweets n craving spicy n sour stuff like tomyam soup!

hi all... am expecting a Sept baby too..

am a bit worried nw cos i've been noticing a bit of blood-tinged discharge since last weekend. went to gynae on mon and was given duphaston. though the bleeding isnt a lot, it's still worrying. anyone else also experiencing such discharge?

Rainbow_stars >> could that be implantation bleeding? I had that 2 weeks ago but quantity was not much, slight spotting.

What did your gynae say?

Hi Gina.. I dunno... Isn't implantation spotting only at the very early stage? At my gynae check, cld see sac, n doc said it's abt 5 weeks. She said bleeding cld b fr cervix. Next appt in 2 weeks... It's such a long wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes, mine came before I was tested +ve so it was pretty early then.

Anyway, don't worry too much or it may affect the bleeding. Keep us updated.

Aiyo , dunno delivery also hv to place cash deposit leh , just now i call my doc to enquire abt the package , and was told that must place 2k cash deposit on the 5th mth , anyone noe of any gynae who dun need to place cash deposit , siao , i very poor de wor


Same here. I dun have edd too... 29 Jan will know... My guess is we may share same edd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yr child also mar 09 rite?

dunno leh Pooh , just now i called my gynae ( Dr Adrian Woodworth , SK) the nurse say reach 5 mth must place 2k delivery deposit , if deliver by dr adrian

Hi^ girls

I like dr yam Alot. Very comfy with him, I will stick to him.

As expected I was there for some questions n ultrascan, my baby is already 8w1day last thurs. We had some chats and ya, quite crowded there at boon lay mrt. I think hv to b prepared la they dun hv toilet in thr clinic so in future when we do urine test hv to walk to the other end of the mrt to pee pee, quite troublesome lo... ESP when u r in ur 3rd t, hv to squeeze thr the always so crowded boon lay station...

I am going for my Oscar test after cny n will go to him for review lo... Very nice doc, give me lots of brochure to read n sample of mill powder for my consumption.

Jenn: haha yea, maybe same edd huh..

i've been a silent reader of the Mar09 thread since preg days but never posted anything till sometime last year. I went for the high tea at GWP.. not sure if you were there.. only got to know some mummies.. PM me la..

so other , then me , any one who need to pay a cash deposit for delivery , anyone who dun need can advise me , then if near my hse , will change gynae le , pls help

For me, I get more of the normal discharge, just that it's slightly thicker.. think it is normal to experience that as long as no smell, itch ect.

I realise that I get extremely hungry in the morning everytime now. However not much feeling appetite during the day and more liking for soupy and vege stuff these days. All the meat and fried stuff make me feel like puking.

Finally got time to shop last night and bought a whole lot of "maternity" dress... which is actually normal dresses that is loose fit kind,somemore I buy S size, due to the bigger cutting... I think I am too positive but hope that I can at least use them in the first 5 months.

My doc say that depending, you can feel the tummy after 2-3 months and hide it till 5 months. Haha

Flying back to Spore later... pray for a safe journey

Btw anyone started to sign package already? My gyn advise that usually their package starts from 3 months onwards....Any idea if we can use medisave to pay for the hospital bills ect during delievery?


Ok, I pm u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies, shall we also add one another on Facebook (FB) too?

Let me start the ball rolling. My email is: [email protected]

Add me and put sept 11 Forum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like to put my laptop on my lap in the bed.. Even now I am expecting, I still do that...like now too... My hubby commented that it is not good as the radiation may affect bb... Is it true?

Pink Poppy, me too.. feel so hungry the moment i wake up.. sometimes i think its hunger that wake me up.. and now i also like soupy stuff..

Hi rainbow star, I also have the same problem. My gynae gave me utrogestan to eat, it's a kind of hormon. She said she wouldn't prescribe that unless we have discharge in the early stage. I did a search online, it seems to be quite common. Would you wanna check with your gynae?

Have any one of you checked on the package for the prenatal visits? Are you ok to share the package you got? My gynae doesn't offer any package. Each visit would cost at least S$100. Considering if I should switch to those with package (thinking that it might be a cheaper option).

very zombie.. ever since this preg start... i am lacking of sleep and kept waking up even when i slp late.. dun like this feeling...

I oso depending on my Hb's salary now.. dun like this feeling...

Jennifer: i tried searching for u in FB but cannot find eh...

Hi Simbaobao, I think I share the same situation as you. I thought I'm 6 wks but scanned yesterday and was told I'm only 5 wks as i might be ovulating a week later than the supposed date. Can't you tell your edd from the lil' picture on your baby?

I also feel very zombie... very tired. It's like nvr get enough sleep... Somemore I got the nausea feeling... Thank god it's Saturday today!

You don't work?

mrswong, i'm on utrogestan too.. i have not check with my gynae abt the package yet.. guess will be after 1st tri then able to sign package if i am not wrong..

Jennifer, i also cant find u in FB..

mrswong: my gyane didnt print it out... so we might be ard the same edd yea?

i stopped my wrk 2 weeks after knowing this preggy.. cause og long hrs n i nid to stand very long hrs during wrk time... so stopped for time being... hopefully i can start wrk again after 1st trimester.

Pm me ur email. I search u instead. As I'm in the teaching line, many of my students wanted to add me. So, I make sure that can't find me in fb. I think it's Nevis of this, u can't see me on fb too. ;)

hi all sept mummies....I am also a sept mtb.....this is my 2nd pregnancy.....and hope to join all u here with our chit chat.....

as for some mummies talking abt the gynae deposit from 5th mth onwards....did u check with the nurse if that is the money 'prepaid' to sign the doctor up for his gynae service till the baby is born. My gynae does this as well....meaning I pay $x by 5th mth and subsequent visit I dun need to pay till the baby is due. The money prepaid is usually for x no of times of prenatal visit.

hahha.. will share more after my gynae visit in feb, dun wanna go so early, a waste of money becoz too small oso scan nothing n then gotta pay n reschedule again, so currently i just buy the multivits which my gynae use to give me from pharmacy, cheaper tis way.. :p

*touch wood* who noes tis might be ectopic pregnancy le, nv noe.. LOLLLLL....


hahha.. i have been quite active in mar09 n oso their outings even till now, some have become really good friends oso.. too bad din go for the outings u went.. hope to seeya if sep11 is tat happening as mar09.. :p

Tan siok Mei (feinv81)

probably u wanna go to kk instead, cheaper than private gynae oso.. actually oso good la.. i totally understand ur situation becoz while having my #1 i oso not working so financial side very tight..but then luckily tat time we rented our unit out n move back with my mil becoz tat time my fil just pass away so she wanted us back with her



aiyo.. base on ur chart i might be having another boy.. so sianz.. been hoping for a gal so can officially close factory.. if tis is a boy, most likely going to try another time just to get a gal!! T.T

Hi p00h, why are you on utrogestan too? Discharge prob? Hahaha, maybe we are being too kiasu and eager to find out more about the package!

Hi Simbaobao, my edd is on 16 Sept. Let me know if we share the same edd-ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry, at least you could have more rest now. If I were you, I would have quit as well - I think standing long hours is not good for pregnancy.

mrswong, i'm not on discharge prob.. had a m/c last may, so doc abit KS, put me on utrogestan for 2wks now... currently not working, so can still rest more..

Simbaobao :

I also same with you leh , i keeping sleeping , but even if i sleep a lot , i still tired , then sometime i will wake up in the middle of the night , 3am +

Annie : wat the nurse told me is if i wan to take the package it's 550 , then after 5 mths pay another 2 k to book the doc , altogether need 2 k plus leh , correct ah ?

Thanks for all the welcome ;-)

feinv81, that's strange...cos my understanding is gynae usually introduce their package after say 5th mth or so?

As for service in KK, not sure if this is true....I have a colleague who told me when u deliver bb in KK u need to pay cash deposit of $4K. I not 100% sure ....but if then I think the cash deposit is too much!

siok mei, u can pay most of the delivery fees from medisave, depending on the ward u stayed, u may juz need to fork out few hundreds to 1k.

if u need epi, then mebe extra $500-$800?

the nurse usu will brief u more info when we r fifth mth into the preg.

i feel v bloated daily, and always feel like vomitting. is anyone of u here feeling the same and taking medicine for this?

Mrswong: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeap but not very use to not working.. like suddenly lost something.. felt so aimless @ times.. but for baby sake.. i guessed its gg to be worth it.. am waiting for my next appt to see baby.

Chine: i felt bloated too and My gyane said in 2 weeks time.. can be prepared to be merlion -_-"

My GP actually given me medi to stop vomit if it turn back but am trying not to take it UNLESS *touchwood* i became a merlion...


Can share the brand of multivits u taking? Me too yet to see the gynae.. can only see her at my 9wks, currently on folic acids only.. wanted to take multivits too but duno which brand is good..

pooh: mmmm 1mth? haha HB said i can enjoy life dun wan to enjoy.. dunno how to appreciate.. i tok him.. i "jian gu tou" mah.. dun work like feeling so aimless...


Thanks Missy! Mine still very early! No edd yet! Doc days mine only 1 weeks old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

