(2011/09) Sep 2011

Talking abt this... As this P is still v v v early.... Not many pple know abt it... Not even the pple in my workplace know.... Now only sac... No heartbeat yet.... shd I wait till I have heartbeat then tell or shd I wait for 3 mths then say?


Now need to go into 07 forum, then 09 forum then 11 forum... LOlz.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jennifer, ok, will pretend to ask for discount. So u have 2 kids who are 4yrs and 2yrs a;ready....btw, can I ask u if it tough initially to manage with 2 kids? Do u have a helper or who take care of them?

Jennifer, I'm having the same considerations. Anyway, I decided I'll be informing my boss on Wed after tomorrow's visit to the gynae. The rest of the colleagues, maybe after 1st trimester (provided I can conceal the symptoms till then).

Hello Mummies!

My EDD is 9th Sept and Im here to join this thread!

This is my 2nd pregnancy, I am a mummy to a 15+ months old girl, and hoping for another girl this time round!

Hi PinkieDot!

Congrats and welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's really exciting to have this forum dedicated to Sep mummies, esp since we have this gag order not to tell people until after 1st trimester which can be so cruel. haha

Thanks Gina!

Yes, Im having a really hard time trying not to let anyone know.. so far only a handful of pple knows abt this pregnancy. i even had to 'disguise' my nick hoping my former threadmates wun find out.

actually im ok to tell, but my hubby is super duper against my telling, and he din allow me to join this thread yet lo.. he is a very pantang young man.. hahaha

HI PinkieDot,

Welcome and sound like we both have a 09 baby and our 2nd pregnancy. I noticed sept MTB have a quite alot of 2nd time mummy....

Talking about pantang, yes, I can be quite pantang too at times and can understand your husband's concern cos we fear is good to believe than to be sorry....

Oh, why can't even join thread? You have colleagues in the former threads?

I also find it difficult to tell, so far only immediate family knows but this journey is so exciting and many times, I find myself wanting to share the good news but have to hold back. But you know when you start showing symptoms and people close to you find out after, some may take offence. I'm in that sort of dillema.

Annie>> Your 09 baby is born which month? But to the extent of not allowed to join SMH leh..

gina>> its not coz of colleagues, its coz he doesnt want me to tell any of my SMH frens yet! ya, im also caught in that situation.. im worried my frens would think why i wanna hide this joyous news from them.. i really would love to share this news!

Hi PinkieDot, my 09 baby is born in Dec. Oic, to the extent not allowed to join SMH? Never mind lah, since u so clever and use another nick. I guess he is being very concerned about the new little baby. Btw, are u a working mum as well? Who take care of your toddler now and what's yr plan when the baby comes in Sept? I am still planning about the babysitting care for mine? headache....

annie>> my girl was originally an oct 09 baby, but came out earlier, last day of sept! so im gg to have 2 sept babies! hehe

i'll be delivering in Mount A, will be doing elective caesear this time round coz i had an emergency c-sect when i had my first baby.. hoping i'll still be able to have my op in sept so that i have 2 sept babies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im a FTWM, my mum is taking care of my girl currently, and i intend to put her in a childcare when #2 comes along. partly is coz by then she would be almost 2 years old and is time to attend play group. then like this my mum can take care of #2 and not worry abt taking care of an active toddler plus infant.

PinkieDot, great minds think alike. I am also looking at the same arrangement as what u are planning. My girl is current taken care of by my mum and I also thought of sending her to childcare when she turns 18mths so that my mum can take care of #2....plus she has to take care of my 2 nephews too.

By the way, since u mentioned u had a c-sect I have a curious question to ask....will u still get bleeding discharge?

Annie>> ^5 and i will do it when she turns 18months so that she wun feel she is being abandoned or that #2 is out, she has to go childcare.. kids these days are so sensitive!

yes, there will still be lochia.. but not as much that time.. the lochia cleared in about 1 week plus..

Hi gals, nice to meet u! My EDD for my first bb is in sept, so here I am!

Congrats to everyone here. =D

Hi all,I m nearing 8weeks and for the past few days,one side of my butt hurts!Like a muscle pull kind.pain until need help getting out of sofa or limp when walking.does anyone experience this as well or is this abnormal?worried

Hi fifteenmay,

Sounds to me like u hurt your ligament. It happened to me during my first pregnancy too.. Better go see your gynae n get some mc to rest properly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] of coz hope I'm wrong but no harm in resting a bit more ya? Hehe

Btw, your nick fifteenmay stands for? I'm asking coz fifteen may is my birthday! Hehe ;)

There is pain on the right side of my lower belly sometimes when I turn or sit up from bed. I think the baby is there since I remember the same place cramping during implantation (a guess here). Strange thing is that I don't remember experiencing this with my first girl. Anyone has similar experiences?

Went to see GP last night and also tested positive. Made gynae appt this Saturday morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Shyan,

I am also experiencing pain in the lower belly. Something like period pain lor. Last 2 weeks before I know I was pregnant, I got this pain too, I thought period coming soon. Then after tested positive, I still have the pain on and off. This morning also have. Wondering if this is normal too.

Hopefully bb is doing fine inside. *worry*

Y u ladies can make gynae appt so fast.. Mine has to wait till feb 7! Oh my.. thinking whether to just go to any one to confirm..

Hi Babycupid, my gynae is quite good in the sense that usually for 1st appointment they will be able to schedule and see u in less than 10 days. maybe for now u can go and see a GP for confirmation and start taking folic acid.


mine is 2Dec.. shld due 8sep.. now in my 6 wks..


where is your gynae? i tested twice myself.. now is need a confirmation from gynae.. hee.. wondering if i shld go to anyone 1st..

BabyCupid, from my experience, if you have tested more than once and they're positive, it's a waste of $ to go to GP (who will only do a urine test) -- unless your company is paying for it. For this pregnancy, I went straight to Gynae, who will be able to confirm your pregnancy via a scan and answer all your questions.

BabyCupid>> ya, just go to gynae lo, no need to go GP.. the moment i BFP, my hubby make appt with the gynae le.. and when they hear is 1st appt for pregnancy, they will try to slot us in the earliest slot available..

before i start TTC, im already taking folic acid, so i will just continue to take the folic acid until i see my gynae!

babycupid, think better to go the gynae which u want to follow on.. i agree with shyan that going to GP is waste of $$, hee hee

Wah , this thread move very fast .

Chine : i also got bloated feeling , especially when i feel hungry , but i eat bit i feel very bloated .

Aiya this thread so long i forgotten the mummies who replied to me , what's their usernames .

Anyway , Wah KK 4k cash deposit , i mati la , i can dun gv birth le , hahahaha

Then may i join in ur chat ? for strollers wise i think i just use back the old stroller which i got from a mummies thru exchange , still in good cond , but a but bulky , but anyway it's fine with me , since now mrt stations all hv lifts ma , shopping centres also .

Haiz... this few days feel so drowy , keep sleeping , finish hsewk , sleep , finish cooking sleep .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babycupid, I am sorry to say the wrong comment earlier. Yes, if you have tested positive then no point going to a GP again. My gynae is Dr Christopher Chong at Gleneagles.

Yes, I oso will go direct to gynae but now my gynae earliest slot is feb 7.. so thinking whether just go to any one 1st for a confirmation..

Pinkie dot,my next gynae appointment is this sat,maybe I check with him wats wrong.the pain is getting unbearable.btw,how often u guys take mc?I m just afraid my boss would mind if I keep taking mc for morning sickness and when I see gynae.

Fifteenmay is my nickname cos that's when me and hubby became bf and gf[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also agree that going GP is waste $$ lor. Last night i went, they took my urine and tested using a test kit similar to the clearblue, different brand. Not sure if is more accurate. Then the doc asked me few questions and thats it lor. Whole consultation is <5mins, $40.

I started taking folic acid 4-Jan-11. Once per day after meal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

15/5>> do you mind if i write your nick this way?

hehe.. im trying not to take MC coz im rather new in my company now.. only 7 months old, so im trying to refrain taking MCs and moreover my company dun recognise gynae MC! so silly right..

anyway i schedule my gynae appts on saturdays so that my hubby can go with me.. last pregnancy not like this de, every gynae appt my gynae will gimme one or two days mc, coz she finds it v impt to have LOTS of rest.. so im pretty sian that my new coy doesnt recognise gynae MCs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies! I just went for my first gynae scan today and the experience was so surreal. My hubby was so nervous before that but after speaking to the gynae, he felt more at home. Haha. Anyway, the gynae did a scan on me and I saw the baby sac. Amazing! Anyway my gynae advised to stay away from herbal stuff for first 3 months.. For your info too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm expecting a september baby too. I have a 2 years old very active daughter. For the second or more times mum, please share how you maintain your work and family so as not to go crazy?


i am a 2nd time mummy too..my girl now is 3 years old, in childcare full time. Thinking of letting my mum take care (if she will), but if she not, i will sent 2nd one to infant care.

But i am also worried with no 2 coming along, how am i going to cope with 2 if do not get a maid? As next year my girl will be in K1, heard from others everynite got to spent sometime with them to do homework with them, to learn spelling with them..i am wondering how am i going to cope

Our whole family are down with flu, and for me this is made worse by the pregnancy. God please help me. I'm in deciding if I should inform my boss before confiming after gynae visit. When cAn we hear baby heart beat? I couldnt recall my first preg experience now.

Bj mum, does ur gal do well in school? As in fall sick? My gal went school for 5 days, and then high fever till now, today is the 6 days. I caught the flu bug from her too. Was quite regret starting her sch in Jan, but I didn't know I am expecting at that time.

I wouldn't prefer maid, Couldnt trust them after hearing lots of hoorror experience from fren n colleague. Furthermore need to make a space for her to stay, and I m now worrying where the new baby should sleep..

*waving hi to all mommies!!*


u r not alone, my gynae app will only be on the 9th feb, later than urs.. now go really waste of money.. :p

Tan siok Mei (feinv81)

i dun think need to fork out so much cash, have u call n ask them before, becoz i remember only like 400++ le..


i totally understand wat u r going thru, now is like not feeling well n moody already n u need some peace but #1 wun allow.. Mine oso like tat.. so notti, always come into my room n jump on my bed while i m trying to get some rest.. n oso the terrible two is coming n itz like.... *pulling hair* n worse is he loves to drag his crying voice till sometime when i nap i can dream of him crying n whining!! ARGHHH!!!!

for tis pregnancy i m super short temper.. hormones running wild inside i guess.. hubby always ganna scolding from me.. LOLLLL.. but now is the best time to bully him.. wahahahhahaha

pinkypiggy, guess wk6 can hear hb thru v-scan..

morning mummies, yesterday was my merlion day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

had skip dinner and sleep early.. hopefully today will be ok

Gina Christine, I like your comment about your first experience to visit the gynae. I rem when it was my first time, it was so exciting and always looking forward to next gynae appointment but not the gynae bill.

BJ mummy and pinkypiggy, we are in the same boat as we all have a girl now and I also sometime been thinking how to cope with 2....but my hubby always assure me we can make it...and we will pull through so I choose not to think so much. The hard time will come when I am going to send my girl to childcare when she turns 18mths. Not sure if she will cry but I think I will surely CRY. Seriously, maid is a NO NO to me. I cannot imagine staying with a stranger not knowing her true character and the worst is like living with a time bomb....dun know what is going on in their mind and they can just dump your kid down if they are out of mind.

Hi Mummies... good morning! As usual I woke up this morning extremely hungry. I think I get night sickness instead, as I always have that pukie feel after dinner... haizz

Went to see my doc yesterday instead of end of month cos was having some "light brown substance" in my discharge. Happy to know that everything is fine, in fact at 6w3ds, I was able to hear bb hb.

Good thing is, I will not need to see her till one month later =)

Pink Poppy, same same.. i think mine is evening sickness... mine is b4 dinner.. last night puke 2 times b4 dinner, thus skip dinner and sleep..

Morning all... Had very lil Slp these few days. Kept waking up at 2 am...

For mummies sending yr kids to cc later on, crying and throwing tantrum us a common thing. Some kids settle down very fast n some took months to do it. They can cry till rolled on the floor or even vomit out but the moment they settled down in class with the teacher, u have no worry abt it.

Actually alots of mummy will worry tis n tat den even CRy together with the kids. If u wan Ur kids to settle down fast, the main point is send n go... If u wan to loiter ard make sure the kid dun c u... If not, both will have a hard time.

Hope u dun mind my kponess though I am having my 1st BB but speaking my experience as a preach teacher.

Hi Simbaobao, nice hearing your views....and I thought u are a mother of 1 already....but actually speaking your experience as a preach teacher....where are u teaching?

Ytd, I spoke to a CC principal and got quite good advice too....now I am in a dilemna as in not sure to send her to a CC near my house or near my workplace.

annie: opps.. wrong typo.. i mean i am an ex-presch teacher..i quit for a few years to get into another new enviroment but still in touch with my ex colleagues..

i still remembered i kena a few times.. kids cried till vomit and landed from my hair to the floor.. *faint*

is ur wrkpl very far to ur home? I felt is u need to travel for some travel time... its good if u can place ur kid near ur own hse.. so tat the kids dun have to wake up very early and travel as well. But of coz tat means, u will have to knock off on time to fetch ur kid.. coz some cc.. if u r over the fetching time, they will charge u $10 fine for late fetching during my time.( nw i not very sure)

And during ur confiment period, u dun have to rush to send and fetch as well. Tat is my tots la.. coz i experienced most of the time, when the mother is in confiment.. the kids usually will missed sch coz of the sending and fetching issue.

Annie Ang/Pinky piggy,

my girl has been in her school for 1 year..she has sort of stablised...in the initial months she will fall sick often..but now she is alright

and for me, as my elder one is more 'elderly' than your elder ones..got pros and cons hehehe..

pro is she is quite independent..toilet train , feed herself, dress herself she can do all that

but cons is she is going into the real studying phase (K1) ...so i am quite concerned as i will really like to spent time revising her work with her for 45 mins every nite..rather than try to 'earn time' by making her watch tv

but i oso not into maid like all of u, as i tink there is no privacy and many problems. so i guess the sol is to delegate tasks to ah lao

simbaobao>> you are teaching at which pre-sch? i am worried abt the transition to school. i think i will end up crying big time too! i hope she wun feel that im abandoning her..

pinkiedot: i not in pre sch line now.. hehe

Is she attending some lesson like apple tree or any outside lesson? i find kids who had such experience adapt faster in cc/kindergarten..

Don't worry, kids will adapt to new enviroment de.... make sure u dun let them catch u crying or getting upset... just ensure her she is going to sch to play, to make more friends.. after that she be fetch home..



Thanks for sharing your views. In fact my workplace and home are close, within 1km. so i am hesitating....as I am thinking if I travel to work with my little one if her CC is near to my workplace then we can have more time on the road and also I hope to convince her I am dropping her somewhere near me. ha ha...silly thoughts, right.

