(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi BJ,

I already had a maid to help out for #1. In fact w/o #1, my HB's family already had a maid. Now with #2, we might need 2 maids because current maid already cannot cope with the housework le.

Hi mrs wong,

The GP had the scanning machine in her clinic? Most of the time I do checkup with e gynae is I want to see the baby's growth and movement. During my #1, I already can see him during the 6th week, a sac with a tiny dot. Hehe.


Hi all mums-to-be,

I'm a first time mummy and was tested positive last week. I'm seeing Dr Adrian Woodswooth at Sengkang this week for scan. Hope the baby is doing fine inside my tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Samantha for your reply. Nope, the GP does not have the scanning machine in her clinic - she will refer me to other place with scanning machine. Wow, you could already see him during the 6th week! Would the excessive amount of scanning be harmful to the baby? I would love to scan it soones possible to see the baby but worried that I might end up not seeing anything and end up having to do a scanning a few weeks later (and worried that too many scanning might not be good). Being the first time mummy, I just can't help it but to feel worried.

mrswong: Not to scare u but a GP is always a GP not a gyane. I had a frd who followed her GP as well and only went to gyane to check up once awhile... who knows.. one day.. the baby was found out to have problem and had to be aborted out...

So better get a gyane who you are comfortable to follow you thoughout rather then to take the risk.

I had my preggy cfm by my GP too and he said its better to get a gyane as well.

Thanks Simbaobao for your sharing. So sorry for your friend. I also don't feel comfortable to go with GP. I was shocked when the GP asked if I want her to follow me throughout.

Btw, how did your GP confirm your pregnancy? Is it by blood test result? You will be in your 6th week this week too? Will you consider scanning?

My gp did urine test for me. As well as sugar level test cause he said many woman suddenly develop diabetic when found to b preg.

Yeap by counting should b 6 weeks but had to let gyane Cfm by scanning. Yes I will do the scan for sure. Wanna to see baby so badly n to see if baby is doing well inside.

Hi mrswong,

hmm... my bum for my 1st pregnancy is very big and during the last 12weeks before my delivery, the gynae requires me to visit her every week to see the child's birth. so hehe, I had many many scans. So far ok leh, my boy is growing up well. Not too worried on this bah.

I think most of the time GP only do confirmation of pregnancy by test kit. After that they will write a referal letter to a gynae if you dun hav one. If u dun feel comfortable with GP, just go for a gynae bah.

Thanks for the sharing. Tend to be very 'kam cheong' for the first time. You all are really helpful and selfless in sharing. =)What is the conclusive test to confirm pregnancy? I have done 2 urine tests. Waiting for the blood test result with the GP now. Will do a first scan next week or the following week depending on the gynae's schedule. Waiting waiting and waiting... Hopefully I can be more patient after all these waitings...

Hi All

Am a 2nd time mummy. 1st kid will turn 20mths soon.. have yet to visit a gynae since still early and Jocelyn Wong is fully booked till end jan -_-.

anyway congrats all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats.. U seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong too? Me too.. YEs, she is full til early feb.. Booked her on Feb 7..

Hi all mummies, I am experiencing morning sickness till the sight of food make mi sick. Anything I can eat or drink to ease the morning sickness?

Tks all for sharing n the advices.


hmm.. cant help much cos I didnt have experience on that for my #1 and not yet (keeping fingers crossed) for my current one..

Maybe soupy stuff helps?

Hi Mrs Wong,

Hehe, 1st time is always like that. Just carry out usual routine everyday and countdown the days it arrived world. U can start a blog n write abt yur pregnancy all the way yur bb grows up. He/she will then be able to read how he grow up next time! How cool!

Hi fireflies,

Another 2nd time mum! Welcome!

Hi Jennifer ng,

Go for sour stuffs like plums or sweets like chocolates. I like to pop m & ms while driving so that my tongue can play with the chocolate to get distracted.

All food makes u sick? Most of the food makes me sick except for fast food like Mac and long John silver! I do down 2 half boiled egg every morning whenever I just dun feel like eating.

Hi MRs Wong,

I remember I had oso morning sickness for my no 1, so i also eat a lots of sweet things in order to make my nauseas goes away

Hi Babycupid and Fireflies,

I am also with Jocelyn Wong. Have called her to book an appointment on 31 Jan....

And congrats everyone!

hi, i have a preloved Maternity Apron (Anti-radiation) in Pink colour. This is to prevent the explosure to radiation esp from computer n tv to our bb inside our womb. i washed twice only and look very new. warranty still available until May this year. Let go at $100 (original price is $168). please sms me 97492202 if you are interested.

Hi Samantha

Actually we didn't plan for the third one, but since we are given the chance to be parents again... so just go for it. =)

About the maid, we had wanted to have 2 maids to take of our twins. But it turn out that the 2 maids can't get along. The one that join earlier act like 大姐. So in the end we terminated one of them. So think twice about having 2 maids in a household. There may be some unnecessary problems.

Btw, ladies, if you want to hire maid don't wait till the very last min cos it take time to train maid. It is also very difficult to find experience maid lately. I have change 2 maids in a span of half year. I have to change away my current one (maid no. 3) as well cos my sons have complain that their kaka has bullied them. Lucky, my boys are old enough to tell me. sigh...

babycupid/bjmum : my appt is on 26th Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't wait!! woohoooo

Samantha : thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this pregnancy feels very different from the first... had some cramping last week which I never experienced in the 1st... no MS yet thank god but without MS also not sure whether bb growing or not sigh... dilemma :p

I feel so angry now. Just collected my blood test result and realised that it's not even a pregnancy test! It's Antenatal Profile Test. I have just done an annual blood test less than 3 months ago and got most of the results from there. I wouldn't have spent so much money for something which I just got the results not long ago and at the end, I didn't get to know what I wanted to know...

This different GP who explained the results was shocked that I did not even know what kind of test I did! He said it could be a miscommunication but I thought I was clear enough in making the stand that the whole purpose of my visit was to confirm my pregnancy! This GP told me if I got positive result from urine test, it should be quite conclusive result. Is this correct? I'm at a loss...

Mrswong, u not seeing tat GP who askd u to do the test???

I tink its better u get a gyane to guide you through... dun take even 0.01% risk

Coming in to have some babydust from all MTBs. I'm in my 2WW after 2nd round of IUI. If I'm successful, then able to join yr here. Crossing my finger & breathing in babydust ;p

Simbaobao, I thought I just collect the blood test result - so thought any GP would do (received the call that report is out - too anxious to find out the result). That GP who asked me to do the test would only be in the clinic in the afternoon - she actually asked me to be there on Wednesday afternoon. Even applied half day leave on Wednesday just to collect the result, now have to cancel it.

Yes, I would not take ANY risk. Would definitely see a gynae soon. Thanks.

Bluenosebear - all the best!

Hi all,

Just confirmed positive too. Happy lah. But problem is I have a 6 month old baby. Now damn stress. But also glad that the entire pregnancy is still fresh in the mind.

Dear All,

I want to sell my 5 months old Medela Freestyle Breastpump. Item is a US set, not a local set. Information about the set is as follows as its bought from the same seller in Ebay.


I still have the box packaging and I will provide all the items listed in the ad. Will throw in 2 X Medela SoftFit Breastshield (Brand new) as that has direct contact with my body and therefore its not hygenic to provide my used ones. The SoftFit Breastshield looks like the item below:


Item still in great condition and battery life is as good as new. Used for 3 months only and then keep in storage.. Selling for only $300.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Want To Sell: My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (Used)

Dear All,

I am looking to sell My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow. Used less than 10 times only. Item still in original packaging as per the picture below


Bought at $81.40 as per the picture with the price tag on packaging


Selling at $50 only.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Hi Samantha,

Yes, nothing seems to look appetizing to mi nw. Recently, start to take sour stuff but doesn't seems to help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all, i'm also a 2nd time mummy... like Jean Tan, my #1 turning 2 in March. Just went gynae to confirm today but can't see anything except the tiny tiny sac.. at least confirmed bb is in the right place. suppose to go back and check in 2 weeks time..

Hi BK,

I am thinking of putting either #1 or #2 with my mum and the new maid goes there. My current maid's contract ending in sept lo which is around my delivery period. Actually, I have many concerns too now. I am the one who ferry my #1 to school to and fro now. If my bum gets bigger n bigger, i wont be able to drive le. Maybe by then will let the maid to do it. If really have to end her contract early, i think have to do it in July latest? Plus if i do my confinement at my mum's place, i really got no idea who will send my boy to sch.. hai.. really a headache. My HB ask me not to think all these 1st, wait until then then say. Haiyo! Father and Mother really have different frequency lo!

U wanna try Flilipino the next round? Although sometimes they slack in housework but I find most of them like kids and are rather patient with them.

Hi fireflies80,

yes yes, I had minor cramping also wor but i believed its quite normal as some do experience cramps like mensual cramps so I m not too worried. Hey, dun experience MS is fantastic can! Hoho! My friend dun hav MS all the way until she gave birth, how lucky!

Hi Mrs Wong,

I nv did this test before and went googled what u mentioned online.


If the information on the test u did tallies with the infor written on the website, I guess the GP is checking on your current health to see if you are healthy to be pregnant? It only puzzled me why he will offer this test to u in the 1st place. Due to age or past medical report? Or probably he finds u over kan cheong and doubts and thus want to assure u r healthy? Not too sure on this.

It looks good to me as its only 1 time and we can find out many infor! I once had a optional blood test to check for Down’s syndrome only during my eh... 4th month of pregnancy. I dun remember I was tested on other issues besides that and it cost me few hundred bucks!

Basically if the test kit shows positive means 90% there. If we go GP, they used the same test kit on us as well. I remember my GP only congrats me that the results is positive and did not confirm the pregnancy, he wrote me a referal letter to a gynae to confirm it. Only gynae had those ultra scan machines to see whats growing inside.

Think u better look for a gynae bah, u seemed to have doubts with the GP and often get fruastrated by him, not too good for health my dear.

Hi bluenosebear,

*sprinkled some dust on u~*

Hi Jennifer,

hmm... sounds bad... how bout drinking? Try the friso mum gold? I nv tried before but i'm sure theres nutrients inside the drink that will do benefit for both u and baby. Cannot totally eat nothing wor..

wow, chocolate15,

my #1 is turning 2 in feb, age group very near!

Hi , any mummies here Gp is Adrian Worthwood? Samantha : Aiya my 2 dotters also very naughty , especially the elder wan , very rebellious

Hey babycupid n Samantha,

Tks for ur advices! Hope I will have my appetite back soon. Juz didn't morning sickness can get tat bad. Lol.

Anyway all MTB, jy jy!!

any mummies starting to feel tired already?

I have been sleeping at 8 plus after work everynight for the past few days... feel so sorry towards my #1... but simply no energy to play with her... -_-...

Hi fireflies,

yeah, I am very tired recently. I will start sleeping at 8 plus, woke up at 12 plus to bath and probably sleep again at 1 or 2 plus. If i'm not working, I will nap with my boy in the afternoon.

Hai... bo bian, now our body is building the placenta so uses a lot of energy.

I made my boy to sleep at 8 plus with me so I still get to accompany him in the evening.

Hi Samantha,thanks so much for your effort to google and advice. Yes, I will see a gynae next week or following week. I became so negative after seeing the GP last night - definitely not good for my health and the lil' one! I feel much better today... ^_^

Have a lovely day, all MTBs. Gambatte!

Hi Fireflies, I do feel tired too although I think I've had enough sleep! Keep yawning non-stop and have no energy... plus the weather, if only I can go back to sleep... ;p

super tiring.... hate this feeling of lerthagy... to make matters worse i keep eating hahaha so no way to burn energy -_-

no bump yet but bum getting bigger :p

hi mummies, just went to gynae on sat to confirm my pregnancy.. manage to hear bb hb.. EDD will be on 2nd Sep

Haha. Yeah! Mi too keep wanting to doze off in office n keep yawning, feel so pai seh.

Hey pooh, first visit can hear baby heartbeat already? Saw my gyna for the first time last week, he didn't tell mi anything abt it leh. Hmm, is it tat first we can hear baby heartbeat during first visit?

Normally heartbeat can be detected after 6wks.. For my #1, my 1st scan is done in my 5wks.. no heartbeat yet.. So planning to check later for my #2.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies.. its a cold cold day.. hate.. love hate relation.. after gettin preggy.. i cannot stand coldness.. before tat i can slp with air con n fan on.. now with air con on.. i am alrdy wrapping up like a dumpling...

My tummy getting shown as well.. was telling hb.. my own tummy + baby = x2 now -_-"

Hb was so concern over baby coz he said my clothings not baby friendly.. got me 2 maternity 3/4 pant.. love it.. so comfortable.

Hello Mummies

Went to see Dr Lawrence Ang yesterday n was told my #2 edd is on the 1sept. Heard bb heart beat too.

Tan siok Mei - i had my #1 with Dr Adrian Woodworth. He is a nice guy, too bad i have moved if not will go back to him for my #2

wow cool! can hear baby heartbeat.. am seeing my gyane tml but heard dat his clinic machine doesn't provide the sound to hear it..

Mrswong: ya la.. he is really a joker @ time..

Hi simbaobao,

recently i am so afraid of coldness too! I can even shiver under the blanket with the air con 26 degree C. To the extend that I have to wear another jacket! If only I can feel the same during confinement then i wun be so gek sim liao! Hoho!

My belly is showing too. This morning I wore my pants with the button and zip on, Now button off and zip halfway nia. I think i shall get the pants extension soon!

Dear girls,

I will be visiting Dr Mary Yang this coming thursday then will update the EDD to u all. Right now I still dunno if I am under september or august. Hope its september coz its my birthday month as well. Hohoho!



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